Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 2 - May 2012]
This is the Story and Diplomacy Thread for the Diplo Game "Domination of Barbarians" (DoB)

The purpose of this thread is to post in-character story posts and diplomacy for this game. Please discuss all organizational aspects of this game the Organization Thread.
Use your Anonymous Apolyton Game Account to put posts in this thread.
Domination of Barbarians is a diplomacy game.
The players try to rule their empires like they are real. Role playing and story telling is an important way to achieve this.

The purpose of this thread is to post in-character story posts and diplomacy for this game. Please discuss all organizational aspects of this game the Organization Thread.
Use your Anonymous Apolyton Game Account to put posts in this thread.
Domination of Barbarians is a diplomacy game.
The players try to rule their empires like they are real. Role playing and story telling is an important way to achieve this.