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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread Pt1]

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  • Originally posted by England (DoC) View Post
    No there is no one on our side, it is many vs 1. Go figure.
    I'll support you, England, politically!
    "Persia frowns upon all nations that invade England! You are all bad nations!"

    You're welcome, England!
    Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
    <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


    • you're in the wrong thread persia, this is orga :-)
      Sic Vincit Gloria Mundi


      • Turn Order

        Please advise what the appropriate turn order during war.


        (Edit: Note is is possible to change this game during war so that turns are not played simulateously ? Just asking)


        • Wow 3 on 1 hope to read so good stories with this.
          The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


          • I'll join the war this turn ...... should i do in the beginning or the end of the turn (to get the turn cycle ok )


            • Official Turn order (Correct me if I'm wrong) (change it if all involved parties agree)
              Red = Rome's side
              Blue = England's side

              1. Inca
              2. England
              3. Rome
              3. Saladin
              3. Greece

              - Greece: last turn you played AFTER England, if you declare war this turn you must play AFTER England.

              - Arabia: good call that you did not play during the new turn!

              - Inca: can you agree with England to switch order? That makes it a lot easier.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • i move now first as england do double log in. Means that i think rome is then after england? the others join as they wish to but stick to turn order after that is done?

                Please Robert make double log in wrong or easy for us to have arguements.
                Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq


                • Double Logins are wrong, but if you (Inca) now allow England to do one (ie. England can promise to do nothing during that turn against you), then the turn order is easiest.

                  Then it's just England first, then the rest of you.

                  So if you allow England to do a Double Login (or Move) now, and England restrains itself during that double move, then it's fixed.
                  It's also ok if you don't want to do that, but then all please keep close attention!
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • why are you persians against small nations attacking big? only possible with alliance and not a unfair war.
                    Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq


                    • I want to thank everyone , well nealry weveryone, for making this the best month ever..

                      lost of stories. lots of diplo stuff and some terrific attitude showed by so many..

                      I will be giving some max pts to some in some catagories this month...

                      Well done....


                      • I dont think there sahoudl be any double moves allowed. why is it so hard for inca to go before england in turn order.

                        I really so no need to change order. in civ 2 it was all turn based and worked well.


                        • you forgot to list the people secetly aiding thenglish to achieve their goals.. should they move with england or separatly ...

                          Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
                          I post it here as well for maximum exposure:

                          Official Turn order (Correct me if I'm wrong) (change it if all involved parties agree)
                          Red = Rome's side
                          Blue = England's side

                          1. Inca
                          2. England
                          3. Rome
                          3. Saladin
                          3. Greece

                          - Greece: last turn you played AFTER England, if you declare war this turn you must play AFTER England.

                          - Arabia: good call that you did not play during the new turn!

                          - Inca: can you agree with England to switch order? That makes it a lot easier.


                          • Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View Post
                            why is it so hard for inca to go before england in turn order.
                            it's not that it is hard, but in the current turn order Rome Arabia and Greece must wait untill first Inca then England moves, while in the other case it is enough if they wait for England. If Inca or England can only play its turn late then the other 3 may not have too much time to make theirs.


                            • Exactly what India says.
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                              • Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View Post
                                you forgot to list the people secetly aiding thenglish to achieve their goals.. should they move with england or separatly ...
                                The turn order is only for civs that are officially at war.

                                Inca: if you do not state that you allow England to double-move now then you are expected to play now! Please either inform England asap or play your move asap. Thanks
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

