I have to go to the university, a quick response though to Ozzy (didn't read the other posts)
Ozzy, your idea about the Sita mariage is good!
The way you did it is very creative! I do not blame you for doing it. I don't think it's stupid, I just think it's not role playing. You are right that there's a huge imporant factor: who's interested in being an ally to you. That's more important then the pacman, I agree on that with you.
Few points though:
1. I was very interested in being an ally with you, we've had much communication (I checked my PM log) and I've putted efford in that that way. I have chatted with you about the Sita thing as well, I just didn't understand where you were going at. I was not happy with giving my King in your hands (where he may die). I have talked about alternatives with you, and while we were talking, suddenly the Russians had won. So: I understand that your 'wannabe involved' thing is more inportant then 'playing pacman', though I just am not happy that all the roleplaying time I putted into 'our relation' means nothing and is wasted time in the end.
2. Playing pacman is not roleplaying. If I play pacman, it's Robert Plomp who plays pacman, not Rho'd Berth LXVII, King of the Americans. I'm pretty good at playing pacman, though I wouldn't have done it, even if I would have known that you would have been my 100% allie no matter if I insult you or am I crazy bully to my neighbours, I still would not have done it, since it's not true to the game (imho)
3. You should know that thursday night LzPrst and I were chatting untill 01:30 our time, while (I at least) we had to wake up early for work/college.
Why did we do that? a. we love the game b. we love the role playing
In the end it appeared that it was all wasted time. And that counts for all the huge communication I've send to you and Russia. I could talk whatever I wanted, I could be 100% right or wrong about Boston, I could switch to the religion of the pope, to your religion, I could offer money, all my daughters, the body of the king himself, but in the end it didn't matter, since your posisions were fixed. You had played pacman, and nothing could change that, not even 4000 years after Sita died of old age.
That's not true to the role playing.
Our allies England and the Incas were not our allies anymore, which is normal. Time had passed by, they had no interested, so they said: "Help yourself"
We had no fixed alliance.
Sometimes alliances can be fixed. France and me were fixed for 100%, but that's because our capitals were 4 tiles from each other!!!! We couldn't afford a war. I hated that, since people would feel like "They are allies because they're brothers". I tell you, in most games we are our greatest enemies
But we had a role-reason for our alliance as well, we shared judaism, together with Germany. Russia and India had no role-playing reason anymore to be allied in the end. India had REALLY REALLY REALLY insulted Peter II intensely on the summit, and he had REALLY REALLY REALLY insulted the pope. But that didn't matter, since the Russian/Indian alliance was fixed since pacman.
I'm not angry about that, I do'nt blame you, I just hope we can learn from that for a next game. Because I loved this game, but I'm really a little bit dissapointed now that I've wasted perhaps 20 hours on diplomacy and communcation, but it all appeared to be useless and a waste of time.
That's (LzPrst may corect me) imho the reason why LzPrst left. Being backstabbed is ok in civ. But we felt like: "What is the purpose of this game if even now Russia helps India"
It's like playing chess, and agree on a non-aggressive packt. You are allowed to do so, and move the pieces for eternity, but does that make the game fun?
Well, for you it may, but you're retarted

(had to give that back to you at least once 

4. If you add all of that to our really horrible starting position (I have 6 cities now, one on a 2-tile island within the fat-cross of my capital, 3 in the jungle and Washington and Robingthon, both are fine cities, but nothing special. I had hardly any resources. That made Boston pretty important.
Like I said, I had to fight a culture war with Dragon from the beginning, or I had not been able to LEAVE my capital anymore since 3200 BC. (or something)
I have had to build a obelist early in the game.
Still I was able to be in the lead quite early, building my 2nd and 3rd city as one of the first.
Though then there was no room anymore, and only jungle anyway.
France was in the same situation, as was Germany.
Then england and Germany discovered the islands before we did. Besides that, the distance to the islands would have been too far for me to use anyway.
But that doesn't matter, being small and unimportant is civ as well (in the other diplo game I founded 6 religions)
But if you combine that with all the stuff before, it's just not really very fun anymore. For sure if you keep in mind that I play from 00:30 till 03:30, all the connectivity problems, etc.
If then India, Russia and China apparantly are even going to gang up on us, the small nations of terra, end there's no change in diplomacy, then that's just very hard for us to grab.
I agree that it was not really nice of LzPrst to leave immediately, we should have talked about it. Though I really understand him, and want to back him up in the end. The game was not enjoyable for us anymore. And not because we lost, since we lost from the beginning on. We've never been winning.
I agree with China that we should have rules.
I think that marathon games are possible though.
- Pangea, not Terra anymore. the new world is only for the lucky and the large nations, and unballances the game. (I could never have come there, I'm not a civ-rookie)
- Only trade techs you researched yourself
- Stay true to diplomacy, you must have in-game reasons for being allied.
- much players are good, but they should be involved more (Dragon)
- No early wars
- Everyone should have a fair start position, no civs that meet each other on turn one, otherwise: restart
- Pangea: more land for all, all have more change to develop from the beginning
There may be more.
Conclusion: I do not blame you guys, things went as they went. You guys have played a good game. But for hte next game we should learn lessons. People put over 50 hours in the game, then it should be a good game.
Ozzy, your idea about the Sita mariage is good!
The way you did it is very creative! I do not blame you for doing it. I don't think it's stupid, I just think it's not role playing. You are right that there's a huge imporant factor: who's interested in being an ally to you. That's more important then the pacman, I agree on that with you.
Few points though:
1. I was very interested in being an ally with you, we've had much communication (I checked my PM log) and I've putted efford in that that way. I have chatted with you about the Sita thing as well, I just didn't understand where you were going at. I was not happy with giving my King in your hands (where he may die). I have talked about alternatives with you, and while we were talking, suddenly the Russians had won. So: I understand that your 'wannabe involved' thing is more inportant then 'playing pacman', though I just am not happy that all the roleplaying time I putted into 'our relation' means nothing and is wasted time in the end.
2. Playing pacman is not roleplaying. If I play pacman, it's Robert Plomp who plays pacman, not Rho'd Berth LXVII, King of the Americans. I'm pretty good at playing pacman, though I wouldn't have done it, even if I would have known that you would have been my 100% allie no matter if I insult you or am I crazy bully to my neighbours, I still would not have done it, since it's not true to the game (imho)
3. You should know that thursday night LzPrst and I were chatting untill 01:30 our time, while (I at least) we had to wake up early for work/college.
Why did we do that? a. we love the game b. we love the role playing
In the end it appeared that it was all wasted time. And that counts for all the huge communication I've send to you and Russia. I could talk whatever I wanted, I could be 100% right or wrong about Boston, I could switch to the religion of the pope, to your religion, I could offer money, all my daughters, the body of the king himself, but in the end it didn't matter, since your posisions were fixed. You had played pacman, and nothing could change that, not even 4000 years after Sita died of old age.
That's not true to the role playing.
Our allies England and the Incas were not our allies anymore, which is normal. Time had passed by, they had no interested, so they said: "Help yourself"
We had no fixed alliance.
Sometimes alliances can be fixed. France and me were fixed for 100%, but that's because our capitals were 4 tiles from each other!!!! We couldn't afford a war. I hated that, since people would feel like "They are allies because they're brothers". I tell you, in most games we are our greatest enemies

But we had a role-reason for our alliance as well, we shared judaism, together with Germany. Russia and India had no role-playing reason anymore to be allied in the end. India had REALLY REALLY REALLY insulted Peter II intensely on the summit, and he had REALLY REALLY REALLY insulted the pope. But that didn't matter, since the Russian/Indian alliance was fixed since pacman.
I'm not angry about that, I do'nt blame you, I just hope we can learn from that for a next game. Because I loved this game, but I'm really a little bit dissapointed now that I've wasted perhaps 20 hours on diplomacy and communcation, but it all appeared to be useless and a waste of time.
That's (LzPrst may corect me) imho the reason why LzPrst left. Being backstabbed is ok in civ. But we felt like: "What is the purpose of this game if even now Russia helps India"
It's like playing chess, and agree on a non-aggressive packt. You are allowed to do so, and move the pieces for eternity, but does that make the game fun?
Well, for you it may, but you're retarted

4. If you add all of that to our really horrible starting position (I have 6 cities now, one on a 2-tile island within the fat-cross of my capital, 3 in the jungle and Washington and Robingthon, both are fine cities, but nothing special. I had hardly any resources. That made Boston pretty important.
Like I said, I had to fight a culture war with Dragon from the beginning, or I had not been able to LEAVE my capital anymore since 3200 BC. (or something)
I have had to build a obelist early in the game.
Still I was able to be in the lead quite early, building my 2nd and 3rd city as one of the first.
Though then there was no room anymore, and only jungle anyway.
France was in the same situation, as was Germany.
Then england and Germany discovered the islands before we did. Besides that, the distance to the islands would have been too far for me to use anyway.
But that doesn't matter, being small and unimportant is civ as well (in the other diplo game I founded 6 religions)
But if you combine that with all the stuff before, it's just not really very fun anymore. For sure if you keep in mind that I play from 00:30 till 03:30, all the connectivity problems, etc.
If then India, Russia and China apparantly are even going to gang up on us, the small nations of terra, end there's no change in diplomacy, then that's just very hard for us to grab.
I agree that it was not really nice of LzPrst to leave immediately, we should have talked about it. Though I really understand him, and want to back him up in the end. The game was not enjoyable for us anymore. And not because we lost, since we lost from the beginning on. We've never been winning.
I agree with China that we should have rules.
I think that marathon games are possible though.
- Pangea, not Terra anymore. the new world is only for the lucky and the large nations, and unballances the game. (I could never have come there, I'm not a civ-rookie)
- Only trade techs you researched yourself
- Stay true to diplomacy, you must have in-game reasons for being allied.
- much players are good, but they should be involved more (Dragon)
- No early wars
- Everyone should have a fair start position, no civs that meet each other on turn one, otherwise: restart
- Pangea: more land for all, all have more change to develop from the beginning
There may be more.
Conclusion: I do not blame you guys, things went as they went. You guys have played a good game. But for hte next game we should learn lessons. People put over 50 hours in the game, then it should be a good game.