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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 2 - May 2012]

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  • #76
    Overwhelmed by the cumulative effect of so many tribes spying on France, a large number of rumors about sensitive subjects are being circulated amongst foreign spies.

    - the Stonehenge Mystics have learned that the Islamic Mystics of Arabia are prophesizing that France will build a powerful artifact called "The Oracle" which will allow the French to gain the knowledge of the dead! The Stonehenge Mystics are excited by this prophesy and have increased their spiritual raids on Jahannam seeking more information on the prophesy and about "The Oracle" itself.

    - the Elder Mystic Council does not seem to be overly worried about the Mid-East Islamic Jihadists jointly declaring war on France. The tribes in question are far away with several friendly or neutral tribes between them and France. Furthermore the tribes are not as united their Mecca Peace Accord would seem to indicate. Shortly after declaring war, the Byzantine's indicated that they were obligated to declare war and pleaded for a cease fire. The Elder Mystic Council turned down the cowardly pleas forcing the Byzantine's to uphold their bargain with the evil Arabs. Many Byzantine spirits will suffer for eternity in Jahannam for making this deal with Shaytan.

    - the Elder Mystic Council is also working on an ultra-secret project that has something to do with mixing Blood & Water which is rumored that it will turn the tides of war against the Arabs and their allies. Nothing else has been learnt about this project so far.

    - there is a strange rumor that the Chinese are demanding that France provide them with an Islamic Missionary, even though the French are not Islamic and are sworn foes of Islam. A misunderstanding or translation issue is believed to be the likely issue.

    - reports from the Great Valley Seekers have indicated that they are exceptionally fond of the Japanese who speak in words like song but do not sing. The Japanese are seen as very cultured in a unique fashion however they seem to be content to live in isolation. The Chinese are rumored to be building a city on the shore near Japan shortly which will cause their lands to finally meet. The resulting Japanese loss of innocence as they are dragged into the politics of the 18 tribes is unfortunate but possibly necessary for the survival of France. Still the Great Valley Seekers are protective of Japan and their desire to remain isolated.

    - an argument between a young Stonehenge Mystic and a prominent Elder Mystic was publicly overheard over the benefits and disadvantages of the Elder Council's Wine & Club diplomacy style (which some have called Carrot & Stick but Wine & Club has become the normal term in France). The Stonehenge Mystic was calling for the Council to use more gentle diplomatic language while the Elder Mystic was pointing out the successes to date using traditional Wine & Club diplomacy. The heated argument ended when the Elder Mystic bashed the young Stonehenge Mystic over the head with a club knocking the man senseless and ending the argument. The consensus in France is that the Elder Mystic won the argument.

    - rumor has it that the Celts may be ending their espionage against France allowing for normal diplomatic relations. The Elder Council is wary however and has decided on a wait and see approach.

    - the Chasse Aux Barbares quest has led to the slaughter of many more wild beasts, especially by Le Gaulois. Le Gaulois and the Great Valley Seekers are circling the north trying to find the location of the Children of Barbarous homing in on the location of the most wild animal attacks. The French Mystics are reading the signs that the Barbarian Uprising will soon be upon us.

    - German workers are working unprotected in the borderlands of Germany and Dutchland when the Trotseer Slavers are in the same area. This seems entirely foolish to the French given that the Dutch are known Slavers however perhaps the Germans feel safe since the Dutch only enslave the French!

    - Marcus of Rome's diatribe against France has little impact in France other than utter indignation about pitying the people of France for living under "unenlightened leadership" when the every tribe's advisors knows that Paris is the second (??!!??) best city in the world in which to live. (The French advisor is lucky to be still alive with that insulting assessment of second best city however the Elder Council has assured the French populace that their number one ranking will return shortly).

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    • #77
      Qin has became enraged. This is concerning communications with the French that have been made public. Ravens dispatched from French explorers, who were long thought to have expired ... divulged private communications that were not meant for broadcast.

      At the council of elders his rage even surprised long standing council members . Qin ordered an immediate end to all communications with the dispicable French. Even their name will never been spoken by China. From hereon they will be known as people who chew garlic - with the exception of those enlightened frenchmen who spoke secretly of the one religion - Islam.

      Qin appeals to all that know of the one true faith to send missionaries east to free his people of the tree gods. Those that travel east will be welcomed with a 1000 virgins.


      • #78
        Trotseer Braves looks at the defenseless Germ Manes worker on the next to him hill.

        "We could capture them easily you know"

        "Yes I know"

        "And then we would be invincible on the wodded hill next to their capital. They could not take their worker back, nor could they harm us."

        "Yes I know"

        "And they would be stop from getting the Caw-Purr"

        "Yes this true"

        "And we gets two workers to get our Caw-Purr faster"

        "You are right about all these"

        "And Germ Manes are enemies! They promised to team with France to attack us! They are responsible for Trotseer's death!"

        "All these thing I know to be true"

        "So we capture them right!?"


        "No??? What you mean?"

        "Remember what Trotseer say? Good friends are worth more than shiny rocks. Send a messenger to them."
        "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


        • #79
          Leaders of the various tribes around the known land,

          I Justinian ruler of the Byzantine Nation herby claim the land north of Constantinople around the great lake. Any who try to settle that land will be
          removed by force. Thank you for your cooperation.

          Justinian, ruler of Byzantines.
          Persia supports our Islamic brother's claims to the land north of Constantinople around the great lake. All who oppose the will of Islam shall be dealt with.

          Faranca wajaba sara damaar!


          • #80
            The Elder Mystic Council has determined that the Islamic Mystics of Arabia have made a pact with their religious spirit allies to place a powerful curse upon the French Tribe. The Malevolent Curse of the Misunderstood Martyr causes weak-willed individuals to develop irrational enmities toward the French. Symptoms include perceiving the French to be bestial animals that can be enslaved and slaughtered without moral qualms, irrational outbursts over imagined slights and a general dislike of the French.

            Thus far the Elder Mystic Council has determined that Mistress Elizabeth of the English Slavers; Chief Justinian of the Byzantines; Chief Qin of the Chinese; Chief Marcus of Rome; Chief Ragnar of the Norse, Master Hanz of the Dutch Slavers have all been affected by the Curse. The elder Mystic Council is researching a counterspell for the Curse but in the meantime the Council requests that all Tribal Leaders be on the lookout for symptoms of the Curse within their own tribes.

            As a side effect of the curse, France continues to be subject to intense espionage efforts from multiple sources. The Elder Mystic Council cannot currently guarantee the privacy of communications as counter-espionage resources are stretched too thin. The Elder Mystic Council is aware of the issue and continues to work towards its resolution.


            • #81
              For many summers, the fishermen that never returned were thought to have died at sea.
              Yet this was not all true, as this story will show you, being told by elders to children around any village fireplace.

              Story re-told by Jiraya, to Tokugawa:

              A long time ago, many summers past, upon the distant shore, a man woke up. He was Jõmon, the bravest of the fishermen in Japan. He dared go further out to sea than any other man, and had filled his boat with the biggest of fish to help feed our children, when the sky opened up in a cry that he had never heard before. The sky that was light and blue, turned dark and grey. The shining sun was hidden by giant clouds. He tried to return home, but the wind blew harder, and the waves became ever greater. All the fish he had caught was returning to the sea, and for a long time Jõmon thought the spirits had left him. He called out to the winds, he swore to serve them and always move about, if only he was made to live on. Then the greatest wave he had ever seen loomed over him, and all became dark.
              He woke up being pushed with sticks and clubs. Surrounded by men with fur covering their bodies. They were curious, and spoke swiftly. They made him follow them, and for three days he stayed with them, walking from the sea and inward through the land. Then, one night they had made camp in a forest, he came to know a different side of these strangers. In the darkness before light, Jõmon felt the wind bring the smell of some unknown beast. He awoke the others, but they did not believe him, they felt safe and did not understand his warning. They were cuddling up near the fire when a great yellow and black-striped beast attacked them! Many of the strangers were killed then. But Jõmon, taught by his father, easily leapt aside and hit the beast, but it did not fall! They fought long, the beast attacking and he leaping aside, hitting it every time. But the beast did not die until the rest of the strangers joined and they attacked it together with all their sharp sticks and heavy clubs. After this, a respect was tended between them, like a small ember glows before the flame takes hold of dry wood. They knew he could fight, and he learned more of their tongue, ever following them in their journey through the land. Jõmon knew this was a sign from the wind spirits, who we call the Kamikàze.
              Following the direction of Kamikàze and these strange warriors as they traversed the land, he came to know many things through the years spent with them. A beautiful french wife was given to him, for his prowess as a noted killer of beasts.
              His family survived for many years walking about and learning the world so far away. There they still live, wandering from valley and hill, to forest and mountain. Searching for new life and new civilizations, they boldly go where no-one have gone before. And soon, we may be visited again. Maybe this year, maybe the next. Only the Kamikàze knows this for sure, pay attention and learn all you can, and stay strong for your tribe.
              Attached Files


              • #82
                A long overdue tale of woe. A story that must be shared due to constant French distortion of the historical record.

                It was now many years ago when the revolution transpired. Mesmerized by French influence and their powerful glamor spells many young men in London were led astray and came to question the English tradition of female rule. They came to believe in French ways that emphasized exclusive male leadership and expressed unhinged aggression. When the revolution came it was long and bloody. For several years all production and commercial activity came to a halt in London as Elizabeth and her supporters fought to reclaim control.

                The method by which the Elizabeth defeated the revolutionaries is one other tribes should take to heart. While the French have powerful spells that can render English citizens mindless drones that are vulnerable to the whispers of French mystics in Paris, the influence of these mystics was weak and could be overpowered by direct physical control over these poor forsaken individuals' lives. But while the spell can be overpowered, it cannot be broken - and many an English man, woman, and child fell into the mindless void. Slavery, yes, but only through bondage could further revolution and violence be abated. Every year, the parents and family members of those newly fallen under the shadow of the French henge of stone weep.

                Seeking to escape the influence of the spell a group set off to establish a new village, and in preparing for this journey French tales are true that many thousands died laboring. But these were those whose minds were already lost to this world, we only hope their souls may find peace and freedom in the next.


                • #83
                  In response to French rants on espionage.

                  France has accused England of breaking its word regarding espionage. France is mistaken. When France demanded we cease all espionage for peace we responded that we would cease espionage for the time being but that such an arrangement was not a long term possibility. The construction of the henge of stone caused us to renew espionage as it became apparent we knew far to little about our nearest neighbor. Yet still we do not seek disproportionate espionage over France. In fact, for the past several years we ceased espionage against France so that we now have espionage parity. We have since resumed and shall seek to maintain relative parity if France ceases its bellicose language If France continues to malign English intentions we will be forced to increase espionage levels to that which France will be hard pressed to match.

                  To the other tribes of the world. Do not be bullied by France. Even now the French seek to divide and sow dissent among neighbors who only want to live in peace. The French rail at the unjust nature of having more espionage targeted against them than any other tribe, yet the French have only themselves to blame for seeking out all 18 tribes. It is only natural these many tribes will be curious to learn of French ways.


                  • #84
                    The tribes of France are pleased to welcome the Ottomans and the Celts to the circle of tribes that France considers friendly and welcomes any messengers from our new friends. We ask that the Celts send ambassadors to France to discern the truth from the lies of the Western Slavers. The French have always been true followers of the Earth Mother unlike the Dutch who have openly cursed the Earth Mother for many generations. The Dutch now pretend to worship the Earth Mother to deceive the Celts much as the the English slavers pretend to be bullied by France while they enslave and kill thousands of Frenchmen! The truth will vindicate France.

                    France stands proud of its tradition of fighting for freedom, whether it is against Islamists who seek to imprison the spirits of non-believers in Jahannam for eternal torment or slavers who seek to enslave mortal bodies. France has stood alone in its noble fight for freedom and continues to withstand the combined onslaught of all those who oppose freedom.

                    France is not a bully but neither is it a coward who will stand by while its kinfolk are oppressed. A bond of blood cannot be broken and France takes the responsibilities of such bonds extremely seriously. If our French brothers are oppressed then France will respond accordingly. Our tactics may change and evolve however our commitment to our core beliefs stand firm.

                    France understands and accepts the Barbarism Code of Might Makes Right. While some interpret this to mean bullying is acceptable, the leaders of France understand that what it really means is that you have no rights unless you have the might to withstand those who would take those rights away from you. As such France maintains a strong military and is willing to take preemptive action if necessary against those who would take our freedom away. France has made it clear that it is no threat to any tribe that does not seek to enslave French kinsmen, imprison French spirits or engage in aggressive espionage against France.

                    The English propaganda about French mystics turning English into mindless drones can be easily seen for what it is, a clumsy attempt to cover-up the slaughter of 42,000 who would prefer to live free like the people of France instead of enslaved under Elizabeth's tyranny. The numbers speak for themselves only 6000 individuals still live in London while another 1000 individuals have founded the new town of York.

                    To maintain her immortal tyranny over a mere 7000 individuals, Elizabeth by her own admission has had to slaughter 42,000 English citizens! To cower each citizen into submission, Elizabeth killed off 6 of their family members! To all who think Elizabeth is a benevolent friend of their tribe then let the truth of these numbers be a clarion call as to the true scale of her ruthlessness!
                    Last edited by France (DoB); June 1, 2012, 09:56.

