News came to Justinian while he was away defending the pass to Africa to keep the area safe. For the efforts of the Byzantine people the Persians have shown there colors and have declared war on the Byzantine people for no reason. We ask the Persians to return to their own lands and leave us in peace.
No announcement yet.
Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 2 - May 2012]
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The campfires are dim around France, as the French tribesmen are in utter shock at the scale of English brutality. A group of about 1000 English tribesmen has decided to move from London apparently they did not want to be bothered feeding their "stock" along the way so they "culled" 42,000 French slaves!!!
Baron Von's worst attrocity, the starvation of Rome, killed less then half as many people over many years and was due to neglect. Elizabeth, the Mistress of English Slavers, has deliberately ordered the slaughter of 42,000 slaves! Where is the outrage of those "peaceful" tribal leaders who were so appalled that France could wage two wars, which slew only 2 evil tyrants and no innocents?
The good people of France are sickened by the evil English's total disregard for life. The Elder Mystic Council is wary of waging another war with so many tribes currently agitating against France however the good people of France will not be deterred from saving those escaped slaves that they can. The people of France on their own initiative have taken to bribing English fishing boat captains with wine to smuggle escaped slaves to France.
A French messenger is dispatched with the following message to Justinian:
France offers its support to the Byzantines, against the Arabs and the Persians. France can immediately offer Stonehenge mystics who will prevent the spirits of fallen soldiers from being imprisoned in Jahannam, the greatest weapon of Islam. In return all that France asks is that the Byzantines agree to cease their espionage activity against France. Surely your advisors will recommend directing such espionage activity against tribes that you are actually at war with anyway.
Marcus of Rome proclaims this to the world:
We see all our attempts at reasoning with the French have failed. As a result our borders towards France are now closed, and no French representing the leadership of France are welcome within the borders of Rome under the rule of their current Elder Mystic Council and the liar Benoit. The French Elder Mystic Council are more than welcome to sit in their stone monument and bonk one another on their heads with their clubs everytime they disagree over something for all we care, as that is obviously their way.
The Roman society is anything but a perfect one, and there is still much barbarism found within our lands. But trust me when I say that we do not need or want any lessons from the French on how to develop our society, as we are perfectly capable of doing this ourselves - obviously to a far better degree than the French leaders. Our resources are limited, and we do not have capability yet to police the people of Rome to protect them in the way we wish we could. Our kidnapped work force is a sad testament to this, and also a sad testament to the unenlightenment of the French leaders who even now try to spread propaganda about how their neighbours are so horrible and barbaric compared to themselves. I leave it to the other tribes to make up their own minds about this.
One day the Roman people will be able to leave barbarism on a whole-scale level, but that day is not now, and as the leader of the tribe I must accept these limitations for now. Our wisest men and women are working hard on trying to find ways to help our people out of barbarism, but so far we have been unable to do this except inside the very enclave where our leaders and wise men reside. We are sad to see that the leaders of France are as primitive as even the most desperate tribesmen that only care about the basic needs like food and shelter, and we wholeheartedly hope that one day France may be led by someone with a higher understanding of how to deal with their neighbours as we truly pity the people of France for having to live under such unenlightened leadership.
On our honour however, we pledge to not spy on the French, as we pledged to this in the peace terms. Let the world know that Rome treats even the people we have enmity towards with honour! Let it also be known that any French refugee that wishes to leave such a backwards nation, to live in a more enlightened society, will be welcomed with joy by us in Rome.
By proclamation of Peli of Awan, Chief of the Persian Tribes, let all tribes know that the Islamic Tribes of Persia, Byzantine and Arabia have reached The Mecca Peace Accord. As soon as all three tribes publicly announce their acceptance of the terms of this accord it shall be in effect.
1) The Byzantine and Persian tribes agree to a minimum of a 100 year (10 Turn) Peace Treaty.
2) The Byzantines agree not to settle any more of the Middle East or Africa except as outlined in this Accord. The Persians agree not to settle in Africa or in the Middle east beyond the two cities stated within this Accord.
3) The Byzantines will settle two locations in the Middle East indicated by Persia and gift the cities to Persia. Cities are to be settled before Turn 140 and Turn 180. If the Byzantines fail to gift either of the cities by the due date then they will gift Adrianople to Persia instead.
4) The Byzantines will settle the land bridge tile that is 3 tiles west 2 tiles south of Thessalonica thus connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.
5) The Byzantines shall agree to Open Borders with Arabia as soon as possible to allow Arabia to use the land bridge to Africa.
6) All three tribes agree not to apply espionage points against each other.
7) Persia and the Byzantines agree to convert to Islam as soon as possible.
8) Persia and the Byzantines agree to immediately declare war on France, for an attack on one Islamic tribe is an attack on all Islamic tribes.
Peli of Awan, Rightful Chief of the Persian Tribes hereby declares to all that the Tribes of Persia accept the terms of The Mecca Peace Accord.
Faranca wajaba sara damaar.
The Celtic explorers had finally returned home from their voyages at sea. Brennus, Aithe and Gaeth had eagerly listened to what they had to tell. The explorers told about the new people they had met in the tribes of the French, the Dutchmen, the Spanish and the Portugese.
After the explorers had told their stories, Brennus had quickly sent for some tribesmen to send more appropriate greetings to the tribes. To the French tribe he sent Euan, who was gifted with words, as he had heard the French were fond of talking. To the Dutchmen he sent Ádhamh, who was known for his connection to the Earth Mother, as he had heard that the Dutchmen revered the Earth Mother too. To the Spanish he sent Caoimhin, who was known for his charm with women, as he had heard the Spanish were led by women. And finally, to the Portugese, he sent Conall. Brennus had heard nothing about the Portugese, and Conall was one of the bravest men in Celtia, so he would meet the unknown.
Brennus waited many seasons for their men to return back home, and finally Euan returned from the lands of the French. He bore sad news, as the French mystics had told the Celts to stay out of their lands, with threats of war if they dared enter their territory. Brennus sighed at this, but at least the English had proven to be good friends, and the French was far away. He would respect the Frenchmens wish, but he hoped they would reconsider their harsh tone and he was confused by their seeming hostility.
Another season passed before Ádhamh returned home from the lands of the Dutchmen. Ádhamh bore better news that what Euan did, as the Dutchmen did indeed revere the Earth Mother too. Ádhamh was confused though, as the Dutchmen had told him about other spirits too. Mountain Father and Ocean Mother. None of the Celtic mystics had ever heard of these, but the tribe was very curious about them, so Brennus sent Ádhamh back to the Dutchmen asking them to send some of their mystics to the Celtic homeland so they could teach us about these spirits.
As Ádhamh prepared to leave the homeland, Caoimhin returned from the lands of the Spanish. The Spanish had welcomed him offering a drink that tasted sweet, and left him with a strange feeling inside. He admitted that he had enjoyed the sensation very much, and had asked their people if he could take some of this sweet drink back home with him to Brennus. Apparently the Spanish called this drink uvva devinno, and with some reluctance Brennus tasted it. He was surprised by the warm feeling he felt inside when sipping the drink, and that the taste was both sweet and bitter at the same time. Never had he tasted anything like this, and he told Caoimhin to command some tribesmen to collect clams and asked him to return to the Spanish with clams as a gift.
Conall had not returned yet, but Brennus was certain he would return soon. If what Caoimhin had told him was true, then Conall would have to travel over very rough terrain to get to his destination.
That night the Celts had a large celebration, feasting on clams and sheep meat. And a few lucky men were even allowed to taste the uvva devinno. Everyone agreed that they would have to ask the Spanish if they could trade something with them for more of this wonderful drink.
The concerted efforts of many tribes spying on France has resulted in the following excerpt from a Mystic Elder Council meeting being relayed to several tribes.
"What news? Has this anti-Frenchism epidemic spread to any of our Central Allies?"
"There is no indication that any of the Central Allies have succumbed to the propaganda of the Western Slavers Alliance or the Mid-East Jihadists. All of the espionage treaties of the Central Allies remain unbroken although there is also no indication that the Central Allies are concerned about the English and Dutch enslavement of their French citizens nor of the resulting slaughter of French slaves in England. They maintain a neutral stance not wanting to get involved preferring to advance their own expansion instead."
"That is about as much as can be expected so good news. What news of the Western Slavers Alliance?"
"The espionage treaties with the Dutchland and Rome continue to hold however as you know the English and the Norse broke our espionage treaties. The Council's response of espionage parity with England appears to have worked temporarily however it is our assessment that the Celt-English war was just a ruse to get the Celtic explorer boat close enough to Paris so that the Celts could mark the site of Paris."
"Why should we concern ourselves with some Celt fishermen sneaking a peak at Stonehenge or Paris?"
"It is the assessment of the French espionage forces that England fears French non-military retaliation options, namely the mobilization of French sympathesizers within England, should it personally continue spying on France. Our assessment is that the English have befriended the Celts to convince them to spy on France for them. Having seen Paris, the Celts in time will even be able to infiltrate our city to learn all the details of Paris. Only England and the Celts are believed at this time to have seen Paris therefore they are considered the highest threat to France's security. There are several tribes with knowledge of France's research so that information is assumed to be available to any tribe seeking it."
"Continue to maintain espionage parity with England and the Celts as much as possible. What of the English slayings of French slaves? Are the people demanding action?"
"The English slaughter of 42,000 French slaves is unfortunately unlikely to be a unique event. Reports are that the Dutch have also enslaved their French citizens on a similar scale and that a similar magnitude slaughter of French slaves is imminent in the Dutchland. The French people are calling the slaughters the Holocaust and are resigned to the fact that the rest of the tribes will do nothing to save French slaves since Anti-Frenchism is rampant throughout the world. The French people understand that with so many tribes aligned against us that the Elder Mystic Council cannot enter another war but they are still determined to save as many of their enslaved French kinsfolk as possible. The people are demanding that the Council build up the defenses of Paris so that is can become a sanctuary for French everywhere."
"Speaking of war, why has Byzantium declared war on us when we offered them aid in response to the Persian-Arabian aggression against them?"
"The Byzantines are irrationally suffering from an extreme case of Anti-Frenchism, which we believe is the result of a new unknown type of magic being deployed by the Islamic Mystics of Arabia. They would rather join the Mid-East Islamic Jihadist cult then accept aid from France. Arabia appears to be building an alliance of fanatically loyal tribes which may be difficult to divide and conquer."
"Are none of the other tribes in the area concerned with this power block that is forming beside them?"
"At this point neither the Greeks or the Holy Romans have publicly expressed any concerns. The only other tribe to have contact with any of the tribes are the Dutch who are unlikely to oppose a far-away alliance opposed to the French!"
"You bear only ill-news. Do you have any successes to report?"
"Diplomatic emmissaries have been sent to the Far-East Orphans of China and Japan to facilitate the meeting of the two tribes so that they can speed their research and redirect their espionage against one another instead of against France. If we are successful then we could open a lucrative resource trade with the tribes for everyone's benefit. China has agreed to our proposal but we have not yet heard a response from Japan."
"Very well. What news of the Mid-West Farmers?"
"Russia and the Ottomans continue to direct espionage efforts against France but currently only at an idle curiousity level. There is no known Anti-Frenchism in the tribes however both tribes have only met a limited number of other tribes so they do not want to alienate any of their other neighbors by concentrating their espionage forces against a neighbor even though France is far away and the espionage information that they are learning about France is of no strategic value to them. Emmissaries have been dispatched to negotiate an espionage treaty however there has been no response yet."
"Yes France is trying to build the Oracle"
The tribal leaders were discussing a most disturbing report. We have recieved word that the Evil ones in France are not satisfied with their Necropolis of Death. Apparently they are now planning to build a new, even more powerful monument of Death called "The Oracle." It is said that with this Oracle they can call to the spirits of the dead to grant them unknown knowledge, and the ability to perform feats only dreamed of by mere mortals. This Death Oracle will be constructed by the Necromancer Priests as soon as they have completed studying the knowledge of Priesthood. Their neighbors must be fearful indeed, as the Death Oracle is rumored to exert even more Evil influence that the Stonehenge Necropolis of Evil.
As the leaders were discussing what to do about this, another messenger approached with news of a proposed treaty. The treaty was recited aloud.THE MECCA PEACE ACCORD
1) The Byzantine and Persian tribes agree to a minimum of a 100 year (10 Turn) Peace Treaty.
2) The Byzantines agree not to settle any more of the Middle East or Africa except as outlined in this Accord. The Persians agree not to settle in Africa or in the Middle east beyond the two cities stated within this Accord.
3) The Byzantines will settle two locations in the Middle East indicated by Persia and gift the cities to Persia. Cities are to be settled before Turn 140 and Turn 180. If the Byzantines fail to gift either of the cities by the due date then they will gift Adrianople to Persia instead.
4) The Byzantines will settle the land bridge tile that is 3 tiles west 2 tiles south of Thessalonica thus connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.
5) The Byzantines shall agree to Open Borders with Arabia as soon as possible to allow Arabia to use the land bridge to Africa.
6) All three tribes agree not to apply espionage points against each other.
7) Persia and the Byzantines agree to convert to Islam as soon as possible.
8) Persia and the Byzantines agree to immediately declare war on France, for an attack on one Islamic tribe is an attack on all Islamic tribes.
Then Talib, one of the largest men, stood and slammed his club to the ground with a mighty thud! A cloud of choking sand billowed everywhere, and settled the men down in fits of coughing.
When the dust settled, Talib spoke to the quieted mass.
"I have warned you fools that the most important quality in a nation is strength. You have all read the tea leaves, you have all drawn the runes in the sand and seen into the future. You have all gazed in to the prophetic Oasis near here. All the signs are there. They are coming for us, and soon. It was just north of here that our ancestors left the Tigris Euphrates valley behind, and the children of the exiled ones can not have gone far. We must band together to stop them, or they will destroy us as they vowed to do all those years ago. We must be strong to stand against them. We need these Byzantines and we need our old friends the Persians to be strong enough to fight what is coming.
And also, I think that France must be destroyed"
Then Talib sat down.
All the tribal leaders began cheering and clapping and pounding their clubs into the ground, making a thunderous noise, all the while chanting "Faranca wajaba sara damaar! Faranca wajaba sara damaar!"
Talib told the messenger "Then send word to Byzantium and Persia that Arabia accepts the terms of the Mecca Peace Accords"
One war was over but another one had just begun. Justinian son of Constantine, leader of the Byzantine tribe, and strong follower of the Islamic
faith pushed open the doors to the hut where the elders were laying around drunk off the wine. He looked around with anger as the drunken old
men began to get up. He walked to the center of the hut and yelled out to the old men. “What have you done!” he yelled out to the men. They
began to pay closer attention and move closer to Justinian. “I sent you a message to send me more troops and you did nothing. Our borders
where invaded and you said nothing. All you have done is sit around and drink. If nothing is what you wish to be then nothing is what you will
The doors behind me locked as he picked up his club. One by one the old men were slaughtered; their heads were bashed in making them
unrecognizable. When he walked out the room covered completely in blood, he looked at his men who were outside waiting for him. “The elders
are no more. From this day forth I will rule over our people alone.” He sent a message to all nations:
Leaders of the various tribes around the known land,
I Justinian ruler of the Byzantine Nation herby claim the land north of Constantinople around the great lake. Any who try to settle that land will be
removed by force. Thank you for your cooperation.
Justinian, ruler of Byzantines.
Justinian then by obligation declared war on France and switched all cities to building troops to prepare for whatever FRANCE will come up with next.
Tokugawa, defender of Kyoto, leader of Japan, is concerned about his people. The new village of Osaka has grown strong and continue to train good warriors for Japan. But someone came from the sea, a man claiming ties to the Jõmon family, with a tale of more land beyond the great blue waves.
The first Jõmon, found on the shore by strangers and following them, learned much of the world. His family all took a vow to return to Japan. The strangers call themselves the French, their leader, Gabriel. He is advised by mystic priests led by the wise Benoit who, by word alone, is said to control those that have died a long time ago. This is done with the aid of a circle of stones far bigger than anything ever built in Japan. Many tribes exist in the land beyond Japan, yet we are seperate from them all by the great sea and the water spirits. This is seen as a strength given by the great spirits, that none can take away from us.
The man who returned was a firstborn, but not the first that tried to return. Many hundred years have passed, and every family born of Jõmon, has sent their firstborn to return home with more news of the french. They learn more and share in the honor of killing beasts of many kinds, but there is talk of war, and ill treatment of the French by other tribes. None of the other tribes have been visited so far by the Jõmon families, as they see no reason to talk to those who go against the French in words and deeds. Gabriel is the most sensible leader in this world of men, only surpassed by Benoit.
Tokugawa, after a long time in seclusion, decided to send back this message to the Jõmon family, along with a small group of warriors to serve them:
I am proud of the Jõmon family. Following the Kamikàze has brought you great knowledge of the world, and I thank you on behalf of Japan, for all that you share with us. Your honor is great, may it serve us well in seasons to come.
I want you to speak to Benoit for me, arrange for a meeting and say this to him.
- Tokugawa recognizes Benoit as leader of the French. May his eyes always look upon us, as we look upon him and his people, with respect for the mutual strength inherent on both sides.
- Your message was difficult to understand, using many new words not heard before. I will give it more thought, but for now Japan is secure and not interested in meeting other nations. You paint them in the manner of scavengers and foul, mindless beasts. This does not give me hopes of ever seeing eye to eye with any other nation but the French.
Brennus listened carefully to what he was being told about the discussions in the French council. Much of what they had talked about was confusing, and some of it he did not understand at all. What puzzled him the most was the talk about these Islamic Jihadists. He had no idea what Islamic was, and he understood even less what the expression Islamic Jihadist meant. The French must know of many tribes though, as some of the people they had talked about in their council was unknown to Brennus. Brennus had a momentary wrench in his stomach as he tried to comprehend the size of the world, and quickly decided that he did not want to continue that line of thought.
"Gaeth! Tell me what you think about these French?", Brennus said.
"I am not sure. They seem to be afraid of us. Perhaps they are using all these words we do not understand in an attempt to intimidate the other tribes into believing they are smarter than them?", Gaeth responded.
Brennus frowned and looked thoughtful for a while, and then said "But, we do not send people into their lands, as they told us firmly that we were not welcome there. Yet, somehow we have learned about their meeting. How?"
Gaeth responded, looking uncomfortable "Haven't you noticed that some tribesmen have gone missing? It seems some of our people that heard about the great stone monument the French built was so curious about it that they wanted to see it for themselves. A few of them returned to us, unimpressed, but more of them seemed to have stayed in the French lands. I do not think the French will kill them though, as for all their brashness the French seem to value human life. I believe the French will allow them to live side by side with them, as long as they do not return to us with stories about France."
"Very well. Tell the tribe that I will not stop them if they wish to go to the French lands, or any other lands, but that I do not want to make the French council any more afraid than they already are. So if they decide to leave, then they should think twice, as we may not welcome them back home again if they change their mind."
"As you wish, Lord Brennus." Gaeth responded, and left the hut to go down to the center of the village to send out messengers to tell this to the tribe.
Brennus was troubled by the fact that he could not communicate openly with the French. All he had done was tell them that they should have addressed him in a more polite manner, and not go making demands or threats of war on their first meeting. He had not demanded anything from them. The message he had sent Euan to deliver had been one of peace, not threats. And the response he had received was to not send any more messengers to them? Gaeth surely must be right in suggesting that the French were afraid. Afraid of shadows and things that perhaps did not even exist, like these Islamic Jihadists he did not know what was. But perhaps they were most afraid of what the other tribes thought of them, as the French had obviously treated some of their neighbours in a very aggressive manner. "Fear is a powerful enemy, that can slowly tear a man apart from the insides", Brennus thought.
The French talks about slavery in England troubled him too, but the English had been very friendly towards his people, and he did not want to interfere with any of the other tribes' internal affairs. It was not his call to dictate how the leaders of the other tribes should govern their people as long as they left him alone to lead his people as he saw fit. If what the French had said in their meeting was true though?
As the sun went down, he decided to pray for the Earth Mother's benevolence in remembrance of the possible dead, and hoped they would be reborn to a better life.