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[PBEM] Jungle Jumble

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  • aeb, you're getting a few things a little bit inaccurate:

    1) one can only peek into a city if the other person has it as the state religion. so hinduism in my case, judaism in krazy's, buddhism in montezuma's case and christianity for lumpy.

    2) even if they do see you cities, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages: you can build temples and cathedrals --> happiness. you can build monasteries --> science +10%. the potential downside is that another person might get +1g for it... but only if he has the shrine.

    in fact, i usually actively spread "foreign" religions to my bigger cities. usually 3 religions per city means 3 more people happy and 30% more science... that's like an observatory...
    - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
    - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


    • Well I used to think it had to do with state religion, but then in Ice Age you said Cor couldn't see my cities anymore because you took his holy city.

      So, I'm confused on your point #1. Which person has to have the state religion? If Hinduism spread to me, which one of us would need to have it as their state religion in order for you to see inside my city?

      Are all the religions in this game taken already? Can I have Scientology?
      Where are you from? Put yourself on the Apolyton Map!


      • ah, but was right both times - they are not mutually exclusive.

        you can see cities with religion XYZ if:
        1) you control XYZ's holy city
        2) you have XYZ as your own state religion
        3) you don't have "free religion" civic chosen.

        so in ice age corossol still has judiasm as his state religion but he doesn't control hamburg anymore... so he cannot see.

        i also cannot see your cities because my state religion (buddhism) lost it's holy city and also because i'm running free religion...
        - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
        - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


        • oh and...

          Originally posted by aebbeka
          [...] Can I have Scientology?

          you'd have to rename a city to "clearwater" for it to be the holy city. cathedral's would be called ORGs and your missionaries would be called operating thetans.

          but yes, you can have this religion. the tech required is "Hubbardism" which has prerequisites of the corporation, fascism, and some other techs

          the good thing is that you get 1 free great artist: Tom Cruise,... although i wouldn't call him an artist... and certainly not great
          - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
          - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


          • What does Tom Cruise have anything to do with this?

            Sent to Lumpkin


            • You didn't know Tom Cruise is a big wacko scientologist? Wow...
              Where are you from? Put yourself on the Apolyton Map!


              • like, where have you been krazy? etc

                to sabre


                • 1070ad to aebbeka

                  yeah, he's the poster boy of scientology. other celebs are there too. john travolta, kirstie alley, lisa marie presley and many others. in fact i just googled:

                  quite an impressively long list. and there i thought that celebrities have good consultants
                  - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                  - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                  • I went to a scientology conversion drive once (I was curious) and their methods are blatantly manipulative. They got me to do a questionnaire and then presented me with the results and told me I had a subnormal personality. They then showed me these complete pseudoscience books that could make me into a proper person and tried very persistenly to get me to buy them. I was with a couple of friends and but they isolated us during these our results-revealing, presumably so that we could be more easily manipulated. Plus they were all wearing military-style uniforms.


                    • wow, that was a bold move!
                      although i am not easily susceptible and need a lot of work to be convinced, i still never would dare to go there.

                      my contact with scientology was through my first real job. it was a small startup company during the internet bubble. after three months i found out that the boss and 3 employees were "members". fortunately none of them ever tried to convert any of us "non-believers". i guess they are really looking for weak and influenceable characters. besides, they were making enough money from what we were producing, there was no need to try to make money from us elsewise
                      - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                      - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                      • sent to Xenu of the Galactic Confederacy
                        Where are you from? Put yourself on the Apolyton Map!


                        • sent to lump


                          • I would recommend going to one; it was an interesting experience and, especially if you know what to expect, nothing to fear. Their methods are so blatant it makes them lame.

                            Having said that, we did miss out on part of the process because we were meant to watch a video about scientology before the personality tests. Unfortunately the video player wasn't working so we skipped it. Maybe if it had been working I would now be rebuking you about your ignorance of the good work of the Church of Scientology and using Hubbardist mind control techniques to beat you all.

                            sent to sabre


                            • I was skimming through Wikipedia reading about these crazy peoples' beliefs, and from the little that I've read, some of it actually sounds more believable than Christianity. I mean, an advanced galactic civilization existing trillions of years ago is pretty far fetched, but it's existance is possible in a scientific mind set. Of course, the existance of God is possible too, but it pretty much requires believing in magic. I'm sure though if I read further, I'll find a lot more things way more unbelievable than bible stories.
                              Where are you from? Put yourself on the Apolyton Map!


                              • a ultra-red state guy says the christian god is non-existant?!?!?
                                what is happening to this world???

                                next women will be able to park in just one go, politicians will say the truth, economical leaders will actually care about their workers, iran will accept israel and israel will accept palestine.

                                sorry, but i just had a quite a big laugh here when i read your post.

                                (that being said, i don't completely disagree, although i would never have put it that harsh )
                                - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                                - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.

