poor america i hope you kill those barbarians.
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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [OOC Chat Thread]
a bit opf learning for next DIPLO game.
Dont put some civs close together and others far apart.
Forutnalty my style of play allows me to survive the worst of this . it is making the game boring in that i cant do anything but survive, no city development at all. it is hard to avoid being the smallest civ in game.
I knew i would never be a leader in pts but had hoped to be in lower mid half. i doubt now that unless something amazing happens i will ever catch up on those civs above me.
All this cause i surrounded by emptyness around me. The map maker gaave me lots of places t obuild citiys but nothing to protect them with.
A little more balance is required.
The Mayans and koreans met almsot immediately so one border proected straight away from barbs.
Even after nearly 4000 yrs no one has built a city within cooee of my citys.
So vaast empty spaces left to patrol.
Unlike what a lot of people have stated, the barbs just walk around fotified units in the wild. they target the citys and improvements not the well defended unit in the forrest or hill. i had to unfortify all my units as i couldt rember to check every turn what my fortified units couls see, and found amny barbs behind my units.
now i just leave them on Patrol or whatever that button is not Fortify and ut wakes the unit as soon as enemy approach.
So my storyies will continue. they will be about wars with barbaarians mostly.
You know Raz, I don't think that is a fair thing to say. First of all its GOOD that some civs start far away and others are close (as this resembles real life, and you seem to be a proponent of this), and despite your contention that the Maya/Korea border doesn't suffer barbarian attacks, that is simply not true at all. I have fought an assload of barbarians, and it took a lot to finally get them out of my land. Yes, I did lose my horses, then I lost my copper, so I too had to deal with this, but isn't that the point of the game?
Do you want to just sit around and build build build with nothing going on?
The Americans seem to have lost their capital, I think the Russians and Romans had to deal with barbarians, the Mayans had to deal with barbarians. Its part of the game, and I know it isn't what everyone wants to happen, but its part of the challenge.
I think you are worried that a lot of countries out there are advanced far beyond your own. Korea is certainly not the most powerful country, and while I am not typically a great player I am sure there are other countries that wish they had a better lot in life. But again, that's part of the challenge.
Let's see how this pans out, and you are right; this is not just a diplogame, we are attempting a new format with a lot of civs, so its also a test game. We should treat it like one, at least partially.
oh it does give me something to do capo.
insteaad of buidsling wonders i am building troopsl
instead of buidling settlers i am building barracks to make those troops stronger as the first batch all died like the americans.
there are no horses in my area of influence so i cant go hunting down the babrbs.
research is slow becasue there is no money to be made in this area and i have to build lots of troops to survive so military cost is up.
hey it ok though cause i got something to do apparentyl.
Would like to have sometighn to do like at least try for a wonder, try to expand an empire into all this space around me. try to do something except build units.
Becuae everytime i write a stroy about fighting ther barbs people complaind that it is the same .
so i picekd a war with japan jsut for fun to break the monotony.
I all for reality Capo, but this world is not reality. I should have lots of citys built now with all thsi space but cant do it.
next time put a good player here who with a scout as a starting unit can wipe out al lthe barbs and build an empire with 3-4 wonders.
Well, if you wish you can always become a vassal of a stronger civ.Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila
cant find one of them otherwise i would.
i have no problem being a vassal, might actually learn something.
but where oh where are these people who are doing so well.
not anywhere in this neck of the woods
jsut wait till i get my hands on rocketry and launch the icbms.....
first one aimed at .. ?????????????????????
Jesus, its a like a meeting in here.
I felt sorry for you Raz, for a while, but now you just seem to be whining, almost depressed. Its just a game, its not like anybody intentionally put a bunch of barbarian cities next to you. And like I said, don't think you're the only one who's going through this. Its not like the people of Korea are driving around in flying cars!
I think Raz is just lonely. If he can find me, I'll happily make him my Vassal...Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"
Originally posted by Pitboss Rome
Aren't you west of the natives?
Hmm, Rome would have no problem sending an army to subdue the barbarians and "civilize" your people.
all these open border agrements around and no one comes here.
Seeing rome has one of the largest spread of citys already feel fine to spread furthe rwest...
Originally posted by Pitboss Korea
Jesus, its a like a meeting in here.
I felt sorry for you Raz, for a while, but now you just seem to be whining, almost depressed. Its just a game, its not like anybody intentionally put a bunch of barbarian cities next to you. And like I said, don't think you're the only one who's going through this. Its not like the people of Korea are driving around in flying cars!
maybe those pesky japanese will pass the time again. but they so far by sea....