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Diplogame HOTW XII Ragnarok - Story Thread

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  • He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Frenchman. Hath not a Frenchman eyes? Hath not a Frenchman hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you ***** us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we shall resemble you in that.
    'Impossible' n'est pas français.


    • Hey French take it as you want; Inca sees it necessary to increase its military training in that region of yours. After all some documents point to the fact that you had military plans for that region of ours. Thus an Incan strong military presence is needed to repulse possible French aggression.

      You are all ready a wolf in many nations eyes, you are only fooling yourself.

      The Incan empire has very, very sharp teeth for a sheep.
      Yes sharp teeth are a must with wolves like the French around.


      • you dissmis so casually the destroyed towns that dot the French countryside. You also dissmis
        So the French nation kills millions of ottoman citizens and takes 5 ottoman cities just because of some destroyed French towns, which are easily rebuild in just a few years time. By the way it would be fair to show us and the Terra any evidence that the ottomans are responsible for this. If you believe in your cause at least show the rest of Terra some evidence.

        the unprovoked agression of the Ottoman empire during the previous war.
        Are the French telling Terra that they are a revengeful nation, boiling to get back at some act of aggression 100’s years ago? Far from the friendly and peaceful nation you claim you are SIR.

        Talk about twisting facts.


        • Originally posted by Diplo Inca
          Hey French take it as you want; Inca sees it necessary to increase its military training in that region of yours. After all some documents point to the fact that you had military plans for that region of ours. Thus an Incan strong military presence is needed to repulse possible French aggression.

          You are all ready a wolf in many nations eyes, you are only fooling yourself.

          Yes sharp teeth are a must with wolves like the French around.
          We have never began an unprovoked attack and we have never fought a war of conquest.

          The facts speak for themselves.

          Again let us assure you that we do not plan any attack. We again ask you how do you reconcile these claims with the military strenght of Incas and France.

          We have never told the Incas how to behave, all we asked for was for an explanation. We asked simply because we fear for our safety.

          BTW You accuse me of changing my story what happneed to military excercises?
          'Impossible' n'est pas français.


          • Originally posted by Diplo Inca

            So the French nation kills millions of ottoman citizens and takes 5 ottoman cities just because of some destroyed French towns, which are easily rebuild in just a few years time. By the way it would be fair to show us and the Terra any evidence that the ottomans are responsible for this. If you believe in your cause at least show the rest of Terra some evidence.

            Are the French telling Terra that they are a revengeful nation, boiling to get back at some act of aggression 100’s years ago? Far from the friendly and peaceful nation you claim you are SIR.

            Talk about twisting facts.
            What? We are not using the previous war as an example. We are mearly pointing to historical precedense. The Ottomans where not as reviled for attacking us. Mongols are not reviled for attacking Holland or Ottomans in the past. Carpathia is not reviled for attacking America.
            America is not reviled for utterly defeating Carptahia.

            Why are we held to a higher standard?

            BTW Towns are not buildings, they are homes to thousands of people. We take the death of our people seriously. Tens of thousands died in those attacks to say nothing of our ships sunk.

            Again you blame us for the intensity of the war. We where willing to negotiate when we had just one city under occupation. And we have returned all the occupied cities, except Edirne (its fracking size 2!).

            PS Why are you then seeking revenge for a conflict that ended half a century ago?
            Last edited by Diplo France; June 13, 2008, 11:37.
            'Impossible' n'est pas français.


            • Again, all we want is peace.

              But if we can not have peace, we will have death. Our own and that of those who would wish to be our executioners.
              Last edited by Diplo France; June 13, 2008, 11:41.
              'Impossible' n'est pas français.


              • Originally posted by Diplo Inca
                Yes sharp teeth are a must with wolves like the French around.
                Again, how do you explain away the incovnenient fact of your position on the powergraph relative to our own?

                The Incan nations armies are unmached on Terra. You will soon have advanced flight, Mobile Aritlery and Modern Armor together with Nuclear weapons are reachable in mere turns whenever you should feel like using them.
                'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                • BTW You accuse me of changing my story what happneed to military excercises?
                  We see that you luck any military understandings, so we have decided to enlighten you.

                  Unlike the French, Incan armies need annual military exercises to prepare for whatever the future brings. This prepares our army for any foreign aggression.

                  Our own and that of those who would wish to be our executioners
                  Interesting propaganda

                  To calm your explosive paranoia, Inca will not be the 1st to attack – but if attacked the nation in question would be diminished to a backward stone-age tribe.

                  Speaking of this, spying would be considered an act of WAR = a stone-age tribe.


                  • Why are you then seeking revenge for a conflict that ended half a century ago?
                    Your attack on the Ottomans was just THAT


                    • But if we can not have peace, we will have death. Our own and that of those who would wish to be our executioners
                      The more some inner gov circles in NEW CUZCO read that the more they laugh

                      "Big words for such a puny nation as those Frenchies"

                      Blanco says to his close gov friends!

                      Blanco continues:

                      "they see some tanks target practicing and immediately start peeing in their pants"


                      • Please stop mocking our country, we don't appreciate it. Listen, we know that we can not alone win a war against the unsurpassed Incan Empire, we have said so in the past.

                        We have also said that if such a war should arise, we would wage a total war that would result in a pyrrhic victory for the agressor.
                        Last edited by Diplo France; June 13, 2008, 14:50.
                        'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                        • An official letter from Machu Picchu the great capital of the Inca nation to the French government.

                          We would like to apologies for the improper behavior of our new world cities, seems they have their own agenda in mind. We will immediately recall the local general to the capital for an explanation.

                          Some days latter Blanco is called to explain himself.

                          “Listen, the French talk of a pyrrhic victory, who are they kidding. I just need to give the green light and my armor divisions will row over the local French without even slowing down”

                          Blanco continues:

                          “Or maybe they have a point, a pyrrhic victory indeed it will be for they will hurt my guys by their many dead laying on the streets. French bodies will slow me down and halt my advance”

                          The Machu Picchu Committee:

                          “Blanco we do not want to hear this nonsense, you will be stripped at once from your rank. Take him away, and send a replacement immediately to the frontier”

                          Before his forced exits Blanco yells:

                          “You can’t stop usss!!!!”


                          • Excerpt from Mongolian radio broadcast:

                            As for the diplomatic dispute between France and Inca of recent times we have but this to comment:

                            Such petty fussing... Wolves attempting to dress in sheep's clothing. How ridiculous. Ottoman wanted French lands and took them. France wanted them back and took them. Inca is arming, likely to do the same. And they all pretend they are noble, protecting their homes from invasion, whilst dreaming of invading the other. None dare say in honesty what it is they desire. Greater power, greater glory, the destruction of their rivals and enemies, the domination of their spheres of influence. Mongolia has always been open and honest. We go to war for power and glory, like true men, like the conquerors of ancient tribes and states. We do not beg and cajole, do not twist words and hide behind cowardly rhetoric. We stand proud in our actions. We took the Ottoman's land for they sought to encrouch on ours, but in truth, this was merely the straw that broke the Horse's back. Mongolia did not throw an entire generation of its soldiers into the meatgrinder of trench warfare for only a few lumps of coal. Nay, all who are honest will say and tell, for Mongolia's POWER, we did this. For Mongolia's GLORY, we did this, and for Mongolia's FUTURE, some have been sacrificed so yet again others may bring further greatness to our Nation.

                            We find the nations of the world to be soft and despicable. Cowardly when they should be brave, unambitious and overcareful. This was the fault of the Ottoman, had they had ambition and courage, they could have had conquered the entire New World long before any other nation could make their presence felt. But instead, they traded away their advantage and got nothing in return. Weak, and foolish. And such is the way of other nations. To dare not, to fight not, to procrastinate and skulk and hide. Perhaps Mongolia should show the world again it's glory, on the field of battle.

                            Glory to the Socialist Confederacy of Mongolia!
                            e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                            msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                            “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                            • Arrival of Queen Sheba

                              Queen Sheba sat in her study leafing through what seemed like endless Royal Decrees.

                              Although her father-king Mansa Mari I-had been dead for over 5 years already, she felt she had made little progress in reversing the many poor policy decisions he made in his final years.

                              The Queen sighed wistfully as she thought of her father once more. What was most sad was that he had been such a great man in his younger days-a true reformist. Unfortunately, the bitterness of his exile and his genuine belief that it was due to outside forces had made him into a xenophobic tyrant in his final years.

                              That was something that his daughter, the queen, was now working very hard to undo.

                              The first thing she had decided to do was to resurrect the Representative Council which ruled the short-lived Malinese Republic. However, this would be a Council which would properly represent the interests of all the Castes of Malinese society, not merely the workers and the artisans.

                              With a form of democracy back in place, the Queen had then decided it was time to overturn the former kings removal of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. Now all Malinese could speak openly about their government and worship Ozzy in whatever manner they wished-and in whatever form he chose to take.

                              What she most wished to do, however, was to undo the years of damage that Mansa Mari's xenophobia had done to Mali's relations with its neighbours. The sad fact was that, France aside, Mansa Mari had made his hostility towards all other nations very well known.

                              Sheba's greatest fear was that this might lead to inevitable conflict-most especially with the Incans, who were reportedly very angry about comments made by the King about Incan culture.

                              This ill-will had only been heightened by news that Malinese ex-patriots living in Incan lands were smuggling examples of Incan music and literature across the border-without paying for it.

                              With Incan troops beginning to appear on the Malinese border, Sheba had decided that nothing short of a personal visit could assuage Incan anger at these slights...


                              • Story notes by unknown person.

                                "The fair king was slipping into a depression - a paranoid depression. A bit of a mini breakdown really. So many hollants to save and protect. Such vast distances to cover.

                                All he wanted was a peaceful and contented Hollanton. But Mongor raged throughout eternity, a war machine of aggression, a bully, a manipulator, a trickster.

                                All the fair elves of all the other lands were fundamentally friendly but totally deceived. None, save one, could see the designs of the Soreone despite they themselves being cajoled and bullied into thoughts and actions befitting the grand designs of the master of evil.

                                None could see it.

                                The Hollants could.

                                The fairest land in Middle Terra was forever under siege. There were messengers but none could secure a sensible talk with the Soreone.

                                Hollanton prospered. Other lands propsered too but it was Hollanton that was the target, forever. A jeolous rage burned inside the Soreone. This is evil in itself.

                                Whenever talks were entertained of peace it was always at a ridiculous price.

                                Whenever Hollanton was attacked, in the First and Second Great War, the lands and the fair elves of all Middle Terra talked of nothing - no cries from thgem to stop the atrocities as their Morcs stood at the gates of the Hoby City. No cries from them when other fair cities of Hollanton were totally threatened. No cries from them when our island cities started to fall. But they did cry for bounty to be paid to Mongor, yet they were the aggressors. The quiet elves were happy to see fair and peaceful lands be torn apart. In fact one fair elf sent many Incorcs to assist the forces of evil. Another fair elf, who had been such a good friend did betray the King of Hollanton and permitted passage of the Morcs to attack the hollants.

                                Then, at the end of the Second Great War the Soreone fell into a deep sleep like Rip Van Winkle himself of old. This was when the brave hollants had a major military advantage and about to kill many Morcs but the instincts to acquire peace whilst the Soreone slept was over whelming. But deep down the King knew there would never be peace with the Morcs. As Rip Van Soreone slept an era of peace endured but the mighty army of the Morcs grew and upgrades were aplenty in this time.

                                None could see it still, save the brave hill dwellers, the Dwarfottons who had to endure a bitter strruggle against the Morcs when the Soreone awoke.

                                Another elf was beginning to see it and demanded the return of the Incorcs as the peace settlement was written under the leadersdhip of the Vile One.

                                Hollanton prepared to take back what was theirs, the island city and to ensure future defence secured Torcfan as a protective cultural shield and of course after such successes the Soreone refused sensible dialog and instead demanded reparations and the return of 2 cities. All the fair elves of other lands supported the Soreone and ne even attacked Hollanton to force a dialog.

                                So when Hollanton is attacked all of Middle Terra says nothing except that the Hollants should give in to Morc demands to secure peace.
                                But when the Hollants attack the Morcs and secure a safety zone it is again the Hollants who are asked by all of Middle Terra to pay the Morcs reparations. As in any war terrible things happen and the extinction of a town on the outskirts of Torcfan was a mistake for which 2000 gold was offerred as part of the peace talks.

                                But the Morcs wants Torcfan back; plus 200 GPT for 50 t; plus the Hollant's city of Hutrek.

                                This is a ridiculous demand and even if met it would only be a matter of time before the nasty Morcs attacked at their next strategically advantaged moment. They hates us.

                                And even another fair elf has allowed the Morcs access to their towns bordering Hollanton, allowing dragons of the air to pillage at will the fair lands of Hutecht and Hollanton.

                                The King had a right to feel ill, totally alone, except for a distant compassionate call from far away.

                                Could he face the lands of Middle Terra and secure support. No. Every fair land had no sympathy for the Hollants and betrayal and outright aggression was all that could be offerred."
                                Last edited by Diplo Holland; June 22, 2008, 18:37.
                                Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                                [Trading Inc. 660AD]

