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HOTW XII Diplogame Organization Thread. Part 2

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  • someone please
    message me on yim about our plans to play or not.

    I don't mind holding one week, since a few folks have holidays and are away.



    • Very interesting.

      So when France wants to postphone we do it.

      Now that others request no way, thank you for the fairness France.

      Dutch and Inca request a week off.

      We have ALSO no Ottomans and Carpathia.

      Russia is ok with this.

      SO 3 core civs Dutch, Inca and Ottos may not be here/

      That is 33% OF THE PLAYERS.

      With Russia saying ok no problem and no Carp it becomes 5 players which is more than half.


      • That sub which may help me out is Agent who i spoke to 3 days ago.

        SO this leaves Ottomans without a sub - and what will we do now that there are 2 wars against them and they have no sub?

        Mongolia where you able to save from within the game?


        • I think the enjoyment factor will be far greater for all if we have the maximum here; particularly for the warring civs. And then there is the problem of not waging war on an AI, subject to subbing.
          Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
          [Trading Inc. 660AD]


          • for my part it doesnt really matter either way. but this should have been decided a bit earlier. I really want to play.

            and america can't play next week, so that would be to their detriment. and who knows, maybe someone else won't be able to play next session. 3/9 is a lot, but not that much. russia will be there if we decide to play, I assume. Carpathia really needs to get back in the game or drop out. 3 sessions in a row missed now? Ottoman too has been away for some time. I don't feel like counting ottoman towards the postponement vote, cause they haven't asked for one. in fact they've been quite absent.

            the only civ missing who is in a war is Ottoman. a sub or AI can run Inca and Holland. of course I understand that Holland wants to support their ally, and Inca doesn't want to have his civ messed up by the AI.

            I say we play. but if 4 people ask for a postponement, not just 2 who take credit for 3 others, we can postpone. but again, that rewards players who cant be here in favor of players who can.
            e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
            msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

            “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


            • Three players is quite a lot and if they are at war, it makes the outcome rather unpredictable.

              Diplo with AI is not at all like playing with old relationships, as the AI hasnt a clue what the long term diplomatic relationships are.

              In other diplo games we would call for a week off if two could not make it. I can expect I would feel rather unmoved to keep playing if my civ was run by an ai for a few sessions! I felt very badly when I gave notice that I would be away just once and no sub was found for me. That session turned the game for me and my advantage for settling terra, as I was the one who'd gotten astro first.. the AI brought my settlers home till I had an army to go with them... the AI changed my game for the rest of the game and that was just one session.

              Anyway, I think it is unfair to have so many AI in the diplo game. Subs are ok, specially if they have "the" plan.



              • again. only 1 player of the 3 is at war. and we have at least 1 sub available. Inca taking Ottoman's semi-permanent sub seems a bit odd to me. especially since it has been known aforehand that Otts can't make it AND he's at war. If we are to play, who needs the sub the most? And I'm reluctant to count ottoman as a civ requesting a postponement, his unavailability is more a reccurring phenomenon than a one-time exception. which he himself admits to.

                also, deity's wish to postpone is on very short notice, making it nearly impossible to find him a sub. have you tried to find one? or did you just call in postponement a day before rather than letting someone else run your civ? we did all agree at game start that it is our own responsibility to get a sub if we can't make it, and that absences should be, as far as possible, prepared for by getting subs.

                Carpathia, you REALLY need to pick up your civ again. other nations will surely help you get back to speed, if you're THERE. the AI has messed things up a bit, but with a bit of aid you can get back in the game pretty fast. We're in a period of time when most civs are catching up tech-wise and Carpathia is not an exception. by rearranging your civ a bit and developing I'm certain you'll have plenty of fun. not to mention the possibilities that can be made during the time of strife that is occurring.

                I say we play. Myself, Mali, America, Nolan(Russia), Agent(Otts/Inca), and France are all able and very willing. If Carpathia agrees to step up and play his part, that's 7. Surely it must be possible to drum up a sub or two for the remaining nations (Holland, who should have looked for a sub earlier, and Inca who imho, shouldn't have asked a sub needed for another civ)?

                I can agree to postpone, but I don't think we should. we have 6 or 7 players out of 9. 1 or 2 more subs should be gettable in the 12 hours we have before gamestart. again, getting a sub is the player who is absent's responsibility, not doing so and then asking for a postponement seems unfair to the rest of us. Inca got a sub, but that means that another player loses his sub. Not a wholly beneficial deal. Can we make an effort here?
                e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                • I've made a request for subs in the sub thread, and in the pitboss thread. there might be a player there who would like to try his hand at some modern time diplomacy before the pitboss starts. we might still get the subs we need, which is what we should have done to start with.
                  e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                  msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                  “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                  • Originally posted by Diplo Inca
                    Very interesting.

                    So when France wants to postphone we do it.

                    Now that others request no way, thank you for the fairness France.
                    What are you talking about I haven't posted on this yet! In any case it was far more than a case of just me missing, there where other civs. And two of the civs missing had colonies.

                    And further more you had a sub.

                    Originally posted by Diplo Inca

                    Dutch and Inca request a week off.

                    We have ALSO no Ottomans and Carpathia.

                    Russia is ok with this.

                    SO 3 core civs Dutch, Inca and Ottos may not be here/

                    That is 33% OF THE PLAYERS.

                    With Russia saying ok no problem and no Carp it becomes 5 players which is more than half.
                    BTW Last time there was no one who completley objected to the notion, this time I do.

                    This will likely be the last possible session I can play, after this you will probably need to find another player, that is why I am so adamant that we play. I really want to get one last sweet dose of Terra. In any case don't be so defensive Inca, its not like I can force anyone to play... the most I can do is encourage.
                    Last edited by Diplo France; May 24, 2008, 13:29.
                    'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                    • Which Civ has already had the ai make a colony.. Bismark I think?


                      • Carpthia.
                        Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                        The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                        The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                        • I can sub for some one


                          • Hollande should be here today.

                            * Hollande is the ONLY player not to have missed a session or part of a session (except Inca till today)

                            * Hollande has never been late

                            * Hollande has never slept in

                            * Hollande had one bad thunderstorm which held things up a bit one session

                            * Hollande is totally reliable and will be here today - Hollande will NOT play with AI or a sub.

                            The only caveat is that he might get called away mid game which means AI - he understands that.


                            That aside, I hear that the Dutch player has particular pressures today and it will be difficult for him. He thanks his civ colleagues for such consideration and would not have posted for a postponement if all other key players were here.

                            As Nolan said, diplo protocol established in other games allows for postponements.

                            Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                            [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                            • bleedin heck. I'm ok with postponing, I'd just like to see another session now that things are exciting, but if thats not possible, so be it.

                              I just feel worried that France and America might not be able to make next session and that will cause further postponement, that might kill the game....

                              what should we do? I need a definitive answer soon!
                              Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                              • Originally posted by LzPrst
                                I just feel worried that France and America might not be able to make next session
                                I'm not trying to be difficult and I think lack of France and America is equal grounds for postponement so yes, we have a systemic problem here.

                                We really need original players for:

                                America (not the original)

                                to validate this game.

                                We have used so many subs and a few AI that the game isn't what it should have been. I'm also concerned about adherence to the 10 tech rule. Can all civs confirm adhereance - I doubt it because of lack of passed on knowledge from subs. Also, inter-AI trading might also have occurred.
                                Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                                [Trading Inc. 660AD]

