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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt6 - February 2010]

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  • #76

    Whislt everyone esle glories in war and wishes to see smal lnations destryoing each other we do not. We are agaisnt all forms of wars as has been shown from our begiining sin the true TAO way.

    When two school children start fighitng inthe school yard it is not fair to let them continue to fight. Any adult present must take action to stop the violence.

    We seem to be the only adult around whi is prepared to stop wars. We will continue to do so.

    As to our ALLIES the English we speak for each other, if General Hulk goes to war we goto war, if Korea goes to War he gos to war.

    Your people should join ours in encouraging diplomatic negotiaitns when disagreements arise. Not telling thme , you are of same size go for it. This means many innocnet will die. If it was jsut the two leaders in a boxing ring fighting we would let it be, Butwhne one nation rises agaisnt another, it is sons, daughter, wives and husbands that are killed all innocents.

    We support PErsia in its endevours to end the war in its region and we will support nay nation in doing the same.

    It is time that a new world order of peace was established. To do nothing in allowing evil to occur sometimes makes the bystanders jsut as evil.

    Now as to the guilt or innocence or Byz this we do not make allegations about, but we would ask next time that large armed forces of a forienger are in your lands that you announce this to the world. So all nations may be aware of this. Perhaps if the presence of the Arab forces in your nation were known, diploamcy could have occured earlier.

    Lord of Korea


    • #77
      To Rip Can Greekle

      We await your confirmation of peace being acceptable.

      We do support your calls for all cities returned , repalement of captured civilians, gold for restoring damaged buildings.

      We give the Arabs only a short time to agree and begin payments before we take further action.

      Our troop build up will continue until it is annunced that the Greeks have been recompnensed.

      Lord of Korea


      • #78
        Gen Hulk

        It has been stated by the Byz that you are perhaps not in agreement with our actions, please write to Justinian informing him that English armies will commnece invasion of Arabia soon unless the Greeks are recompnesed for their losses and all cities reutend NOW.

        Lord of Korea


        • #79
          Lord of Korea,

          You may believe you are the world's self-appointed policeman.

          Nevertheless, if your forces enter this fair continent to bring war to it, they will be exterminated.

          Get down from your high horse, go back to sleep on your island, and let my neighbours find peace.

          Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


          • #80

            this is a story about Media

            Farza, Chief Adviser of Beli'Az
            Unrest in the Shrine

            Farza entered the chamber Beli'Az had been hiding in for 3 weeks already.
            Beli'Az immediately started to whine.
            "They're after me,
            they're going to kill me.!
            Shut the door! Lock it!"
            Some yelling followed.
            A loud noise was heard.
            Then silence.
            Silence for a long time.

            The door opened again.
            Farza left the room.
            A wild look in his eyes.

            Then he addressed all the people:
            "Guru Beli'Az, (Heavy are his deeds),
            decided to meditate in his room.
            He's in direct contact with Hastog.
            I have been assigned to rule Media
            in his name.
            I am be the only one allowed to
            visit Guru Beli'Az. I will discuss issues
            of Media with him.
            I will lock this door to secure our
            Great Guru from interrupters."

            Then Farza continued to lock the door.
            He walked away, leaving the
            spectators confused behind.

            Farza pulls all Median armies

            Official decree by Farza,
            Chief Adviser of Guru Beli'Az:

            "All Median armies will return to Media.
            From now on Media will only interfere
            with it's own business.
            In the Spirit of Hastog we will only
            help others if it will benefit us.
            Troubles of others are not our
            Don't doubt the words of Guru

            Farza, Chief adviser of Beli'Az"
            Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
            <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


            • #81

              We do not bring war to the continent which we are part of. We bring peace.

              wE ARE NOT THE ORLD POLICE it would appear the world prefers to have chaos rather than order, but again we will not sit by and watch two nations destroy each other unline some seem towant in this world

              If we feel the need to intervene we will and if you betray our friedship built up over many years by attacking us when there is bigger fish for you to fry then perhaps we hav ebeen mistaken all these years to see you asa friend.,

              Only time will tell your true character.

              Lord of korea.

              Originally posted by Byzantium (DoC) View Post
              Lord of Korea,

              You may believe you are the world's self-appointed policeman.

              Nevertheless, if your forces enter this fair continent to bring war to it, they will be exterminated.

              Get down from your high horse, go back to sleep on your island, and let my neighbours find peace.



              • #82
                Originally posted by Ottoman Empire (DoC) View Post

                Our terms for peace are the same as they ever were.

                Die, and then we will consider throwing your corpse in the ocean, or feeding it to the wolves.


                If the Ottoman empire will not listen to reason, Russia will have to EXPAND our military efforts beyond our original goals. If peace cannot be discussed then the Russian people will fully mobilize and no longer hold back. The Ottoman empire will become a smoking ruin if they will not accept their defeat. We do not wish to do this, but we are left with little choice. From now on we are expanding our military goals to encompass all Ottoman cities and colonies. We will conquer cities until the leaders of Ottomania realize defeat and are forced to the negotiation table.

                We hope that other nations will be willing to join us in pushing for peace before this comes to pass.

                Prince Igor
                Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                The Russian Dynasty:
                Samo the Headbanded
                Catherine the Progenitor
                Dominika Ekatarinova
                (Konya the Lost)
                Igor Exilaskaya


                • #83
                  England's declaration:

                  Arabs move out, return cities, compensate for your destruction and make peace- You have 24hrs.

                  IF NOT - your date with our Redcoats regiments is set.


                  • #84
                    Here are my reasons:

                    * Cutting in half the smallest nation on earth.
                    * England was called upon Greece to come and aid them stop this war.
                    * We have for many years tried now to help the Greeks resume their growth, we will not allow you to destroy this.
                    * We will not have such a genocide so near our borders.
                    * We are amazed at your reasons to invade Greece
                    * Your strategy to eat upon others sufferings to grow yourself strong is against our Tao views.
                    * We feel for the Greeks, we know very well the sound of Arab invaders pillaging foreign nations lands.
                    * Greece has been dormant for too long, now that their leadership has returned they deserve the right to leave in peace.

                    Byzantium you clearly and obviously decided to support militarily the Egyptians in their hour of need, we saw your troops marching under Egyptian banners. This wasn't a problem for England, because we also publicly supported Egypt.

                    This time it is our hour to aid a nation we consider to be close to England. Our policy is to do this ourselves, so to ensure that we control the conflict and not have Greeks take revenge into Arab lands.

                    Gen Hulk
                    Last edited by England (DoC); February 7, 2010, 02:01.


                    • #85

                      From Gen Hulk:

                      It seems many disrespect Korea's status and attempts to do good, suspecting that they speak empty talks.

                      Well I will say it only once, England and Korea are fully pledged ALLIES.

                      So think twice before planning against one of us!


                      • #86
                        The annual military training has started:

                        An English officer showing Korean soldiers how to use the latest English weaponry:

                        Team work:

                        Brand new Machine Guns ready to ship for Korea:


                        • #87

                          I invite you to come to England so we can discuss the Arab invasion of Greece.

                          Gen Hulk


                          • #88
                            Korean generals have returend from Englans carrying the new weopons, with some great isntructiuons on how to us them as defencive wopons in citys and on hills.

                            The Korean navy is also undergoing upgrding too.


                            • #89
                              Greece missive

                              WORLD MISSIVE:

                              "As the absolute ruler of Greece I take full responsibilty for past events and future designs.

                              I am heart broken at the utter devastation to our homelands. Us Greeks are a proud people and given a chance we can become one of the great civilizations.

                              We have not heard a counter response from the Baron about the peace negotiations so I must assume the status quo. Greece will hold firm on its position and in so doing hope to expose the truth about the plans and designs of many nations.

                              Did Justinian standby when two equivalent powers were in battle? The Inca invaded Egypt and the might of the Byzantyne came to their aid. Now you threaten me both publically and in private that Greece has no choice but to take peace, else bad will come to Greece from many directions.

                              If it were not for this I would be inclined to give you, Justinian, the benefit of the doubt over the settler's journey but I need to visit the war zone to calculate the probability of your honesty in this matter. Can you explain the starting city for this settler and the reason why it has only moved one square into Greece and sits on the iron mountain amid very badly damaged Camel Archers? And what path was it taking to Rome? A map would benefit us greatly and I am fully prepared to apologize if I feel that you present me with accurate and believable information.

                              I take this opportunity to thank England and Korea for giving us hope and a belief in ourselves. We will follow England's lead in tempering our revenge against the arabs as the Hulk has articulated to the world. We want our cities and workers back along with reparations. We also consider 200 gold hardly sufficient but this small amount is a penalty we can take to achieve peace."

                              Rip van Greekle


                              • #90
                                Korea wishes to sadly advise the world of the passing of one of its greatest leaders. Alfred Deakin. The supreme high council has appoiinted Chris Watson in his place.

                                Official announcements from the new Lord of Korea are that al lrpevious policies wil lbe kept in place.

