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Flamefest III - The Final Insult

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  • Restarted both. Stupid Windows and their half-assed programming...
    I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


    • I will have to ask for a reload since Skullduggery double turned in declaring war on me.


      • Originally posted by Giger View Post
        I will have to ask for a reload since Skullduggery double turned in declaring war on me.
        Unbelievable..simply..unbelieveable how slow this game is and act of war..simply inexcuseable


        Why not..if it werent this it would be something else slowing us down..thanks folks..way to go..

        Maybe we can find excuse number 12,349 on how to prolong an enjoyable experience
        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • I will have to ask for a reload since Skullduggery double turned in declaring war on me.
          I declared war in 1200 AD, waited until about 11 hours left in turn 1210 AD, then played my turn.

          Considering I waited until 2/3 of the timer had expired I don't see how this is a double move.


          • Did you send an out-of-game notification to Giger that you had declare war?


            • Originally posted by Dreylin View Post
              Did you send an out-of-game notification to Giger that you had declare war?
              Do you have to?

              I ask, because historically, Giger is nearly allways the last to play the turn

              Just trying to keep up with all the rules

              Amazing how some folks can know all the rules nut can find time to speed up play?

              Just trying to stay interested in such a slow paced game is all

              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • Did you send an out-of-game notification to Giger that you had declare war?
                No. Is this a requirement? Please provide a reference.

                My understanding of the double move rule as it applies to this game is that nations at war must alternate turns unless more than half the timer has expired in which case either player may move. Turn alternation continues from there.

                I see the mentality behind sending an OOG notification, but was not aware this was required. (if in fact it is)

                Zoid - Regardless of if a notification is required I am not opposed to the turn being reloaded to give Giger a chance to respond provided 1200 AD can be reloaded after Giger played (to maintain his 1200 AD moves). Of course Giger should also be prohibited from logging in until turn 1210.


                • Since Pinchak waited well over the aquired amount of time (half the turn timer) I say there has been no double move. The rules are there to keep the game running smooth and fair. And it kinda defeats the purpose of an unwritten rule to have to write it down for every new game...
                  I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                  • Originally posted by Grandpa Troll View Post
                    Do you have to?

                    I ask, because historically, Giger is nearly allways the last to play the turn

                    Just trying to keep up with all the rules

                    Amazing how some folks can know all the rules nut can find time to speed up play?

                    Just trying to stay interested in such a slow paced game is all

                    You seem like a particulary grumpy Troll this evening...
                    I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                    • Originally posted by Zoid View Post
                      You seem like a particulary grumpy Troll this evening...
                      No Zoid, it just amazes me how trifling some folks can be, most here know the rules and its a game but some just keep insisting on nitpicking, and Giger's claim is just that, nitpicking.

                      He is slower than anyone and then this BS about not following the rules, how many times do we have to go over the rules Zoid?

                      Im not Grumpy, merely frustrated about not trying to keep continuity flowing in gameplay.

                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • Originally posted by Pinchak View Post
                        Originally posted by Dreylin
                        Did you send an out-of-game notification to Giger that you had declare war?
                        No. Is this a requirement?
                        No, I don't believe it's a requirement. However without out-of-game notification, Giger had no way of knowing that he'd been declared upon, and therefore he had no way of knowing that he had a limited time during whch to play the turn.

                        Admittedly, he is often late to play but maybe if he had known that he had a more limited time during which to take his turn he could have found time earlier or arranged for a sub to take make his moves in turn.

                        This is why I sent a note to Wittlich last turn, and why I support Giger's request for a reload (if it could be done to just after Zoid played, then Only Giger and Pinchak need re-play the turn).


                        • Originally posted by Zoid View Post
                          Since Pinchak waited well over the aquired amount of time (half the turn timer) I say there has been no double move. The rules are there to keep the game running smooth and fair. And it kinda defeats the purpose of an unwritten rule to have to write it down for every new game...
                          Well I do have a RL to attend to. I can only play about once every 24 hours so the half a timer rule doesn't work very well for me since that's only about 18 hours. But if it's the way you wanna do it then you guys can find me a replacement as I won't be playing anymore.

                          I guess that should make Grampa Troll happy since he seems to think I'm holding the game back.


                          • Well I do have a RL to attend to. I can only play about once every 24 hours so the half a timer rule doesn't work very well for me since that's only about 18 hours. But if it's the way you wanna do it then you guys can find me a replacement as I won't be playing anymore.
                            If this is truly your situation we can come up with an understanding between us for this war regarding moves.

                            As for the current situation, I will delay one turn of attack to make up for what was effectively (although not technically) a double move last turn.

                            I think it sucks there is no ingame mechanic to deal with the whole double move thing, and I certainly don't want to benefit from a loophole. On the flip side of that coin, due to my real life schedule I cannot consistently wait until the final hour of the turn for Giger to move.


                            • Originally posted by Giger View Post
                              Well I do have a RL to attend to. I can only play about once every 24 hours so the half a timer rule doesn't work very well for me since that's only about 18 hours. But if it's the way you wanna do it then you guys can find me a replacement as I won't be playing anymore.

                              I guess that should make Grampa Troll happy since he seems to think I'm holding the game back.
                              Dont go away mad....................

                              I dont want you to leave but if you could play once every 24 hours would be nice.

                              The fact remains you are almost allways the last to play the turn

                              So you cant handle honesty?

                              Your not like a 10 year old are you?

                              Plus its just a game and thats all

                              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                              • Originally posted by Dreylin View Post
                                No, I don't believe it's a requirement. However without out-of-game notification, Giger had no way of knowing that he'd been declared upon, and therefore he had no way of knowing that he had a limited time during whch to play the turn.

                                Admittedly, he is often late to play but maybe if he had known that he had a more limited time during which to take his turn he could have found time earlier or arranged for a sub to take make his moves in turn.

                                This is why I sent a note to Wittlich last turn, and why I support Giger's request for a reload (if it could be done to just after Zoid played, then Only Giger and Pinchak need re-play the turn).
                                Hmm, good point I didn't think of that...
                                I love being beaten by women - Lorizael

