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Egypt was very close to make an experimental nuclear weapon test this year, not that we ever wanted to use nuclear weapons.. not shooting first at least..
But our scientists has suggested a new defensive system, the SDI project, which would had made the world safer from those evil powers who wouldnt mind using weapons of mass desruction.
After long consideration I postponed this test(again), giving you inferior beings even more time to catch up our glorious science level. But please don't make me "Yawn" so hard, I want to see some action already, which for a change is not between Egypt and the rest of the world..
Once more the desert lord invades.
He holds ten native hindu cities, settled millenia ago. But that is not enough.
Many nations over centuries have continued to believe the desert lord's lies.
Many continued to believe that there was some greater moral purpose behind his actions.
Many believe the constant lie about a Hindu victory (ignoring the simplest facts like that a DV cannot be achieved by a single nation, however many votes they have).
Many ignored all that history has taught us about Egypt - their invasion of Rome for example - and chose to believe that their invasion of Hindustan was not simple greed and lust for power.
But now the truth is finally obvious even to those who prefer to remain blind.
Egypt will steadily destroy you all. He slaves Hindu cities steadily, year after year, to obtain more troops. He offered Hindstan peace in exchange for 50 infantry units, which of course we refused, because we will not help the tyrant.
Nations of the world missed the real opportunities bought with Hindu blood to resist the tyrant. The days when Egyptian cities were defenceless, or garrsioned by a single catapults. But all sat on their hands, willingly believing the deceptions, paralysed by fear, content to accept their own future slavery to Egypt as long as they were a slightly less humiliated slave than the nextdoor nation.
Now? Still the tyrant can be resisted. Egypt relies again on its technological superiority - modern armour and mechanised infantry pouring into Hindu land - but as has been proved before, Hindu armies will fight to the death and destroy much Egyptian power while it loses another ten cities.
But will the rest of the world continue to willingly believe Egyptian deceptions and pontificate while Egypt puts the final touches to its world domination? Maybe it is already too late - it certainly will be soon - but action seems to be a rare quality in this world.
Egypt is not yet sure whether She wants to proceed with the war.. our recent declaration of war was an answer to your attempt to manipulate us with the Apostolic palace, we believe this will cancel its influence on us.
As for the recent announcement from Hinduistan.. They still haven't learnt that if they want to lie at least do it in a believable way..
Everyone knows that we have never demanded 50 infantries because our peace offers were public as your refusal to be reasonable.
Everyone can count that we don't hold 10 Hinduistan cities
Everyone knows that there are stronger powers than Egypt.. I would rather worry about those
And we don't slave your cities, even if it may seems so by outsiders. we simply relocating some citizens to better places.. and we don't build troops in those cities.. only libraries, theaters and such
No, your secret peace offers, which I will publish if you wish, demanded 5 infantry per city. And since yes you do own 10 (or in fact it may be more) Hindu cities - that is 50 infantry.
And you say you are not sure that you wish to procede with this war - tell that to the Hindu cities you have already started to bomb, the hindu cities and infantry facing your tanks which have invaded our territory and are about to seize yet another city.
The rest. What is the point. You lie well, but more to the point, nations fear you with your proclaimations about nuclear weapons and star wars technology so they chose to willingly believe your lies.
They know the truth. We all do. But fear of you paralizes the cowardly. So conquer away, world domination is only round the corner for you. Well done tyrant of the world.
Show that secret peace offer, if you want to expose _your lies_, in this case more like just twisting the truth. But only if you are willing to show every letter from the first to the last between us and not just taking sentences out of context..
We had an _unofficial talk_...
A long time ago when we had _much less_ cities.. it would had been 25 five units.. Hinduistan has refused, the war continued.
But our official statement always was that now we want to hear a peace offer from them. as you can remember Hinduistan fanatically believed that our peace offers were nothing but the signs of our imminent fall, our weakness.. they never really talked.
Hinduistan is using the power of the Apostolic palace as a weapon against us.. what choice we have?
What utter bollocks you talk desert lord. We will publish the correspondance between us which proves once again your lust for power. Your initial invasion of Hindustan was because we woudl not give you gold to help you research nuclear weapons for use against Russia, because we would not invade Rome as you demanded, and because we woudl not hand over troops for peace (the same demand you made earlier against Rome). Now you invade again because we would not hand over 50 infantrry to power your world domination.
Originally posted by Egypt (DoD) View PostHinduistan is using the power of the Apostolic palace as a weapon against us.. what choice we have?
If I were you desertbrain, I would stop talking and justget on with your conquerering. Your soliders are only occasionally incompetent, while your diplomats destroy your reputation with ever word they say.
((My soldiers are too often incompetent.. just lost two tanks in a row at 93% and 88% winning chance.. bleh..))
Well, Hinduistan, you start publishing private discussions, at least the others will know what to expect when they are dealing with you, but go on...
We are not holding 10 hinduistan cities, the correct number is 9. We have never demanded 50 units and we are still not demanding it.Last edited by Egypt (DoD); December 2, 2010, 05:55.
Originally posted by Byzantium (DoD) View PostWhat is the position of all other nations? Do they agree with the Egypt actions?
Gondor has recently signed a pact with Sumeria and Mongolia as a non-aligned bloc but Strider and the Gondorian Government were tending to believe more and more the words of the Hindustanis.
After their ruthless attack upon our homeland Hindustan cannot believe any Sumerian might have cause to weep over their suffering. However, I am not pleased with the words that come from Thebes. The shameless attempts to stir up 3rd party conflicts as a diversion from Egyptian actions do you no credit Desert Lord.
What other nations think..they can think what they will...what does it matter?
What did the other nations do when Hinduistan exterminated a whole nation, the celts. We would have done something but at that time we were under attack by Rome..
And my actions.. I only want to finish the war which I was forced into. And while the primary objective is accomplished, the world is no longer threatened by religious madness, the cost of this war was astronomical..because of Babylon's stubborness to give up their plans of world domination.
Egypt was always willing to give back the originaly Hinduistan cities. We still do, however as we said the price for peace will go up in time.
We have always published our peace offers which were called even "too generous" by other nations, yet nothing heard from Babylon. Then how could we stop the fight?
But here is our new public offer: we demand the hand over of Nidaros and then we will release every hinduistan city for 3 infantry units each as soon as they delivered. (27 is it)
If Babylon continues the war it's guaranteed that they will lose 27 or more units and they will get back their cities much later..if ever..
How quickly you half your unreasonable demands once they become public. Perhaps your diplomats are not as stuipd as I suggested.
I agree to your peace plan as publicly declared here.
I have offered you a peace deal in exchange for Nidaros. If you stand by your public declaration here, then you will accept it immediately without trying to seize further land to strengthen your hand or slave my cities in an act of spite.
There are eight Hindu cities under Egyptian occupation:
Thus in accordance with your public declaration, we will hand over to you 24 infantry in exchange for these eight cities.
(For those who have been following the dialogue and wonder why I originally said 10, and Egypt said 9, but the actual figure is 8 - it is because last turn Egypt captured one city and burnt it to the ground massacring all within it (what nice people these Egyptians are) so that can sadly no longer acheieve its freedom, and one other city Lodosse has just changed from Egyptian to Hindu as a result of the worldwide opinion of all Hindus (many thanks to the many nations who supported the freedom of this Hindu city).
I trust that even you cannot go back on your public declaration here, and will welcome our acceptance of your peace terms. We have accepted exactly what you declared - we - and indeed the whole watching world - expect you to stick to it.
The Great Conclave