this is a story about Persia
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Oroetes Arrested Finally the Persian armies caught Oroetes, fleeding into the woods on the Orb-Persian border. After the fall of the last Hastogianistic Bastille, Hastogsburg, Oroetes fled in despair. But the Persian infantry was able to get him in only a couple of days. He was lead to the Shrine in Hastogsburg which was prepared to serve as the place to trial Oroetes. Darius wanted to end the crimes of Hastogianism in the center of Hastogianism itself, to show the world that the threat is gone. Oroetes was unmoved. He followed his guards with pride in his eyes. Ready to challenge Darius. Never had Oroetes failed the true values of Hastogianism. He was prepared to die for his ideals. | ![]() Oroetes hides in the woods before Persian soldiers arrest him |
![]() | End of Hastogianism starts 3rd Persian Golden Age News of the jailing of Oroetes and the end of Hastogianism spread joy through all of Persia! People, inspired by new futures, doubled their production rates, invested more money and celebrated the new age of Persia! |
![]() | Trial against Oroetes - Trial of the Millenium The courtroom in the Hairy Shrine had been prepared. Many spectators were seated in the great hall of the shrine. Many soldiers ensured order and prevented the hate against the Steward to materialize. When everybody was seated, the doors opened. In chains Oroetes walked through the central path, guarded by 6 soldiers. Silence. People held their breath. "Liar" someone whispered. a "Murderer" was yelled at him. Then silence again. "All rise" the secretary of the court room said. Oroetes seated himself immediately. The soldiers pulled him from his chair, trying to force him to rise. Instead he tumbled on the ground. The judges entered while Oroetes was on the ground. Darius and Oroetes looked each other in the eyes. The soldiers placed Oroetes on his feet. An awkward situation. "Please be seated" the president of the court, Darius, said. Everybody seated himself again. The eyes of Oroetes were dark, filled with pride and hate. |
Persia accepts Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion As a first step into a new future, the Persian Empire has accepted Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion as the new basic values of the nation. No longer Hastogianism is the religion of Persia. No longer do anti-hastogianists have to watch their language. All religions are welcome now in Persia! No longer will people be discriminated against. No longer will the strongest prevail. All hail Darius! ooc: b/c of time limits right now I need to delay the trial on Oroetes (mother in law's birthday). Maybe later! No pictures as well therefore. Bear with me. I hope there's freedom of speech at my in-laws place ![]() |
The Trial against Oroetes Finally the day arrived in which Oroetes had to face justice. A temporary courtroom had been created in the main hall of the Shrine. In front of the former alter the judges would be seated, presided by King Darius himself. A small incident happened when the King and Judge entered the room and Oroetes refused to rise for him. But now silence had returned and everybody was eagerly waiting till Darius would speak. (ooc: a Persian court of course does not work like a modern western court does! The judge is not only the judge but also the prosecutor. The suspect defends himself, there is no laywer.) Today the actions of Oroetes of Pasagarde will be judged. Oroetes, born in Pasagarde, has lead the nation of Media and Persia for many years. Today he will face justice for the crimes committed under his regime. Oroetes of Pasagarde is being charged for crimes against New Persia, crimes against the people of Media and Persia, crimes against the Ottoman allies of Media, crimes against the international society, murder, genocide, fraud and harming the image of Persia in the world. Oroetes of Pasagarde, do you plead to be guilty or not guilty? | ![]() Darius and the other judges enter the courtroom ![]() King Darius presides the courtroom | |
![]() Oroetes responds to the accuses of King Darius ![]() Darius questions Oroetes | Oroetes rised from his seat and walked towards the window. Then he spoke: I do not recognize the validity of this courtroom. Darius of New Persia has no rights to imprison me neither does he have the right to bring me to trial. I am the rightful leader of Media and Persia. I am not guilty to any accusation made by illegal rulers of the empire. The validity of this court room is not upon you to decide. You are trialed by the people of Persia. The people you have suppressed. The people you have killed. The people you have stolen from. King Darius said. If the people are judging me, then why are you presiding this courtroom, self appointed King of Nothingness? Oroetes of Pasagarde, you are facing judgement for your actions. You are the one being trialed. Not this court nor the administration of this Empire. You are being accused of abusing your position to take advantage of the weak. As a true Hastogianist I have never harmed any of the weak that were not standing in my path. But what if, according to your definition, the weak were standing in your way? As a true Hastogianist I then hold the right to remove them. I have lead this nation in the true spirit of Hastog. I have united the Hairy and the Heavy, I have improved the position of Media in this world. At the cost of other nations, like the Ottomans The Ottomans were weak. They were not able to breath without our support. We have learned them to be strong. It was a though lesson, but look! Now they are proud and strong, and very able to achieve their own goals. You want the weak to be dependent to the strong. You want to enslave the weak with charity. Removing their chances to choose their own future, decide their own actions. You want to tie them to your throne by promises and gifts. Hastog says that it's better for the weak to die then to be slaves of the so called good. | |
Why do you continue to justify your actions by referring to a mythical person that may or may not have lived thousands of years ago? Hastog is the inspiration of my life! And not only of my life, it's the inspiration of the life of millions of Medians! I quote him because he teached me to be strong! Without Hastog Media would not have been the Empire it is today! When you invaded New Persia, many innocent children died. Is that what Hastog wanted? What is a child apart from unfulfilled potential? Theer's nothing a child has achieved, a baby does not even remember what he did the day before. Yes, a child may grow into the new Fed'Az or Far'Az. But a child can also become a criminal or a murderer. A child is nothing yet. If we kill it, why would we mourn? Potential is nothing as long as it has not been fulfilled. There are other children. The children of yesterday are forgotten tomorrow. Do you really not value the life of children? Yes, I do value their lives! But I do not worship their lives like you do. In death there is no difference between a child or an adult. When death, it does not matter if a child lived for 2 weeks or if a man lived for 80 years. Neither the child nor the man can remember their lives. Neither the child nor the man do care about their lives anymore. To them life is not even vague shadow of history. Once they're death, the life of an 80 years old is as worthless as the life of a baby. Why do you care that much if a child dies, while you understand that an old man has to pass away? | ![]() ![]() | |
![]() ![]() Spectators are witnessing the trial against Oroetes | Children have the potential to build the nation of the future. You remove their potential when you kill them. You kill our future! Did we run out of children yet? As far as I am aware our cities are crowded with children. Yes, many children in New Persia were killed during the war. It was for the best benefit of the nation. Now we have a strong empire. They gave their life for better goals then whatever they could have reached if they would have lingered around. Not only did you kill many infants, you also killed talented young men on the battle fields. Men that ran families, men with skills. Leaving a void for their women and their children. We have not killed a single man that would not have died eventually. Death is the final destination for all of us. You have a problem with death. I do not. The greater good for Media and Persia lies not in those who are living now. We are a strong nation because of those who died in the past. Why do you care if someone lived for 40 or for 80 years? Both are death now. Death makes no difference between those who died at a high age or those who were killed early on. Nobody cheats death. And I will bring it to the weak who block the progress of the only Eternal Thing in life, which is Media and Persia. | |
Your cruel philosophy has ruined the life of many people. It has alienated our nation from civilizations all over the world. Yet it has also enriched the lives of many others. And despite the fact that we are hated, the nations of the world also admire us for our boldness. We buy nothing for their love. But their fear keeps us safe. Love is an empty word. It holds nothing but promises. Promises that are never fulfilled. Once you love one, you give everything, you follow your dreams and hope to find your final destination. But then love fades and the truth that remains is nothing but a reminder of a fairy past. Hate and fear give courage to those who are hated and feared. Look at the Ottomans. Once they were loved, or at least they thought they were loved, which has in the end the same result. Now they know that they are alone. And it makes them feel strong! It gives them courage. Now they have finally found reasons to believe in themselves. Now they have finally reasons to be proud about their nation. Their pride is fueled by their hate and their anger. It delivers the energy to move forward. Silence, fool! You speak about hate and force as if it made anybody ever happy. What's to be found in courage and pride if there's no love and happiness to hold it? Who could enjoy the fear in his enemies eyes if there's no place to find comfort and rest? Nothing satisfies the human more then the knowledge that he's loved for who he is instead of being feared for what he has done. It's not our actions that define our identity. It's who we are! It's our inner feelings, our love and our care that moves us. Hate burns us while love builds us. Who do you see, Oroetes of Pasagarde, when you look into the mirror? to be continued..... | ![]() Darius questions Oroetes about his 'cruel philosophy' ![]() Darius holds the authority and the power to end the life of Oroetes when found guilty |