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History of the World 8 - Organisation Thread (Pt3)

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  • Well, as I saw in the story thread there's nothing much India could do against anything lol

    But I guess I can work something out about that
    The French are reclaiming the Statue Of Liberty!


    • Talk to germany and mali, they are your friends


      • And as for the AIM, I still need someone to add me and to do a little something for me otherwise I can't connect to GameSpy

        And that's one of the reasons I was wishing it had any use and asking someone to add me :P
        The French are reclaiming the Statue Of Liberty!


        • Don't listen to his lies!

          Talk to the Inca and English, they are your friends.

          The Mali forced you to be their vassal! They just want to use you. It was your eternal friend and ally the Ottomans who helped you set up colonies in the new world and you have been close to the Carthaginians, English and Inca the whole time as well.

          The Germans and Mali have never helped India. They are only trying to take advantage of you.
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • Hm... I like being used

            But well, I will be Ghandi right? I guess he's not much into being used or starting wars lol
            The French are reclaiming the Statue Of Liberty!


            • Haley, was you one of the people who joined our games?
              Cool that you found our forums!!!!

              Those mysterious poly forums we talk about are these forums, the forums
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • Oh I see

                But nope, Toni just borrowed me a second account of his so I could connect to GameSpy until I create my own. This will be the first time I log there...

                So I wasn't one of the people who joined you before : P
                The French are reclaiming the Statue Of Liberty!


                • Ok... I also need a password to choose the Civ... what is it? : p
                  The French are reclaiming the Statue Of Liberty!


                  • Game is up
                    Haley, turn on your AIM
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • Originally posted by HaleyStarshine
                      Ok... I also need a password to choose the Civ... what is it? : p
                      password: diplo

                      and ignore the msg that says that the game host has different files, or something. that's ok.
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • Ozzy tsk, tsk. "Use" is such an ugly word. I prefer instruct or teach

                        And isnt the whole Vassal thing just a more special version of Ally? I like to think so...
                        Non Serviam


                        • Wow. Great session one and all!
                          Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                          • *is a bit disappointed for imagining the diplogames as a very different thing* :/
                            The French are reclaiming the Statue Of Liberty!


                            • LoL what can I say, these diplo sessions are getting crazier.

                              The session left even many of us confused, about who is friend or foe

                              Talking about spicing up a game


                              • Diplogames are a very different thing, but in these times of war after the times of the great alliances, things are getting a bit uncivilized.

                                It all started with the Mali invasion of Coventry, which was very illegal at that moment. (eventhough time has settled that issue, and the city can be considered to be Mali now).

                                And after that..............

                                Toni invaded America after many insults, that's very diplo-ish
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

