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The History of the World V . . . .

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  • FROM: General Keyeme Capac
    TO: Prime Minister Atahuallpa XXIV
    SUBJECT: Political Power

    To my king of the sun,

    So long have we been waiting in the shadows, as a mere back nation, with no influence in the world. However, it's time for our nation to come into play.

    We have recently been admitted to the United Nations, and while there are still few other countries that know of our existence, our time has come to take a big role in the world. Your humble servant's opinion, your holiness, is that we must make a statement. Events are unfolding which can lead to our revival as one of the most powerful nations to ever walk the earth.

    We should make our political opinions very clear: I have recently reviewed our army, and if I may say so myself, your grace, it is world-power worthy. If Germany invades America, we should join the fight in repelling them from the borders of our new friends. Believe me, sire, we have the capability, both militarily, and strategically. Long live the Empire of the Sun.

    Your humble servant,
    General Keyeme Capac
    Last edited by Prussia; June 30, 2006, 17:36.


    • Dear Americans and Indians,

      We only seek the posibility to reach to the need for police actions against international terror. American territory may have to be crossed for Germany to aheed a call for such an action. Germany does not want to have a war, we seek peace, peace through action against the terrorists. We have obligations, you must understand.

      We will investigate the Amircan claim that the Temple of Solomon meets the criteria of the NSZ Jewish Sons of Levi. For now we take your word for it.

      The past history of oil I understand, but Americans, you must understand the strain the lack of oil puts on the German people. There is no threat in this, only an observation, and an explanation of domestic tension.

      We hope that the people of America will let German Police forces through American territory since they are the keepers of international peace through the Resource Defence Coallision. The time has not yet come, but we, as honest and law abiding people, want to give due notice to the American people of a future possibility.

      As stated earlier: The Temple situation will be dealt with later, perhaps even in an international tribunal.


      Azimov Kimpler


      • FROM: Hauptfuhrer Azimov Kimpler
        TO: Prime Minister Atahuallpa XXIV

        Greetings dear friend!

        We have not heard from the Inca in some time. I hope the Inca will show themselves as a power of Terra, and abide the needed police actions of the Resource Defence Coallition, initiated by the Chinese, and supported in part by the southern alliance of England, Germany and yourselves.

        Action gives Peace!

        Kind regards,



        • TO: Azimov Kimpler
          FROM: Peruda Si
          CC: United Nations
          SUBJECT: German Police in America

          To Hauptfuhrer Azimov Kimpler,

          The people of Inca are well aware of your slight distaste of the speed and efficiency of the United Nations. However, it is not in the people's interest for the lands of America to play host to your police force. I hope you understand I am picking my words carefully, but this can be viewed as an invasion.

          The Incan government proposes an alternative. A large police force can be carefully selected from United Nations officials in the task of eliminating the terrorist threat from America. You maybe have officials on the committee that selects them, along with representatives from other countries.

          The people do not wish this to turn into an international coup, and it is in everybody's interest that this does not escalate to such a nature. We hope you will comply, or better yet, suggest a resonable alternative that involves the best interest of all parties.

          On another note, we are gracious to hear from our good friends the Germans again. While we have been lurking in the shadows for quite some time, we are ready to begin more diplomacy with our time-lasting allies and partners.

          Formally yours,
          Peruda Si
          Incan Senior Foreign Affairs Minister
          Incan United Nations Representative


          • Security General Gandhi welcomes warmly the participation of the Inca in the official dealings of the United Nations. If only her allies would share the same regard for this international body and give it a fair chance to diffuse our world situation without dismissing it out of hand.

            All nations are invited to participate in the Security Council deliberations soon set to occur.

            Mohandas Gandhi
            Secretary General of the United Nations
            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


            • The Rise of Francisco Franco

              Francisco Franco and his Falange took Parliament by an overwhelming margin and quickly went to work establishing Falange dominance in Spain; Franco's first order of business was to make it illegal to print, or say anything that ran contrary to the "interests of the State." This effectively made the concept of Freedom of Speech in Spain a joke. In response the Madrid Monitor went into hiding, establishing a small and secret circulation among the Liberal elite, and a few foreign officials who were against Falangist ideals. He would increase the military budget quickly, citing a need to "protect the new government from Liberal and Marxist subversion." Finally Franco attempted to establish Spain's foreign policy as strong and he quickly searched for new allies and attempted to mend the rift with the Germans...

              The Parade in Madrid.

              The Falange leaders held a grand parade in the capital city of Madrid following the victory in Parliament, this was done for two purposes; the first was obviously to show the world that the Falange had the support of the Spanish people and the second was a bit more sinister - to mask the quickness in which the Falange worked to break down the democratic ideals of the Liberal government. Charges of corruption were quickly leveled at Liberal leaders such as Jose Diaz and Francisco Serrano y Dominguez, and Prime Minister Prim y Prats was found dead in his offices from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head (it would later be discovered that he was murdered, and nobody would be brought to justice.) The parade, however, was one of the greatest as many Spaniards flooded the streets of the capital to show their support for the new government. It was unkown at the time but the regime of Franco (now called "El Caudillo") would be the most violent and domineering government Spain had ever seen, bringing with it a dangerous fascist ideology hell-bent on launching Spain into aggressive foreign policies as well as the removal of many civil rights in Spain. None of this mattered though to the Spanish people, with the military backing the Falange and the return of "Spanish traditions," many Spaniards were easily convinced to support their new nationalist leadership. For his part Franco lowered taxes and began state-sponsored futbol matches and bullfights. With the support of the people behind him Franco moved on to some other issues on the Falange's itinerary...

              Juan Carlos Appointed as King.

              Juan Carlos Gaspar Guzman de Olivares y Castilla y Aragon was appointed the King of Spain in Toledo by the Spanish Archbishop and Franco himself. His role as King would be strictly ceremonial as Franco had already been given the title "Jefe del Estado," (head of state) by the Parliament. Thus Spain had come full circle; from a powerful Imperial Monarch, to a Liberal Democracy, and they had now become a Socialist state with a figurehead Monarchy. Juan would have no official powers other than ceremonially calling Parliament into order, further he gave Franco the imperial title "por la gracia de Dios, Caudillo de España y de la Cruzada," or "by the grace of God, the Leader of Spain and of the Crusade." With these changes Franco had given himself official recognition by the Spanish church, the traditionalists of Spain, the Parliament and the military. There was no stopping him at this point, and anyone who would oppose him politically would be met with violence. The Liberalists and Marxists of Spain all went into hiding for fear that they would be crushed by Franco's Falangists.

              Ha Llegado España.

              Franco realized that while he had things well in hand in Spain, the international community was now abuzz with talk of war, terrorism, and espionage. He had already established a training school for spies in the city of Barcelona in order to compete with the rest of the world in the spy-department. He further realized if Spain were to become strong some concessions had to be made, and planned on a trip to Germany to meet with Hauptfuhrer Azimov Kimpler, who also happened to be an ardent fascist. He would also plan on inviting Chinese diplomats to Madrid in order to officialize the Resource Protection Pact...
              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

              One Love.


              • Military Operations: Mei Wen Ti

                A meeting of top generals was held in the Council Chambers of the 108 Stars in order to finalize the plans for the targeted elimination of terrorist camps in communist held Russia. The general's seemed to slack any appreihension about the mission as it was laid out calmly point by point. With the council's approval and the Emperor's backing of policy, it was now in the hands of the generals to determine the methods to be used to end the terrorist attacks.
                Last edited by Frank Johnson; June 30, 2006, 18:09.


                • SECURE EMAIL


                  EMAIL SECURED

                  TO: Hauptfuhrer Azimov Kimpler
                  FROM: Prime Minister Atahuallpa XXIV
                  SUBJECT: Our allies

                  Azimove Kimpler,

                  I have not seen you since the security convention! How are you doing? I'm sorry we could not have a proper conversation. Events are unfolding quickly, and there is much to be done to regain our former glory.

                  I want to confirm that we are your allies, and remain to honor the treaties set by our former respective leaders. Germany has always been kind to us, and we will not forget what they have done for the Incan Empire.

                  However, the times are getting darker. My Foreign Minister most likely has made his statement to the UN, but I want to tell you in person.

                  I can fully understand the concern for your people's security in this matter, but I must say, it is getting out of hand. If you have any suggestions to calm it down, I would be more than happy to sit down and discuss it over some lunch of fresh fish at my palace, compliments of our Incan heritage.

                  However, you must know this. You are one of our closest allies. If it really comes down to it, we are on your side, but it would not be in anyones interest for something like that to happen.

                  I hope we can meet together in person and discuss the future of our great people's together. My secretary will be making arrangements with you for a meeting shortly. Until then.

                  Your friend,


                  • Dear Peruda Si,

                    I did not know that the Inca harboured such warm feelings for the Americans. I admitt that the German people also feel strongly for the caretakers of the Temple, but you must understand that international terrorism must be stopped, and only through action can we achive this!

                    The Americans need to let Resource Defence Police forces pass through American territory to have mobility to catch terrorists. We have NO intention of staying if we are not wanted.

                    We will not however let the terrorists go free, and our fleet may easily transport police forces to China to protect them from further harm.

                    The Germans whish more diplomatic talks on a high level with the Inca and English later.

                    Your Azi

                    Originally posted by Prussia

                    TO: Azimov Kimpler
                    FROM: Peruda Si
                    CC: United Nations
                    SUBJECT: German Police in America

                    To Hauptfuhrer Azimov Kimpler,

                    The people of Inca are well aware of your slight distaste of the speed and efficiency of the United Nations. However, it is not in the people's interest for the lands of America to play host to your police force.

                    Formally yours,
                    Peruda Si
                    Incan Senior Foreign Affairs Minister
                    Incan United Nations Representative


                    • Franco's Foreign Policy

                      Franco had always believed that since the Zaragoza incident Spain's main foreign policy focus should be on improving relations with Germany. The two countries stand as the northernmost and southernmost states in Terra and Franco believed that as allies, they could serve as a strong stategic bloc. Franco's first order of business as Prime Minister was to appoint a new Foreign Minister, Angel Sanz-Briz, and to have him send a message to the German Hauptfuhrer Azimov Kimpler. Franco assured his Falange colleagues that an apology for the destruction of Bremen would help Spain more than it would hurt it's nationalistic base, and comissioned Sanz-Briz to write a letter to Germany lineating Franco's plan to visit. Franco's intention was to create a friendly alliance between the two fascist states, in hopes that he could gain German support in case a world war were to break out. Remember, it wasn't long ago that Germany and Spain nearly came to blows over the Zaragoza incident, and Franco realized that the German leadership still harbored resentment over the destruction of Bremen. For their part Spanish soldiers didn't like Germans either, but he wasn't about to mention that...

                      The Republic of Spain

                      TO: Hauptfuhrer Azimov Kimpler
                      FROM: Angel Sanz-Briz, Foreign Minister of Spain

                      The rest of the world is unaware, as of this moment, of the Falange's victory in Parliament. We have worked quickly to establish Generalissimo Franco as the undisputed leader of the Spanish people and their rightful government.

                      We understand that you have been awaiting a Spanish apology for the destruction of Bremen, and subsequent death of a few German patriots who remained in the city despite the Spanish military. On behalf of the people of Spain, and their leader Francisco Franco y Bahamonde we apologize for what has been done. You must understand that those in power at the time, under General Espartero were simply trying to retain coal for their coal-industry supporters. In many ways this resource was also stolen from the Spanish people themselves at the time, as the Liberalists wished to make a few of their friends rich at the expense of the Spanish people, and nearly thrust our two great nations into war.

                      Again, we apologize for what has been done, and General Franco himself will visit you in order to mend this and establish a strong repor, we must be friends if we are to be allies.

                      Thank you for your time,

                      Angel Sanz-Briz
                      This message was well-recieved by the Germans, who expressed interest in signing into the Resource Defense Pact with China. Thus Franco's next move was to invite the Chinese Ambassador, Wang Fei Hung, to Madrid to speak to Parliament about the matter.

                      Wang Fei Hung visits Madrid.

                      Chinese ambassador Wang Fei Hung met with the Spanish Parliament to discuss the points of the proposed treaty. Generally speaking the pact would align Spain with the former members of the NSEW (Inca, England, Germany) as well as the Chinese Empire for the purposes of protecting the member-states' territorial integrity as well as establishing an anti-terror/espionage pact that would combat incidents similar to those that occured in China. The treaty was agreed to and signed, giving Franco not only power in Spain, but power abroad with a strong alliance system. Finally Franco had to attend the security council meeting, which is happening right now so I had to make this post short...
                      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                      One Love.



                        MY APOLOGIES ABOUT THE DELAY.
                        Last edited by Prussia; July 5, 2006, 19:05.


                        • DELETED DUE TO INAPROPRIATE CONTENT.

                          MY APOLOGIES ABOUT THE DELAY.
                          Last edited by Prussia; July 5, 2006, 19:06.


                          • OOC - For one thing Russia doesn't have helicopters and no one has stealth yet. Plus the accusations against Russia in a story thread is a pretty serious thing, especially in the already tense situation we have....
                            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                            • Hey never let the facts get in the way of a good SCAM !!!
                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                              • OOC - I agree with Ozzy here, I don't think this should be allowed and I think Prussia should have to delete both of those posts, especially considering Nico should be back this week.
                                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                                One Love.

