Welcome to the discussion thread for a BtS PBEM!
People involved at this stage are (in alphabetic order) Beta, FeMme, GeoModder and RobWorham.
The options/preferences people brought forward sofar are:
City flipping after conquest ON
No tech brokering ON
Agressive AI ON
Raging barbarians ON
Choose religion ON
Permanent Alliances ON
Map settings:
Shuffle (meaning the game chooses between continents, fractal, pangaea or archipalego)
Large size
Climate random
Sealevel random
Speed quick (330 turns on a large sized map)
Crowded map
BtS leaders only
At current suggestions, this would give us 12 civs, which allows for some ferocious real-estate gathering from turn one, and also allows us to choose between the 12 most interesting BtS leaders.
So, how does this look?
People involved at this stage are (in alphabetic order) Beta, FeMme, GeoModder and RobWorham.
The options/preferences people brought forward sofar are:
City flipping after conquest ON
No tech brokering ON
Agressive AI ON
Raging barbarians ON
Choose religion ON
Permanent Alliances ON
Map settings:
Shuffle (meaning the game chooses between continents, fractal, pangaea or archipalego)
Large size
Climate random
Sealevel random
Speed quick (330 turns on a large sized map)
Crowded map
BtS leaders only
At current suggestions, this would give us 12 civs, which allows for some ferocious real-estate gathering from turn one, and also allows us to choose between the 12 most interesting BtS leaders.

So, how does this look?