To all nations of the World
Recently the Maya invaded Sparta together with the treacherous Koreans.
The Invasion was stopped and Sparta was ready to counter invade the then joined Korean/Mayan empire.
But Sparta restrained itself from taking cities of it's former ally.
Despite Korea's treachery, Sparta didn't want to answer dishonour with dishonour.
A peace pact was signed. The Mayans only had to pay 1000 gold for reparation and 2 workers for help to rebuild the Spartan infrastructure.
The Mayans agreed to this peace deal.
To this date the Mayans have not paid their debts.
Several times has Sparta requested payment. Sparta has been patient.
The Maya had enough money to pay their debts.
Now Maya galleons are approaching the Gobi desert, clearly with only 1 goal in mind: conquer it and get control of the oil.
The Mayan defence at the Korean border has been increased. Many troop have been moved to the border.
Multiple requests for explanation from Sparta have remained unanswered.
Let it be clear, if the Maya decide to once again attack Sparta and fail to pay their debts from the last peace, Sparta will hit back hard.
This time no mercy for the Maya.
Sparta has started to draft new soldiers. The entire Spartan economy is ready for full war now. We will not accept an attack on the Gobi Desert.
Sparta has been honourable to the Maya, but apparently the Maya are deaf for peace.
Then we'll teach them peace the hard way.
Sparta still hopes that Maya will leave this path to their destruction, but if war will be declared by the Maya, Sparta will answer.
Menelaus II
King of Sparta and Japan
Recently the Maya invaded Sparta together with the treacherous Koreans.
The Invasion was stopped and Sparta was ready to counter invade the then joined Korean/Mayan empire.
But Sparta restrained itself from taking cities of it's former ally.
Despite Korea's treachery, Sparta didn't want to answer dishonour with dishonour.
A peace pact was signed. The Mayans only had to pay 1000 gold for reparation and 2 workers for help to rebuild the Spartan infrastructure.
The Mayans agreed to this peace deal.
To this date the Mayans have not paid their debts.
Several times has Sparta requested payment. Sparta has been patient.
The Maya had enough money to pay their debts.
Now Maya galleons are approaching the Gobi desert, clearly with only 1 goal in mind: conquer it and get control of the oil.
The Mayan defence at the Korean border has been increased. Many troop have been moved to the border.
Multiple requests for explanation from Sparta have remained unanswered.
Let it be clear, if the Maya decide to once again attack Sparta and fail to pay their debts from the last peace, Sparta will hit back hard.
This time no mercy for the Maya.
Sparta has started to draft new soldiers. The entire Spartan economy is ready for full war now. We will not accept an attack on the Gobi Desert.
Sparta has been honourable to the Maya, but apparently the Maya are deaf for peace.
Then we'll teach them peace the hard way.
Sparta still hopes that Maya will leave this path to their destruction, but if war will be declared by the Maya, Sparta will answer.
Menelaus II
King of Sparta and Japan