GPS to the wolf.
No announcement yet.
[PBEM] Industrial Start
No, he's around and active in the other games I'm in with him. I'll email him to make sure he sent off the turn to you.
On that same note, however, I'll be on vacation for the next week starting tomorrow. I should be able to check in once a day or every other day, so it shouldn't really slow down the game much.
Soory for the delay, seems like I missed the file the first time on, and the thread updates. 1912 AD goes to GS.
My gratitude to all who supported my nomination for Secretary General of the United Nations (and to Sabre for making the election possible). It is a great honor and I intend to serve this organization to the best of my ability.
That being said, I uphold democracy and I welcome suggestions from all nations on which resolutions we should implement to make our small world a better place. Look through the list and if you see one you like, give me a ring.-C.