THESE ARE SOME OF THE SECRET PM's sent between the players in the HOTW5 diplo game.
To our new friend Robert,
Cc German ambassador
Having been recently at war with you and Germany we both need to tread carefully in resurrecting our friendship of old.
It is clear that the dominant Indians mean mischief in this world. They appear strong because of their blinding faith in and loyalty to Russia. With such a strong friend on her Western border and us weaker nations in the East, the only way for us to stem the tide of this Russia/India juggernaut is for all the little peoples of the Eastern world to co-operate, totally trust each other and form a rock solid alliance.
It may take time and we English are still smarting from being the ONLY ever human casualties on this planet – a workboat and a worker. Not even soldiers.
We need confidence first and foremost.
Much talk is going on of religion in many parts of the world. Us heathens and herdsmen do not know of religion but may discover it soon. If we fail we are prepared to convert to your one true religion IF you can establish in each of our cities Judaism. We have 4 cities in the North and two on the islands in the South. Such an action on your part, although costing a little in what I believe is called “Missionaries”, will pay off enormously. Your cash flow will improve and a strong “Alliance of the Star” will be born, with many English converts and such happiness I believe.
This will restore our confidences indeed!
I believe your southern neighbours may also be of the star and I beseech you to work vigorously in dialogs to piece together our future alliance.
We will be negotiating with the Germans and may need your help in drawing borders for the two southern islands. Keep an eye out for an upcoming publication in the "History of the world V" annals.
The points we would like to negotiate as premises for the possible alliance are 1) Membership; 2) tight tech bloc; 3) tight resources trading; 4) a return of lands taken by the powerful nations in the very early years to your selves, the Inca and maybe the French. As long as the Germans and English amicably share the south islands our nations should be sufficient with 6 or so cities each.
I will be informing our oldest of friends, the Inca, of this despatch but it is secret to all others.
Trusting in your respect of this and you will find that the English are second to none as loyal allies.
Yours truly,
Elizabeth I
Re: I seek for your help and advice
CyberShy wrote on 28th March 2006 09:00 am:
Hail Elizabeth!,
ruler of the English forces.
I seek your help in the troubles that have arisen with my friends and neighbours, the Indians.
It appears to me that they seek war with me.
As you can see in the "History of the world V" annals, they're coming up with reasons to seek war with us, the peaceful Americans.
Can you advice me on what to do to prevent the Indians from conquering our cities and growing out to the major nation in the known world.
thanks in advance,
Robert LXVII
King of the Americans
CyberShy wrote on 28th March 2006 09:00 am:
Hail Elizabeth!,
ruler of the English forces.
I seek your help in the troubles that have arisen with my friends and neighbours, the Indians.
It appears to me that they seek war with me.
As you can see in the "History of the world V" annals, they're coming up with reasons to seek war with us, the peaceful Americans.
Can you advice me on what to do to prevent the Indians from conquering our cities and growing out to the major nation in the known world.
thanks in advance,
Robert LXVII
King of the Americans
To our new friend Robert,
Cc German ambassador
Having been recently at war with you and Germany we both need to tread carefully in resurrecting our friendship of old.
It is clear that the dominant Indians mean mischief in this world. They appear strong because of their blinding faith in and loyalty to Russia. With such a strong friend on her Western border and us weaker nations in the East, the only way for us to stem the tide of this Russia/India juggernaut is for all the little peoples of the Eastern world to co-operate, totally trust each other and form a rock solid alliance.
It may take time and we English are still smarting from being the ONLY ever human casualties on this planet – a workboat and a worker. Not even soldiers.
We need confidence first and foremost.
Much talk is going on of religion in many parts of the world. Us heathens and herdsmen do not know of religion but may discover it soon. If we fail we are prepared to convert to your one true religion IF you can establish in each of our cities Judaism. We have 4 cities in the North and two on the islands in the South. Such an action on your part, although costing a little in what I believe is called “Missionaries”, will pay off enormously. Your cash flow will improve and a strong “Alliance of the Star” will be born, with many English converts and such happiness I believe.
This will restore our confidences indeed!
I believe your southern neighbours may also be of the star and I beseech you to work vigorously in dialogs to piece together our future alliance.
We will be negotiating with the Germans and may need your help in drawing borders for the two southern islands. Keep an eye out for an upcoming publication in the "History of the world V" annals.
The points we would like to negotiate as premises for the possible alliance are 1) Membership; 2) tight tech bloc; 3) tight resources trading; 4) a return of lands taken by the powerful nations in the very early years to your selves, the Inca and maybe the French. As long as the Germans and English amicably share the south islands our nations should be sufficient with 6 or so cities each.
I will be informing our oldest of friends, the Inca, of this despatch but it is secret to all others.
Trusting in your respect of this and you will find that the English are second to none as loyal allies.
Yours truly,
Elizabeth I