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A Few Good Leaders

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  • #16
    I would assume for the ai it takes the highest player difficulty level to judge what it starts with (worker, archers etc). If you set your own difficulty lower you should get the extra health etc though.

    Edit: I should mention that yes it is great for learning; not only can you tell each other little tricks and observe different approaches during a game, you can also ask for advice and at any stage see how well you doing in terms of research compared to the other player (so its easy to see which areas you need to work on next time).
    Last edited by Thrak; September 7, 2006, 10:51.


    • #17
      The first game of this is basically meant as a learning tool, but its also just to have a good old fashion 'fun' one. I really like team-based games and such, because as already noted it adds alot to the experience, and you feel like your part of something larger than just your own nation.

      Although I dont think I would enjoy using rush strategies or beeline tech strategies, I think that we could all benefit each other in very interesting ways. I think that it will just be a good game to go back and forth and play with fellow Civers for the sake of playing, and learn some pretty good tips and tricks along the way.

      If there are people who want in on this, by all means stick around and keep watch over this thread, because I have every intention to making it happen. In response to Eris (what up!? glad to see you could make it!) yes I think this will allow players of differing skill levels, and I believe it will also greatly improve our styles and strategies. As I said, I hold my own in Noble, but am no means beyond it yet.

      But first things first, we need to iron out what this game is really going to entail. I'd like to hear what everyone's opinions are for the game settings. I personally enjoy long games, but in the case of PBEM's this can risk the vitality of the game. I'd like to have at very least 3 humans vrs two or three teams of 3 AIs. But that is not set in stone, we can always adjust for what comes our way. I would also like to use the Tectonic's map script, and if we can, at very least Standard size map. If at all possible, I'd like to keep the turns spinning at around 1 turn every 2-3 days, even with my schedule I think I can do that, what about everyone else?

      Again, I am not fluent in MP games yet, so this stuff is as changable as a dune in the desert. I am just trying to get to the stage of 'building' this game now. If you are interested in actually being in the game, just state that so that we can start a head count of those interested, if you'd like to just stick around as a consultant but not a player in the game either post so or dont post anything Again, if you guys to post what your thoughts are for the makeup of the game, that would be great.

      NOTE: I still dont know how to change the AI difficulty level when setting up a PBEM, could someone explain that? I'd like to have the AI set to at very least Noble, if not a tad higher depending.

      Thanks all, looking forward to this.
      Siga El Conejo Blanco
      Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
      | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


      • #18
        I would be interested in playing as it looks like a good learning experience, as Thrak said you get to watch other humans and don't just play in isolation.

        The difficulty level should not be harder than noble as it seems most players (including myself) will only be beginers maybe not on Civ but in MP mode. I think that it is possible for each indvidual player to choose his own difficulty level.

        I think the map size would depend on the number of teams that are playing. If the map is too large the game would take forever to complete. Would it not make the game challanging if there are more AI teams than human players.

        I don't know if the Space Victory exists on a MP game but I would definitly turn it of because to me this is one victory condition Civ could do without, as it causes everybody to rush and there is not much game play involved.

        Could somebody explain Tectonic"s map script please.
        A.K.A. Spike


        • #19
          The Tectonics mapscript basically simulates the movement of continental plates to produce more realistic map terrain, such as long mountain ranges instead of single peaks.
          Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
          "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


          • #20
            Tectonics maps:

            Once you go Tect, you dont go back.

            But I agree in regards to Space Race, it offers too much of a rush and all that... again this is supposed to be a more friendly game of Civ.. and I would like a multitude of AI nations (if it were solely up to me ) because the more AIs we have the more interesting it will be. I also like a bigger map but dont want it too large that would take a ton of time. Would Standard map size be too large? And if so, who many AIs should we put in there?

            As to the difficulty levels, if everyone doesnt mind, I think we should all get Noble and if possible turn the AI to Noble or something as well, just so that we are all on the same playing field. I just need to know how to turn AIs to Noble!

            But I am looking forward to this game, so I hope we can iron out the settings and all that jazz relatively easily and get to choosing civs and getting this show on the road!
            Siga El Conejo Blanco
            Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
            | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


            • #21
              I am what you could say is an Experienced player in MP civ4, having dozens of multiplayers games under my belt, many getting to the modern era with tanks and jets.

              I usually prefer to play quick game speed with direct ip connection and similtaneous turns. This allows 3-4 players to get in most of a game in a night, or to finish a game in a couple of weeks. I can usually play monday and tuesday nights (my fiance works those nights . The quick game speed isnt bad, and you get plenty of time to try out the techs and military units and is a lot fun, especially against other players, and actually allows you to finish a game. Nothing is worse then starting a good game on regular or marathon speed and then never finishing it cause it takes too long.

              In multiplayer, the AI is always set at Noble level and cant be changed, if you want to make the game more difficult, you must do so by giving yourself a handicap, by taking a higher difficulty level for yourself. But most games I have played everyone takes Noble too, and the real challenge comes from trying to beat the other humans, not the AI.

              If anyone is up for a live game, not play by email, msg me on msn,



              • #22
                Well guys I would really like to see this thing go somewhere, so I will offer a current set of rules for it and see if anyone wants in on it. Of course if you'd like to suggest a change I am open to it.

                Ruleset for A Few Good Leaders:

                - Pitboss with 24hr turn clock
                - Tectonics Mediterranean map type
                - Standard size
                - 2 or 3 Human players who are allied together
                - All other slots filled with AI players set to random civ/leader
                - Ally AIs so that they have a chance
                - A thread here in the Multiplayer forum to discuss the game and help our allies and exchange ideas
                - Victory parameters: Conquest, Domination, Diplomatic
                - Normal Game Speed

                Please post your name and civ you want if you are interested in this.

                NAME :::ElConejo:::
                CIV :::Mali:::
                Siga El Conejo Blanco
                Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
                | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


                • #23
                  Seriously no one is interested?
                  Siga El Conejo Blanco
                  Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
                  | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


                  • #24
                    Well unfortunately then I will be withdrawing myself. Its a shame, but if someone else wanted to use this format go ahead. I suppose I am just not cut out for Civ4 MP and no one seems interested in this idea so I shall respectfully lay it to rest.

                    Siga El Conejo Blanco
                    Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
                    | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


                    • #25
                      Your game is just to slow and boring. If people want to play against the AI, they will play single player. If people are going to go through the hassel of a MP game, they want to play against a real human. And why not try to find a group of dedicated players that can play a few hours a week. Setup a game to play every monday night or something and get 50-100 turns done in an evening, instead of 1 turn a day.


