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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • Actually we need to move the timer to 14 hours, as per the rules we agreed to at the start of the game:

    Game settings:

    - Map: World Map
    - Players: 18
    - Normal Barbarians
    - Huts All over the World
    - No Random Events
    - Turn timer: turn 1-150: 8 hours; 151-300: 14 hours; 301+: 16 hours
    - The first turn will last for 48 hours
    - Choose religions
    - no tech brokering / trading
    - no vassal states (cheaper colonies)
    - ships move twice as fast on ocean tiles!
    It is now turn 157.


    • Originally posted by France (DoE) View Post
      (Until of course, England finds some other weenie excuse to declare war on me.... )
      Wasn't aware it was necessary to have any excuse to declare war upon any nation who's name begins with an 'F'.


      • 14hr/T seems a bit much for this point in the game. 12hr/T for sure will work for me, 10hr/T is completely OK also.

        Perhaps, since we're supposed to be switching it anyway now, we should vote on the new turn timer? Maybe 150-200 = 10, 200-250 = 12 250-300 = 14?

        Seems a drastic change to go from 8 to 14. I know, I'm the one that began all this talk about lengthening it


        • India has declared war on Arabia

          turn order:

          I guess longer turns would help


          • I still keep my settler in Mongolian lands.

            What the great powers and the host says - how the issue with India/Mongolia will be resolved? To whom I shall gift the settler? The earlier, the better.


            • India would welcome it, but I don't think you can send it to us, we are separated by mountains. And it is not settlers what India really need though that could help too. They are too backward in research and their land and cities are undeveloped.
              On the other hand I just don't see how to keep up a civ with much is apropiate, when to stop, who should contribute, why only them etc..
              It's your choice, I still think an eventual merge of India and mongolia would be the best to handle this, or India will have its problem in the whole game (and I also wouldnt like it to be my problem for very long )


              • Well, you are correct about donations and this must be one-time thing (for me especially). My idea was to help a bit so Mongolia/India to step on its foots and then they are on their own. Also, instead of me building one more city now with this settler (which I have plans for), I wanted my competitor Mongolia to build one more city and to narrow the gap between us.

                Now, when you say how backward India is, the complains from Mongolia that they dont have land and considering we still need a player who to actually play India, no matter how well she gets after the eventual help and your loving care, the merge is more and more appealing to me.

                But either we need a vote, or articulate decision from the host.


                • Turn timer on 16 hours from next turn on. I'm sorry, I read this a tad bit too late.
                  Ozzy is right, we agreed on 14h turns from now on. We can only change that if everybody agrees.

                  But now we're on 16h turns for the war. If India/Arabia say that they don't need that much time I'll chane it.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • Originally posted by mzprox View Post
                    India has declared war on Arabia
                    You know I am only subbing for Arabia.

                    And I have not heard nor seen anything regarding the cause for war.


                    • you guys never read your pms.. seriously.. :/
                      I wrote many, not just you but others.. either ignoring or just doesnt read at all.. whatever.
                      I hoped that at least when you logged in, realize that we are at war then you read the pms and we could talk.
                      The situation asked for a surprise attack I have waited as much as I could.
                      As for the original Arab player: I don't know when He returns, I could not wait forever.. and even if He can't play his turns He could still read pms and answer diplomatic matters. (btw I wrote both France and the original player)

                      I just wanted to make these things clear, before anyone thinks I have taken advantage of this situation. (and btw the city I have retaken as far as I know was taken from us when the Indian player was not playing at all)


                      • No. In this case I don't. I don't think I even have the password for the Arabia (DoE) account, which I have never accessed. I have only been logging in to the pitboss to play the Arabian turns. And the only story post I did for Arabia I posted with my France (DoE).

                        So sorry. This caught me totally by surprise. I figured there must have been some history behind the fact that Arabia had Bombay. And I understand the situation from your perspective.

                        So, let me check if I have access to the Arabia (DoE) account - ie if the same password opens both it and the pitboss.


                        • You don't have to.. I have sent my letters to France (doe) (too)


                          • Arabia being subbed doesn't change anything, I think.
                            And this war is already storied by Arabia. Even without a lead-story it could erupt b/c it's just an attack on an Indian by Arabia occupied city.
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • Hi mz. Yes - found them there. Sorry, as I explained in my response, I was out of town until this morning - actually this aft, so had not read them. I have responded.


                              • Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
                                Arabia being subbed doesn't change anything, I think.
                                And this war is already storied by Arabia. Even without a lead-story it could erupt b/c it's just an attack on an Indian by Arabia occupied city.
                                Yes. Agreed. It was just bad timing on my part. I now have a dialogue going with mz.

