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  • Guys I think you should give more attention to the exploring / scouting issue.

    And especially to the south. Yes there is a bear there but that direction holds most promise for contact with another civ.

    Maybe I feel just a little less involved if turns are mapped out and settled to t50 already.

    EDIT: I wasn't sure post 330 had registered.
    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


    • If we're on a ring, we really ought to have full contact with both neighbors and their neighbors before too long. Chariots will be key in getting that, so I just hope we get the horse hooked up soon enough and chariots out the door. If not, we're going to get caught behind in diplomacy. First contact on a ring map can mean they will work out an NAP to expand in the other direction, and that's US they'd be expanding into then if we lag so much. Of all the maps to get behind in diplo, rings are the worst because they're set up basically as binary for relations and expansion: you end up needing to expand in one direction and keeping one a solid ally mid-game, and the groundwork gets laid early. Sulla had a good writeup about a demogame that was done on a ring, and though his team ended up getting into an "enemy on all sides" situation, many others clearly had 1 friendly flank and 1 enemy flank.

      They also got into that bad situation because they outteched everyone, focusing almost purely on their economy... Most teams are wise enough to know if one of their neighbors is running away in GNP, they'd better attack/backstab soon rather than wait 150T to get trounced by an advanced army they can't touch. If you want to run off in tech, you really need to have a strong friend on your border you can count on to not backstab. Isolationism isn't the way to get there. If barbs are an issue, get chariots quickly and get to scouting with them.


      • Not much in this turn (actually did not moved yet, just took a look). Bear might go next to our settlers next turn (2S from city2's site right now), but can not cause any trouble.
        So far it is suggested that warrior 2 (the one in the east) go SE-SE (a bit risky move, because we go into an open field.)

        about scouting contact and economy:
        Early contact could mean early friendship but also could mean to be early target. I'd ratherbuild a strong country and if necessary fight with more invaders than be backward.
        Right now I believe the map is like a net. from the stats for me it looks possible that everyone got an identical start (or very close), and it seems that at least the top teams are following the same path as us.
        Note that this is an emperor difficulty game. We have much less free units than we usually have in noble. 4 warriors 3 workers and a settler going for her settling point uses up all supply point after that each unit is one gold/turn. After the gold mine it's still about 5% of our income. I wouldn't go above maintenance limit this early in the game, maybe for those turns while we have an extra settler, that might be acceptable,
        but: we have 3 workers and four cities. we need to build many cottages, roads, and need to chop 3 workers are not enough we need more, but then it's one more unit.
        In about t55 we connect the horse, we could start building chariots, but we are at our maintenance limit.. what should we do? disband the warriors? pay even more gold? neither is acceptable.
        Also take account how many warrior we need in close future: one in the cap, one in Aurora and two escorting the settlers and workers to city spot 4. this is the absolute minimum, not negotiatable. so what is left for scouting? 1 warrior at most but then at t52 we must be ready to defend our land against barbarians.
        so please: when you say do more scouting weigth these facts, tell me how much of our budget should be spent on scouting, 10%? that's awfully big and it's nothing more but two extra warriors. How should we protect our land if we send our warriors away etc. i'd rather build libraryies soon, bacuse it helps in defense (border pop, cultural defense), free bonus to research, allows us to use our philosophical trait.


        • In about t55 we connect the horse, we could start building chariots, but we are at our maintenance limit.. what should we do? disband the warriors? pay even more gold? neither is acceptable.
          If maintenance is the point, then build one scout and let him run wild until he dies.
          But my normal style is to scout more.. and I really like to see it here also.

          We might find one more great city site, meet neighbours for tech bonus, know sooner of a danger and start early diplomacy, and maybe even a resource trade..


          • In the meantime maybe Belle move E first next SE and then circle back.
            On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


            • Originally posted by Hercules View Post
              In the meantime maybe Belle move E first next SE and then circle back.
              Yes, maybe that's less risky.


              • Regarding scouting, I don't expect to do it immediately, but as soon as we get a decent number of cottages worked we need chariots. Whenever we get the horse hooked up we should switch to scouting.

                Regarding other things, I always like more workers, 1-1.5 per city, but then I'm not a micro-master as you two are But seeing as we can't whip off unimproved tiles yet, I do wonder about having so few.


                • You'll see both me and Mz making sure we always have the tiles ready which the city can work.
                  The moment the cities are at their POP max they will start pooring out those workers..

                  But now we have planned two workers back-to-back..


                  • On Bellerophon: I don't think he needs to circle back: we need to find those other civs..


                    • Bellerophon moved 1S, next turn recommended to move on forest 1SE (I think everyone agrees with this move)

                      What to do with him after that let's vote:
                      option 1: continue east until we made contact(s)
                      option 2: send him back to join home defense

                      my opinion is that we have too few units and we can't really make more without paying maintenance, but if we send only one scout it still should be Bellerophon as He is quite far away already. I'm strongly gainst sending two scouts, one is ok.
                      Btw Apollo is on his way to "fogbust" city4's place, warrior 3 (whatshisname ) is needed to protect worker2 and 3 against unseen barbarians (so will stay between cities). These moves are not really up to vote, we need them for secuity.

                      so about Bellerophon:
                      option1(scouting): Cal
                      option2(defense): MZ
                      Last edited by mzprox; September 6, 2012, 14:15.


                      • Could you do regular screenshots?


                        • Originally posted by Calanthian View Post
                          You'll see both me and Mz making sure we always have the tiles ready which the city can work.
                          The moment the cities are at their POP max they will start pooring out those workers..

                          But now we have planned two workers back-to-back..
                          yah, I plyed a lot with our workers, put up somebenchmarks (like the exact turn city4 is found two workers jump to pasture pig., exact turn whn city3 is founded it can start work on a floodplain cottage, and when city2 hits pop4 it will too have floodplain cottage. Capital will switch from lake to grassland cottage etc. I tried to optimize where to build roads to get the most)


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                            • Originally posted by Hercules View Post
                              Guys I think you should give more attention to the exploring / scouting issue.

                              Also, I really don't like the spot for the 3rd city. If you guys really want to build there, fine, do it later. Let's get those horses hooked up first. That city 3 spot is safe territory, we can backfill that later.
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
                                Let's get those horses hooked up first. That city 3 spot is safe territory, we can backfill that later.
                                Tend to agree.

                                But advance with caution.
                                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation

