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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • I have a funeral at the other side of our (small) country and I'll be away all day. Can you guys just get along please......
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • MP is really the best way to learn the game. I know that I have learnt so much playing MP games that it really helps my SP playing,even though I only play on Prince, I am making improvements. No matter what level you are at, this is the best way to learn how to play this game.


      • Originally posted by CyberShy
        I have a funeral at the other side of our (small) country and I'll be away all day. Can you guys just get along please......

        I'll try to get along
        Last edited by Pitboss Japan; June 16, 2008, 18:52.


        • Since I've been bouncing back and forth across the country here over the past weekend, attending a funeral across the Channel would be out of the question... plus I don't think I know them...

          Ooooh... you meant get along with each other in here... in that case, as an Experienced-yet-Moderately-Crap-but-I-don't-care™ player I'm going to offer to take the Viking leader as my Padewan, and even if I'm not successful in showing them how to win the game, I can at least show them how to have a good time losing...
          Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
          "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


          • Yes, help the poor Vikings. The force is strong with them just make sure they do not join the dark side master jedi or i fear we will all be in grave danger.


            • With 18 players I hope most people know how to lose with grace, cuz there is going to be only one winner.

              And btw... did we ever decide how we were going to handle the double move during war thing?


              • I agree with the Mayans there is only going to be one winner but this isn't about winning or losing it’s about having fun and watching your civ grow and thrive. It’s about talking and making new friends and maybe new enemies. It’s about making your mark on history and on the world of which we all share. None is better then anyone else and though we may look different and have different religions we must try to find a way to coexist. This is the true goal and meaning of why we are all here. To find a way to live in peace in hopes of bring a better tomorrow for all our peoples.


                • Originally posted by Pitboss Maya
                  MODs, can you delete this post and the two above it.

                  Unnessasary OOC.

                  Bad enough I have to hear Rasputians drama in the organization thread, but lets keep it out of the story thead plz.

                  Sorry why is my post (2 above it) unnecessary?


                  • Don’t mind the Mayans American. Best to let it slide before you get dug into a fight with the Mayans over stupid stuff.


                    • I have a weird situation since I have just met a Jaguar which is the UU of the Aztecs, and yet they are not playing in this game. How on earth is this possible?


                      • Hmmm, that's weird......
                        Is it a barbarian Jaguar, or an Incan?
                        Maybe one has been dropped on the map while the map was created. (by accident).
                        Kill it

                        @America: what post?
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • So, I killed two lions, now I have (2/2) experience, but I can't promote my unit


                          • What do you mean you can't promote it? You click the promote button but nothing happens? Or is there no promote option at all?
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • Originally posted by CyberShy

                              Maybe one has been dropped on the map while the map was created. (by accident).
                              Not beyond the realm of possiblity. The map has already yielded suprises. Personally I wouldn't be shocked if I encountered a roaming hoard of technobarbarians with tanks and rifles.

                              BTW My starting position seems realy realy bad. Its seems the Roman empire will remain just a dream.


                              • I have a weird situation since I have just met a Jaguar which is the UU of the Aztecs
                                When Cyber edited my map, he used this as the starting unit for the Inca. Don't know why.

                                My starting position seems realy realy bad
                                Looks can be deciving. Your starting position is actually one of the better ones IMO.

