If i'm correct, you are playing about 18h00 - 21h00 on saturday and sunday of my timezone (wow, that sound's like science fiction
I would be available for subbing this WE. Are you playing via direct IP connection ? If not i have to get my BtS CD back from a friend, cause it won't work with a cracked game, and i'm not quite sure to get it back in time.
Anyway, if someone wants a sub, post a reply here, and brief me through MP (i followed the HOTWXII threat, so i'm not completely off).

I would be available for subbing this WE. Are you playing via direct IP connection ? If not i have to get my BtS CD back from a friend, cause it won't work with a cracked game, and i'm not quite sure to get it back in time.
Anyway, if someone wants a sub, post a reply here, and brief me through MP (i followed the HOTWXII threat, so i'm not completely off).