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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • Arabia is a player, my instinct says he wont chicken out.


    • That doesn't really solve anything, having Aztecs take over Natives. We're still then missing the French, Neandor, and Viking players (Arabia is a maybe, but if those three aren't playing, I would assume Arabia finds better things to do). Missing those three (or four) players plus China pretty much kills the game, so we need to know if they're on or not. If they're not participating in diplo, they're not playing as far as the important stuff goes, as they aren't in the position to just play their turns and do nothing else...


      • I will be logging tonight as the Vikings and finally move them forward.


        • That doesn't really solve anything, having Aztecs take over Natives. We're still then missing the French, Neandor, and Viking players (Arabia is a maybe, but if those three aren't playing, I would assume Arabia finds better things to do). Missing those three (or four) players plus China pretty much kills the game, so we need to know if they're on or not. If they're not participating in diplo, they're not playing as far as the important stuff goes, as they aren't in the position to just play their turns and do nothing else...
          My sentiments exactly. I am willing to help you out, but it should result in a real game.
          Otherwise I have better things to do with my time.

          So without real commitment and real interaction with France, Vikings and Arabs I'm out.
          The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


          • It turns out we have full Axis players - Neandor, France, Vikings and Arabia all have players.

            We lack player for the Natives for now and India is not playing for two turns now.

            Lzprst promised he will play, maybe he is just on some vacation or something. Arabia have the login for them, so he can try to sub him until he is back or he say he wont play.

            Possible cure for all leaderless nations can be they to be subject to dividing and extermination. This will give the tightly packed Europeans and Arabia some way to expand a bit.


            • To add to this, I will suggest you try diplomacy with other nations too - for example, you never contacted me. We had quite diplomatic record with Neandor and most of the times we did find common language. Nowhere is said Neandor will be attacked on the 11-th turn. We might well end up as being a good friends. I think this is absolutely real possibility - to loose the old "fixed" alliances and try different approach for the game instead of the centuries old Axis-Allies feud. The so-called "Russian alliance" was created and existed only to counterweight the Neandor/Axis threat. If such threat continues, most likely the opposing alliance will stay strong and united. Once the two super-blocks are loose, new centers of power can be formed and new possibilities can arise.

              I hold no hate for anyone, so I can work with anyone if I see fit in this

              The last 1-day war was only to prevent the Axis from being able to challenge the English fleet, as they were clearly aiming and massing army for this.

              I had good relations with both France and Vikings, with Arabia too.. I cant see a reason that we cant work together... Trying to continue the old bi-polar model would be a mistake in my opinion You are no match for us as it is - we are determined and have the higher moral. Also, we have better tehnologies and equal army. We can still aim for Second World war, but it will take much determination on your side. A new world order would be far more realistic If one have no reason to go to war, why would he do so?


              • In my opinion the patient has died, but some doctors refuse to acknowledge that,
                as the body is still warm..

                As I said earlier without a active and committed France and Vikings there is no point, Arabs mailed me stating similar thoughts about the situation. At this moment already 4 turns of possible preparations have been lost.

                And yes other game patterns might be interesting, but then the player roster must be full.
                The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


                • Preparations? Preparations for what?

                  If this will comfort you, we are not preparing either I did not heard from England or Inca since the game restarted and we have exchanged only few messages with Turkey joking about old things - no diabolic planning, no nothing. To tell you the truth, I am moving my armies east to help Arabia and Mongolia finish off China. I dont know from what you are scared so much.

                  About the full roster, I already proposed the idea the inactive nations after 5 turns to be turned in to AIs and the hunting season open. Very short after, we will have full roster and pleased nations again


                  • We are back happy to be back. Missed my little civ

                    Anyway Germany stick around the northern gods/org player has returned. Special thanks to my Sub for subbing for about 7 months while i was trying to be a good human without his daily dose of civ

                    PS I am here to finish this game


                    • Guys are we still on here? Seems to be very quiet. Either we do finish this or just start planning for a new diplo game.


                      • Originally posted by Toni View Post
                        Guys are we still on here? Seems to be very quiet. Either we do finish this or just start planning for a new diplo game.
                        I am on board for either Finish this one or start a new one or both


                        • I think the major players are here. India played too already. Only Natives are missing.
                          Last edited by Russia (DoE); November 12, 2011, 17:43.


                          • I'm sorry, I thought my position was clear: in some sort of re-arranged, pre-set alliance re-boot, I wasn't interested in proceeding. My understanding was that a sub had already been arranged.

                            Password for Natives is: bullsit

                            I play Europa Universalis II; I dabble in everything else.


                            • Nothing is pre-set we just continue the game and anyone is free to have or have no alliances as he sees fit

                              Come and play - it seems substitute is hard to find these days.


                              • I've AI'ed the Zulu. Nobody was taking them, now they can take care of themselves.
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

