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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Tech Trade Thread]

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  • Maya traded one tech.

    8 used

    7 remaining


    • Pitboss America traded 3 techs for 4 received

      13 - 3 = 10 vouchers remaining


      • Originally posted by Pitboss Celts
        4 techs traded to america. alphabet, sailing, monarchy and fishing. I think that is correct.

        Received metal casting, iron working and code of laws
        We don't have to state what was traded ? !


        • no you dont have to say ehat techs were traded.

          But then again why not ?


          • Spain has traded one tech.


            • Pitboss America traded 1 techs for 1 received

              10 - 1 = 9 vouchers remaining


              • Rome has traded one tech


                • Originally posted by Pitboss America

                  We don't have to state what was traded ? !
                  I think in the end we need to make a full disclosure of all techs traded and to whom for the sake of accountability.

                  I'm keeping a notepad doc with all my details.
                  "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                  *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                  icq: 8388924


                  • All my trades have been with Portugal with the exception of one I did with the Vikings.


                    • If we already have no tech brokering enabled what is the purpose of disclosing the tech? I don't think that is necessary, in fact I think its markedly superfluous and unnecessary.


                      • it ok i already forgotten who i got what tech from and who i gave techs to...


                        • Code:
                          Japan 		11 used
                          portugal 	9 used 
                          natives 	8 used
                          maya 		8 used
                          vikings 	7 used
                          khmer 		7 used
                          metalheads	7 used
                          persia 		7 used
                          rome 		6 used
                          America 	6 used
                          Celts 		6 used
                          HRE 		5 used
                          greece 		5 used
                          Inca 		5 used
                          Russia 		5 used
                          English 	4 used
                          spain 		4 used	
                          korea 		1 used
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • HRE Update.

                            CS - we seem to have a discrepancy from earlier this month. Sorry I di not catch it then.

                            HRE tech voucher history to-date:

                            10-09: CS's post shows 0 used. Correct.

                            15-09: Khmer gift tech to HRE with no voucher in return. Still 0 used.

                            16-09: HRE post: Two techs traded. @ vouchers used.

                            25-09: Cs's post shows 2 used. Correct.

                            01-10: CS'c post shows 2 used. Correct.

                            06-10: HRE post: One tech traded. Total of 3 used.

                            07-10: CS's post shows 5 used?????

                            Not sure where you got the other two from CS. This seems to be the issue.

                            12-10: Khmer trade currency for voucher and gifted calendar.

                            In fact - I declined the currency trade as I was researching it myself. I received calendar in 490ad, but completed currency myself in 730ad.

                            So I need to discuss this matter further with the Khmer to resolve it, but as of yet, no voucher used in this transaction.

                            28-10 (today) One voucher used in tech trade. Total of 4 used. Possibly five after discussion with Khmer.

                            Hope this helps, CS.


                            • A new counting does indeed confirm your '4' calculation.

                              Please let me know the result of the khmer 'discussion'
                              Corrected table:

                              Japan 		11 used
                              portugal 	9 used 
                              natives 	8 used
                              maya 		8 used
                              vikings 	7 used
                              khmer 		7 used
                              metalheads	7 used
                              persia 		7 used
                              Celts 		6 used
                              rome 		6 used
                              America 	6 used
                              greece 		5 used
                              Inca 		5 used
                              Russia 		5 used
                              HRE 		4 used
                              English 	4 used
                              spain 		4 used	
                              korea 		1 used
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                              • will be itnerested to see when Korea starts trading.

                                Must be capos tactic to only trade for later techs.

