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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 9 (April 2009)

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  • #46
    To all nations of the World

    Recently the Maya invaded Sparta together with the treacherous Koreans.
    The Invasion was stopped and Sparta was ready to counter invade the then joined Korean/Mayan empire.

    But Sparta restrained itself from taking cities of it's former ally.
    Despite Korea's treachery, Sparta didn't want to answer dishonour with dishonour.
    A peace pact was signed. The Mayans only had to pay 1000 gold for reparation and 2 workers for help to rebuild the Spartan infrastructure.
    The Mayans agreed to this peace deal.

    To this date the Mayans have not paid their debts.
    Several times has Sparta requested payment. Sparta has been patient.
    The Maya had enough money to pay their debts.

    Now Maya galleons are approaching the Gobi desert, clearly with only 1 goal in mind: conquer it and get control of the oil.
    The Mayan defence at the Korean border has been increased. Many troop have been moved to the border.

    Multiple requests for explanation from Sparta have remained unanswered.
    Let it be clear, if the Maya decide to once again attack Sparta and fail to pay their debts from the last peace, Sparta will hit back hard.

    This time no mercy for the Maya.
    Sparta has started to draft new soldiers. The entire Spartan economy is ready for full war now. We will not accept an attack on the Gobi Desert.

    Sparta has been honourable to the Maya, but apparently the Maya are deaf for peace.
    Then we'll teach them peace the hard way.
    Sparta still hopes that Maya will leave this path to their destruction, but if war will be declared by the Maya, Sparta will answer.

    Menelaus II
    King of Sparta and Japan


    • #47
      From: President Rostislav Vladimirovich
      To: All Free Nations of the World

      I have today returned to the re-constructed Presidential Palace in Novgorad a tired, but happy, man. Russia's merchants are thriving and new buildings are being erected by the day. Our scientists continue to press yet further forward and the arts flourish as never before. Russia is a happy nation, free of strife and of external threat.

      Foreign Minister Daniil Aleksandrovich has advised that successful talks have been concluded with our Khmer Friends and Allies over matters of mutual concern. Now that Novgorad is fit to be seen once more I would formally wish to invite the great Suryavarman III to visit our shores and enjoy Russian hospitality.The Foreign Minister also advised me that matters appear to have calmed now in Free Piercia. Informal talks have been held and it is Russia's great hope that peace will prevail.

      Marshal Meretsokov, Chief of Staff, has informed me that all units of the 1st, Home Army. have been fully upgraded to Rifle. 2nd and 5th Armies are due to complete next round as well as the 6th, Strike Army, converting fully to Cossack Tactics and equipment. Upon this the 6th will relieve the 13th in New Piercia so that it can return home for upgrade. The 7th will upgrade, in situ, prior to it's departure which will occur when we are certain that the situation has calmed sufficiently.

      There are clouds upon the horizon however, it seems, as tensions grow over the use of terrible weopons fired by 'rockets'? Surely there must be an error here! Rockets are playthings to be seen at festivals, and other joyeous occasions, not weopons of war! We hear of things called 'Nuclear Bombs' and 'Mutually Assured Distruction' which will result from their use. What are these terrible things and what madman would think to employ them?

      Tensions appear also to have grown twixt Maya and Sparta again. Even though both are Imperialist aggressor nations, swallowing up their weaker neighbours, we pray that no further blood be shed over a bit of sand. Still, if that is the course they are set upon then all Russia can do is offer medical assistance, on a on-aligned basis, to help the sufferring.

      President Rostislav Vladimirovich
      For, and on behalf of, The Russian Republic


      • #48
        Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal View Post
        Dear Khmer you still have no tanks build!
        Ah, yes we have...

        The usual chit chat from a paranoid ruler, funny that it comes from the one who has threatened the world with a massive nuke attack on several occasions.
        I think you should re-read the original Khmer communique.

        Suryavarman 3 is against nuclear armaments and has directed research to the contrary. He was simply pointing out that his crazy Minister was brain storming various crazy strategies including a nuclear first strike.

        Suryavarman 3 wanted to bravely publicise this to expose individuals in all governments who may think along these lines. In the Khmer case the Minister has been sacked but rest assurred you will have equivalent hawks in your own governments. It's interesting how Portugal twists things around.

        Suryavarman 3 fully supports the Roman Proposal but urges that all discussions take place in the open forum. Marcus alluded to significant dialog that Khmer is as yet unaware of.


        • #49
          Ah, yes we have...
          Yes I agree just now Khmer has produced its first tank, but 24hrs ago their were Zero Khmerian tanks. My foreign minister has been following this development very closely. A couple of Khmerian cities are producing tanks now. Some will be ready to roll out from their factories in the next 2-3 turns. We will continue to observe this cities and what they are building.
          Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; April 10, 2009, 03:26.


          • #50
            Rutherford declaration

            I Xristo of Portugal officially sign the Rutherford declaration suggested by Rome

            I ask that Rome officially states the terms of the Rutherford treaty and what is to be done with the violaters


            • #51
              Strategic analysis 1744 AD

              Suryavarman 3 sought a snapshot of the global circumstance.

              Meduian: Everywhere was peaceful. The key tension for some nations is that of the Metal cultural domination but Suryavarman 3 was confident, in fact certain, based on a recent dialog with Ozzy, that the Metals were very aware of this and were even considering restricting their use of the Creative Constructions corporation.

              Khmer has no cultural issues with the Metals, although the heavy metal was a slight health problem and hearing aid production had increased... But recent experiences with Khmer advisors in the HRE did show a cause for concern regarding Metal Culture. He urges a deal be struck to allow the HRE to arrange a massive influx of Christian culture in the HRE NW cities to stem the Metal tide.

              It is a shame that more assistance could not be provided to the Funglish as suggested by Suryavarman 3 some time ago regarding city owenership but he could see the difficulty.

              Portugal: Despite a charged relationship and considerable tensions Suryavarman 3 admired the success of the two Portugals. Of course there is no real threat from the Khmer as the significant troop buildup in Xristo City was purely defensive and could in no way endanger the massive Artillery, anti-Tank, Infantry and Cavalry contingents on New Portugal. Cultural restraint is requested to the SW of Xristo City. If the city loses the remaining one line of city squares a heightened state of tensions would undoubtedly exist. If Portugal reduces the culture Khmer will not send any Tanks to the area. Xristo can be a reasonable man if approached correctly. It is very easy for him to misunderstand the Khmer and every effort to maintain a stable unambiguous dialog was paramount.

              Current intelligence suggests that the Portuguese will build all the happy Wonders that come after Broadway. If so this may prove unfair to some nations but Khmer can accept it.

              Further intelligence suggests that New Portugal has changed its' geo-political makeup. Perhaps as a result of the Western wars most non Portuguese colonies are becoming Roman and new Roman settlements are springing up all around Portugal. Some say this is akin to a cocoon where Portugal has its powerfull industrial cities inland with many Roman ports around the perimiter.

              Rome: Again Suryavarman 3 could see no harm in this as relations with Rome were excellent. However it did take the Khmer by surprise the speed of Roman and other colonisations. The Khmer had held back from settling any colonies, save one or two, hoping that the other Meduian nations would settle several of these lands. But it seems that only the Metals, who were only settling New Sparta, and the Spanish, who were also settling New Sparta, were the only ones abroad. Rome had (unintentionally) settled most of the places that Khmer had one day intended to settle and the Khmer had only just managed to settle Southern New Portugal as several Roman settlers arrived. All the same a balanced policy was discussed with Marcus of Rome.

              Maya: Khmer urges her friend Pacal to tread carefully in any further war actions in the West. Intelligence was unclear and Suryavarman 3 sought clarifications. He liked and admired the Maya and was becoming more entranced by the emancipation civic.

              As a side note it was suggested that the Khmer encourage all the other nations to learn democracy so that such a civic is possible because the recent advisors just back from the HRE suggests that much could be gained by increasing output of cottages. The HRE as an exanple have few farms but are cottage-rich and the advisors set their tech course towards Democracy as this would benefit them greatly. Other smaller nastions would undoubtedly likewise benefit.

              Sparta, Russia, Natives, Oldonians and Japanese: Excellent relations have grown with these nations and trade has grown. Distance has limited cultural intercourse but a visit by a recent Russian Caravel to the Khmer capital caused much fun and frivolity as a special reception was laid out for them. At last a slight easing in old tensions with Russia and a technology was traded to them.
              Last edited by Guest; April 10, 2009, 04:04.


              • #52
                Tensions increase near the Taedong border river

                The Taedong river that seperates Maya from Sparta has seen an extreme buildup of troops on both shores during the past few days. First Mayan rifles and machinegunners took position on the eastern shores of the river.
                Then Sparta responded by sending many cannons, infantry, rifles and machinegunner.

                (both shores of the Taedong river are heavily protected)

                The four cities close to the river (Thebes, Knossos and Pusan on the Spartan side, PyongYang on the Mayan side) hold their breath.
                Will their area be the background scene in yet another war between Sparta and the Maya.

                (location of the increased tension between Sparta and the Maya)

                Menelaus II had received no response from the Maya.
                Yet the Mayan galleons approached the Gobi desert from the north even more.
                The Spartan king expects an invasion next period.
                Some tongues claim that Sparta will destroy their oil wells in the Gobi before the Mayans can grab them.

                The Gobi desert is hardly defended. A Mayan invasion will defenitely conquer the Gobi without much fights.
                On the continent a much bigger fight is to be expected.
                Spartan cities started to draft infantry troops already.
                Much more armies were sent to the Taebong Border, ready to penetrate the Mayan territory to counter a Mayan invasion of the Gobi.

                (white areas are unclaimed neutral territory)

                When war will be declared Japan will be pulled into this war automaticly.
                Japan, only just being recovered from the Russian invasion of Piercia, does most probably not like it to be pulled into another war.

                Sparta will most probably not suffer from losing their oil wells.
                New oil wells are almost ready on the Land Bridge and in New Sparta.
                Spartan destroyers are already approaching the Maya coasts.

                Some defence experts claim that the Maya have no chance on the long run.
                At first they'll strike at the Gobi, but when Sparta starts invading Mayan territory from the west Mayan cities will start falling one by one.

                (Spartan Infantry ready to cross the Taedong)

                First the Korea-area will be conquered by the Spartans, but some even claim that Sparta may even invade ancient Mayan territory to finally end the Mayan aggression.
                Since the Maya never paid their debts from the last war, Sparta will not easily accept peace again. Sparta will obviously fight till the Gobi will be regained, but Sparta will also try to create a buffer zone between both nations.

                (Spartan Machine Gunners defending the city of Pusan)

                Menelaus II will most probably not wait till the Maya have the ability to upgrade their armies to infantry in about 3 periods.
                Some experts claim that Sparta will strike at the beginning of the next period if the Maya have not paid their debts by then and disbanded the galleons near the Gobi.
                This pre-emptive strike is by most expert regarded as a valid reaction to clear Mayan aggression.

                "Why would the Sparta wait till the Maya invade the Gobi if they'd better strike first to avoid the loss of the Gobi" Professor Putistros of the Oxfort University said.

                (Mayan rifles don't stand a chance against Spartan machine gunners)

                Everybody agrees that this war will be the most intense war ever seen.
                Both heavily armed nations have a long history and tradition of mutual hate.
                The Mayan expansion hunger apparently hasn't ended after eating Korea.
                Sparta will certainly not accept this aggressive nation on it's border anymore and continue to fight the Maya till all treats from the east have ceased.

                (guns are aimed and ready to fire)

                In the meantime many people started to leave the PyongYang area, fleeing to the north-east of Maya, which is regarded by some as the safest part of the Maya empire.
                The question is not if this war will break out, but only when.


                • #53

                  TO: Menelaus II
                  FROM: Pacal Visyava
                  SUBJECT: Tensions

                  The Maya are dismayed that once again you make threats against Maya. Not once since the battle of Thebes have we even hinted at any offensive action against Sparta.

                  We reserve the right to keep our armies anywhere we please within our boarders. You should not jump to conclusions, and certainly not speak of "preemptive strikes".

                  A deadline was never set for the delivery of the peace offering, but it seems now you want to use it as further justification to invade Maya. We had every intention of paying what we said we would pay, but now I am in an odd situation... hand over gold and workers to a nation that plans on invading Maya?

                  I hope this situation can be diffused before blood is spilled, but know well that we will never again be treated like a vassal by Sparta. We will not be given ultimatums concerning where we are and are not allowed to have troops. We will not be given ultimatums concerning how we run our nation internally, or who we are allowed to be friends with externally. Do not mistake Maya's hopes for peace as weakness. We are not Korea, and we have a few tricks up our sleeves you may not be aware of...

                  The peace offering can be paid immediately, however I need assurance that I am not about to pad the pocketbook of an imminent invader.


                  • #54
                    From: President Rostislav Vladimirovich
                    To: All Free Nations of the World

                    So it appears that no sooner is one conflict done but another arises! Sparta and Maya seem determined upon War and none will think to stay their hands from pulling the trigger.

                    Let it be known that Russia deplores this escalation of an already tawt situation! Who is to blame? Where does justice lie? Which is the aggressor and which the aggrieved?

                    Though Russia owes an historic debt to both parties for aid given centuries ago times have moved on and leaders have changed. The saviours of Russia in her time of greatest need are both long dead and buried and the men now leading both nations are very different. This is to the misfortune of both nations but cannot destroy our historic love for their nations.

                    On a more hopeful note the Foreign Office reports very positive talks with Japan which may lead to an end to all possible future conflict in the West. Even the re-opening of borders is seen as not too far a distant prospect.

                    The Ministary of Defence has, however, reported the sighting of an American Caravel off our coasts. If this vessel is on a 'Goodwill Visit' it is welcome but we should have been warned so as to greet your Ambassador. If that vessel contains any harmful person we will be deeply displeased and act accordingly.

                    President Rostislav Vladimirovich,
                    For, and on behalf of, The Russian Republic


                    • #55
                      To Khmer:

                      I still remember the time when I advised you to build one tile north due to possible conflict of culture in the future if you settle the coast. You went against my recommendations and settled the coast, now that the problem I foresaw has arrived what do you expect? From what my foreign advisor is telling me you are working on two cultural strong national wonders in Xristo City I can only hope that you will maintain your cultural influence in that region. But do not expect Portugal to fix you errors.

                      Current intelligence suggests that the Portuguese will build all the happy Wonders that come after Broadway. If so this may prove unfair to some nations but Khmer can accept it.
                      Why is it unfair Khmer, Portugal is ready to trade these fruits of its labor to any country in need. But unlike us where we can share our happiness resources with others Khmer is building wonders which only benefit himself like the freshly build Pentagon and the newly started Three Gorge Dam project.


                      Some years ago you came forward and asked me to ease my military near the border. I agreed and moved a major part of the military away from that area. I only in return asked that you not to bring more troops. Sadly since then Khmerian forces have tripled and more are on the way. Because of this local Portuguese authorities find it necessary to call on more troops to counter your massive buildup now. They find it unsafe to recall back troops just to see Khmer do the opposite and bring more.

                      The lose of any Khmerian cultural controlled areas can be countered with the right approach like direct talks and mutual agreed actions. I find your threat of bringing tanks over to Xristo City very alarming and unproductive. Do not expect my military to take this lightly - Anti Tank units will be called to the borders immediately.

                      With respect,



                      • #56
                        Pacal Visyava,

                        I am happy to read about your peaceful purposes.
                        Don't blame me for expecting the worst when my letters to you for clarification stay unanswered and you continue to bring more soldiers to my border.
                        I even recently sent you a letter in which I suggested to build off our mutual border protection.

                        Sparta has never treated you like a vassal.
                        I wish that we could be good neighbours. But I know that I always must expect the worst with you on my border. Unfortunately.

                        Please show your good intentions by paying your debts.
                        I'd also like to see your galleons sailing away far from the Gobi.

                        It is my duty to protect the Spartan territory.

                        Menelaus II


                        • #57
                          The Mayan Returning to their Piracy?

                          A fleet of Roman clippers, unescorted, was sailing south bringing workers and a basic garrison to Rome's southernmost colony, taking the direct route skirting the Mayan coastline.

                          As they rounded the cape, they were met by a small Mayan pilot boat which signalled them to stop so they could board.

                          Captain Festus signalled for his clipper to slow down and prepare to receive the Mayan boarding party, wondering what was the matter - perhaps there was some crisis in Mayan lands - there had been many rumours of late - which called for Roman asisstance?

                          But no - the Mayan officer clearly embarrassed, delivered a stark message from the Pacal himself. "Romans are no longer welcome in Mayan territory. OUr borders are closed to you. Our trade with you ceases. If your clippers continue on this route to your southern colonies, the Mayan fleet massed at the Gobi will consider it an act of war and will destroy you"

                          Captain Festus stood perplexed, confused, angry. Casting his arms wide demanding of the Mayan officer "What? The Pacal is going to declare war on these labourers and blacksmiths? What of the peace we have, the long peace we have shared? Does the Pacal want war? This is madness!". The Mayan officer stood stony faced and simply replied "I have delivered my message" and left the ship.

                          Captain Festus ordered one clipper to return home to bring word to Custos Marcus. The rest of the clippers turned east, adding months to their journey time, the quartermasters declaring half-rations because of the unexpected, unjustified, detour.


                          • #58
                            The Mayan Returning to their Piracy?

                            Ploutius stood in the bridge of his merchant-man in the Mayan harbour, as he had done many times before. Below the labourers were unloading the Roman gold, brought from the desert mines. Soon, he would begin to load up with silks and sugers, the fruit of the Mayan tropics, in the age-old exchange agreed as part of the peace treaty back at the end of the War of the Traitors in the early days of Emperor Augustus.

                            Then he heard a commotion below. He could hear Roman sailors angry, and defiant Mayan voices. Ploutius was surprised, these exchanges had been going on unhindered for many centuries, but unconcerned. Relationships between the Maya and Rome had never been as good.

                            Then his key lieutenant in charge of the hold burst in. "Sir, the Mayan have taken our gold and are no refusing to begin loading of the silk and suger. They say the are operating on strick orders of their Pacal. And, sir" his voice quietens "there are mayan riflemen at the dock gates.".

                            Festus couldn't believe it. "What - they have taken our gold - but are betraying their part of the bargin? That is treachery. That is thievery. That is common piracy!"

                            Despite his anger and confusion, a quick look down at the Mayan riflemen, made clear there was no choice. Festus ordered the ship to set sail immediately, and bring word back to Marcus.


                            • #59
                              Marcus demands explanation

                              Pacal Visyava of the Mayan People,

                              I have received multiple communications from Roman naval captains of new, unannounced, Maya policies said to originate personally from you which are tantamount to piracy, and the betrayal of the long-standing bonds of peace between our nations.

                              As you know we have a long-standing agreement which brought open borders to our lands and which saw the exchange of Roman gold for Mayan luxuries. I have been informed that you have, on your own accord, with no warning or discussion, closed borders causing great inconvenience to my ships travelling to my colonies, and while eagarly still receiving Roman gold, have suddenly refused to live up to your part of the long-standing bargin and sent my ships away empty.

                              What is going on?

                              What is Rome meant to conclude from this?

                              You may remember our history - Mayan piracy attacking Roman ships unannounced. Maya pirates seixing a Roman city. Romans halting and then destroying Mayan invaders on Roman soil. Culminating in a peace treaty whose terms you have just abandoned?

                              What future are you wanting, great Pacal?

                              Marcus Aurelius Custos of the Roman People


                              • #60
                                A Mayan messenger came to Menelaus' palace in Sparta.

                                "Sire" he said when he bowed down for the King.
                                "Sire, I offer you these 900 gold from our Pacal. Two workers will arrive at Pusan in 2 periods. I also must inform you that we have decided to close our borders with Sparta. No more Spartans may travel through Mayan territory"

                                "It's short of 100 gold" Menelaus said.

                                Then another messenger entered. He clearly had travelled a long journey.
                                He talked to Menelaus: "Mylord, I bring you word from the Gobi. The Mayan galleons have dissapeared out of our sight. The treath towards the Gobi is gone"

                                ([ooc]: the following conversation more or less happened in-game when Maya and me were online at the same time)

                                Then Menelaus faced the Mayan messenger again and asked: "Has the Mayan invasion army retreated from the Gobi?"

                                The messenger said: "You can't expect the Maya to sit idle when you grab the Gobi and Pusan."

                                Menelaus answered: "Pusan fell for our culture, we didn't even push it. The Gobi wasn't settled by Korea or Maya for Millenia and can't be accessed by you over land."

                                "We need oil" the Mayan replied with a stubborn face

                                "You can buy oil from us, like all other nations" was the King's response.

                                The messenger waited a few seconds and said"We should get it for free because after all the Gobi should be Mayan."

                                "Why would we give freebies to a nation that was about to invade our territory?"

                                Then the Mayan messenger waited a few minutes, thinking.
                                Menelaus started to wonder if this guy was really only a messenger. Perhaps this was a political important person from the Maya. Why would a simple Mayan messenger be allowed to talk to the Spartan king like they were negotiating.

                                Then the messenger said: "We do seek peace. What can we give for you for one of your destroyers?"

                                "We do not sell or give out armies anymore since the Korea debacle" Menelaus *****ed.

                                "Our army is not large enough to stand against you" the Mayan said. "And we expect you to respect the peace proposal we signed recently, especially since we now have paid our debt to you"

                                "You still owe me 100 gold and 2 workers" Menelaus said. "I will leave my armies in place near the Taebong border. If I can't be sure where your invasion fleet is or when you fail to pay the rest of your debt soon, then I will certainly not refrain from hitting the Mayan hard. Don't forget that it was the Maya empire that invaded Sparta together with the Korean not that long ago, and that it was the Mayan empire that wanted to invade the Gobi. I'll keep my eyes on you and keep my army ready to strike. If you honour our peace treaty, then so will I, since the Spartan honour can be trusted. But if you don't, prepare yourself to die."

                                Then the 'messenger' was lead out of the palace.
                                Menelaus was angry. "Only 900?" he said to one of the scribes. "Sir, maybe they try to literary buy time" the scribe said.

                                "Maybe" Menelaus said. "Continue to expand our army near the Taebong river."

