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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread]

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  • "There's a tin line between Bravery and Insanity" Menelaus said towards Kirk.
    He raised his hand as a sign to the guards to not fire their arrows.

    "And I don't know in which of these two categories I belong now..." he silently whispered.

    "Stand still you swine" the Oldonian said.
    Menelaus grabbed his arm in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

    Menelaus nodded at two guards and ordered them: "keep him here, hold him tight till he calmed down. I must get an answer from him. Call me when he's ready to talk. If it's taking days, feed him and take care of him. I need my answer."

    Then Menelaus left the house, he left the city and ran into the hills. There he collapsed. He cried.
    "Here I am, a grown man, I have had the courage to kill and the will to lead, but now I am crying over the dead of my family"

    When he closed his eyes he saw images of Bae, Lacedaemon, his father and his uncles, Kirk, Achmed, Thadius and once again Lacedaemon.

    The Menelaus of yesterday would have gathered all his armies to send them to Oldonia to raze everything that came into his path.
    But the Menelaus of today just longed for one thing, an answer from the Oldonian.

    Menelaus, young and strong, looked like an old man. In one day he had aged a thousand years.


    • Thadeus awoke with a start. He was in a dark place. Cold rock was his bed. He sat up and looked round, he had been caught, foolishly he had let his rage overtake him.

      He slammed his fists into the locked door, "Damn you , damn you all to hell"

      He paced his cell and threw expletives to the bars. For days he continued this routine. Til lfinally his rage had subsided and the question came to haunt him.

      Meneleus had asked him "Tell me Thadius the Barbarian, what would you do....
      Imagine that the one who is protecting your life with his own life is about to get killed because he is protecting you. Imagine that you have the change to draw your knife and kill the one who is going to kill him to save the life of the one who wants to save your life.....

      Tell me Thadius the Barbarian, what would you do? Would you show courage and kill him, or will you run away in the jungle?"

      Was this a question about his uncle, James Kirk was an untrained unarmed man, he never carried a weopon, he was a sailor and fisherman, the only knifes James had were always with his fishing gear. So Menelus thoguht his uncle soft as obviously all Spartans carried weopons at all times. So the spartan has killed his uncle in cold blood because Meneleus had judged him to be weak.

      His rage was under control but not his thirst for revenge. The weak one here was Meneleus who killed an unarmed man, and then proven his own weakness by trying to do the same to an old spartan leader.

      The young kirk knew he would die here, so resolved to die trying to escape rather than waiting here.

      He begun scheming from that moment on
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • It is so cold up here.

        The Spainish Empire has just received this message from the lonely voyager.

        We have also received a picture of what the place is like up there.

        Dear Diary.
        It is so cold up here. We think we have found the mythical edge of the world. Everyone is freezing. It is good that we packed our thermal underwear so that we could remain nice and cosy. We got our supplies from The Spainish World of Discovery store in the centre of down town Madrid, where you can get now get 20% of all clothing provided you have a reference from the Good Captain Columbus. You can see that they are good products as shown by this famous Spainish model.

        Remember that you can get great saving for this week only courtesy of the good friends at Spainish World of Discovery, where all the great explorers go on their next big adventure.

        We have had a wondrerful time sailing the many waters and meeting the friendly nations that have allowed us free passage through their lamds. Our debt is in there hands and we hope that our great empire will show them the same kindness we have been shown. We have found an alternate route whne our first route was unfortunately blocked by these big chunks that were floating on the water. We dared not to tempt fate like that ship of lore, Titanic. We hear that she hit one of floating chunks and the ship was sunk. We want to live, so we just went back the way we came and we found another route that will lead us to place we know not we are going. We are hopeful to find even more friendly people once we met them.
        I miss my family so much, so I will eagerly await until I can come home and met my lovely wife and my dear children.


        • The Court of Bae Hyeongyeong...

          General Bae Hyeongyeong assumed the reigns of power in Korea following the deaths of King Wang Geon and his wife Sinjeong, the Princess of Silla. The population of Korea was unsure about this new leader, he had assumed power following suspicious circumstances and many commoners felt, incorrectly, that Bae had Gang Jo killed in order to acquire this role. In actuality it was Wang Geon who ordered the death of his top General, and even then Gang Jo died well before Bae had taken power. Regardless, his rule was tentative at best and would end as soon as the young boy Sejong had come of age. Bae was not an ambitious man though, and he knew he too was growing old. Bae's family had passed long ago during a famine caused by marauding Aztec hordes who devestated the Korean countryside resulting in starvation and thus unsanitary conditions in Pyongyang. His friend and mentor, Lacadeamon King of Sparta, was also dead and Bae considered his last great mission would be to restore trust in the Korean Empire and to ensure that Sejong rose to power with a wise court and a loyal military surrounding him.


          Bae Hyeongyeong waited nervously for the men he called into his chambers. His first act as leader would be to appoint a new head of the military. He had already retained the services of Hae Mosu, the foreign minister under Wang Geon and Lama Subo who acted as the religious advisor. In order to placate the people of Seoul (Korea's nominal capital and largest city) Bae converted to Buddhism. Bae was unsure of his decision; Korea's two finest Generals Gang Jo and Bok Jigyeom had both been lost recently and he found himself surrounded by young officers.

          The three young men walked into the room together, as they had all travelled together from Seoul; Jumong was a young captain, Han Gong was an up and coming officer from Pyongyang and Shin Sung (the oldest of the three) had served under Bae Hyeongyeong early in his career. "My lord" Shin Sung said, bowing to his old General, he was quite assured Bae would name him the new Imperial General.

          "No need for that Shin Sung, I am just a place-holder." Bae replied "Oh this is important, did you bring Kim Jong-seo with you?"

          Han Gong nodded "Yes sir, I did" he suspected Bae Hyeongyeong planned on killing Kim Jong-seo, as did Kim, but he was loyal and was awaiting his audience in the hallway.

          "Very good, now, I am sure you three know why I have called you here today. I can no longer carry out the duties of the Imperial General while at the same time offering support to the development of young Sejong. As I am sure you all are aware we have received conflicting reports from both Greece and the Maya concerning military build ups in the area, and being the, let us say buffer, between these states it is important that I have a thoughtful and collected man in charge while I conduct the proper diplomacy. That said, I will tell you right now Han Gong you will NOT be the new Imperial General."

          Han Gong nodded again, he understood but was disappointed "I understand sir, however-"

          "Just wait a moment Han" Bae said "You will, however, be put in charge of the effort against the Aztec city. It is important right now that the Greeks do not perceive Mayan military movements as belligerent, so we shall prosecute this war against the Aztecs, and you will have your opportunity to prove yourself as commander."

          "Yes sir!" Han Gong said, he did realize this would be a great opportunity to prove himself, he was the youngest of the three after all.

          "Now, this brings me to you Jumong. There is no secret that you are probably the most pro-Mayan of this group, and that is something that is unnecessary to flaunt, we are married to the Maya by blood and our new Emperor shall be very loyal to these people. Placing you in the highest military role will send a message that doesn't need sending to the Maya, they are our great friends and allies and it is unnecessary to further prove this at the risk of harming our relationship with the Greeks. Right now this is our most pressing diplomatic issue, and I refuse to send Sejong to the throne with rancor between our neighbors, this will be my primary goal as regent. You will be in command of the city of Pyongyang, and responsible for establishing good relations with the Greeks, I want to show that our men are men of rational thought and objective opinions, and hopefully this move will establish that" Bae said to Jumong, who looked upset "Does this decision upset you?"

          "Well sir, with all due respect, that just leaves Shin Sung and it will seem to the public that you favor your friend, they may think you are taking advantage of your position." Jumong argued.

          "I will deal with the people myself, that is not your concern, your concern is to make sure Pyongyang is well defended. If Sejong sees differently when he is an adult then he will change your position." Bae said sternly, "Now Shin Sung, I have marched with you all over this land, I have been to Greece with you, and the people of Seoul trust you as you were one of the commanders who defended their city. They will trust you as a commander with results, and I personally know you and know that you will tell me when I have made mistakes, and I hope you can do that."

          "Of course General, I shall." Shin Sung said.

          "Very well" Bae continued "I want you to report to the foothills outside of the Aztec territory Han Gong, they already know of your arrival and your position, two more armies will join you soon, but for now stake out their positions and report to me any changes or movements." Han Gong bowed and left, "Jumong, you will report to Pyongyang to Governor Wangwyu, he has your orders." Jumong simply nodded and sulked out of the room "As for you Shin Sung, tell Kim to come in here, I will meet with you in Seoul in the coming days..."


          "I hate these stupid clothes!" Sejong whined to Subo, he looked at him and smiled.

          "You look fantastic your excellency" Subo replied "Doesn't he Jigong?"

          Jigong, who was visibly drunk nodded "Sure."

          "Come now, we will be late for the ceremony, and I expect General Bae to be here in the coming days. Have you met him yet?" Subo asked.

          "NO!" Sejong barked, he had become quite spoiled "I don't want to go out there, there are too many people!"

          "My lord" Subo began "This is your calling, you will be Emperor over all of Korea, you must get used to this" Subo knew the Emperor was quite shy in public, but found it difficult to reconcile this with his private rudeness and outlandishness. "Please Emperor, your people await you!"
          Last edited by Pitboss Korea; August 29, 2008, 16:44.


          • Kim Jong-seo and the Mystery Box...

            Kim Jong-seo proudly walked into Bae's chambers, fully prepared for death. In his hands he clutched the orders of Wang Geon, pardoning him of all responsibility for the death of Gang Jo. He was a soldier simply carrying out his duties, and this would be his argument against the new regent Bae Hyeongyeong.

            Bae stood with his back to the door, his back to Kim "Kim Jong-seo, I assume you think you know why I have called upon you. I will tell you now-"

            "I bring a pardon from King Wang Geon General, I have done nothing more than my soldierly duty." Kim interrupted.

            Bae slowly turned around, there was a large box behind him "Please, that is not why you are here. Your deals with Wang Geon are fully understood, I was once a young soldier too. Duty and honor do not always go hand in hand, but this is your chance to reclaim the honor you have lost in my mind."

            "And what was I to do General?" Kim asked "Say no to my King, challenge his word?"

            "No, I told you I understand your actions, but I have also told you that duty and honor do not always go hand in hand. Put away that message, I do not care to read it."

            Kim put the message back in his armor "What is it my lord, I am at your service."

            "This box here" Bae said, placing his hand upon it "You will take this to Menaleus of Sparta, you will not look at its contents, and I know you are a man of duty, and I trust that you will not look. You bring it to him, and you leave, you will not say a word. When he opens the box he will understand."

            Kim nodded "Yes General."

            "Very good Kim, now go, and make haste..."

            (GREECE: Before you respond check your PM box)


            • Meeting the Protuguese

              It seems like our brave men of The Lonely Voyager

              It has not been long since we had to turn back from our dangerous journey up to the freezing parts of the upper North Sea. Thankfully we are now in warmer territory and we have been able to get used to working on our tan again. But we have some exciting news that we have found some new land and we have met the borders. So we sent a brief message to them.

              "Dear Vixur of the Portuguese. I am glad that we have finally met another group of civilised nation after such a treacherous journey from our homeland. We simply request that we can have safe passage through your lands. We pray that a safe passage will mean that our two nations will be able to trade strongly together.

              Best regards, from Christopher Columbus, Captain of the S.S.S Lonely Voyage and servant of the Spainish Empress Isabella."


              • The Hovel Report

                Washington Herald

                The editor in chief just relieved me from my duties on the ramparts to write this brief report on orders from Roosevelt. It is being hurried to Boston and New York on oiled skin by runners for posting throughout the American empire.

                All able bodied men and women are hereby ordered to appear in Washington to defend the nations capital from a hoard of barbarians.

                The entire nation is in a struggle for survival as barbarians throw themselves against the defenses of Washington. It was never grimmer recently when our brave and experienced chariot was overrun on the fields of battle by axemen after defeating 2. Our contingent of archer women only barely saved the city from utter destruction.

                Warriors sent from Boston to help were cut down in site of the city. The remaining men who were not beheaded were fed to the dogs, in small pieces.

                Our neighbours to the south - The Celts - have dispatched axemen to assist. They have been seen running past Boston but a cry has now been taken up in Boston of more approaching barbians now threatening that city.

                The next few years will determine the fate of the American empire.
                Last edited by Pitboss America; August 30, 2008, 08:40.


                • Tullus Hostilius has died!

                  He was struck by lightning! Many see this as punishment from Jupiter for trying to abbreviate the ceremony of the annual war sacrifice to Jupiter Victor.

                  The nation mourns for this great leader none the less. A short civil war that included the first Roman naval battle is over and the king Ancus Marcius, who took de facto control nearly a year ago is now ready to make a speech before his coronation.

                  On this first day of my reign, I will as Hostilius would have wanted, spend it productively and fully as any Roman should. I have now, for the glory of Rome, proclaimed the standard coinage decree a measure long prepared for by Tullus. This will enable and simplify trade thought our kingdom. Rome now has currency! We also present the Roman code of law, that has been in preparation for decades. I wish to use this opportunity to than the many Portuguese legal experts that aided us in this endeavor, the current Portugese king has made good on his promise to share his nations wisdome after we have shared ours with them. Let us hope all future dealings with them can be as amicable!

                  Speaking of good relations, the war in the east has dragged on for too long. Pitr has so far had no successor, and no peace treaty can be accepted until they do. Rome is the clear victor of this war, but we can not dictate terms to an enemy in anarchy. It is in this light and in the interest of saving innocent lives and in obedience of what must be the will of the gods that I proclaim a cease fire with the Rus. A Cyberian warlord who leads the Western Rus has agreed to honor it.

                  And lastly I now pardon all who fought against me in this brief civil war and have repented and are willing to swear their allegiance.

                  I now humbly bow to the Pontifex Maximus who can in the name of the gods decide if I am worthy to be your king.

                  A new, more pious and by some accounts more peaceful king has taken the throne. All hail Ancus Marcius!

                  A Roman coin found in Native lands depicting Ancus Marcius clearly shows the extent of Rome's trading networks at the time.
                  Last edited by Pitboss Rome; August 30, 2008, 13:26.


                  • The OSS Enterprise rounded the peninsula, they struck shore and saw in the distance some barbs. They were surprised to see them so far from Oldonia. The scurried back to the boat and headed north up the penisula.

                    Ahead in the distance agaisnt the night skys they saw lights. Many lights.

                    There was a city up head. The Enterprise crew doubled their rowing speed and headed straight to the lights in the distance.

                    Could this be the tribe the spartans had spoke of the Core people.


                    • OOC: that was not the deal I was told of in the beginning. this is bs.


                      • To: King Marco
                        From: Lucius Junius Brutus

                        Our change of religion may have been part of the peace deal, but it does not change the fact that we are children of the same Gods.

                        We are pleased to hear that you will be attending, by unresponsiveness we meant your lack of a clear answer with regards if you would attend the summit at all. We understand your desire for safety, our deal to guarantee your safety on the conference itself still stands.

                        Our previous tech trades proposal may have seemed expensive but we where the much much poorer civ in the transaction and where trying to make up some of that in our trade.

                        We offer a new trade proposal: Compass (once you get it) for Currency

                        We understand your desire to protect yourself, we have now realized that the military build up has slowed down. You have a right to carry a big stick, si vis pacem, para bellum, but don't forget to walk softly... Rome can still outproduce you quite easily, the only reason we do not engage in an arms race with you is because that would kill our economy and Senator Gorbachev's party would surely overthrow mine if that happened. Senatores boni viri, senatus autem mala bestia.

                        If Spain was the nation charged with sending invitations, we are even more offended. What did we do to offend Spain? In any case do you not have the right to send invitations on your own? Is that beautiful fiancee of yours the man of the house? Varium et mutabile semper femina. In any case if you invite us you will find our delegation pleasant guests, I myself would attend if invited.... after all vinum et musica laetificant cor.... if we are not then we are not.

                        -First Consul of Rome, Lucius Junius Brutus
                        Last edited by Pitboss Rome; September 24, 2008, 19:13.


                        • THREAD TO BE CLOSED

                          [ooc] please post all new stories and continuing ones i n the new thread.

                          MODS please close this one ...
                          Last edited by Pitboss Vikings; September 24, 2008, 22:16.


                          • Why exactly do we need to close this thread?


                            • it gettin too long... seems like they like to sht them whe nthey get to 1000 posts roughly , makes it easier for archiving apaprently.

