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Destruction of Foes (DoF) - Diplo Light [Story Thread 1]

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  • #76
    The Great Pharaoh wants peace!

    We find our ally's request very reasonable considering even after this agreement the Ottomans would have about the same land to settle as the Bulgarians.
    As a sign of goodwill and friendship we are willing to give up our claim on the island of Rhodes. For compensation we demand two catapult units and our settlers back what we gave for "peace" (so we could disband it, we won't have place for it to settle )
    This offer stands only if peace is accepted, if not then we will have no choice but to send our mighty army and fleet into battle one more time.

    *hmm there was a peace offer somewhere.. I swear.. where did it go??
    Last edited by Egypt (DoF); September 22, 2011, 12:24.


    • #77
      Meanwhile Rumsess, a famous egyptian explorer has finished his report about the sizes of every(almost) kingdoms in number of cities:
      As of 145 our glorious empire has 9 cities
      Gauls 10, Ottomans 5, Greece 7, Bulgaria 10, Portugal 10, Hungary 11, Carthage 10, Persia 8, Rome 11. (no info on Russia and Spain)
      Last edited by Egypt (DoF); September 22, 2011, 15:45.


      • #78
        You didn't even mention Gaul!


        • #79
          Sorry, for us one barbarian tribe is like the other . The Mighty Gauls have 10 cities.


          • #80
            The Turks shall not be the vassal of Bulgaria.

            We have not begun to fight!


            • #81


              • #82


                • #83


                  • #84
                    Meanwhile in the highlands of Anatolia Khan Asparukh leads his konniks.


                    • #85
                      The Bulgars are on the hills with a view to Persian borders.

                      Meanwhile, after one more crushing defeat to the Turks, significant number of civilian workers are captured.

                      Click image for larger version

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                      • #86
                        In the Khan's tent inside the Bulgarian military camp near Polybotos.

                        "The Turks have refused our peace offer, Khan Juvigi"

                        "So they want to fight?"

                        "Yes, Khan, they want to fight. They are threatening us"

                        "So be it then, just let them know that the next time they come to talk peace the terms will be different after we lose more soldiers, money and time. Lets see what they will say after I water my horse in Ankara river."
                        Last edited by Bulgaria (DoF); September 24, 2011, 18:39.


                        • #87

                          "Khan Juvigi! The Turks have gathered huge army and they are coming to destroy us! The world have never saw such force before! More than 45 squads reportedly they have against us!"

                          "Thats not good, how could they have gathered such overwhelming force in so short time?"

                          "Those soldiers are mainly Persians - this we can be sure. The Turks have no such advanced weapon technology as crossbows and catapults."

                          "Ah, the Persians... I told their Shah to stay away. Now we must retreat, but he will pay for this some day, hear my word!"


                          • #88
                            "Hey, Xerxes, what do you do when a Bulgarian complains about your crossbows?"

                            "I don't know, Darius, what?"

                            "Send him maces instead."

                            "Hey, Xerxes, I heard the Bulgarians were surprised that we supplied the Turks with troops."


                            "Yeah, word on the mud-lane is that next week they'll be surprised that the Turks can build their own catapults."


                            • #89
                              Khan Asparukh sends message to the Persian king.

                              "Darius of Persia, take your huge army and go back. This is the last chance for you to avoid my wrath and save yourself from the Bulgarian revenge.

                              Go home, enjoy your wives, eat pilaf, get even fatter and live to old old ages surrounded by luxury. Come to seek battle with me and you will lose your life, your army, your ally and your nation. Beware!

                              Khanas Uvigi Asparukh of the Bulgarian Tribe"


                              • #90
                                A letter to the Bulgarians,

                                Dear Bulgarians. This is not our army anymore. It is the Turkish army now. We understand that you may be confused over its control due to temporary Persian oversight of Ottoman affairs, but we are under strict orders during this oversight period to execute a proper war. To not do so would be a betrayal of the highest order, and this will continue to be the case until the Ottoman emperor has returned from his retreat. Although certainly we have deceptor's blood in us, to deceive such an ally and friend in this manner would be unthinkable even to us treacherous, backstabbing Persian liars, drunkards, and false-accusers.

                                We have tried hard to convince the Ottomans of finding a just peace without further bloodshed. It behooves all parties to reach a diplomatic compromise, but then we were not the ones who just so recently expanded this conflict with the inclusion of a new, Greek party. If you seek peace, why do you bring further allies into the conflict that, as you claim, is so unfairly destructive to the Ottomans? We can only assume you wish for their total destruction. If not today, then surely in some future point in time, perhaps a millennial moment...

                                What are we Persians to do in the face of such a dogpiling and existential threat, but to assist our long-time allies with as much armaments as they need to defend and repel this multi-pronged invasion? Should the Ottomans now make dire threats against all the parties of Europe you claim have assisted you militarily? No, they are not so cruel or bloodthirsty. The Ottomans wish only to have returned to them what they have so brutally lost. Although we Persians agree with the idea of "territorial sharing" without more bloodshed, the Ottomans live by a warrior code that requires them to have a great victory in order to take revenge against so much loss and pain before making any such agreements.

                                The Ottomans have stood their ground, and they have watched as brave warriors, unwilling to run from their fates, have fought and died as heroes in the field of battle. Any man who can see their power can know this. But now their soldiers watch as the Bulgarians flee at the first sign of a real threat and equal on the battlefield. How can they now ask for peace? Will you not, now, have a grand battle and cease your cowardly tactics? No, go run behind your (Turkish) city walls and hope some other nations can come to your rescue then. Pull in more of Europe and Africa into your conflict. Let the price of your aggrandizement be shared by the whole world then. Bring up your own crossbows, and we will bring up our macemen and trebuchets, and this war will continue for another era, more cities destroyed, more slaves whipped, more production wasted on arms and armor.

                                Such is the nature of your world, Bulgaria, one of endless expansion and violence. Today, it is Turkey, tomorrow you threaten the far reaches of Persia. Then where? If all you wanted was a little extra territory, why did you continue to capture cities throughout Anatolia? Why did you threaten the distant Turkish capital after completing your task? You seek the world, that is why, and no territory will be enough for you, no neighbor weak enough until they are defeated entirely. We know your nature at least: violence, expansion, and threats.

