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Destruction of Foes (DoF) - Diplogame Light

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  • For me this is explanation enough!

    Thanks you took the time to inform us.
    Trade is the name of the game..


    • i think i've mnaged to uninstal that mod, din't get anynotification when i logged in last time.


      • Some other civ asked me to login again to review a deal he has offered me.
        Since neither Greece nor Rome did already play their turn I have done so.
        I did not want to do it without explaining it here.


        • Its perfectly OK to log in twice or triple if your enemy/ies are yet not logged-in after you.


          • no problem for me to get in the game twice or more to understand each other


            • I have not received any proposals for peace from Hungary. But I want to be clear that Rome started this war to protect his ally Greece from Hungarian attack, and I can not make peace without Greece also get peace. Rome does not want unnecessary bloodshed, and will meet all reasonable good Hungarian proposals.


              • I have sent you a peace proposal in game.

                If Greece wants peace, then let him speak up here.
                The offer counts for Greece as well.


                • Originally posted by Egypt (DoF) View Post
                  bought a laptop with civ already installed on it (I was surprised and happy ).
                  ..until I realised that it had options like corp representatives start automated and more importantly "auto promote units" set in the options.. it messed up a bit my game.. not to mention my first tougth was that someone had sabotaged my empire :P


                  • Hah - that's mean, man!


                    • Now I checked into the game, but I have not a message from Hungary. Please, Geza send your conditions with private message in the forum (maybe in the game to let him go again).


                      • I have sent you a peace proposal with no other condition that it will be 50 turns NAP.
                        The Greek have ignored my peace proposal and captured one of my cities.
                        I am going back in now to send you another peace proposal, Rome.


                        • I read your proposal, but I should think a little. The refusal of Greece I think the following: Yet Hungary invaded Greece and Philipos is normal to be mad at Geza. If it comes to peace, I offer one of the world powers to become a guarantor of compliance with the conditions (if someone wants to do with our quarrels).


                          • The conflict between Hungary and Greece dates from millenia ago.
                            Greece and Rome settled on a border between Greece and Hungary after Greece settled cities far away from it's capital, close to Hungary. That was the end of the first conflict between Hungary and Greece.

                            Then Greece continued to settle new cities in agreed upon Hungarian lands.
                            Now these cities are culturally violating the territory of other Hungarian cities.
                            Therefore Hungary has the right to fight for it's own rights.

                            Then the Romans feel the so called moral need to intervene and they break their NAP pact with Hungary to so called help the Greek.
                            For the third time in history Roman troops march towards one of the most important and largest production cities of Hungary with an army that's clearly there to destroy.

                            The Hungarians now have to battle on two fronts.
                            When the Roman invasion has been countered and almost the entire Roman army has been destroyed, the Carthagians suddenly feel the moral obligation to help the Romans. Highly advanced Carthagian armies dress themselves in Roman clothes and build another massive army that approaches the Hungarian industrial city for the 4th time in history.

                            In the meanwhile the Greek show that they do not need Roman and Carthagian's moral help.
                            The Greek generals are very advanced at strategical warfire. They are able to disorientate the Hungarian armies, seperate these from each other, and then take one of Hungaries most important border cities.

                            Now Rome apparently is willing to sign peace, but insists that peace can only be signed if the Greek agree on peace.
                            Well, the Greek will never agree because they are winning. Hungarian cities are falling one after another because Hungary can't send reinforcements to the Greek borders, because these armies are needed to defend Hungary against a combined Carthagian/Roman invasion.

                            So now, Rome, please put your money where your mouth is.
                            Let us sign this peace again, and please do not ever breach it again and violate your word again.
                            And do not let our peace-plan be decided by the Greek expansionistic goals. Because then there will never be peace.

                            We right now cannot make any other decision but pulling away half our army from the west to the east borders in a last attempt to counter the Greek. I will trust the Cartagian and Roman leaders that they will be true to their words and that we will be able to sign peace. If you won't sign peace then there's no reason for Hungary to hold any hope.



                            • 1. The causes of war are never quite clear. Each of the combatants has a perspective on the events leading to war.
                              2. The last time I say, between Rome and Hungary had the NAP, but Geza threatened war with Rome and accumulated a large army of our common border. Since that time NAP between our two countries because there is no. Sense of NAP is "NO WAR BETWEEN signatories UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES" I had no hostile intentions towards Hungary then, but in these circumstances I was forced to ally with Greece and to sign a defensive pact against Hungary, which I perform.
                              3. Please do not blame Carthage. Hannibal made me upgrade to 4 muskets, for which I paid. Carthage is against this war and do everything possible to convince me to stop.
                              4. I already have a large army, which, however, is in defense because I do not want to have more bloodshed.
                              5. I do not want this war, because it returns my country back, but I'm loyal to my ally and first I must talk to him on the issue of peace.
                              6. Unfortunately I have not a monitor that visited Greece and wrote in the forum and I can connect only with Greece in the game, which takes time.
                              7. Hungarian you know best what is good for you, I beg you not escalate tensions.


                              • 3. Please do not blame Carthage. Hannibal made me upgrade to 4 muskets, for which I paid. Carthage is against this war and do everything possible to convince me to stop.
                                Very true indeed. We are for peace and stability. We think this war should be ended.
                                If we can help to achieve peace, we will gladly do so.
                                Trade is the name of the game..

