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[PBEM]Civ4 Succession Game #1: Rome

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  • 1430 : The state of our Roman Empire:

    and the save.
    Attached Files


    • Rather than try to influence the direction of other emperors I am just thinking out loud.

      If we are not going to continue our conquest at the moment we can afford to mothball a few troops and bring our budget into balance that way. Our palace at Antium is a long way from our nothernmost cities, so our city maintenance must be pretty high. Courthouses would help, as would another palace move. Or, there are (not sure of names, I've only read briefly about them) buildings similar to the Forbidden Palace that we might consider if we are near the tech for it.

      We have some interesting choices ahead. Should we puch forward and see if we can control the entire continent? Or at least more of it? Or consolidate and build a solid tech lead before we attempt another expansion?

      That's why I am really enjoying this game!

      Great work Cado!


      • So...who's next? Sorry about the anxiousness...I am really enjoying this game.


        • Grandpa Troll .. John .. Snoopy... someone play!


          • Originally posted by TheDarkside
            Grandpa Troll .. John .. Snoopy... someone play!
            im headed out of town for 2 days

            see ya in 2 fall workshop for Readymix Concrete assoc in Charlotte NC
            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • Doesn't anyone want to take a turn?


              • Play again then

                These were set up as casual Succession games. Go for it
                *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                • 1440 A.D.

                  Our scientists have fully researched Theology. I have decided not to take the Theocracy civic for now, even though this would give a +2 XP to all troops produced in a Jewish city I feel that we are better served at the moment by Organized Religion's +25% production.

                  Antium has just finished work on the Chicken Itza! I have chosen to begin construction on the Heroic Epic that future military expansions may be enhanced.


                  Gandhi asked to trade us Engineering +20 gold for Guilds. Since they are of equal value and he willingly kicked in the Gold, I understood that he appreciates our superior position. I accepted his offer.


                  Built Courthouse in Cumae, now building Hagia Sophia for it's benefit while constructing future improvements.

                  With the discovery of gunpowder we find ourselves at the dawn of the Renaissance(sp?) era. And this seems like an excellent time to hand over the reigns of power.

                  So, who will lead the mightl Roman Empire on to its destiny?
                  Attached Files


                  • I can play in am tommorrow for sure good folks
                    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                    • Ill go play 10 turns If not mistaken

                      see ya in a few

                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • 1505 A D

                        Built Heroic Epic in Antium

                        Start National Epic in Antium

                        Had to switch Hagia to Jewish Monastery in Cumae

                        Completed Jewish Temple in Pisae
                        start a Theater in Pisae
                        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                        • 1510 A D

                          Delivered a Jewish Missionary to Moscow

                          Sent a Great Person, Sinan to antium
                          He told us of a way to complete the National Epic in a day, nice guy
                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • 1515 A D

                            Completd National Epic in Antium and started a courthouse

                            Cumae start an Aqueduct after completing a Jewish Monastary

                            We have sppread our Jewsih Beliefs to Moscow
                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                            • 1520 A D

                              Rome completes an Aqueduct and rest of our people deduicate themselves to infrastructure
                              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                              • 1525 A D

                                We increased Culture to 10% which brought us to losing 14 gpt
                                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

