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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • If we need another war, I'll attack somebody.

    Who is this Mr W anyway?

    (btw - just under 10 hours on the clock and only Mongolia to play. C'mon Ghengis! )


    • There is always one..
      Anyway: Did Japan got back his computer? If Japan and India could confirm that they can play at least once in every 12h then we may move to 24h timer.


      • Again, I am totally against shortening the timer. Can't we just leave it the way it is? Turns are plugging along at a decent pace, and we haven't had to pause in a while. I would certainly rather have a 36 hour turn where everyone or almost everyone gets to actually play their turn, and once in a while we finish with a few hours to spare.

        The alternative is we shorten the timer by 12 hours, and then every turn we have a 2 day pause. Isn't 5-10 hours downtime better than 24 hour pauses every 2 turns?
        Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


        • Yes, pauses are wrong, but waiting for a single person 12 hours just to play and then he wouldn't show up is also bad. That's why I suggested that we shorten the timer only if those who are at war can play every 12h (like me, in the morning and in the evening)


          • Yes sorry. I'm back now so if the timer can be lowered even to 18hrs that will be fine with me.


            • If warring playings can post here if they forsee a play-problem in the near future, then problems are avoidable. We can then easily pause the game. The problem usually is that someone is just not showing up without warning in advance.

              If you are at war and aren't able to make it in time, post it here and send me a PM.
              I get PM's on my phone and I'm able to pause the game from my phone.

              If both India and Japan can confirm here that 24 hours turns are doable, then I'll make it 24h, but not less during wars.
              Sticking to a 24 hour turn means that the first in row must be able to always play every 14 hours and the 2nd in row always must be able to play every 10 hours. If any of them can't, post it in advance so that we can either extend the turn timer (if it is reported during the turn before) or pause.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • I have been able to grab the votes of past month (my laptop is dead, and so was the prog that could grab the votes) so that I can publish the results soon.

                Since I'm still on an old small bad working slow laptop now I ask if someone can make the 'vote now' post available. Just copy it from the last one and update it with the new links and new deadline. On 'my end' everything is ready for the next voting round to start.

                Tomorrow or friday I hope to get my new laptop 8)
                But then I'll first be lost for days in configuration and enjoying the new 3D screen
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • Ugh. Here we go again...

                  I know most probably want a shorter timer so I am outvoted, but I just want to vent a little

                  I think the problem is that when you are only playing in one pitboss you want to play at least once a day or things feel restless. But when you are playing 3 or four (like me) fast turns can be overwhelming, because there are always pitboss deadlines coming up, plus the normal RL issues. So for me, the longer timer is refreshing, because there is not as much pressure.

                  I would recommend that those feeling restless about the long timer should consider joining other pitbosses. If anyone is interested I can offer some suggestions of ones to join
                  Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                  • I am interested.

                    Originally posted by Ottoman Empire (DoE) View Post
                    Ugh. Here we go again...

                    I know most probably want a shorter timer so I am outvoted, but I just want to vent a little

                    I think the problem is that when you are only playing in one pitboss you want to play at least once a day or things feel restless. But when you are playing 3 or four (like me) fast turns can be overwhelming, because there are always pitboss deadlines coming up, plus the normal RL issues. So for me, the longer timer is refreshing, because there is not as much pressure.

                    I would recommend that those feeling restless about the long timer should consider joining other pitbosses. If anyone is interested I can offer some suggestions of ones to join


                    • Originally posted by Japan (DoE) View Post
                      I am interested.
                      Ill send you a PM
                      Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                      • sounds like you need a personal planner, Ottoman
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • Again we are waiting for mongolia for the last 15h and they missed last turn too (It's alright to miss a turn if you are not in war, but I'd really like a 24h timer whenever possible). Also Egypt may need to replay his turn, seems there was a reload after they had played.


                          • There are 2 civs still at war, plus Egypt still has to play. Sure sometimes we are all in sync and everyone plays way before timer ends, but this is rare. For example, if turn had rolled last night, an hour or so after I played, and we had a 24 hour timer I would have to miss a turn today because I rushed to work, and I have a long day plus ballgame tickets after. So I may be away from CPU for at least 17 hrs. Add that to 6 hrs sleepytime beforehand and it adds up to a missed turn with a 24 hr timer.

                            Arabia might I suggest that you join another pitboss along with Japan? You won't feel nearly as restless with 2 games to play and keep up with.
                            Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                            • I prefer to play less games, but be more active in those. Playing in many could cause that I focus on some and quite ignore the others. Longer turns mean that less things are happening, less stories are written.. 24h if manageable by the warring nations seems like a sweet spot between getting bored and giving up your life for civ. Missing aturn or two in peace is not a big deal.
                              ah anyway: you can try to convince me for the other pitboss, but I'm playing in one other and that seems enough for now.


                              • Is Mongolia at war or just not playing their turns. Unfortunately I suspect Mongolia is quite disinterested in this game and may be dropping out.

