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Lizzy's rise to greatness

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  • T28.

    * Nothing much this turn. Both Cerberus and Apollo are walking towards the 2nd city site. They will arrive on time.

    * The worker finished the road SW of cow. Next turn he will make a road on the corn, and this one will be finished in the same turn the settler is finished).
    (Mz: some last finetuning here.. this road could already be finished, while still arriving at the wheat of the second city, the moment it is founded. The worker can walk three tiles then, instead of two without the road finished).

    * Bellerophon is still healing.

    * MINING is started.


    • PS. In my play testing when I see other civs.. I don't sign open borders, to keep the TEST game from gaining more beakers / money as the actual..


      • Sorry, but I really don't like this last minute "finetuning" without discussion!

        yes the worker arrives in the sam eturn except it can't start working on the wheat.. basically we lost food in Auora for a useless road. Also this makes my optimalization obsolete now.

        also no need for open border to get research bonus, meeting them is enough.


        • ok, I've been running the test game ad naseum trying to figure some stuff out. And I must admit, as a player who has been playing since civ1 most of my decisions are made by gut instinct on the fly rather than on calculation. Apparently to my detriment.

          I just noticed something which I find weird. Maybe someone could give me a quick game mechanics explanation:
          In my test game which I have done more or less the same as Calanthian suggests (not sure of the exact working of city squares, but I assume mostly the lake for the extra gold) I am now on turn 35, have settled Aurora (working the lake). I have a tech production of 17 (100%) and I have teched 123 beakers toward Pottery, which requires 144 beakers to finish. Now my math may be retarded, but it isn't THAT retarded. According to my math (123+17=140) we should still be 4 beakers short of finishing Pottery the next turn. Yet, Pottery WILL finish the next turn.

          I see the same goes for other techs as well, 17 beakers per turn for 5 turns will get us Mysticism at cost 90, but 17x5= 85, not 90... Is there a tech discount???

          What have I missed? (all these years )
          Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


          • numbers of beakers are modified by research bonuses (either from having neighbours who know the tech or like in this case having 1 or more prerequisite technology.)


            • From now on PLEASE: if we have a worked out plan make no changes to that. I did not say anything to your proposed plan because untill turn 30 it was the same as mine and I wanted to compare paths after that. But now you had modified it without discussion.


              • From now on PLEASE: if we have a worked out plan make no changes to that. I did not say anything to your proposed plan because untill turn 30 it was the same as mine and I wanted to compare paths after that. But now you had modified it without discussion.
                I was confident it was OK. And I tested it.. so was confident you guys would be OK with it, but you are right I made a mistake.. Mz, if you want to take the steering wheel again feel free to do so.

                PS. On a side note a game mechanics question:
                what you order to make a road, and cancel it at the end of the turn once the worker goed RED. Did he build it for one turn, or did he cancel out his complete action?


                • Originally posted by Calanthian View Post

                  PS. On a side note a game mechanics question:
                  what you order to make a road, and cancel it at the end of the turn once the worker goed RED. Did he build it for one turn, or did he cancel out his complete action?
                  best if you order it to build something and cancel right away. (then it put one turn work into that project) you may cancel it the following turn until it has green dot, but it's risky


                  • I checked the effects:

                    wheat one turn later
                    gold mine same turn finished
                    road same turn finished (for trade bonus)

                    So netto effect is -minus 3 food


                    • Originally posted by mzprox View Post
                      numbers of beakers are modified by research bonuses (either from having neighbours who know the tech or like in this case having 1 or more prerequisite technology.)
                      How much? It makes it hard to calculate exactly...?
                      Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                      • T29.

                        * Both Apollo and Cerberus moved north as planned. Hope the bear doesn't follow us.
                        * Worker to road corn.
                        * Bellerophon at 1.7/2 and a 20% fortify bonus. In two turns he is ready for action.
                        * One more turn until settler is finished.


                        • Damn, bear is back.
                          Try for discussion and debate.


                          • BTW did someone of you guys log in as "Lizzy" ?


                            • Nope. Not authorised.
                              On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                              • BTW I dont mind if more people would be autorised..

                                As long as we can keep track who is logging in ..

