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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 6 (January 2009)

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  • #46
    Emperor Augustus to King Chernomyrdin

    Great Viktor Chernomyrdin, King of the Rus

    I am pleased that despite the continuing war between our nations, we can continue to have diplomatic contact. I would suggest that we keep such contact and public proclamations respectful as befits leaders of nations who are attempting to find peace, and produce security and prosperity for the millions who depend on us. If my recent correspondance has offended you, I apologise. In turn I suggest that you ensure your public comments on myself and Rome are such that will build respect between you and I and trust between our nations.

    We are not going to agree on the history of the last century. I hope that in 50 years' time Russian and Roman scholars will be meeting together in the Halls of Novgorod analysing the rights and wrongs. But I am a practical man; rhetoric and scholarship I leave for others.
    • You decline responsibility for the Rus' actions over the last century; blaming all on the Piercians.
    • We note that at any time you could have renounced the Piercian lordship, so conclude that you are responsible for actions such as declaring war against us. For if you had not wanted to, you did not need to.

    • You believe we have broken a treaty with you.
    • We note that there was never a treaty between Rome and the Rus, only between Rome and Piercia - if your scholars check they will see that while we attempted to ensure you were a party to the treaty the Piercians insisted that I only treat with them not you. The fact that there was no treaty between us is why we have never accused you of breaking a treaty even when you declared war against us.

    • You believe that in this recent war you never hurt Rome.
    • We note that at the time when Rome was under dire threat we had to keep large forces on our eastern border because you had declared war against us and would not enter negotiations because you continued willingly to accept Piercian lordship. This weakened our armies elsewhere and thus greatly incrasing the crisis we were in.

    We will not resolve such arguments; I understand your points, but think the counter-argument is stronger. You think the reverse. I am a practical man; I suggest we do not spend years trying to resolve such issues of perception.

    You have now renouced Piercian lordship. Good. But you are yet to propose a crease-fire between us. And you have continued to attack our troops. Therefore we have had to instruct an army to start to march against you. I very much hope that I can order them to stand down, but time is ticking away.

    Our astrologers have been consulting what they call the 'score rankings' and report that Russia, now that it is out from Piercian dominance, stands strong in the middle of the nations of the world, despite the rigours of war. This is good. The Rus people have a noble future ahead of them, and given the blessings of peace and security, a strong and bright future. Indeed, with a little careful husbandry you will soon eclipse your former masters the Piercians.

    I hope that you can agree to leave the rhetoic and arguments about the past to the scholars. We both feel justified in our interpretation of history. Let's look to the future.

    We await a cease-fire.

    Emperor Augustus.


    • #47
      Emperor Augustus to the People of Piercia

      Piercians, of all castes and none, rulers and peasants,

      I was surprised that when Roman armies stood at the gates of Meet'ing, Piercia did not attempt any form of diplomatic contact.

      Meet'ing has now fallen. Roman troops have paused at the city for now, having no desire to cross deeper into Piercia.

      We await some contact from you; and hope it comes before we are forced to conclude you have no interest in diplomacy.

      Emperor Augustus.


      • #48
        To Augustus

        Emperor of the most aggressive nation on earth.
        We have heard your proposal. First you seek to destroy and steal, and then, when you have destroyed and stolen, you seek peace.
        Then you use the peacetime to build up your armies, and strike again.

        We cannot trust your peace.
        We have had peace before, and you always used it to rebuild your troops and strike again.

        We can only trust you if you give back to us what belongs to us.
        If you refuse to do so, then we, people of Russia, will continue to fight you!

        Joseph Stalin

        To the Piercians

        Piercians from the West.
        You know that we hate you for what you have done to Russia.
        But right now we share an enemy.
        And the enemies of our enemies are our friends.

        Rome has offered peace to us after they took our cities.
        We have refused to do so.
        We know that Russia also took your cities, and is now proposing peace.
        I hope that you will do like Russia, and refuse.

        If you continue to attack Rome from the West and we continue to attack Russia from the east, then we will prevail one day.
        Rome cannot win this war on two fronts.

        Our armies are growing and we are ready to strike.
        Yes, Piercia and Russia are not friends anymore.
        Maybe we can be friends, when we meet each other in Rome, and divide the lands of this most aggressive nations among each other.

        Enemy of our enemy, we wish you luck in the west!

        Joseph Stalin


        • #49
          The Nave of the Temple of Mars

          The Emperor passed the letter back to his advisors.

          "Its still the same Russian ranting, Emperor. Moments ago they wrote to us
          We support Rome in taking compensation in the west, by taking cities from the oath breakers.
          and now they proclaim they are friends with the Piericans wishing them luck.

          They claim
          Then you use the peacetime to build up your armies, and strike again.
          when even our enemies know that this latest war was declared by the Maya, Spartans, Piericians and Rus in a coordinated attack. In the whole of history we have only declared war on the Rus once - which makes 'again' tricky - while they have declared war on us twice!

          While the Rus remain as unstable, there is nothing you can do Emperor. Continuing the war until a more reasonable ruler appears in Russia is the only option open to you."

          The Emperor nodded. "War it is then, gentlemen. Take forward the assault, generals. Pause after the next city and I will offer peace again".

          "And the West?" "We will see. The Piercians might have broken a treaty but they have never been unstable barbarians like the Rus. Let us hope we hear from them soon. If not, well, you can continue."

          The generals smiled.


          • #50

            V I C T O R Y

            The Russian Civilization reports victory!
            The city of OMSK (known as something like 'old Medelotion' to the Romans) has been recaptured by the Russian troops!
            All Roman soldiers near OMSK have been destroyed. Nobody has been captured.
            The Roman general has been executed in the city after being trialled for the crimes he had done against the Russian people of OMSK.

            All people in Russia cheer for this great day of revenge!
            Many more Russian cities offer Joseph Stalin to deliver more armies.
            As we speak many Russian soldiers are marching towards the Roman borders.


            • #51

              Joseph Stalin speaks to the Russian Soldiers in Omsk

              "Soldiers of Great Russia! I am proud at your achievements!
              You have shown that not the hate of Rome prevails!" *applause*

              "You have shown that bravery and courage brings victory to Russia!" *chanting 'Russia Russia'*

              "You have sacrificed yourself for mother Russia! And it has brought Victory to us!" *soldiers cry of happiness*

              "Today is our first step into victory against Rome!" *cheering*

              "More soldiers are marching to your great army, ready to invade Roman territory!" *applause*

              "Russia will deliver soldiers and soldiers and we will fight and fight! We will kill all Romans that come in our path!" *cheering*

              "We offered peace on reasonable terms to them, but they apparently wish that we take back what is ours, rather from their dead hands!" *chanting: 'kill them kill them'*

              "And we will take back what is ours! For nobody will ever mess with Russia anymore!" *chanting: 'Mother Russia Mother Russia'*

              "Nobody will hurt our children!" *Chanting: 'nobody nobody'*

              "Nobody will hurt our wives!" *Chanting: 'nobody nobody'*

              "Because the soldiers of Russia will protect them" *cheering*

              "With their lives!" *cheering and applause*

              "Victory to Russia!" *VICTORY!*

              "Victory to Russia!" *Chanting: 'Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin'*


              • #52

                In the very past three city states were founded in the south-west part of the world. Eventhough the cities of Sparta, Athens and Corinth had a lot of cultural differences, these peoples were related to each other and spoke the same language: Greek.

                During the ancient war between the city states, it was Lacedaemon the Great who united Athens and Corinth under Sparta.
                The united empire would be called: "Sparta" from then on.
                Sometimes people refer to it as "Greece" as well.

                Sparta has been the capital of Sparta, or "Greece" ever since then.
                Despite Sparta not being the largest city (Athens is) the authority of Sparta has never been disputed. Sparta has by far the greatest ability to produce armies and buildings.

                Millennia later the Spartans were being lead by the royal line of Alexander.
                Today Orestes is leading Sparta.
                Sparta is living in peace. Finally.

                Orestes has token advantage of his period of peace by reforming the administration model of Sparta, and reforming the Sparta cities.
                The new model has been named: "Representation".

                Sparta has always consisted of several city states.
                After Sparta, Athens and Corinth, also Thebes and Knossos had received the honourable title: "City State".
                Orestes has now divided the lands of Sparta among these old, and 1 new, city states.

                Every city state focusses on different targets.
                Together the city states of Sparta work to the great goal of bringing all cities of Sparta into a great future.

                All city states send representatives to Sparta, to administrate the empire together, lead by Orestes, the King.
                The minor cities of Sparta send representatives to their City State capital to lead the city state together with the local regent.

                The King has the final say in everything, but is known to listen very well to the representatives.
                Once a year the representatives of all cities, both city states and minor cities, come to Sparta for the yearly meeting of representatives.

                This new model of representation has brought much happiness to the City States. It also increased the scientific research by all specialists in the empire.

                The most important city state is obviously Sparta.
                It's the 2nd city in population but the 1st city (By far) in production.
                Sparta is well defended by walls and a castle.
                It is surrounded by hills, floodplains and corn. In the south of Sparta there are some small towns.

                The Empire of Sparta is already one of the biggest production nations on earth. Imagine the production capacity of Sparta!

                Argos is the port of Sparta.
                From Argos the Spartan fleet sailed to Rome.

                This is the wine city of the Spartan empire.
                Founded not that long ago it is still working on growth and improvements.
                This city is also the 2nd port of Sparta.

                Athens is the largest city of Sparta.
                It is famous for it's scientific research and knowledge!
                Many great scientists have been born in Athens!

                Athens has build the famous Oxford University very recently.
                There's also an academy, a library and a regular university.
                In Athens about 10 scientific specialists are working on a daily base.
                Imagine the scientific output of Athens if you know that the Representation Government inspires these specialists a lot!

                The city of Athens is still growing and more farms are being build around the city. Together with the many great scientists expected to be born in this city, the science output of Athens can only skyrocket!

                Xristo, King of Portugal, is known for his eduction in Athens!

                Being build not that long ago, Rhodos grown into a respected size already.
                The farms being build and the lakes that are being fished by the people of Rhodos give the city a large food store! Soon many people in Rhodos will join the scientists specialists of Athens.

                Megara has very recently been founded.
                It's supposed to assist Athens and Rhodos.

                Corinth is the 3rd city of Sparta.
                Known for it's financial centers. Many towns have grown around Corinth. The mines in the east of the city award some production capacities to the city. Corinth is most important for Sparta for it's commercial value.

                Ephesus is assisting Corinth in generating much wealth for the empire.

                Thebes is one of the most ancient cities of Sparta, founded shortly after Lacedaemon united the city states of Greece.
                It is known for it's silver and iron mines and therefor of major importance to Sparta. The city has never been able to grow very large because of it's lack of food, but recently Thebian workers have been able to build farms on the grasslands east of the city.
                Since Thebes has been able to finish it's walls and castles, university and all needed buildings, it will now focus on growth.

                North of Thebes a new city has been planned.
                This city will be the port of Thebes

                The City State of Knossos guards the most secure border of Sparta. The border with Korea. Never have there been any hostilities with Korea since Lacedaemon and Bae of Korea met there.

                Together with Mayainos and a soon to be founded city, Knossos is known for it's combination of commerce and production.

                This City State is the most recent city to be rewarded the City State honour.
                It's major importance is the famous Channel of Pharsalos, allowing ships to sail from the inner sea to the ocean.
                The seas around the city are being fished and the lands are being worked by traders. Many towns and cottages are growing.

                Pharsalos has been assigned to be the City State of the largest area of Sparta, the northern desert.
                Very recently 3 cities have been founded in this desert.


                The last two are pure desert cities, but the clams and oases deliver enough food to them to work the very valuable spices in the desert.
                Pergamos will certainly grow and become the main port of the ocean side.

                In the city state of Pharsalos there is a small Japanese enclave, named Alcetas, after the great King Alcetas of Sparta!
                This city shows the friendship between Sparta and Japan.

                The city was founded by Sparta, but given to Japan to compensate the loss of Osaka to the barbarians. (Osaka was located near the current position of Pergamos)
                The Japanese in return have named their city after Alcetas, the Spartan King they admired.

                Spartan people are free to move through this Japanese enclave.

                In the very north of Pharsalos there are the Oldonians.
                There haven't been much activities spotted in Oldonia recently.


                • #53
                  From: Joseph Stalin
                  To: All leaders on his continent

                  Our call to all of you to declare war on the Romans can be considered void from now on.
                  The Russian offer to pay tech vouchers to any nation that invades Roman territory has been cancelled.


                  • #54
                    Japan, to many outside of our spear of influence Japan is nothing more then

                    a small Island with small mainland territories but to those who know Japan

                    has grown to be as large as many other nations with new cities being built

                    everyday. While others fought an unorganized and poorly strategize war

                    against a powerful nation (Rome) Japan erected two cities on Ansuji, built

                    another city in the center of Japan, and mobilized settlers for mass

                    expansion. To those who do not truly know us we are an aggressive race

                    who lust for blood and power but to those who know us they know Japan to

                    be a nation of peace and honor. Never once has Japan gone to war other

                    then to protect what is ours. And never has Japan done anything more then

                    stay true to peace. This was all possible only because the Emperors of the

                    past valued peace over all else. But as in all nations there are those who

                    despise peace, those who are driven by greed and lust for more, and those

                    who simply wish to see all things burn. It is these people who have driven

                    Emperor Ieyasu Tokugawa from taking notice of what the world is doing. It

                    was during the time the Inca fell that Emperor Ieyasu Tokugawa mysteriously

                    died in his sleep. Many suspected murder but nothing could be proved and

                    since Ieyasu has no heir the thrown of Japan lay up for grabs. Many smaller

                    daimyo arose to power by slaying those above them. Those who survived

                    then turned on eachother for control over all of Japan. Kayos ran rampant

                    across Japan as innocent people where caught up in the middle of the

                    fighting. To stop the fighting from reaching the other colonies outside of

                    Japan the remaining members of the Imperial court sent out this letter

                    warning those outside of Japan.

                    To: All nations With the recent lose of

                    Emperor Ieyasu Tokugawa many of the feudal lords have begun to fight to

                    gain more land for themselves. We fear this will become worse before it

                    becomes better again so we have ordered our ships to blockade the Island of

                    Japan. Our many territories on the mainland and Ansuji are still safe for travel

                    but Japan herself has fallen into darkness. Any ship entering the Sea of Japan

                    MUST be escorted by one of our warships to insure your safe passage. Again

                    for your own safety please follow this law. The Imperial Japanese government

                    will NOT be held responsible for anyone who refuses to fallow the law.

                    Imperial Japanese Court


                    • #55
                      The Treaty of the Ren

                      The Roman and Russian people, recognising each other as honourable brothers, brave warriors and peace-loving neighbours, leaving behind all that has happened in the past, this day make this declaration:

                      The Pax Romana will extend from the City of the Oath in the West, to the Eastern Ocean beyond the city of Minsk in the East, taking in all the land between the Northern and Southern Seas.

                      The Pax Romana offers peace and security to all those who live under it. Within it different nations live in trust and security with each other, without need of opposing armies and conducting no espionage and building no espionage networks against each other. All borders are open to all its people. Any threat to the Pax Romana will be taken as a threat against every nation within it; all will defend the Pax Romana against any who wish to threaten the peace and security of its peoples.

                      To establish the Pax Romana it is necessary to deal with the tensions and hopes of all our people. Therefore, the city of Petrograd, whose population is predominantly Russian, will be assigned to Russian control. In exchange the Rus will arrange the building of Mediolaneum in the hills south of Ormsk, in the plot of land sandwiched between the silver, corn and iron. This will in perpetuity be the home of the Roman refugees from the hill country of Mediolaneum at the rent of any silver they mine. Thus Roman Mediolaneum is rebuilt, but Russian city dwellers live under Russian control, within the Pax Romana.

                      Peace and security to all within the Pax Romana!

                      Emperor Augustus and King Chernomyrdin.

                      Annex of sequence for implementation

                      Proclamation of the treaty of the Ren
                      Peace treaty signed and borders opened.

                      Then, within 2 periods
                      Roman settlers and refugees arrive in Russian lands and pass to Russian command

                      Then, within 2 periods
                      Mediolaneum is settled, and passed to be held by Xristo of Portugal

                      Then, immediately
                      New Mediolaneum / Petrograd is passed to Xristo

                      Then, within 1 period
                      Mediolaneum is passed to Rome
                      Petrograd is passed to the Rus
                      Pax Romana proclaimed.


                      • #56
                        Joseph Stalin recognizes the Roman declaration.
                        The Russian goals were achieved. Both Roman 'Mediolaneums' have returned under Russian control. Old Mediolaneum (Minsk) through war and New Mediolaneum (Pitrograd) through negotiations.

                        In return Russian has allocated some Russian unclaimed territory to Rome.
                        This is definitely enough for Russia to trust the Romans once again and start to build up friendship and mutual trust.

                        Finally there is peace in Russia!

                        Joseph Stalin


                        • #57
                          In the palace in Moscow many people were gathered.
                          An unofficial meeting, the doors were secured and closed.

                          The people were excited. Generals, merchants, ministers.
                          Most were drunk.
                          They talked about the battle for Minsk and the great force Stalin had build up in a short time.

                          "Augubstus was tebrified" one of the generals said.
                          He talked with a tongue doubled by beer. "I bwas noth bthere buth I'bve heard bit fbrom others thaht Aubustus has biterary begged Stablin bor beace!" he said.

                          A more sober minister laughed when he heard about the Russian generals who tried to escape from Minsk but where shot in their backs by Russian crossbowmen.

                          Many times the word "Victory" was heard and all talks were about "Mother Russia" and "Stalin the Great".

                          Then Lenin raised his voice.
                          "Our comrade, Joseph Stalin will enter this place soon!" he said.
                          The place was filled with cheers.
                          "Let's welcome Stalin the Conqueror in the most honourable way!" he creamed.
                          "Yeah!" many people shouted.

                          Lenin continued: "Because our Joseph is the only man on earth that has lead his nation to victory against the Russians!"

                          Then Stalin entered the room.
                          The place felt silence in awe.
                          Admired looks were given to Joseph Stalin, the one who saved Russia!

                          Then everything exploded.
                          Cheering an clapping. Chanting beer being trowed through the hall.

                          Stalin raised his arms. Everybody became silent immediately.

                          "Comrades! Friends! Today is the greatest day in the history of Russia!
                          Today we have defeated our arch enemies, the Romans!
                          Not only did we take their city, we also terrified them enough to make them give up thier claims on Pitrograd!"

                          The place was filled with noise and applause.

                          "Today the Romans felt how it is to lose a war!" Stalin continued

                          "Good for them!" some very drunken merchant yelled.

                          "Today we have secured peace and the borders of Russia!" Stalin yelled
                          Everyone yelled with Stalin.

                          "BUT" he then said, while raising his arms

                          "From now on, Rome will be our friend!"
                          people complained

                          "Rome will no longer be our arch enemy. They have given to us what we demanded.
                          We shall therefor no longer live in hate with them!"

                          "Nooooooo" some generals screamed.

                          "YES" Stalin said. "Who dares to doubt my decision?"

                          Then some general said: "We should continue this war and burn Rome!" he said.
                          Then Stalin nodded to another general, who immediately drawed his knife and killed the warmongering general.
                          His body fell on the ground.

                          "NO" Stalin said.
                          "From now on we have peace! Forever!
                          And we talk good about our friends!
                          In here we can cheer about our victory.
                          To the outside world we say that it was not a victory, but lasting peace, brought to us through negotiations. An equal peace.
                          That's what we have to give in.

                          Enjoy tonight! Sing about our victory, but from tomorrow on we'll be honourable to our new friends."

                          "Victory" a minster yelled.
                          "VICTORY" Stalin replied!
                          "We have prevailed We have won! Mother Russia has done the unthinkable!" Stalin said with a great voice and a smile on his face.

                          Then the place erupted into a big party that lasted till the early morning.
                          Last edited by Pitboss Russia; January 16, 2009, 18:33.


                          • #58
                            Surayavarman 2 and the Khmer paid fleeting attention to wider world affairs.

                            However, being a man of peace and fair play, he did applaud the Roman/Russian peace accord and wondered if the small part that Khmer had played was in anyway helpfull or indeed, instrumental in the final outcome? He did not want praise of any kind but is interested.

                            He also marvelled at the Japanese expansion and strategy but is most annoyed that Sparta will not trade world maps. It is Khmer's trade of world maps that brought the attention of "New Sparta" to the gaze of Pericles far back in time. It is this landmass that it is believed the Japanese are expanding into but Surayavarman 2, whilst understanding the probable need for secrecy, is considerably hurt that his fathers discoveries and sharing of maps and information has not at least resulted in a private communique to inform Khmer of such expansion progress.

                            All the same it all sounded good as the Stinca submitted and peace raged through the world and he knew the Japanese were happy to see the fall of Cornocopia - a strangely named city that stood beside huge wheatfields.

                            And to Japan, a Khmer ship will arrive in the waters of New Sparta in the not so far distant future and an escort is requested.



                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal View Post
                              Public statement to Khmer

                              Dear Suryavarman 2 I just heard that you have turned back my diplomatic envoys. I have been told by my advisors that you hold some kind of a grudge towards the people of Portugal and do not wish to meet with Portuguese representatives.

                              Since I was elected to lead my country Portugal hasn’t done anything to harm Khmer. This is not my foreign policy quite the opposite, one of the main reasons for me to be elected was to reopen closed doors and improve relations with countries that my predecessors found hard to work with in the past.

                              I would like to extend a hand of friendship to you and your people. That is why I have decided to investigate what you call the Taj Mahal issue. It seems that this so called Taj temple is referred here at home as the Great Healing Temple. Due to the fact that this building was build so long ago and no one is alive from that period, I had to ask my librarians to search the historical achieves for clues which may put some light on this matter.
                              Suryavarman 2 it says in one of the documents here that the Great Healing Temple was to become a healing center, where people from all over the world can come for treatment. It seems that King Henry was begged by his father Marco to rush the completion of that temple, where he hoped Isabella can be treated. The great queen was stroked by a mysterious disease and was very sick at that time. Says in this next passage in order to speed work Henry forced many peasants from the warmer south into work. Many lives were lost, because people were not prepared for the harsh and cold weather. That will explain the great loss of life during the final months of construction.

                              Dear Suryavarman 2 I can reassure you that after thoroughly investigating the matter I have found no evidence to support any so called Taj Mahal intelligence. I warmly invite you to send a group of your own investigators. I will grand them full access to Korecom’s historical documents.

                              Again it is disturbing to see how the old rulers of Portugal mistreated Portuguese citizens to safe only one person. This is why so many supported me to become the new ruler of Portugal. They entrusted me to correct the old ways and improve their lifes.

                              With much respect


                              Surayavarman 2 was inclined to accept the Portuguese explanation on the Taj incident and put it down to mere "co-incidence".

                              The current world climate of raging peace caused him to pause and consider the wider world strategic environment and that perhaps a little softening of his fathers stance and strict policies on Portugal could now be ever so slightly rexlaxed.

                              He would re-open diplomatic communications but not open borders or commence trades of goods. Trust and confidence needed to be restored. His reading of his fathers history showed that the alliance between Rome and Portugal had caused much harm to many far nations of the West - particularly by way of technology trades to Rome. This facilitated a situation where an entire continent was held back for centuriers with miltary costs and forced technology trades and advancements leaving other areas of cultural, spiritual and religious development severely retarded.

                              But this is not Khmer's concern. The Khmer, like the Portuguese, flourished in this period.

                              Surayavarman 2, Frederick, Robert, Brennus, Ozzy and Rosevelt and indeed Penelope have shown the way and rapidly progressed the nations of Meduian.

                              Surayavarman 2 and Frederick, the two great military commanders of their time, paused to reflect the major achievement of Stinca assimilation into wider Meduian.

                              The only remaining tension being that of Spain's closeness and trading with Portugal but with easing relationships with Portugal and HRE and others on Meduian already close to Spain the problems may gradually dissipate as all nations of Meduian advance - all with more cities and resources.

                              With the diplomatic skills of the Funglish, the miltary and strategic skills of the HRE, Americans and Celts; underpinned by Khmer terchnological advancement and clever trading with the HRE a very positive result has been achieved.

                              All tidings or indeed hail to the greatness of the Hastings Agreement and the efforts of all nations of Meduian, including Spain.

                              Great tidings dear friends!


                              • #60

