Originally posted by Heraclitus
Well if you are going for fantasy, it would be better you went and did something like Carpathia or perhaps a civ not Civ4 (polynesians or something) than to have a baseball league.
Well if you are going for fantasy, it would be better you went and did something like Carpathia or perhaps a civ not Civ4 (polynesians or something) than to have a baseball league.

The civ I'm thinking of is definitely fantasy. Something I tried years ago in my first diplogame actually, but that game didn't last very long, so I'm thinking of giving it another go. Plus the civs I'm thinking of picking don't have a lot of history I can take advantage of (or are civs I've done before).
But that's why I figured I'd check with y'all. As Pin said, it'll be a fantasy concept, but I won't have people going into battle with baseball bats or anything. I'll try to work the fantasy concept in as well as I can.
I'd still want to ban two people from picking the same civ even if one of them plays a fantasy civ. I think what civ/leader you pick does have more than 1% of an impact upon the game.