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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 6 - March 2011]

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Germany (DoE) View Post
    King Veneta understands the dismay of kingdoms and nations around the world at the actions of the Vikings.

    However we must remember that God gave birth to the Nordics in a barren, resourceless small area of rock near the North Pole. They are financially smart and everyone could see that they were developing very advanced technologies.

    God has blessed the Damn Anglais as they whisked around the world building an empire upon which the sun never sets, concentrating on naval technologies and colonization. They left their cities in their homeland rather poorly defended with bow and arrow against Riflemen.

    Neandor would like to sympathize with the DA but find it difficult after our own treatment by them.

    For eons the Neandor built up defences and limited expansion so as to defend our homeland. We could see the massive natural restriction placed around the Vikings and so common sense prevailed within the Neandor bureaucracy in assessing this stress: the Vikings could expand East or West. Eventually military might and improved diplomacy with the Vikings saw to it that Nordica would be spared any onslaught. It was either them (the DA) or us.

    For the Damn Anglais to offer ALL of Australis to the Vikings in exchange for peace with the Vikings is absolutely incredulous and proves their utter disrespect of the Asian powers control of that region. Yes, this is true, ALL of Australis was offered to the Vikings.

    Instead of condemning the Vikings perhaps look to the truth behind it.

    If you want a world of peace, trade and good relations it requires a fundamental tenet of respect and diplomacy. The Neandor will continue to work hard in this regard whilst remaining vigilant with domestic security.

    I call for peace talks based on the reality of geographic circumstances:
    - namely that the Vikings capture and keep Northern Damn Anglaisland
    - peace is proclaimed in all of Europe so that the war is not extended (all nations open borders and develop a European Free Trade Guild)
    - perhaps some reparations are paid to the DA for european security and to assist their development of some of their overseas colonies
    - that the issue of South East Australis colonies be the subject of a dialog, the terms of which to be dictated by India, Japan and China

    To: King Veneta of the Neandor
    CC: King Phillipe of France, Gozzo the Viking, Sultan Ahmed IV of the Ottoman Turks & Queen Catherine of Rus

    In your most recent letter, King Veneta, you spoke of Neandor attempts to discuss peace. Incredulous, but intrigued none the less, English scholars looked through past diplomatic dispatches and did indeed turn up this letter. Somehow it was entirely missed by Secretary of State William Cecil and never forwarded to my attention. It seems in all the chaos of having our cherished city of London sacked and burned and evacuating the government to Iceland (and OOC preparing for and attending two conferences in one week!) we must have misplaced it. Our apologies.

    England wishes to discuss an end to this horrible war. The framework you have outlined would be an acceptable starting point for us. I personally apologize for not receiving this letter sooner.

    -Queen Elizabeth I


    • #77
      It is good to hear from you Elizabeth.

      So in the past, rather than seek a direct and constructive dialog with the Neander you work for eons on a defensive pact that is most aggressive in nature and intent. I will desist from saying any more in a negative way in an attempt to commence peace processes.

      So let's take this a step at a time:

      If you want peace with Neander you must immediately cease the blockades on Neander.

      There are so many points for discussion to develop a meaningfull peace process, though I think we need an international and un biased arbitrator.

      Do we have any suggestions? Can we receive a log of claims from all parties involved?

      King Veneta.

      Originally posted by England (DoE) View Post

      King Veneta,

      The world can plainly see that the suggested pact was defensive in nature. Neither England, Russia nor the Ottomans had any aggressive intent. Indeed, after the aggressive language, posturing and military build up by France and Neandor can anyone blame us for being nervous about invasion? Obviously our fears were well placed since not long later England finds itself decimated in the face of a brutal attack. That we were aware of Neandor, French & Viking plans earlier and concerned for our safety shows prudence only, not malice. What other nation would seek a defensive alliance to protect their borders against aggressive and expansionary neighbors?

      You call this an "anti-Nenader" pact, but surely even a Neanderthal must realize that had the Neandor or French not invaded us, this pact would have no effect. No one would see something sinister in protecting one's borders from conquest. You say you never threatened or plotted against us, had we not felt threatened we would have had no need for such a pact. Had we not been plotted against we would not today find foreign troops occupying our oldest and largest cities. Your pleas are hallow appeals of a conqueror and a puppet master.

      The second letter you shared with the world was sent as Viking riflemen boarded ships bound for York. It is foolish to claim that it was this letter that provoked war or that some "anti-Neander plot" sent the Vikings into your arms. That letter was our last attempt to avoid the calamity and misery we now find ourselves in. This war is due to nothing but Viking, French & Neander greed, nothing more. England are victims of blood lust, nothing more.

      That being said, yes we are indeed interested in discussions of peace. Peace is all we have ever wanted. As our second letter indicates, we have always been prepared to negotiate for peace. In fact we attempted to negotiate peace before war even begun.

      -Queen Elizabeth I
      The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


      • #78
        Oh dear, I did wonder if that was lost in all the mayhem! Apology accepted Elizabeth!

        Note to all nations that the public proposal by the Neander, quoted by the English below, was quite some time ago (as mentioned by Elizabeth it was BEFORE London was sacked AND BEFORE the French entered the war!)


        Originally Posted by Germany (DoE)
        King Veneta understands the dismay of kingdoms and nations around the world at the actions of the Vikings.

        However we must remember that God gave birth to the Nordics in a barren, resourceless small area of rock near the North Pole. They are financially smart and everyone could see that they were developing very advanced technologies.

        God has blessed the Damn Anglais as they whisked around the world building an empire upon which the sun never sets, concentrating on naval technologies and colonization. They left their cities in their homeland rather poorly defended with bow and arrow against Riflemen.

        Neandor would like to sympathize with the DA but find it difficult after our own treatment by them.

        For eons the Neandor built up defences and limited expansion so as to defend our homeland. We could see the massive natural restriction placed around the Vikings and so common sense prevailed within the Neandor bureaucracy in assessing this stress: the Vikings could expand East or West. Eventually military might and improved diplomacy with the Vikings saw to it that Nordica would be spared any onslaught. It was either them (the DA) or us.

        For the Damn Anglais to offer ALL of Australis to the Vikings in exchange for peace with the Vikings is absolutely incredulous and proves their utter disrespect of the Asian powers control of that region. Yes, this is true, ALL of Australis was offered to the Vikings.

        Instead of condemning the Vikings perhaps look to the truth behind it.

        If you want a world of peace, trade and good relations it requires a fundamental tenet of respect and diplomacy. The Neandor will continue to work hard in this regard whilst remaining vigilant with domestic security.

        I call for peace talks based on the reality of geographic circumstances:
        - namely that the Vikings capture and keep Northern Damn Anglaisland
        - peace is proclaimed in all of Europe so that the war is not extended (all nations open borders and develop a European Free Trade Guild)
        - perhaps some reparations are paid to the DA for european security and to assist their development of some of their overseas colonies
        - that the issue of South East Australis colonies be the subject of a dialog, the terms of which to be dictated by India, Japan and China

        Originally posted by England (DoE) View Post

        To: King Veneta of the Neandor
        CC: King Phillipe of France, Gozzo the Viking, Sultan Ahmed IV of the Ottoman Turks & Queen Catherine of Rus

        In your most recent letter, King Veneta, you spoke of Neandor attempts to discuss peace. Incredulous, but intrigued none the less, English scholars looked through past diplomatic dispatches and did indeed turn up this letter. Somehow it was entirely missed by Secretary of State William Cecil and never forwarded to my attention. It seems in all the chaos of having our cherished city of London sacked and burned and evacuating the government to Iceland (and OOC preparing for and attending two conferences in one week!) we must have misplaced it. Our apologies.

        England wishes to discuss an end to this horrible war. The framework you have outlined would be an acceptable starting point for us. I personally apologize for not receiving this letter sooner.

        -Queen Elizabeth I
        Last edited by Germany (DoE); March 31, 2011, 00:33.
        The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


        • #79

          The manager opened yet another door for the King. The rays of sun showed the same as he had seen in the other large rooms of the granary, and as he had seen in other granaries around France. And that was nothing.

          The blockade by the damnanglais had removed the main food source of the nation - the sea. Civilian fishing boats had been destroyed, and the ports lay idle. Grain stocks were non-existent. The French people were starving.

          Phillipe looked around to his Minister of the Interior, Julian Lachance.

          "What can be done, Julian? What can be done?"

          "Sire, we have done all that is possible. We have maximized the use of all our land resources. But without our fishing industry, we go hungry."

          Phillipe hesitated before asking his next question. "And the people, how are they coping? How are their spirits?"

          "Well sire, that is the remarkable thing. The average citizen knows why we are at war, and they seem to be accepting these hardships for the greater good of France. I fully expected more unrest, but it is not happening. National pride has never been higher."

          "That is truly remarkable. It humbles me to be their ruler."


          • #80
            Originally posted by England (DoE) View Post

            England wishes to discuss an end to this horrible war. The framework you have outlined would be an acceptable starting point for us. I personally apologize for not receiving this letter sooner.

            -Queen Elizabeth I
            Regrettably dear Elizabeth you have NOT lifted the blockade and now you have lost another city.

            I do not wish to see you lose more cities but until the blockade is lifted a state of war, that you declared, will continue to exist.

            King Veneta.
            The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


            • #81
              PEACE CONFERENCE: official statement of the Russian court regarding the war in Europe

              The just and magnanimous Catherine of Rus to all the responsible and/or involved nations:

              First - to start off, Russia do desires world peace. But the peace must not be payed with injustice, nor dictated by the barrels of a guns.

              I call to all the involved nations - England, Vikings, France, Ottomans and Neandors and India.

              Step in and state your claims.

              But be well aware, that you must stop the HYPOCRISY and speak only real things and proposals.

              Like stop claiming this aggressive war was just, because England had many oversea colonies. Why would you all dont made colonies for yourself? Or if you say there was no good space left, why would Vikings not took Australia when it was offered for a peace? Australia is half of England colonies. It is clear that Vikings were headed for juicy Europe cities and capitol. Maybe Australia were arbitraged to the Neandors and thats why Vikings cant take them?

              Or missing the most important point - our Europe4 agreement was PURELY defensive. If all but 1 Europe nations think they need protection in case they are attacked by Neandor, this speaks a lot.

              The facts are as follows:

              Vikings attack is aggressive and unprovoked.
              France attack is aggressive and unprovoked.
              2 vs 1 is unfair fight thats why the Ottomans had to join

              Our statement is that England should be better prepared and the Vikings efforts should be rewarded, BUT London must be returned to England. From this point we can further discuss the peace.

              Think twice or triple and choose wisely.

              Catherine of Rus
              Attached Files


              • #82
                Maybe a defensive treaty, but as the evidence shows below how quick it could become aggressive alliance.

                Furthermore, I, Russia and the Ottomans will go to war with the Neandor & French. The two sides in this war are very evenly matched. The war will be costly to both sides. All five of us will be hurt by this war and our development will suffer. Meanwhile, the Vikings will be able to grow peacefully and develop an entire continent untroubled by the burden of war. You can sit back and trade with both sides in the war and further enrich yourself leaving the rest of us to our fate. You will not have to wager your own land, development and prosperity to the risk of war.
                Vikings were never able to establish colonies BECAUSE the English had closed their borders to us. We have tried for years to ask why, but they never answered. So as you see we were closed in by their actions. A letter of reason would have been nice, but no total silence. Thus this was the reason the Vikings spend years in preparing to seek retribution. So while the greedy DA expanded like viruses, the Vikings prepared to break this closed borders.
                Last edited by Vikings (DoE); March 31, 2011, 08:16.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Vikings (DoE) View Post
                  Maybe a defensive treaty, but as the evidence shows below how quick it could become aggressive alliance.

                  Furthermore, I, Russia and the Ottomans will go to war with the Neandor & French. The two sides in this war are very evenly matched. The war will be costly to both sides. All five of us will be hurt by this war and our development will suffer. Meanwhile, the Vikings will be able to grow peacefully and develop an entire continent untroubled by the burden of war. You can sit back and trade with both sides in the war and further enrich yourself leaving the rest of us to our fate. You will not have to wager your own land, development and prosperity to the risk of war.
                  These lines I first saw and knew when the Neandors put them in publicity. Russia did not agreed to such course of action, neither was aware there will be such proposal. To my best guess these are words coming in desperate attempt to avoid the fate currently England are suffering.

                  This is evidence of nothing, but for English attempt to point your advanced and powerful army somewhere else than Britannia, and with conjuction with your early stated fear from the Neandors, this made Elizabeth to propose you something like that. Dont deny that you Gozzo was the one who reach out to us and searched protection from the Neandors just few decades ago.

                  If the English borders were closed to you and they absolutely denyed you exit from the freezing waters of the North by surrounding you, (although I doubt this is the case - I have to ask my georgaphers about this) and England did not answer your requests for free passage, then I recognize this would be a reason for hostility, but then again - you were offered half the English colonies and you took 2 cities on the British Island - for me thats a good way to teach someone how he wronged in the past to you and feel satisfied and rewarded. The capturing of London and the intention to keep it is beyond the just revenge.

                  France involvement in the war we will not comment - let give them the chance to try and acquit themself.


                  • #84
                    A notice from Ahmed, Sultan:

                    A word about the Viking Lies and Excuses
                    First, if the Vikings desired colonies, but found themselves unable to expand due to English closing borders, then the remedy was to violate the Borders and sail to found their colonies, not to invade England. The excuse that England closed borders is an obvious lie, because if you were willing to violate borders to delcare war, then you were willing to violate borders to found colonies.

                    A word About the disclosure of confidential communiques
                    Now, more importantly...

                    I have dealt frankly and honestly with all nations, and I have explained to the Anglais specifically, that they do not speak for the Turks and any attempts to present themselves as able to negotiate treaties, peace, war etc, on behalf of the Turks is void.

                    Even if these letters, now published by the Neandor, purportedly from Elizabeth to Gozzo are genuine (Catherine has intimated that they contain forgery) then this is still quite disturbing with respect to the Viking's already tainted reputation. Apparently the Vikings are too illterate to read their own mail, and must have the Neanders read it for them, or the barbarous Vikings, are prone to betraying the confidences of other leaders.

                    I think it will be a cold day in hell before any of the world community speak in confidence to the Vikings again... Let all leaders know, that I will never publicly disclose confidential diplomatic communiques, treaties etc., that anyone else presents to me in private. I may discuss the general gist of my conversations with other leaders but you may be assured that you will never find that I have published your words or proposals for the world to see.

                    There is NO anti-Neandor Pact
                    With regard to the supposed "anti-Neander pact." The Ottoman Turks are no part of such nonsense. The first act of my nation's Interim Government was to publicly and unambiguously renounce all prior agreements, treaties etc., made by the cowardly and corrupt prior rulers. This was a public declaration that all nations were aware of. The treaty that you published was never signed by me and does not represent Turkish policy. Therefore, as far a I can tell, the "Europe4 agreement" referenced by Queen Catherine was merely a proposal that was rejected by both the Ottomans and the Vikings.

                    I would simply point to the fact that the Turks did not declare War on the Vikings or the Neandor when the Vikings attacked England, despite Neandor's obvious cooperation in the attack. However, in examining the purported treaty you published, which I rejected as a concept, and therefore had never actually fully read, until now, I noticed that my declaration of War on France following their invasion of England could be interpreted as being connected to the treaty. Therefore, I apologize for giving you this impression and reiterate that my limited invasion of France is in response to the unbalancing situation created by the French, not any supposed "anti-Neander pact"

                    The argument Neandor continually raises, regarding the lack of land to expand in Europe is unpersuasive. This is because despite their perseverations over the land available, and the disparity in the number of cities, an empire's worth is not measured purely in the amount of land she holds, or the number of cities... It is measured in the quality and population of those cities and the social, scientific and cultural advancement of her people. This value is neatly represented in the Empire rating (score) published for all to see at the beginning of the year. So you see, it is quite preposterous for Neandor to complain about the relative strength of the Anglais or the Rus, when their own rating is comparable. It may have been an argument available to the Vikings, but certainly not to the Neander.

                    Neandor's confusion of the issue at hand

                    Finally, none of the issues Neandor has raised has any bearing on the blatant truth of the situation. The Vikings declared War on the Anglais and invaded England to increase their territory. While the Anglais and the Vikings were locking swords, the French also invaded England. This created a situation where two nations were fighting against one. The Ottomans entered against the French, evening the odds. What does a purported "anti-Neander pact" have to do with Neandor helping France against the Ottomans? The Turks have not attacked Neandor.

                    What you are attempting to do is conflate two seperate issues into one. The so-called "anti-Neander pact" has nothing to do with Vikings invading England... unless, the Neander enlisted the Vikings to invade England as punishment for the percieved "anti-Neander pact." More specifically, the only way that the Neandor can say that the invasion of England by the Vikings is related to the supposed "anti-Neander pact," is if the Neandor are willing to also state that the Vikings invaded England at their bequest and with their knowledge and support. If this is the case, then the Neandor have also plainly made war on England, and the English blockade against the Neandor is clearly justified. Also justified then would be Neandor hostility to the Turks, if they belived the Turks to be part of some plot against Neandor. But as I, the Sultan, have clarified that the Turks were part of no-such plot, there is no further justification for Neandor hostility against us, unless the Neandish King wishes to publicly declare me a liar.

                    On the other hand, if the Vikings acted ostensibly alone, in naked aggression to capture more territory, without Neandor influence and encouragement, then there is no connection whatsoever to any supposed "anti-Neander pact" and therefore, no justification for the Neandor closing borders with the Turks, which amounts to taking France's side against the Ottoman Turks. If Neandor wishes to take the position that it closed borders with Russia simply to keep the matter between Vikings and England, then Neandor can not possibly justify keeping borders open with France, while her borders remain closed to the Turks.

                    In this there can be no mistake of involvement. The Neander can not, as they say, "Have it both ways." Either you are neutral, or the English are correct and you are deeply involved, perhaps even behind this conflict. If you are neutral, then your stance must be equal to the parties involved. If your borders are closed to the Ottomans, they should also be closed to France, If they are open to France then they should also be open to the Ottomans. Otherwise, you are cooperating with France against the Ottomans, and you are thus making war against us.

                    The Ottomans entry into this war has nothing to do with Neandor or any "anti-Neander pact" and has very little to do with France. It has everything to do with the unfair and unblanced war against England.

                    Ahmed IV, Sultan of the Ottoman Turks
                    Last edited by Ottoman Empire (DoE); March 31, 2011, 09:34.
                    Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                    • #85
                      Elizabeth Meets With Secretary of State William Cecil to Discuss Recent Diplomatic Dispatches

                      "My liege, letters have arrived to discuss the war. It seems the Neandor wish to discuss peace!"

                      "Wonderful! What do they say?"

                      "Well... they demand we lift the blockade as a pre-condition to discussing peace."

                      "A pre-condition?!? Of all the arrogant demands to make... our fleet and our blockade is the one tactical advantage we have in this war, and they expect us to abandon that just to talk about peace? Shall we request that the Vikings return our cities before we talk peace? Or remove all their troops from Britain? My goodness, the Vikings lay siege to Glasgow as we speak! And they want us to give up the one advantage we have first."

                      "Yes, ma'am, it very much seems like a ploy. Perhaps this whole talk of peace is just an attempt to buy time until they have frigates of their own."

                      "It would seem that way. No honest attempt at peace negotiations would begin with a "pre-condition". Tell them we wish to discuss peace as equals, not as master and slave. We accept no pre-conditions that put us at a strategic disadvantage."

                      "Very good, your majesty. The second letter comes from the Viking. They claim their reason for the war was our closed borders and claim we never responded to them after they requested closer relations."

                      "What? They burn and sack our cities because they felt slighted?! When was this?"

                      "It seems this was back during the reign of Henry III."

                      "Henry the third?!?! That was hundreds of years ago! Gozzo executes a massive war over a perceived insult from hundreds of years ago? Had he ever attempted to contact us during my reign? Heck, has he even tried to contact us during the last century?"

                      "No ma'am. But matters are worse, King Henry DID respond. I found the letter from the archive."

                      William Cecil hands the queen an old letter. Yellow and curled at the edges, Elizabeth does her best to read it. The language has evolved over the last 500 years, but she could still make it out.

                      Originally posted by England (DoE) View Post
                      An Open Letter to All Nations
                      September 6, 760 AD

                      Now that nations are reaching out beyond their borders and ships can travel between continents with ease, trade is a topic on everyone's minds. Our merchants are undoubtedly the most savvy in the world and our financial sector is, as it always has, leading the world in their sophistication. I seek to open our borders will all nations as a diplomatic gesture of support and friendship. Truly this is my goal, as England has no enemies. Least of all among the civilized peoples of Europe.

                      However, after the signing of the Magna Carta under King John, not all matters of international policy and especially trade policy are at my discretion. Our merchant class and local nobles fear a trade imbalance. Exports bring them wealth and build our nation. I understand their economic plight and must protect their interests. If we open trade with all nations then suddenly cheap grain is flooding our shores from the Neandor, cheap consumer goods are flooding in from China and cheap seafood from the Vikings. Our local farmers, craftsmen and Anglers will be put out of business. As important as diplomatic good will is for us, we must always put our own people first. Economies are fragile things, and we must protect ours to avoid a disastrous trade imbalance.

                      So do not take offense if England does not allow trade from your nation. It has nothing to do with our diplomatic stance toward you, nor is it a statement on your status as friend or enemy. I must always think of our poor peasants working the fields and the noble... umm, nobles, who have expensive tapestry bills to maintain. Your understanding is appreciated.

                      - King Henry III
                      "Very interesting Lord Burghley, so King Henry DID respond. The Vikings are liars. Bold faced liars. Their casus belli is a complete lie and fabrication. He even makes a point to say that this is purely economic policy and that no nation should take offense or interpret this as a diplomatic stance. What did the Vikings say in response?"

                      "It seems there was no response."

                      "Ha! And they accuse us of not responding to letters?"

                      "As any nation at the time can attest, the Viking at that point were very withdrawn from the world. They did not participate in world forums and were very hard to reach diplomatically."

                      "At least we know that King Henry did everything right. The Viking have no excuse for this war."

                      "Finally, your majesty, there are letters from Queen Catherine and Sultan Ahmed."

                      He hands her the letters.

                      "They have summed up the situation very clearly, especially the Sultan. The Neandor cannot have it both ways. Either the Neandor were behind this entire war and clearly aiding the Vikings and French, or they should remain entirely neutral and open their borders with Russia and the Ottomans. A more logical assessment of the situation can not be found. The Sultan is entirely correct. The Neandor appear very well able to talk out of both sides of their mouth and make contradictory claims always thinking it will help them. Just like they attempt to convince us to give up the blockade while their allies lay siege to our cities. They cannot have it both ways."

                      "Sultan Ahmed made a very good point about the Viking situation as well. If we were only concerned about trade policy and the Vikings were only concerned about access to the seas for colonial expansion perhaps they could have 'declared war' on us in order to escape our closed borders. That way our trade is not disrupted and they are not blocked from expansion. It seems like a very reasonable solution to both our problems. In fact, legend tells me that King Arthur did this exact same thing to pass through French waters thousands of years ago. Such a 'fake' war would be infinitely preferable to the current looting, killing and conquest in the real war we find ourselves in currently."

                      "Very true! Perhaps if the Vikings had actually responded to our letter we could have reached some kind of agreement like that. Since they returned only silence I suppose we shall never know..."
                      Last edited by England (DoE); March 31, 2011, 09:29.


                      • #86
                        A point of Clarification from the Ottoman Public Relations Dept:

                        The Sultan has already denounced the implication that the Ottomans were part of any so-called "anti-Neandor pact." However, he has authorized me to further clarify the position of the Ottoman government...

                        Lest the international community be improperly led into the conclusion that our decision to intervene on behalf of the English was due to some overblown sense of altruism, we must clarify, that this is not the case. The Ottoman Turks are not, nor do we seek to be the police force of the world. We have our own, self-interested, practical, policy reasons for the intervention.

                        Prior to the War, the European Powers, as indicated by the yearly empire ratings, were Neandor, and England. The other Nations in Europe, Vikings, France and Ottomans, were lesser in ratings. Upon the transition of our government, the Ottoman Turks were able to establish friendly relations with both Powers, Neandor and England. However, as previously noted, we had no contact with the Vikings of French.

                        Accordingly, we were comfortable with Neandor and England as the dominant european powers, because we felt secure in our close relations with them. However, the current War will place countries in power whom we have virtually no relations with, placing us in peril. As the lowest rated European nation, we simply can not afford to let this happen.

                        To be plain, we have no problem with Vikings or France seeking to increase their lands, Power, or holdings. We have no problem with the rating of Vikings and France increasing. What we can not accept, is for BOTH to increase their rating at the expense of England, because this directly endangers the balance of power that was the source of security for us.

                        Aysecan, Public Relations Representative
                        Attached Files
                        Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Ottoman Empire (DoE) View Post
                          A notice from Ahmed, Sultan:


                          The Ottomans entry into this war has nothing to do with Neandor or any "anti-Neander pact" and has very little to do with France.


                          Ahmed IV, Sultan of the Ottoman Turks
                          "They really said this,Marc?"

                          The Minister of Foreign Affairs nodded. "Yes, Sire. Very publicly."

                          "Very little to do with France? While a Turkish army lays siege to Tangiers! This has very much to do with France!" The King slammed his fist on the table, spilling the ink well.

                          Marc Renaud knew that King Phillipe was very frustrated with the state of affairs in France. Starvation was rampant, and the economy hobbled by the damnanglais blockade. He asked quietly, "Do you want to make a statement, Sire? Do you want to respond?"

                          Phillipe waited some time before answering, letting his breath return to normal. His gaze was focused on the ink spreading across his desk.

                          "Respond? Yes, we will respond."


                          • #88
                            Phillipe, you are young and impulsive, but I want to remind you, that we are here to discuss peace in mature manner. Do not take the words of the other out of the context. To anyone is clear that the phrase

                            The Ottomans entry into this war has nothing to do with Neandor or any "anti-Neander pact" and has very little to do with France. It has everything to do with the unfair and unblanced war against England.
                            means that it does not matter if it is France or other nation and it is about what you did, not who you are.

                            Please stick to the point.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Russia (DoE) View Post

                              Please stick to the point.
                              Trust me, Dear Catherine, we will.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by England (DoE) View Post
                                Elizabeth Meets With Secretary of State William Cecil to Discuss Recent Diplomatic Dispatches

                                "My liege, letters have arrived to discuss the war. It seems the Neandor wish to discuss peace!"

                                "Wonderful! What do they say?"

                                Well... they demand we lift the blockade as a pre-condition to discussing peace."

                                "A pre-condition?!? Of all the arrogant demands to make... our fleet and our blockade is the one tactical advantage we have in this war, and they expect us to abandon that just to talk about peace? Shall we request that the Vikings return our cities before we talk peace? Or remove all their troops from Britain? My goodness, the Vikings lay siege to Glasgow as we speak! And they want us to give up the one advantage we have first."
                                Elizabeth, Queen of England.

                                The Neander have discovered the KISS principle! So I spell it out for you now.

                                Lift the blockade on the Neander and Neander will not attack any of the Damn Anglais cities. You get something immediately and so do we.

                                Point 2, if you do this it sets in place an environment for a peace process involving all parties you are at war with. Neander does NOT wish to see you any more harmed than the current situation.

                                The timing is now. If we both keep using our respective tactical advantages then there is no end to this war.

                                It is appreciated that you did not involve the Indians in your blockade actions of Mungo. I notice that you moved your Frigate so as to ensure Agra is free of the blockade. Your honourable actions are duly noted Elizabeth.

                                India is not involved in this war and I am sorry that our friendship with India causes anyone to see otherwise.

                                Veneta, King of The Neander Line
                                The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.

