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New type of diplo game

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  • And why you exclude domination as a possibility?


    • Originally posted by Rome (DoD) View Post
      OOC: Ok, Babylon, I will not exploit the one city thing.
      OOC2: I'd also prefer it to keep banning nukes. It's interesting to see what happens with this game without all of us baking all of us.
      OOC1. I accept the 1 City idea should not be pursued.

      OOC2. I have never accepted a no-nuke agreement either IC or OOC. Egypt and Rome can do what they wish but there never was a pre-game ban on nukes nor have I signed one in-game. They are legit and it will be interesting to see how people react when they come on the scene.


      • Yes while I hate to agree with Sumeria, there are certainly no occ reasons for not having or using nukes. The most militarily/scientifically developed will not want them used, but for others they probably bring a balance of power / mutually assured destruction, just like in the real world.


        • Sumeria has done the Free World a great service. There are now many thousands of Hindustanis who will miss the next vote for their creed to dominate all others.


          *****Sumeria now at war with Babylon - Please lengthen timer*****


          • Well, I think that nuke-fests are just a less interesting game-end.
            Large scale wars with tactics are way more interesting. I have always enjoyed wars a lot, especially when they're all about moving the right armies and having the right allies. About having an army that consists of the right units.

            A nuke fest is so..... cheap.
            Everybody nukes everybody. Oh well..... it's a no brainer.

            Of course, the idea of nukes bringing ballance is cool.
            But unlike the real world, nukes in civ won't be used only for reasons of frightening.
            They will be used.

            When one civ goes down he will nuke his enemy to the bone. And then the nuke fest will start...
            I just don't like it. I'd rather lose a good war then win a nuke fest.


            • Originally posted by 2metraninja View Post
              And why you exclude domination as a possibility?
              I certainly don't.
              Maybe it's too bad that we didn't include the vassalage option....
              Maybe a game that has no SS victory option should have the option to vassalize other civs.


              • Domination victories are not working in diplogames where we avoid cripling other civs... we can agree to put that aside, but even then it's not that easy to do.
                About nuking or not: both can lead to interesting games, not sure which would be more fun. Someone drops nukes on Egypt, egypt will rush buy 10 icbms and retaliates, now two nations are out from the game for a while.. others would rise to power.. interesting, frustrating..


                • Turn timer: 22 hours (Effectively 24 hours)
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • Originally posted by Egypt (DoD) View Post
                    Domination victories are not working in diplogames where we avoid cripling other civs... we can agree to put that aside, but even then it's not that easy to do.
                    About nuking or not: both can lead to interesting games, not sure which would be more fun. Someone drops nukes on Egypt, egypt will rush buy 10 icbms and retaliates, now two nations are out from the game for a while.. others would rise to power.. interesting, frustrating..
                    I have taken it that as of 1000AD this game ceased to be any kind of normal Diplo. Hence you will note, that whilst others seem squeamish about it, Sumeria will raze cities without a thought if it is in an inconvenient place or too distant to be worth defending. No kindness in war! Kiss and make up is not my idea of how wars are fought.

                    As for Nukes, I don't like them, however they are a part of the game. If someone is going to flatten Uruk then I want to be damn sure that they get plenty back. I tend, when I do use them, to not target cities at all but rather big stacks of very nasty hardware. If 20 Modern Armour comes calling it will get hit but obliterating large population centres is a largely self-defeating exercise. You may inherit the earth but all you really have is a depopulated, irradiated globe glowing almost as brightly as Jupiter!


                    • I think we should pause the game for a few hours, Babylon usually plays in the later hours (6-7 hours from now) and there are only 2 hours left on the timer.


                      • Game's paused.
                        Please let me know, Babylon.
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • No word from Hindustan.
                          I'm going to sleep in about 1 hour. Maybe I'll just activate the game and give him 2 hours to play. If he fails I'll just reload tomorrow morning.

                          edit: or Sumeria and Hindustan immediately switch turn-order (Hindustan first in the next turn, then Sumeria)
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • Robert, I am happy to do an immediate turn-order swap if he plays before I go to bed but not if he misses his turn completely as then this will just repeat itself tomorrow. BTW. Bed will come after turn flips but not much later.


                            • Starting the game now. If Babylon didn't move when I wake up I'll pause again and/or reload from now.
                              Babylon: please let us know when you can play, if you can't during the next 2 hours.
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                              • HANG ON GUYS

                                Sumaria did a nice double move in declaring war. Absolute classic. Moved his troops in close then before I had a chance to see and react, he moves again.

                                Sumaria second in 1853 and then first in 1854.

                                Forget all this niceness about worrying if I am going to play a turn before bed or the like, you have already doubled moved!

                                That is what it takes is it. The largest nation on earth decides to attack a smaller one, and can't even do it decently but needs the blatent trickery of a double move too. Its pathetic.

                                Some of us managed to be at war for many many turns, and followed good practice.

                                I will leave this now for others to comment. The obvious thing is for me to simply move again now, but I'm not going to be brought down to the pathetic level of others, and me double moving now doesn't reverse the situation. What is the point of this stupid game if after months of play people just do this kind of thing for a cheap gain.

