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Rah's saturday game III
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You need to consider whipping less. Emergencies only. Or at least have a damned good reason to whip.
You are better off growing to the happiness limit, and then turning off growth by emphasizing production and creating specialists.
I'll whip if I fear losing a wonder, or really need a given unit or improvement absolutely right now ... or I'll do it when losing to screw with my enemy, but I won't do it lightly.
Another thing Dom will do, if the opportunity presents itself, is grab a neighbor's capital early. If you can do a Quecha, Impi, or Skirmisher rush early, and grab a capital city at size 3 or 4, you will be way ahead ... In fact, it is easily worth making 6 or so Quechas, and just over-running someone's capital before 3000BC.
Well in the case to Civ4 there is tons of war it just doesn't go anywhere. If you want to survive vs someone good you have to go massive stacks of catapults and axemen and the game degenerates into nothing. If you sit there and just build you're going to lose. It's a horribly and fatally flawed system and they have yet to fix it.
The ladder is flawed because it tends toward one type of game (smaller map, 120 turns, etc...). As with anything, if you play a specific type of game long enough, one stratagy usually emerges as dominate.
If you want to see the variation of working stratagys, break out of the "inland sea, 120 turn" mold.
I'm awake. Yes there will be a game tonight.
EON you should join us. You might *gasp* have a little fun. People do get eliminated.
OK GUYS, I'll start nailing down a start time but it will be a bit but hopefully not too long.It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O