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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 6 (January 2009)

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  • The Great Awakening...

    After thousands of years of life, Lama Subo could no longer remain among the living. He died in his sleep in the Jogyesa monastery, much to the chagrin of his long-time friend Lama Ji Gong (or Crazy Ji in most circles). An old man himself, Lama Ji Gong presided over the funeral services of his friend, who was also head of the Buddhist faith (Buddhism had a great diaspora, but was only the state religion of two nations, Korea and Piercia). While the death of an old monk may have seemed unimportant, it changed the Korean empire forever. Buddhism was once a waning faith, with Taoism becoming extremely popular throughout the eastern part of the Kingdom, and was even begining to gain popularity in the west.

    Ji Gong prayed at the monastery for days on end after the death of his friend Subo, and thought about the voices that once rang through his head. It wasn't long ago that he'd hear voices, telling him what to do, and in what direction to take his life. There was nothing but silence now. But it dawned on him; Subo wanted nothing more than to spread the word of enlightenment, and help mend the world and its wounds. In the north the conflicting, and staunch beliefs in the ONE path rather than the MANY paths (this is the way Buddhists saw the difference between the Monotheists and their own beliefs) created much strife as mass religious killings and wars were fought among Oldonians, Romans and Russians. He realized that the only way to fully recognizae the great works of Subo would be to accomplish these goals...

    The Maha Bodhi...

    With the loss of their great religious leader the Korean people were driven to great works. Thousands of Koreans from all parts of the Empire (including Mayan, Greek, and Piercian followers) flooded to Seoul for the funeral of the great Lama Subo. After an amazing speech by up-and-coming Monk Kukai as well as the deliberate oratory of the elderly Lama Ji Gong, the followers quickly drew up plans to build a great temple marking the very spot that the Buddha first came to Seoul, this would also hold the remains of the Lama himself. The Emperor Gojong comissioned the project, and put Imperial funds towards the resources for its construction, so long as the faithful built it themselves. In honor of the new Buddhist policy of aggressive expansion of their faith the name Maha Bodhi (or "Great Awakening" in the original Jogye language of the Buddhists) was given to the great temple:

    Construction Style

    This is an excerpt from Wikipedia...

    Mahabodhi Temple is constructed of brick and is one of the oldest brick structures to have survived in eastern India. It is considered to be a fine example of Indian brickwork, and was highly influential in the development of later architectural traditions. According UNESCO, "the present temple is one of the earliest and most imposing structures built entirely in brick from the late Gupta period". [8]

    Mahabodhi Temple's central tower rises to 55 meters, and were heavily renovated in the 19th century. The central tower is surrounded by four smaller towers, constructed in the same style.

    The Mahabodhi Temple is surrounded on all four sides by stone railings, about two metres high. The railings reveal two distinct types, both in style as well as the materials used. The older ones, made of sandstone, date to about 150 BCE, and the others, constructed from unpolished coarse granite, are believed to be of the Gupta period (300–600 CE). The older railings have scenes such as Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, being bathed by elephants; and Surya, the Hindu sun god, riding a chariot drawn by four horses. The newer railings have figures of stupas (reliquary shrines) and garudas (eagles). Images of lotus flowers also appear commonly.

    The Great Awakening, and Buddhist Resurgence...

    the Emperor realized how important this building was to his followers (as well as the pilgrims it brought in, and thus tax revenues) he named Kukai his new religious advisor. This was contraversial because the head Lama would be the de-facto religious advisor, as many considered him the only one worthy of conducting prayer and meditation rituals with the Emperor. However the Emperor realized that a younger, and more vibrant representative would be needed now to spread the Buddhist faith and thus increase the glory and wealth of the Empire. Gojong, determined to take advantage over the flood of citizens into his capital, announced plans to make Buddhism a worldwide religion, citing that Japan had agreed centuries ago to accept the faith and that the Empires of Piercia and Greece had already begun to do so. He was confident that by spreading it throughout Terra he would gain more influence, as well as money, and of course the love and admiration of his people.

    Lama Ji Gong was named the head Lama (now known as Dalai Lama) of the Buddhist religion, and praised the Emperor for his choice of the young monk. Lama Ji Gong would also be the first to bring Buddhism to international affairs by asking the Emperor to send Kukai north to Rome in order to ask Princeps Augustus for clemency upon the Piercians. While the Emperor did not necessarily think that the Romans were obligated to show clemency, he did want the conflict to finally end so Korea could commence commerce without worrying about political results. It wasn't long ago that the Greeks and Koreans nearly came to blows over Korea's refusal to close borders with Rome, and the Emperor saw the continuation of the conflict as a great distraction from his foreign policy goals. So Kukai was sent to Rome...
    Last edited by The Capo; January 26, 2009, 23:53.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • TO: Princeps Augustus, Aun'O Es'ther
      FROM: Gojong of Silla, Emperor of Korea

      Honorable Augustus, Glorious Es'ther

      We have been following the circumstances surrounding the end of conflict between Piercia and Rome, and while we understand that it continues, we feel quite optimistic it shall soon be at an end.

      We see there has been a small snag in the negotiation between what to do with particular captured territories. Some feel that Mi'Ting is enough of an indemnity for Piercia to pay to Rome, and I see that neither side disagrees with that. It seems the issue has to do with the status of the Rough Kho'Per, Le'O and Horse Valley. Both sides are understandable, but we feel that a truly neutral party may be necessary to assess the situation and provide advice on how to move forward.

      We are glad that you, Rome, brought the Wyandot into the situation, but we feel that as Buddhists (same as the Piercians) and signed allies with them, we would make a better neutral party. Our friendship with Rome is like-wise no secret, and believe that Our religious advisor, the Monk Kuk'ai, would make an amazing mediator. He will be respected by the Piercian people and could possibly speak sense into allaying fears on both sides of the conflict. As a nation non-aligned with any combatants (as are Greece, Piercia, Rome, Russia, Portugal and the Maya), however aligned in peaceful means with both parties in this conflict we would best serve the cause of peace.

      Please be hasty in your responses,

      - Bojong of Wonsan, Imperial Prime Minister of Korea
      Last edited by The Capo; January 26, 2009, 14:11.
      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

      One Love.


      • TO: Xristo of Portugal
        FROM: Gojong of Silla, Emperor of Korea

        Honorable Xristo!

        We are delighted about your positives missives, however worry that Portugal may not be as enthusastic as they make themselves out to be.

        While we appreciate your offer for possible territory in New Portugal, and your warning that land may be taken up shortly by our Mayan friends, we are dismayed that you have twice rejected our proposal for a reopening of the borders. We hope you will accept this proposal that we have once again sent to your foreign affairs attache.

        Further we would like to request maps of the island so that our caravels (and later Galleons) might arrive there to settle territory, as well as a marcation of which lands are available for Korean settlement. We hope you are able to send this information, or at least a reply to this missive, quickly so that it may be ready for our Emperor when he returns from his visit to Sparta.

        Thank you for your time,

        -Bojong of Wonsan, Imperial Prime Minister of Korea
        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

        One Love.


        • Greetings Gojong of Silla, Emperor of Korea

          For the record I have declined your request for open borders only once. I feel that Korea is rushing things too much. Do not forget that Korea was the one to cut ties with us, not Portugal. I am still waiting for that 2nd private massive you mentioned you will be sending soon.

          Now all the sudden I am receiving requests for open borders, maps etc. If these talks are to develop meaningfully, please do be considerable of others. Also I mentioned that the south western coast is free to settle, I even went so far to offer you assistance in helping settle the first Korean settlement. For which you so far haven’t said anything.

          however worry that Portugal may not be as enthusastic as they make themselves out to be.
          The above comment is unproductive, my offer stays to help expand. Still I do not appreciate the critique.

          Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; January 26, 2009, 15:49.


          • Hail Gjong, Emperor of Korea, Prince of Silla,

            Did you receive my invitation to you?
            You are welcome to come to Sparta. We will give you the castle of Sparta, you can use it whenever you want, and certainly during our times of renewal of friendship.

            You can find all details in the letter I addressed to you not so long ago. (occ: it was a response I placed in this thread shortly after you posted your cannal message0

            I hope that you can respond to this invitation soon.

            King Orestes of Sparta


            • TO: King Orestes of Sparta
              FROM: Bojong of Wonsan, Imperial Prime Minister of Korea

              Honorable Orestes!

              We have received your invitation, I am proud to say in his exuberance to begin foreign affairs our Emperor has already left for your great city and should currently be in Greek lands as you get this missive.

              He will arrive in Sparta shortly.

              - Bojong of Wonsan, Imperial Prime Minister
              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

              One Love.


              • With the Emperor away on a trip to Sparta, the nobility of the Korean court breathed a sigh of relief. Already word of new forms of government had reached Korea and there was a strange tension in the air. The peasants of Korea, while supportive of their new Emperor, murmured of new autonomy and the rule of the population. Trade between the Mayan and Korean Empire resulted in this trend. While there were no movements established to begin this the seeds were being planted. Bojong of Wonsan called upon Bak Moon to come to the Imperial Palace to discuss his thoughts on foreign affairs, the Emperor wanted him to become the new Minister of Foreign affairs after, only months prior, being imprisoned in a dungeon as part of Gojong's purging of the nobility. Bak Moon was quite nervous for this meeting, he had feared for his life the past few months and wondered why he was spared...

                Imperial Palace, Seoul...

                Bak Moon walked down the corridor towards Bojong's office as he saw Imperial Commander Jumong, along with his assistant Pong and Colonel Kim Jong-seo, exiting the Prime Minister's chambers. "Ah, Bak Moon, such a pleasure to see you again!" Jumong smiled, the last time the two had contact was in the very dungeon that held Bak Moon.

                "General." Bak Moon said, "Colonel" he said, nodding to Kim Jong-seo.

                "Hello Captain" Kim Jong-seo said, respectfully.

                "Come now Kim, you know he is a Captain no longer." Jumong said, eyeing down Bak Moon, "Well, he cleans up nicely, wouldn't you say Pong?"

                "Indeed General." Pong replied.

                "Well, I am here to see the Prime Minister." Kim replied, the tension was high.

                "Of course, I wouldn't think of wasting your time." Jumong replied.

                "It didn't bother you when you hadme wasting away in that dungeon... Commander." Kim said as he entered Bojong's chambers....


                Bak Moon entered the Prime Minister's chambers as Bojong sat behind a desk reading a missive from Portugal, "Ah, finally. I'm sorry this meeting did not occur sooner, but there has been a lot going on, with the Mahabodhi, the peace negotiations, Gojong's trip to Sparta, please sit down." Bojong said.

                "Thank you sir" Bak said, sitting in a chair before the Prime Minister.

                "We have a message from Portugal, it seems they aren't pleased with some comments I have made. You speak Portugese, correct?" Bojong asked.

                "Well, not very well, I learned some in the army, when I served in southern Oldonia. We came accross a Portugese army in the foothills, that was the first contact we had with them, I believe." Bak replied.

                "Yes," Bojong said, he thought for a moment, "I just want to say you have nothing to fear from the Emperor, he had to imprison you. It was either that or death you see."

                "I'm sorry Prime Minister, but I don't follow." Bak Moon replied.

                "You see Bak, the Emperor wanted to ensure that you would live. With the purgings it was hightly likely you would be targeted, but if he saved you publicly, openly, and without imprisonment Sejong's murder would have looked like a coup, and the people may have suspected the Emperor." Bojong explained.

                "Well, would they have been warranted towards that suspicion?"

                "You have had a mere taste of his willingness towards terror Bak Moon, but have had your fill of his mercy, you would be wise to remember that." Bojong said sternly, he cleared his throat and picked up a peice of paper, "This is the proposal we have sent to the Portugese, concerning New Portugal. I want you to read it, remember it, and if you do not like it you may make alterations to it."

                "This is quite a large proposal, considering we know nothing of the island."

                "I agree, but it seems Xristo would like to coddled, especially if he is warm up to Korea again. The next issue is Kuk'ai's travel to Rome. You will not accompany him, we have yet to find Hae Mosu, and last time our foreign minister travelled outside of the country he returned an enemy of the Empire. We hope you will not make that same mistake, Foreign Minister."

                Bak Moon slowly looked up at Bojong, "You are making me the Foreign Minister?"

                "You are fluent in Greek, Mayan and you know some Portugese. You are cousin to the Empress, and indebted with your life to the Emperor, you should always remember that. Those are qualities we want in a foreign minister. Personally I believe you to be a deliberate man, and honest, qualities I personally think will make you a good diplomat. Know this though, as a minister to the Emperor you are performing a great balancing act, Gojong is not like Sejong, and while peace may be on the horizon in the north the status of our foreign relations is as tense as it ever was."

                "Very good," Bak Moon said, "I will serve honorably, but I have a few more quest-"

                "No more questions, trust me, leave the past where it belongs. It is in your benefit to do so. Now, you will meet with Kuk'ai and discuss the peace proposal for the Piercian territories under Roman control. He has a good idea so far, and I can't wait to see what you come up with..."

                The Korean-Greek Border...

                For the first time in centuries a Korean ambassador of any kind, let alone an Emperor, was visiting Greek lands. It had been hundreds of years since the fallout between the Spartan and Korean royal families had seen eachother as friends, and Emperor Gojong wanted to re-establish the relationship between these old civilizations. He was travelling with his personal entourage as well as a small division of soldiers to guard him (but mostly to impart a feeling of Korean power, although it was relatively weak, upon the Greeks). He ordered his men to dress drably, with simple leather armor, for he knew the Spartans preferred simple dress and simple speak as opposed to the pomp and circumstance that had defined the Korean Imperial Court. In Gojong's mind re-establishing this friendship was crucial to the future of Korea.

                "We should arrive in Sparta within a few days Emperor" General Guang Jong said.

                "Very good General, make sure I do not arrive on horseback, so warn me beforehand, I want to walk into Sparta. I want Orestes to think of me as a simple Spartan man, just like Bae..."
                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • With the leaders of all the other major clans now dead the remaining Oda clan (once considered to be the weakest of all) continued to push throw all of Japan killing any who stood in their path. In a matter of only months Nobunaga had taken control over all of Japan.

                  Honnoji Castle, Kyoto...

                  "So this is the great castle, which housed all of the descendants of the great emperor Jimmu," said Nobunaga's General Toshiie Maeda. "It doesn't look like much," said General Mitsuhide Akechi. "This castle is full of history and we must respect the great history this castle holds," said General Nagahide Niwa. Nobunaga walked into the Emperor's chambers. "This castle is a little rundown yes but this is our new home and from this day forth we will use this castle to make Japan strong," said Nobunaga Oda. Mitsuhide walked next to Nobunaga. "My lord the defenses are weak in some areas. Please allow me to fix them." Nobunaga smiled and said, " Kicho told me the same thing. She is working on it now so don't worry about it. Now I do want to ask, did you carry out the mission I gave you?" "Yes my lord," said Mitsuhide, " Sai, the last of the Imperial bloodline has been killed." Nobunaga said, "good," then walked away.

                  Emperor's Chamber room...

                  The last remaining member of the Imperial Court walked into the room where Nobunaga sat. The man was to make Nobunaga the new Emperor of Japan. "Before we proceed," said the Court member, "I must know how did you, a country samurai who was both out numbered and out classed, able to defeat three of the most powerful Daimyo in Japan." "Well," said Nobunaga, " It is true that my forces at first were small but what you forget is my home of Goda is the richest of all the Japanese cities do in part because of the vast gold mines found on the hills of Goda. The men Imagawa lined up along my borders where the first part of my plan. I bought the services of the Imagawa forces. All Imagawa was left with was his 10,000 guards who refused to turn so with the added troops General Mitsuhide Akechi Forced them into Konoichi Castle where they were all burned alive.

                  The Takeda and Uesugi on the other hand where much easier to deal with. Both forces committed nearly 90% of their forces into that one battle which meant all I had to do was wait to see who won then pick off the remains and just to make sure both were kept off balance I sent my ninja to kill the daimyo's of each clan. It was truly a stroke of luck that everything worked out the way it did. By the time the Takeda and Uesugi were done the Takeda were all killed and the Uesugi where down to less the 15% of their original force. So like I said before I waited to strike and when I did the Uesugi where done for and the Takeda where no more."

                  "But what about the remaining Takeda and Uesugi forces," said the court member, "What have you done to them?" "I offered them three choices," said Nobunaga. "The first was to join my forces and help the great journey to making Japan great. The second was to go live in peace in one of the cities. The last was to die with their honor. Many chose to join me, most of the Uesugi decided to head back to live in Tokyo, and the brothers of Shingen Takeda and their loyal retainers all killed themselves."

                  The court member then took out a chart that had shown the bloodline of Jimmu. "I'm sorry but there is another who is to become Emperor. He is the last descendent of Jimmu and rightful heir to the thrown." Nobunaga looked at him and said, " If you speak of Sai well...He was killed at sea with all of his followers. We are unsure who attacked the Fire Dragon but we have sent the Red Dragon to search for what happened. So I guess you have no choice now give me what is now mine old man."

                  Nobunaga and the Imperial Court member walked to the courtyard infront of the Oda Generals and the Jewish rabbi. There, Nobunaga Oda was declared Emperor of Japan. The time of the legendary bloodline of Jimmu was not over and the time of the Oda had begun.


                  • Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal View Post
                    Hello King Orestes,

                    I would like to back you up in preventing emancipation spreading around the world. I am against this, thus you have my full support here. I can not allow foreign nations to disturb Portugal’s domestic life. Dear King Orestes as you may know Portugal was the only country for many years now that could implement this so called emancipation form of government. Knowing the riots that this would have caused to our foreign friends like the Spartans, I have declined to adopt it.

                    Last but not least King Orestes, I think that the great Suryavarman 2 of Khmer has requested that no one adopts this as well.

                    A comment from Suryavarman 3, yes Suryavarman 3 - the soon to be leader of the Khmer.

                    My father has said that he requested for Rome, Portugal and Khmer to not adopt Emancipation as it disadvantages other nations. I am glad the fouth world power of Greece also agrees on this.

                    But other nations who have developed strategies dependent upon the use of Emancipation should not have it snatched away from them.

                    It is help enough for the top four powers to resist Emancipation. I for one detest it! I believe in representing all the unequal Khmerians.

                    If the other powers of the world choose Emancipatuon as I believe the Mayans have communicated, then I am not against it. But I think fair warning to others is good form so that the use of the Monarchy Civic and troops in cities can uphold the ensuing unrest about this deviant concept.

                    Suryavarman 3


                    • To:Gojong of Silla, Emperor of Korea
                      From: Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl of the Piercian Empire
                      CC : Augustus of Rome

                      Greetings, Emperor

                      Your offer to serve as a third party in negotiations with Rome pleases me. I hope the good contact established with Korea in the last years may be held up, despite my slight different approach to foreign politics compared to my predecessor.

                      You can count on my cooperation in this.

                      Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl


                      • To: King Orestes of Sparta
                        From: Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl of the Piercian Empire

                        Greetings, King

                        As a first step in diplomatic relationship with Sparta, I would like to express how much I agree with you about those "activists" demanding "emancipation".

                        That concept goes against all principles of the caste-system I have instored myself. The system has brought order to the chaos and now those people ask for a newer "enlightened", as they say, form of chaos.

                        You can count on my support in any effort made to crush those troublemakers.

                        Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl


                        • To :Chief Tarhe of the Wyandot Nation
                          From :Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl of the Piercian Empire

                          Greetings, Chief

                          There is a matter that gives me quite a headache and I apologize for adressing it so directly but I have to make haste in order to clarify the situation.

                          As you know, in the last years Rome's troops have taken much land from my Empire and they have transferred the ownership of a part of it to you. You haven't taken position regarding this in any way known to me or my advisors.

                          As far as I can tell, our nations have always been friends and in the current conflict, you had made every possible effort to remain neutral until this point.

                          So how can it be that now, not only you get involved in the conflict, but you support roman occupation of piercian land too ?

                          I hope you may remain the kind person you have ever been and question the rightfulness of that ownership.

                          Please respond quickly.

                          Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl


                          • Es'Ther Per'Hyl,

                            I am pleased that after 100 years of pleading that the Piercian leadership enter into communication, finally you have done so. Your silence punctuated only by expressions of threats and hatred, and the launching of new wars against my friends, have done little to help your cause.

                            You continue to suggest that the extension of Roman civilization to two cities whose populations are of majority Piercian descent is 'excessive'. In doing so you blatently ignore your own actions in forming a military alliance against Rome, betraying a sworn treaty. That alliance in its action and its plans published publicly intended to destroy or capture many Roman cities, at least five is demonstrable, more would have been likely. What you have received is less than what you intended for Rome, so forgive our lack of pity.

                            I have three suggestions:

                            1. If you don't want to lose a war, don't start one.
                            2. If you want people to make deals with you, don't break them.
                            3. If all your friends desert you and your army is weak, make peace quickly not a century later.

                            Your strategy appears to have been - (a) betray my sworn treaties, (b) form alliances and try to seize many cities, (c) if I lose plead 'oh its unfair'. Sorry I am not interested. You started this war. You lost it. Rome has gained far less from it than what you intended Rome to lose from it. We have given half what we gained to the weakest nation on our continent. And don't lie - Horse Valley has five mines as well as horses in its area - and you are trying to tell the world it has no military production. Its safer in Wynadot hands.

                            As always I remain open to any diplomatic contact with yourself and with other nations. However, the starting point to negotiations has to be truthful recongition of your own actions, not a re-writing of history so you are the innocent party or that when you betrayed your oaths and joined three other nations in attacking Rome you didn't really intend Rome any harm.

                            Augustus of Rome.


                            • King Orestes of Sparta, Friend

                              I agree whole-heartedly with your concerns about this concept of emancipation. We have a stable system of governance here in Roman lands where the different guilds provide representatives (called Tribunes of the People) who meet to share the governance of Rome. The idea that unskilled, lazy or wicked people who do not share in the work of Rome should have a share in its governance is repugnant to us, but we have seen these ideas starting to spread in our Southern Ports.

                              I recognise that you are the leader of the world on this fight against emancipation. What action or agreements do you propose to encourage all world leaders to crack down on it?



                              • To: Nations of Terra
                                From: Pacal Ermal
                                Subject: 1460 Spring Assembly Vote Results

                                Nations of Terra,

                                As many of you have heard, the Mayan Empire has adopted Democracy. As acting Pacal, it is my job to act as ambassador and communicate the people's will.

                                Below you will find the vote results of this years Spring Equinox Assembly.
                                • Repeal Emancipation...................................... ...........For: 3355869.......Against: 8177138
                                • Gift Japan Astronomy in Exchange for Glowing Rocks......For: 359876.........Against: 11163131
                                • Continue Gifting Silk to Portugal for Free......................For: 6781234.......Against: 4751773
                                • Continue Gifting Dye to Rome for Free.........................For: 8954712.......Against: 2578295
                                • Close boarders with Piercia........................................For: 9895487.......Against: 1637520
                                • Trade Astronomy to Korea for Voucher.........................For: 11523465.....Against: 9542
                                • Honor Pacal Voltan with a Statue................................For: 11527504.....Against: 5503
                                • Propose "Dza Ootzil Ohel Aantik" to Terra ...................For: 5850893.....Against: 5682114

                                We do understand that Maya granting freedom and equality to certain classes could cause unrest among other repressed people on Terra. Therefore we will try to keep news of this freedom contained to our country (OOC: will wait a few turns to switch ingame). We will also make it known that we have a surplus of ivory, dye, and sugar which could offset unrest if you make us a fair trade for it.

                                Es'Ther Per'Hyl of Piercia, the Mayan people were appalled that after Voltan argued with Rome for the return of your cities, you declared that you would help crush those who adopt Emancipation. Maya takes this as a direct threat, and the vote to close boarders with your unappreciative nation reflects this.

                                Leaders of Japan, the Mayan people do not see the value of glowing rocks beyond the fact that they look pretty. Our scientists indicate that we may someday have a need for glowing rocks, although this is just speculation. Seeing as you have no more vouchers to trade and only rocks, most Mayans found your offer to be laughable.

                                Last but not least, the Mayan people have decided to propose a concept we call "Dza Ootzil Ohel Aantik" which translates into "Give Poor Tech Help". The idea was developed by Voltan with help from the Metalheads, yet he never had a chance to propose it. The concept of "Dza Ootzil Ohel Aantik" would be for Vikings, Persia, Russia, and HRE to be granted 1 "Voltan". A "voltan" is a non-tradeable tech voucher. Natives would get 2, America and Celtia get 3, and Korea, England, Japan would get 4. This will help ensure that despite smaller size and a weaker economy, all nations remain relevant moving into the future. Please note that the Maya would not benefit from this.

                                In true Mayan democratic fashion, I request that nations submit their vote for "Dza Ootzil Ohel Aantik" to the capital building in Tikal by 1480 AD.
                                Last edited by Pitboss Maya; January 31, 2009, 18:07.

