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[PBEM] Succession Game #3: Random

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  • Okie moonrunner, thanks for checking in - hopefully you'll be all set on the next go around

    St Petersburg builds theatre, start work on harbor

    Isabella demands Scientific Method!
    I tell her to make like a tree and ... go away?

    Alexander begs us for Economics.
    I send him home empty handed
    We discover Communism! Scientists begin researching Steam Power
    Beshbalik finishes Forbidden Palace and I have them construct the great world wonder, The Kremlin
    Moscow builds aqueduct and begins work on an observatory

    I notice Isabella adopts Vasallage and Theocracy... hmm I'm smelling a war coming.. I start moving some troops over to the west coast especially St Petersburg since that seems the most likely spot for a Spanish landing. I have Karakorum construct Grenediers.

    Nothing much... just moving troops around anticipating an attack


    • 1835: Send some missionaries over to Egypt

      1840: Our scientists discover Steam Power! Now them can iron their lab coats and look halfway decent while they research Electricity...
      St Petersburg finishes harbor and begins work on a forge

      1845: Sakae finishes a courthouse to handle all the slip and fall lawsuits since the sidewalks up there are frozen most of the time

      1850: Egypt asks us to trade Rifling for Consitution- I agree since it's same cost in beakers and Egypt is a good friend

      1852: My turn is over.

      State of the Union Photo:
      Attached Files


      • Take it away, John!

        edit: BTW if you have not already please apply the patch!
        Attached Files


        • Cool! I do have the patch and I will take my turn after work today, most likely this evening.


          • Sorry...

            But I am going to bow out of succession games for now, at least ones on larger maps that are later in the game as this one is. I just don't have the patience for it.

            You see, whenever an event happens that is report worthy I switch out of the game to IE where I have a reply to this thread open. I type out whatever I want to report, then switch back to the game, and wait over a minute watching a mostly black screen while the game reloads into memory. With a civ this size that could easily mean two "waiting at black screen" per turn or 20 minutes of more just doing nothing except waiting for my game to reload.

            As I said, I just don't have that kind of patience.

            Maybe if I can get some more memory I can become active again, but right now our money is tied up in Christmas and in getting some new furniture, so that may be a while.

            I'll monitor this thread from time to time, it looks like a good game and I will be interested to see how you do with it.



            • I'd hate to see you go, John!

              I understand what you're having to deal with though... I used to do that with alt + tabbing but I'd get all sorts of graphical glitches and it would get slow so I would just write down noteworthy events on a piece of paper then convert it to posts later. I actually have a dry erase board near my PC now so I've been using that lately to record my turns!

              If you still want to go though I wouldn't hold it against you.. I'd just be very sad!


              • I take notes on paper because of the same problem.
                On my last turns i tried to use the message log so i could play first and write down a summary later, but it didnt turned out to be very informative.


                • Hey guys...sorry about the absence...RL stuff has gotten in the way and stolen my free time. I hope to return soon.


                  • Alright, so what is the plan then? Sorry, I haven't been to this thread in awhile because it just hasn't been moving. Let's make plan of attack so we can get this game moving again.
                    Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                    • Originally posted by quinalla
                      Alright, so what is the plan then? Sorry, I haven't been to this thread in awhile because it just hasn't been moving. Let's make plan of attack so we can get this game moving again.
                      Looks like you're up next and we'll be doing:


                      Until Cado and moonrunner are able to rejoin us...


                      • Ok, I'll play tomorrow, was not around this weekend, sorry about that.
                        Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                        • I got my vid card back so I can continue.
                          let me know when my turn rolls around.




                          • Originally posted by moonrunner
                            I got my vid card back so I can continue.
                            let me know when my turn rolls around.



                            You'll reclaim your position right after HarvestTime


                            • I apologize, I didn't take any screenshots. I will do better next time.

                              1854 - Kara builds a grenadier and is going to become a grenadier factory for my rule as our military is sorely lacking at 5th/6th.

                              1856 - Discover Electricity and start on Corporation for the extra trade route per city.

                              1858 - Turfan and Old Sarai start on Rifleman units.

                              1860 - More cities join the effort to boost the military.

                              1862 - Corporation is discovered, Assembly Line is next to get those infantry. A great scientist is born and sent to Turfan to build an academy.

                              1864 - Greeks offer open borders. I am leary that they will use it to scout us and attack, but decide to take it.

                              1866 - Many of our citizens celebrate our rulership.

                              1868 - Our military continues to grow.

                              1870 - Assembly Line is discovered, on to Industrialism for tanks.

                              1872 - Isabella finally declares war, little does she know that our military might is already growing. I also convince Hatty that declaring war on Isabella is worth it for the trifle of communism. Besh finishes work on the Kremlin and starts on more Infantry.

                              I leave the next ruler with many choices, perhaps civic changes are needed to fight this war. Or Maybe others can be persuaded later to join. Good luck!
                              Attached Files
                              Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                              • Great work, quinalla

                                She finally declared war eh? She couldn't have made it more obvious that it was coming, I guess she really wanted a challenge so gave us a chance to bulk up!

