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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt7 - March 2010]
Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>
Knowing the Eygptian people's love of the old ways, of grandeur and style, Basil left his railway carriage at the borders of Egypt and travelled by coach the final stretch down to the plains of Friendship City
Unsure as to whether the Eyptian Queen had yet let slip out the news of their private engagement. He smiled, still not sure why she had insisted it remain private until later, his advisors seeing dark politics, he just the fancies of a young woman (and perhaps he accepted the old Eyptian feelings of respect for her father was not yet long deal).
Basil was impressed watching the Egyptian people in the fields - hardworking and seeingly joyful.
This was a fair land, almost matching its queen in beauty. The Byzantine-Egyptian union would the wonder of the world - if indeed the world survived the hate always boiling over in the east.
As he rode he was briefed on the latest from Russia and Turkey. Embassies from both. The policy of non-intervention still seeming fixed in his mind until ... his eyes narrowed when he saw the news of the Turkish destroyer. What? Who? What powerful nation saw fit to use Turkey as a cover for its own imperial policies? A Turkish - Russian war was one thing ... but if Turkey was just a flag of convenience, a mere cover, for a great power. That would be different.
He shook his head thinking of prince Igor. The poor man. It was well known that he, and the Roman leader, had been captivated by Cleopatra too, but, well, there can only be one winner. Despite his age, and his - what could one say - unconventional good looks - Igor was a good man. Perhaps, perhaps he would turn his disappointment in love to anger on the battle field. It seems that his nation needs that now.
Finally Basi looked up as the coachman called out that they were nearly there.
He was amazed. Cleopatra had indeed exceeded all expectations of the wealth and glory of her nation.
Saladin has been in meditation and at a loss on how to deal with war that has broken out again. He was not aware of the settlement of Bullocks and had no control of their desire to settle on the island off of New Ottoman. They jumped ship in the night and refused to come back. The ship carrying the intrepid settlers was returning to Arabia empty but reports are now that (Ottoman who is mad as a hatter), sunk the returning peaceful galleon with all loss of life. According to Ottoman newspapers we are alligned with Russia but that is not TRUE! Yes they asked for assistance but what can a small backwards country like ours do? We have heard the guns over the water and dispatched an observer in our Galleon but they have been ordered to home waters. We only wish peace in this mad mad world. What terms can we come to Ottomans to calm your savage tendencies? We hope that our shared religion that we help found in your lands can bring peace and prosperity to us both. We are sending another ship to Bullocks to ask them to join Ottoman. We offer a cease fire.
Prince Igor boarded a fast ship and begun his journey westwards. Reaching the Greco-Arabian border the ship sailed to port and the captain refused to sail on. Pirates had infested the al-Jazeera. Prince Igor had no choice but to travel by land to Mecca to attempt to find a daring ship that would run the risk. While in Mecca, Prince Igor sought an audience with Saladin. In front of the ruler of Arabia and many of his highest advisors, the Prince made a passionate appeal.
Originally posted by Prince Igor
Saladin, master of Arabia, Arabs, great and small. I come to you today with pride in my heart.
Like it or not, the Ottoman have declared war on you and sunk your peaceful settlers. The question is now, do you wish to roll over and play dead, or fight like a lion? If you support Russia, we can greatly improve your military, both in tactics and strategy, and even with units. The Turks have sunk a peaceful ship of settlers, and behold, not only have they done so to you, but it is undoubtedly them that sunk the Russian settler-galleon 2 generations ago. A fact that can hardly be disputed when seeing the sudden influx of Pirates in the al-Jazeera at the same time as war was declared upon our two peoples.
The Ottoman seem to have lost all sense and must be stopped. Russia will stop them, alone if need be, we do not fear them. Yet with aid we will be able to end this war sooner rather than later. I stand before you today with nothing to offer, but blood, sweat and tears. And revenge. The Russian people will always take that offer, for they know what is at stake, do you? Do you understand that what is happening now is merely the projection of power through proxy? You have seen the photographs of the Ottoman supership. It is not of Ottoman construction. It is clearly a power play through a great power that wishes to see Russia defeated, and Arabia conquered. For truly, if this ship is allowed to continue to hound our waters who can stop it? Who can resist an invasion from the sea against such firepower? If this one ship to the Ottoman grants them victory, what message will that send to other nations?
I tell you, there can be only one response to this villainy. Russia requests you to fight shoulder by shoulder with us as brothers. Do not turn your backs on us in the face of danger, for while alone we are weak, together we are strong. The seeming superiority of the Ottoman is a facade covering an empire on verge of collapse. Their rulers are unpopular as their people have suffered the whip on a near daily basis, their production levels have dropped, their economy nears ruin. The only reason the Ottoman can maintain this war is because they are clearly getting foreign support.
Come, Saladin, let us together show that the affairs of small nations are not to be interfered with! Let us show the proxy and his master that treachery will only strengthen our resolve! Let our forces join, let our voices be heard, let us bring death upon our enemy! Let us fight in glory! Together!
Here, I offer you my sword!
Last edited by Russia (DoC); March 6, 2010, 07:58.
Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat. The Russian Dynasty:
Samo the Headbanded
Catherine the Progenitor
Dominika Ekatarinova
(Konya the Lost)
Igor Exilaskaya
Prince Igor's sword remained in his hands. The Prince stood up and looked into the eyes of Saladin.
Originally posted by Prince Igor
You have chosen the way of peace in the face of danger. Expecting you to do otherwise was hopeful, though ultimately disappointing
Fare well, may peace give you what you seek. Russia continues to thrive through war and conflict.
As the Prince turned and walked away many Arabs muttered, but none dared speak against Saladin. Prince Igor went by land to Baghdad where Russian ships had taken harbor to repair damage caused by Ottoman airships. On the docks he began preparations for crossing the channel. The Pirates in the al-Jazeera had apparently left for other waters as ships once again took to crossing the waters separating Russia and Arabia. Prince Igor boarded his fleet and returned to Russia. The Baghdad-Rostov journey was quick and eventless. With him he carried 500.000 gold coins in heavy chests, a foreign stamp on their seal, a loan from a foreign banking institution. I really must establish my own banks, he muttered as he looked over the interest rates he would be forced to pay over the next decades. Nonetheless, the money would come well in hand as he upgraded catapults to cannons. Russia's military was truly becoming a force to be reckoned with, as the Moscow Gazette showed in the most recent publication.
Moscow Gazette
Originally posted by War Correspondent Aykanovich
Large slaughter west of Igorograd!
Russian troops have defeated an Ottoman army entering the borderlands conducting pillaging of local farmlands. Out of a full army of 110.000 men, less than 10.000 remain. Russia's superiorly trained soldiers once again assure victory on the battlefield.
Sea battle near Igorograd
A sea battle has taken place near Igorograd, initial reports indicate that both sides have lost 1 ship of the line with escorts and 1 frigate battlegroup.
Izhir in enemy hands once more
Reports from Izhirbayzan tell of the fall of the city of Izhir to Ottoman troops.
Last edited by Russia (DoC); March 6, 2010, 21:15.
Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat. The Russian Dynasty:
Samo the Headbanded
Catherine the Progenitor
Dominika Ekatarinova
(Konya the Lost)
Igor Exilaskaya
Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>
It was morning, and Cleopatra stood in front of the mirror. Oh, what a few days it had been. If there was one thing she liked, it was attention. And boy, did she get lots of it. First, the Russian prince arrived. Igor was, well, a very big and scary man.
However, upon his arrival, he learned of the war that had broken out. He was very angry.
He left straight away.
In the meantime, Caesar had arrived. A very handsome young senator, who had asked for a posting in Friendship City. She had granted him the position. Of course, she had already promised herself to Basil II, but a little distraction every now and then when she was at her summer palace in Friendship City would certainly do no harm, would it? Surely, nothing bad would come of it. He adored her, and she had to admit, she was quite taken with his charms and compliments.
However, her true husband was most certainly Basil II.
A powerful and intelligent man, he could give her what others could not: a safe future for Egypt, and all the power that she desired. Today she would wed him, and she had not a single bit of regret. She looked at herself in the mirror, now fully dressed up for the wedding. She was sure Basil would appreciate her as his 'wedding gift'.
The wedding was a grand spectacle, to which hundreds of thousands of people flocked, from both Byzantium and Egypt. There were huge banquets, tournaments, fairs, markets, it was staggering to behold. People ate and drank as much as they could, and the day would be remembered and spoken about for ages to come.
At the end of the day, Cleopatra walked away from the feast, to prepare herself for her wedding night. As she walked up the steps to her quarters, she looked back once more to her esteemed guests. She immediately spotted Caesar, who was sitting alone, drinking his wine. Their gazes locked, and she knew then, that they would meet again soon...
Prince arrives on front
Prince Igor arrived in Sevastopol this week to personally inspect the troops and survey the strategic situation. While doing so the Prince has awarded Brigadier-General Volukovich the title of Lord Field Marshal of the Army for his efforts in the defence of the Motherland.
Exclusive Interview with Lord Field Marshal Volukovich
Lord Marshal Volukovich, I have personally witnessed the most recent actions of the Russian army, would you please describe for the Gazette how you managed your incredible feat?
-Certainly, the premise was simple. Allow me to illustrate on this map here. This is an actual battle map with last week's actual troop positions. Of course, some of these have been censored to prevent Ottoman spies from reporting classified information.
Exactly 3 months (turns) ago the Ottoman 3rd Army began to march upon Igorograd. It consisted as far as we have been able to report, of 6 Janissary divisions, 1 Grenadier Corps and 4 Trebuchet class siege engines. A total of 110.000 men. They reached the Pig farms in the far northwest of this map. At this time, our forces were still mobilizing and travelling toward the front. At the same time the Ottoman had stationed their main army in the Kars mountain pass. A formidable force, consisting of 14 Janissary divisions including the commander of their force, General Charles Martel. In addition as support this vast army had 1 Grenadier corps as well as 6 siege engine units, divided evenly between Catapult and Trebuchet Class units. Estimates put the enemy army at over 210.000 men. I have marked the Kars mountain pass with a Dark Green Rectangle, it is a highly strategic position. It is a jungle in rugged mountainous landscape and the only way to cross the mountains. The Ottoman army was untouchable as long as they stood there, and furthermore, they were close to and highly threatening to Sevastopol. Mere 2 months march from the city.
I realized that a two-pronged invasion would be extremely dangerous, especially if the enemy could seize strategic positions on the map. It was then that I engineered the plan that was codenamed Operation Warhammer.
Do you see the Red Square on the map? Roughly in the centre? Yes, I stationed our main forces here out of sight from the Ottoman scouts. From there they could reach both the south front and reinforce Igorograd. At the same time I ordered a force of some size, including a number of cannons and catapults to defend the Igorograd Iron Mines directly southwest of the main staging point. And finally I sent 1 division of Muskets and 1 Grenadier Battalion to wreak havoc by hiding in the jungle southwest of the Iron Mines and cause whatever trouble they could. These troops were specially trained in jungle combat, being extremely effective in disappearing into the brush and moving very quickly across forested terrain. The trap was set.
The Ottoman 3rd army at the Pig Farms, marked in the top left corner with a red circle, saw the repositioning of troops to the city of Igorograd and decided not to advance, if this is for reasons of cowardice, or simply because they wished to burn the food supply of Igorograd is to me unknown, but in effect they stayed their ground at the Pig farm. I then utilized one of my 2 cannon crews I had available and struck this 3rd army with parts of the Igorograd garrison. I must admit, the effectiveness of Cannons are so appallingly frightful that I part wish they should be outlawed. The attack was a tremendous success, the Cannons were lost, but they caused enough trouble to allow a strong army of Grenadiers to attack from the north, completely disrupting their defences. The Igorograd Garrison performed the mop-up, only 1 Janissary division was able to escape.
This was of course the first part of my trap. By making the Ottoman believe that I had sent the majority of my forces to Igorograd, they could safely traverse the distance to Sevastopol before we could halt them. This arrogance led to their downfall. The very same week the Ottoman armies began to cross into Russian borderlands I had just finished upgrading some siege engines, and some had arrived fresh from the Forge in Moscow. I now possessed 4 Cannon crews, 3 of which were equipped with the strongest explosive shells available. These Cannon crews now begun the lethal barrage of the Ottoman 1st army, causing such devastation that the Cannons were renamed to Annhiliators. Then the Moscow Military Institute Grenadier Corps took over. These troops are the finest, best trained in the world. They continued to shatter the remaining Ottomans. As the Grenadiers became exhausted, Musketmen continued the assault, as they ran out of bullets, the local garrison of Sevastopol attacked. The end result was a total and unevoquivical slaughter, only a handful survived. Of course, they will never make it out of Russia alive, as my woodsmen divisions quickly moved into position, took the defensive positions at Kars and fortified them. Of the 210.000 men that marched into Russia, now only 4.000 remain, led by their General Charles Martel. With our troops halting their retreat and no rescue possible, the enemy armies are truly vanquished. Furthermore we can now move forces through the Kars mountain pass directly to the Ottoman capital in the near south.
The home armies of Ottoman are of course not negligible and they consist of more modern troops, but this loss should so utterly demoralize them, in addition to tilt the balance of power so in our favour that I believe the war is practically won. As a result I was awarded the title of Lord Field Marshal by Prince Igor himself. Neat, huh?
-Amazing. How many Russians perished in this glorious assault?
-Only 1 cannon crew.
Last edited by Russia (DoC); March 7, 2010, 15:19.
Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat. The Russian Dynasty:
Samo the Headbanded
Catherine the Progenitor
Dominika Ekatarinova
(Konya the Lost)
Igor Exilaskaya
Anna Hatun has attempted to gain glory and failed.
I hereby offer her head in surrender and wish to sign a cease fire with your generals.
Your armies have proven formidable in battle and we do not wish to send more of our troops for slaughter.
If you wish to fight on that is your right as victor, but if you wish to attain long term peace once and for all between our peoples, we are open to meeting you at the bargaining table.
Please have your emissaries sent to my private office if this offer suits you.
Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>
We have the following proposition.
Ottomania surrenders unequivocally to Russia.
As part of this peace agreement we offer the following gracious terms.
1. Charles Martel swears fealty to Prince Igor
2. The Supership is handed over to Russia.
3. The city of Izhir is returned to Russia
4. Ottoman hands over 1 Airship
5. Anna Hatun is delivered to Prince Igor, alive.
You may exchange any one of those terms with either of the following:
6. Ottoman grants Russia 5 Grenadiers
7. Ottoman pays Russia 600 gold in war indemnities
If you agree to grant all 7 demands, Russia will agree to sign a pact of protection with Ottoman and pledge to defend her against any hostile powers that would threaten her territory or colonies. As part of such an arrangement Ottoman can let Russia arrange all continental defences, and as such focus on peaceful development.
If you reject the above demands Russia will conquer one or more cities on the mainland instead of the war reparations we have requested.
Prince Igor
Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat. The Russian Dynasty:
Samo the Headbanded
Catherine the Progenitor
Dominika Ekatarinova
(Konya the Lost)
Igor Exilaskaya
President K'Nuk announces today the creation of the International Bank of Mali. In a ribbon cutting ceremony, President K'Nuk gave the following speech:
Ladies and gentlemen of Mali and the world. I stand before you today eager to announce our newest endeavor, the International Bank of Mali. This new enterprise has been in the process for many years and now that I am president of this fabulous country, I can see it to fruition. As was previously stated to all countries of the world, we will gladly buy technologies from those willing. What the International Bank of Mali will add is that we can now loan money to those countries in need. Terms of the loan will be made privately with the leaders of other countries. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we will offer loans with an interest rate as low as 15% for our Grand Opening celebration. As with all deals, this introductory offer will not last forever. Long life mali and the betterment of the entire world.