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The History of the World V . . . .

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  • #76

    India(Gandhi) - OzzyKP
    America(Washington) - CyberShy
    Germany(Bismark) - LzPrst
    France(Louis XIV) - NPDragon
    China(Qin Shi Huang) - condor223
    Russia(Catherine) - KunojiLym
    Spain(Isabella) - TheCapo
    England(Elizabeth) - Deity
    Mongolia(Genghis) - AI
    Inca(Huayna Capac) - NicodaMax

    Attached Files
    Last edited by OzzyKP; March 25, 2006, 11:16.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • #77
      Barbairan HORDES! May the Devils be cast into a deep pit! Much has happened in the outer world, but the vast lands around China have spawned many barbarians. China has been unable to send any military help to the taking of Mongolia.

      I, Qin Shi Wan, the great one has built a vast burial mound in preparation for my passage. They call it the Pyramids. Indeed it is the right place to put the barbarians and the wonders of jade and silk, the vast army of pottery soldiers!

      Passing time...

      I Han Yongxi Emperor of the entire China, have decreed that we will grow and settle..... We will build the silk road and trade with the east. Qin, the unifier, gone to his ancestors and has taken many with him. We had many years of revolution after his passage, but we are ONE kingdom now!

      Soon I will arrange marriages and found new cities.


      • #78

        Four thousand years after the Mongols vanished from the earth, an archaeological expedition from New Britain
        (“May the Queen *spit* sleep forever!”) digs the ancient grounds of the frozen tundra north in the theocratic state.

        “The Light illumine you, Commander!”, Corporal Jenkins proclaims

        “And you Child! Now… Why are you disturbing my argonbath?! You know ‘tis a Sin, breaking Commandment 143!”

        Jenkins throws himself on the floor “Save my Soul! We’ve found the Ancients!”

        The Commander jumps out of the Chamber of Light, spilling argon-sulphide all over the floor. He hurriedly puts on some clothes and storms out of HQ, face red with anticipation.

        Together with his closest advisors, and the representatives from the paramilitary group known only as “the Seekers of Truth”, the Commander arrives at the dig. There, thirty meters under ground, he sees the tablet with the ancient runes known as, what was it?, ah.. the Alphabet:


        Woe to anyone whom might read this! Denghis Kahn has Spoken and so it is Written!
        After I am gone there will come a people whom will take our Horses and our Cattle!

        The People of the Spear and Horse will be conquered and therefore disappear within the bloodlines of the White devils.

        Take heed! The blood flows amongst you!

        Denghis Kahn will return!


        Commander Ford felt his heart jump “It can’t be true!”

        High Seeker 437 grabs his shoulder “The Truth has been revealed! All praise to the Light! Our suspicions of your Foul blood have been confirmed!”

        But before he could continue with the incantations of Light, the Commander drew his hidden blade and the Seeker only gurgled blood. Jenkins jumped the next Seeker and broke his neck with a snap. Turmoil settled, and only the Commander and his men still stood.

        “I will be Banished for this… So be it!
        Let the word spread: The Kahn has arisen!
        We will start anew!"


        • #79
          The Zionist Troubles - Prologue

          Shivaguru wiped his brow, and smiled. Finally, after a long journey, Moscow, legendary city of Rama, lay before him. Now he could perform the task of converting this city to the Hindu faith, in aid of Sri Rama. What an honor it was, to be sent on this mission!


          "He's here."

          In a darkened room, somewhere in the Russian capital, a group of hooded figures huddled in secret conference.

          "The heretic cannot be permitted to spread his poison. Patriarch, how goes the appeal to Washington?"

          "No good. They tell us that we have to seek peaceful means to stop this. I have tried to, am still trying to convince them otherwise, but I doubt that we will find support from that quarter."

          A dissastisfied murmering arose among the gathered, before the Patriarch cleared his throat for silence.

          "God has entrusted this mission into our hands, it would seem. Brethen, this is a test of faith, a test of strength between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. Much as Job must endure his trials, so we too must face this alone, and like David against Goliath, we shall triumph at last. In the name of Zion, we march!"


          "Rama my love, are you stringing your bow?"

          Nicholas I, Tsar of Mother Russia, looked over at Sita, his beautiful wife, as her eyes shown with love and concern. Both of them still seemed to be in the prime of life, but the Tsar knew, deep down, that his body, and that of his wife, had been deterioating in the last few years. That was why he was preparing to at last step down, in favor of his named heir, Leon.

          But he had not yet done so, even at his advanced age. The rumblings within the court worried him, and they only seemed to grow as the envoy that his father-in-law had sent drew near. The tsar feared a repeat of the troubles that had plagued his youth; he knew that Sita saw it too. He was never able to hide anything from his love.

          He smiled tenderly at Sita. "I am, dear. I may be getting on in years, but I am not about to let my archery skills rot in situ." Besides, he added silently, it never hurt to be prepared.


          "All hail, Sri Rama, 7th Avatar of Vishnu and Tsar of the Russians!"

          Nicholas had a bemused smile on his face as Shivaguru prostated himself before him. He had long since given up on getting people to stop calling him 'Sri Rama', but this was a little overmuch. He spared a glance at the assembled courtiers; apparently they were none too happy with the worshipful attitute of the guru. This was not good.

          "Arise, wise guru. It is indeed an honor to have you travel all the way here to offer your sage insights. I trust that you have had a good night's rest?"

          "Yes indeed, Sri Rama. I look forward to partake in the wisdom of the gods and of yourself."




          "It is now or never."


          • #80
            The Zionist Troubles - The First

            "My liege! My liege!"

            Nicholas's eyes snapped open. He had always been a light sleeper, and this morning was no different. He slipped out of bed, taking care not to awaken Sita, and padded to the door.

            "What is it, Boris?"

            "My liege! Terrible news! The guru's murdered!"

            "What!?" Nicholas pushed the door open, and grabbed the courtier by the collar, shaking him roughly. "How did this happen? Did I not order a special guard for his quarters? Speak, man, speak!"

            "There's no time, my liege! Your wife, your children; they're in danger!"

            "Oh for- Get me my personal guard. NOW!!" Without waiting for an answer, Nicholas swept to the weapons rack, grabbing his bow, quiver and sword. Then he turned to the bed-

            -to find Sita already up, and slipping a dagger of her own into her sari. They locked eyes for a few precious moments.

            "Let's go."


            "Patriarch, we have slain Leon."

            Rabbi Aleksandr Arakcheev frowned at the news, before smiling thinly.

            "It is God's will that the spawn of the Devil be sent directly to the depths of Hell. What of Lillith and her other offsprings? We must arrest them immeadiatedly if we are at all to convince the masses."

            "Our spies report that Lillith herself was seen with the Tsar. Our people are giving chase."

            "Good. Be careful of Nicholas. He may already have fallen too far to be redeemed, but he still commands support from the ignorant rabble. Capture him if you can." The Patriarch's eyes hardened. "Kill him if you must."


            "This way! After them!"

            "By the gods, this is madness," muttered Nicholas, as he notched another arrow. Whirling around, he let fly, and was rewarded by the crashing of timber as the arrow pierced the rope that had supported it. He had yet to shoot to kill; after all, these were *his* people! Then he rounded a corner, with Sita close behind him.

            Before him, stood an entire array of axemen, a fanatical grimness evident in their eyes.

            "For Zion!!" With that cry, the axemen charged, their weapons held high.

            "Run, Sita! Flee!" With these words, Nicholas readied his bow, and fired.


            To his credit, no less than a hundred axemen fell to the arrows of Sri Rama, and a hundred more to his sword. But as the Tsar had oft noted, he was but human, and a mighty cleave of an axe finally felled him. Of Sita, there was no sign.

            With the palace under their control, and the imperial family scattered, Rabbi Aleksandr and his fellow Zionists, as they came to be known, took to the pulpit, preaching against the evils that the reign of Nicholas I had brought about, and urging the masses to open their eyes, least divine punishment befall them. But in St Petersburg and Rostov, the remmants of the imperial family found refuge, and as news of the death of the Tsar and his heir spread, a wave of outrage spread over the Russian nation. It was not long before Alexander, cousin of the deceased Leon and a grandson of Nicholas, rallied an army and marched against the Zionist forces in Moscow. In a bitter and bloody battle, Rabbi Aleksandr was slain, and the Zionist army broken. The remainder of the forces fled to the hills around Moscow, and Alexander III was sworn in as the new Tsar.


            • #81
              The Zionist Troubles - The Second and Third

              The Zionists continued to plague the outskirts of Moscow, in part aided by the numerous sympathizers who still resided in the city. Alexander III was forced to send out expedition after punitive expedition against the rebels. Finally, Rabbi Ariel Sharon, self-proclaimed Patriarch of Moscow, declared the rule of the Romanov family that Nicholas belonged to 'an act of the Devil himself', and with that pretext, rallied five thousand soldiers from the populace and marched against the capital.

              The imperial army was routed atop a hill overlooking Moscow. Inspired by such success, Ariel pressed on into the city itself. It was then that the legacy of Nicholas proved itself, for the imperial archers, time and again, forced the Zionists to break off their assault. Then General Potemkin, of the Impeskie Osi, led the assembled archers and warriors against the Zionist axemen under the cover of night, and smashed the rebel army to pieces. In the aftermath, Ariel fled north to the plains of St Petersburg, where he and his supporters melted into the countryside.

              Potemkin set off in pursuit with his band of elite axemen. In the Battle of the Running Plains, the Zionists were broken, again and again, until at last an exhausted Ariel surrendered to the imperial forces. He was subsequently carted off to Moscow and executed by cruxification.

              In the aftermath, evidence emerged of a correspondance between Ariel and the Patriarch of Washington, similar to that which Aleksandr had conducted so many years ago. Alexander III requested and received a sastisfactory explaination from the Americans, but for ever afterwards, he remained suspicious of Jewish activity.

              This was not the last of the Zionists, however, for they were to make one final push, years later.


              A great Lighthouse was erected in St Petersburg in the year 240 BC. Its purported purpose was to guide the merchant ships of the known world safely into her harbors, but it was an open secret that the real purpose was to keep an eye upon the remmants of the Zionists, recently abandoned by their brethen in America. With nothing to lose, Joshua of Moscow was to lead the rabble to a final rising against the Romanov dynasty.

              In Joshua, the aging Potemkin found an equal in military strategy and tactics. The tales of the battles are even now being taught in the barracks of Moscow. But Gaudapada's arrival in Moscow spelled the beginning of the end for the Zionists. The Hindu guru was able to complete the task that his predecessor had failed to accomplish, and the Imperial court finally subscribed fully to the Hindu faith. With the loss of support from his traditional sponsors, Joshua was doomed to eventual defeat. On the outskirts of St Petersburg, he and the last of the fanatical Zionists perished to a vicious onslaught by Potemkin.
              Last edited by KunojiLym; March 25, 2006, 08:10.


              • #82
                Luke 2:8-12

                And there were herdsmen living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of Yaroslavl' a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

                Mark 1:21-27

                They went to Moscow, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the hall and began to teach. The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taought them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. Just then a man in their hall who was possessed by an evil spirit cried out, "What o you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are - the Holy One of God!"

                "Be quiet!" said Jesus sternly. "Come out of him!" The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.

                The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, "What is this? A new teaching - and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him."

                Matthew 16:21

                From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Washington and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

                John 19:23-30

                When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes, diviging them into four shares, one fore each of them, with the undergarment remaining. This garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom.

                "Let's not tear it," they said to one another. "Let's decide by lot who will get it."

                This happened that the scripture might be fulfilled which said,

                They divided my garments among them
                and cast lots for my clothing.
                So this is what the soldiers did.

                Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

                Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty." A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "Is is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

                Mark 16:1-7

                When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus' body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, "Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?"

                But when they looks up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.

                "Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Bangalore. There you will see him, just as he told you.'"


                • #83
                  In the twilight years of Alexander III, the great project in honor of the late Nicholas I, the Hanging Gardens, was finally completed. Poets afterwards compared the Gardens to the legendary beauty of Sita, such was the wonder of its construction.

                  60 years earlier, a strange varient of Judaism had sprung forth in the border town of Yaroslavl'. Claiming that the Son of God had risen, and sacrifised Himself to save the souls of humanity, these 'Christians' made the long trek to Rostov, Moscow, and Novgorod in turn. In each of these cities, a combination of official wariness of the 'neo-Zionists' and the Jews' own contempt for the so-called 'King of the Jews' served to turn the Apostles away. They finally found a welcome ear in Cuzco, capital of the Inca, where they settled and established their faith.

                  By the time Alexander III passed away, Russia was flourishing as never before. Moscow was the penultimate city of the known world, and Russia herself encompassed the largest empire known to man. The Zionists were broken in spirit, and the Christians were as yet a minor curiousity and irritant. Whether Ivan III, newly crowned Tsar of Mother Russia, would be able to build on the achievements of his predecessors remained to be seen.


                  • #84
                    The Madrid Monitor.
                    January 1st, 150 ad
                    1/10 Gold Piece

                    TOP STORY: Anglo-German War Ends Peacefully!
                    London, England - A conflict that started nearly two hundred years ago finally saw resolution as English and German ambassadors ironed out a peace treaty that would end a war threatening to bring in numerous countries including Russia, India and potentially Spain. The known world began to stratify as Spanish and Incan diplomats attempted to end the tension at the behest of the Guru Santo (the head of Buddhism). Numerous countries, including Germany and American accused the Spanish of supporting the English transgression of German waters which prompted the conflict in the first place. "Our mission was never to create even more animosity in the world" said the Guru Santo "We simply wished for peace to prevail in a situation that seemed to have started from a misunderstanding rather than aggression." The conflict reached a fevered pitch when Indian officials, who declared neutrality at the onset of the conflict, denounced the English and lent their support to the German cause. "We were alarmed by this move by India" said Spanish King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (also known as El Cid) "As we felt Indian involvement in this situation would only cause more countries who were nowhere near the conflict, no had any interest in the conflict, to join it needlessly costing even more lives." The War started when English ships passed into Germany waters despite the Germany's lack of an open borders treaty with England. English Queen Elizabeth claimed that the Germans were unwilling to discuss the possiblity of English passage, and the English felt they would pass anyway with no intention of attacking the Germans. This wasn't seen to be the case by many countries in the world who quickly sided with the Germans. Peace was finally agreed upon after the English gave territory and technology to Germany.

                    DOMESTIC REPORT

                    Zionist Rebels Assault Seville, Toledo!
                    Seville - Zionist rebels, apparently rebuffed from Russia, made two seperate attacks against the Spanish cities of Seville and Toledo with the intention of establishing a military base of operations against the Russians. "The only possible reason I could see for this is to establish some sort of close proximity to Russia, in order to regroup." The Spanish royalty however feels some form of sympathy for the Zionists; "What we have here is a situation where these Jews are experiencing discrimination by the Russians, which was instilled by the Indians who have managed to spread their religion into Russia with great speed. They have nowhere else to turn, and the problem is made worse by Russo-Indian policy towards the Americans, Germans and French who all live in the region Judaism began" remarked ambassador Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba, Spanish foreign minister "The policy is one where they placate and support, but also threaten, as we have seen Russian King Alexander III do on at least three occassions to America." Calderon further explains that these countries are unable to help Jews abroad for fear of trouble with the powerful Russo-Indian alliance. King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, however, urged all Spanish citizens "to renounce the violence of the Zionists, do not house them, or feed them, or support them in any way other than to help them end their violent ways."

                    Spanish Territory Nearly Doubles Under El Cid!
                    Madrid - The territories of Toledo and Cordoba have beend added to the Spanish Kingdom under the leadership of King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar. "The goal here, unlike that of Bainor, is to expand our empire so our people can live amongst one another and learn eachother's customs" El Cid said "Andalusians, Castillians and Aragonese have a lot to learn from eachother, and with Leon's success we can see what happens when there is unity and cooperation." Two new settlements are planned for future dates.

                    Holy Toledo!
                    Toledo - The Jewish-offshoot "Christianity" has been spread to the Spanish outpost of Toledo, with mixed results. "I don't get it" Spanish citizen Maria Vasquez said "I mean, whatever trash Russia doesn't want just comes here, first the Jews attack us, and now these psychos come in talking about some guy named Jesus!" The Jewish branch of Christianity was started by a man named 'Jeshua' (or Jesus in Spanish), who felt that the Zionist rebels use of violence against Russia was ill-fated, and taught a more passive and peaceful means of resistance to the powerful Romanov dynasty. The Guru Santo, however, praised Jesus and his followers "Any belief that sees charity, respect, and peace as virtues can not be evil, we need more people in the world like Jesus to end the constant struggles people the world over have been experiencing." Toledo in recent years has been a hotbed of activity, after an attack by Zionist rebels, and the influx of Christianity it has added more excitment to the process of settling; "I was always apprehensive about joining the settlement projects of El Cid" one Spaniard said, he refused to be named "But now with all of this news I'm hearing from the frontier I have signed up, I need a little adventure!" Toledo is growing quite quickly, and so has Christianity which has become the popular religion of the city.

                    FOREIGN REPORT. (its all about Russia)

                    Civil War Strikes Russia!
                    Moscow, Russia - Tsar Nicholas I, known in Hindu circles as Sri Rama has died leaving his country in the hands of Leon his successor but he too has been deposed as king and through a series of bloody battles and the subsequent rise and demise of Alexander III of Russia things have finally calmed down as Ivan III has assumed power in Russia. "Russia is one of the, if not the, most powerful country in the world" said King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar "It holds vast influence over many other nations, and houses numerous religions. Such a combination is ripe for a civil war of this magnitude, we sent our condolences to the people of Russia for their losses of Nicholas and Alexander, I am sure all followers of Hinduism lament their loss." The war was started by a combination of people who conspired against the King, and by Zionist rebels who are very active in southern Russia. Spanish foreign minister Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba said "The Russians are a strong and independant people, I am quite confident that peace and calm will be returned to the Kingdom of Russia."

                    Spain, Russia Agree to Open Borders!
                    St. Petersburg, Russia - Spanish and Russian ambassadors agreed to reinstate the old Russo-Spanish Open Borders treaty which was ended after King Bainor decided to pull out his army from the English-Mongol "Crab War" many years ago. The reason for the treaty? Good relations. "The Russians contacted us first" said Minister Calderon "When we asked why they wanted to have the treaty again the Russians simply replied 'to improve relations,' of course we weren't going to turn this down, especially after all the damage King Bainor did to our international status." Some citizens are worried that the reasons for the treaty aren't soo benign; "We know Russians are violent people" said one citizen "And we know they hate Jews, and now all the Jews and the Christians or whoever they are just come here, so here come the Russians, it doesn't take a genius to figure this out man!" King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar urges all Spaniards not to listen to any rumors such as this one, "Russia is a great and respectable nation, it has done nothing wrong to Spain and now with this treaty we look forward to centuries of peace and cooperation with the people of Russia."

                    Great Wonders Built All Over the World!
                    Great wonders of construction have been built all over the northern world; two were built in Russia by outgoing Tsar Alexander III, which include a structure housing beautiful gardens dedicated to princess Sita of India. The great Lighthouse was built in St. Petersburg, which is really close to Toledo, which helps guide trade ships in the north seas which is littered with icebergs. A series of giant tombs have been built in China to protect their dead Emperors in the afterlife, and a library housing works of literature (not to mention Buddhist works from Spain), has been built in India, serving as a great meetingplace of Terra's great minds.


                    Don't Believe What You Hear!
                    By Isidor Bainor de Castilla

                    Yes, I am the son of Bainor de Castilla. I know my father didn't have the greatest reputation when he was in power, and I understand if I am given the same treatment, but in his defense the man went insane and had the worst people surrounding him, so of course it ended the way it did. But things have gone well since El Cid took over, and I can't complain about my own life. I have a lovely wife and a daughter on the way. I think I'll name her after... well, me. I am my father's son after all!

                    I digress. What I am here to do is to discuss foreign relations, it is my specialty. What we've been seeing in the past few years is a changing of moods. A few hundred years ago we were talking about the English and Mongols, now we are talking about the English and Germans. The roles have reversed for England; what was once an international charity case is now an international bad boy. But why? Its very simple, its all savvy diplomacy on the part of India and Russia. Yes, at risk of getting myself in trouble with El Cid (who I love and repsect), I will come out and say it. Now I don't mean to say that Russia and India are evil countries, they are for from it, but when you go from advocating the English to tear the Mongolians apart to telling England not to expand because it will hurt Germany's feelings there seems to be a double standard there. Now I know, you are going to say to me "Isidor, its not like that, now England is being aggressive and Germany is being aggressed." That couldn't be further from the truth, Mongolia threatened England with war, they brought troops, they attacked. England did nothing of the sort to Germany, in fact only a few years ago while Germany was under "AIen leadership" they declared war on England! The only bad thing England ever did to Germany was having the means to send people thousands of miles away to settle land that was right on the doorstep of Germany BEFORE Germany could get there, to me that isn't aggressive, to me that just means England is a better and more civilized state. The countries of the south are barbarian states, plain and simple. Russia can attest to this, go ahead and ask a Russian what they think of the Zionist rebels, I bet it won't be a positive thing. I mean, America and France JUMPED at the chance to declare war on England without even considering peace, or without the means to even invade England. So why, you might ask, did Russia and India support Germany and America over England? Simple; they want England under control. These guys couldn't care less about the Jews of the south, they really couldn't, yet they are the same people who tried to instigate a war (even after India initially declared neutrality in the issue). They fed information to the Americans and Germans, despite the fact that Hindu arms continue to stamp out the spread of Judaism for the SIMPLE FACT that its Judaism and not Hinduism doing the spreading. Of course you won't ever catch King El Cid saying this (By the way, I respect and adore you King, even if you did KILL MY FATHER), but think about it: Why would Russia and India help Jewish countries while they expend so much resources fighting Jewish people? Its a joke, its a farce, but hey, its great politics.

                    I.B. Castilla

                    The views expressed by Isidor Bainor de Castilla are not shared by the Madrid Monitor, its contributors, its employees no are they shared by the King of Spain; Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (El Cid).
                    Last edited by The Capo; March 25, 2006, 18:17.
                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • #85
                      The story of Chanakya - Part 1 - The Southern Islands Affair

                      Late into the rule of King Bimbisara a promising young professor and foreign policy expert from Takshashila University (some would call it just a library, but more on that later) emerged as a rising star among the Bimbisara court. His understanding of the art of foreign policy, diplomacy, and strategy was unparalelled. Even before his joining the government his books were required reading among those at the palace. Soon he was made foreign minister. In future ages his name would be uttered in the same breath as Sun Tzu and Machiavelli. Indeed, this man makes Machiavelli look like a confused choir boy. This man is Chanakya, and this is his story.

                      The first major event of Chanakya's influence on Indian politics came not long into the English-German conflict. India's official position was neutrality, having no apparent interest in either England or Germany. However Chanakya knew that what may seem like 'no apparent interest' to the small-minded presented a great opportunity for someone of his caliber. It was this event in fact that vaulted Chanakya to his current position of foreign minister. There is little information on what happened to the former foreign minister, but suffice to say Chanakya got his job.

                      Walking briskly into the king's chambers, Chanakya threw down a recently received letter from Spain, and in an agitated tone said, "Sire, the Spanish are attempting to broker a peace deal between the English and Germans!"

                      Slowly looking up from his book, he loved to read, King Bimbisara looked at his minister a moment and asked, "That's good news, isn't it?"

                      "No! Its terrible news! Haven't you been listening to me all this time? Germany and England may be small now, but they have found a large amount of land south of here and have the potential to grow rapidly. They are potential threats to India. The more they fight with each other the less they fight with us, understand?"

                      "Uhh, yes, that makes sense I suppose."

                      "Good. Now our goal is to secure a balance of power. At the moment, despite their clever propaganda, it seems England is the more powerful of the two. More powerful in fact than many other countries including America. They are attempting to colonize land right in Germany's back yard and have made significant inroads towards that end. Germany has a large army and England will be unable to adaquetly project their power that far south to repel an attack. I propose we vocally change our position from neutrality to supporting the German claim. They will invade and take land from England, thus weakening England and in the process feeling more attachment to India for supporting them. With your leave I have much work to do."

                      "Yes yes, good. Your plan makes sense, I with you the luck of Vishnu."

                      With that Chanakya set his plan in motion. Holding meetings with the abmassadors of all nine great powers, issuing many letters to kings, and creating quite a stir. Knowing the shipping lanes from England to the southern islands brought ships quite close to Madras, Chanakya set up watchmen around the clock to look for English vessels. With luck he received a report of a detachment of axmen heading south from England. Siezing the opportunity he quickly alerted his counterparts in the other nation's and accused England of preparing an invasion.

                      While the King refused to commit troops, Chanakya convinced him that providing iron or horses, if necessary, would help the German war effort and thus India's position. Chanakya also provided tactical support to Germany through this affair.

                      Sadly however Chanakya overplayed (or underplayed) his hand. Germany and England simply did not have the will for war, and came to mutually acceptable terms to divide up the islands between them without bloodshed.

                      Chanakya was quite discouraged by the failure of his plan. It was an experience that stayed with him for the rest of his life, something he learned from. Ultimately he blamed the King for his refusal to commit Indian troops. Bimbisara was a weak king, more concerned with his books and libraries than in the grand chess match of foreign affairs. He was old though. Chanakya had simply to wait for a new monarch to take his place. But Chanakya was not a patient man.
                      Last edited by OzzyKP; March 27, 2006, 16:57.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • #86
                        The story of Chanakya - Part 2 - Meeting Chandragupta and dealing with Isidor Bainor de Castilla

                        Chanakya didn't take long to build a wide ranging and devoted network of spies in nearly every country on Terra. The true extent of his spy network will never truly be known, but his techniques have been passed down generation to generation in secret societies in India, but more on that later.

                        He gained the trusted ear of King Bimbisara despite the failed handling of the Southern Islands Affair. Chanakya liked to stay informed about news the world over, so in what became his daily ritual after brunch with the king, Chanakya took a few quiet moments to himself outside in the palace grounds to read newspapers from around the world and relax under his favorite shade tree.

                        He read through many papers, but his favorite was always the Madrid Monitor, as they had excellent foreign affairs coverage. An editorial by Isidor Bainor de Castilla caught his eye. He wasn't pleased.

                        "What a foul oaf of a man," he thought, "he may be smart enough to figure out our motivation in the Southern Islands Affair, but he lacks the discretion to use that information properly. An editorial, ha, the fool. And from a man with much to hide as well. No matter, dispatching him will be a simple affair, as we have many spies in Spain."

                        Chanakya got up to leave so he can set some things in motion when he noticed the king's nephew playing in the garden. He was young yet, but something about him caught Chanakya's attention. He decided to sit down and watch him awhile. He had a regal air about him. He played "king" with the other boys and commanded their respect and loyalty. Indeed, even the king's grandchildren, heirs to the throne, followed around this boy.

                        Chanakya walked over to him, put his hand on his shoulder and asked, "What's your name son?"

                        He responded proudly, "I am Chandragupta Maurya, nephew of the king and master of all the lands from that grove of trees to that creek."

                        Chanakya smiled, pleased with the boy's brashness, "That is an impressive empire young sir. Perhaps one day you will expand it. We shall have to stay in touch."

                        Chanakya walked away back to the palace, continuing to plot every step along the way. "This boy would make a much finer king than any of the pansies currently in line." he thought, "Well I suppose I shall have to play kingmaker... but that is all long term. For now I have to deal with this Spanish loud mouth."

                        Chanakya got in touch with his contacts in Castille. It turned out Isidor had been corresponding covertly with certain powerful figures plotting to remove El Cid. Obtaining a copy of these letters was a simple matter for someone as well connected as Chanakya, but he knew he had to play it cool. Exposing the whole plot would help the Spanish King to be sure, but India wouldn't have much to gain either way. Best to expose our enemy Isidor but keep hidden his other conspirators... for now at least.

                        Soon some very incriminating letters were published in the Madrid Monitor.

                        "I knew I liked that paper." Chanayka said to himself, chuckling quietly.
                        Last edited by OzzyKP; March 27, 2006, 16:56.
                        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                        • #87
                          El Union de Rodrigo y Elena...

                          It was a perfect day in Madrid. A small crowd of noblemen, their wives, prominent members of the military and tribal orders, and of course religious leaders had gathered outside of the Citadel in Madrid. All of Spain's attention was dedicated to the wedding of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, and his adoptive sister; Elena Diaz de Aragon. This union would establish a direct lineage through the house of Diaz that would maintain order in the Spanish Kingdoms.

                          Elena emerged from the doorway wearing a pink gown, and adorned with flowers that matched the decor. She was a perfect example of Spanish beauty, she beamed as she slowly walked her way towards the garden. El Cid was already at the altar, dressed in his finest military garb, wearing golden armor. The Guru smiled as she gave a polite bow. The Guru Santo placed their hands together and looked them both in the eye before opening his holy book and reciting a few traditional love poems before begining the sermon.

                          He spoke of love, and togetherness, of the particular importance of this union. Finally the Guru asked the two to recite poems of their own. Finally the two were joined together officially, in the traditional Spanish way, and asked to take a walk around the courtyard (this part was not traditional, and was done merely to parade the two around). El Cid and Elena walked hand in hand around the large Citadel, sharing smiles and waving at the people of Madrid. El Cid realized there was a lot of work left for Spain, that things needed to be secure. He couldn't allow these children to experience the loss he had to experience when he was a child. It scarred him for life, but he found a new appreciation for life with Elena, and he would soon raise a son of his own and create life rather than destroy it. That was what drove El Cid, nothing more.

                          The two came upon a door to the entrance, as his top aide and foreign advisor Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba directed them towards a doorway into the castle, the two entered the hallway where they were joined by a slew of advisors, slaves, historians, military officers, and noblemen. Finally the Guru Santo approached them and said "today is a blessed day for this country and their people."

                          El Cid nodded his head with respect "Yes Guru Santo, this day is a wonderful day, but I feel as if though it is better for Elena and I than it is for anybody else." Rodrigo leaned in and kissed his wife, who smiled.

                          "I love you so much Rodrigo." She beamed...


                          "It is the only thing that can be done, to protect our legacy." Isidor said, he was in bad spirits as he always was when he was drunk.

                          The settler stared blankly at him, and regained his train of thought "What do you mean? I wasn't listening at you!"

                          "You're a drunkard!" Isidor said to the settler as he rose from his stool, getting by was pretty rough on the frontier, and while the settlement of Cordoba had been there for decades it was quite new and hardly any business did as well as the winery.

                          "Oh yeah?" said the drunk settler, whose name was Hector, or Juan, or Pedro or something stupid from the country-folk "Well why don't you come over here and try and stop me!" the man was incoherent.

                          "Who are you? You aren't Alfonso are you?!" the equally drunk Isidor asked, he was a little better than the settler at holding his liquor, but he was nowhere better off than his counterpart.

                          "I'll Alfons-you!" the settler said as he pulled a knife from his belt.

                          "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Isidor suggested as he threw an iron goblet into the settler's face, which gave him more than enough time to draw his sword and run him through. The barkeep could do nothing; Isidor was the Duke of Castille, it would mean his life if he even tried to stop him.

                          "Well then" Isidor said to the barkeep, "Here, have some gold" he threw him a gold coin "Sorry about the mess."

                          Isidor promptly collected his things and ordered his men from their various tables "Come now, we'll have to find Alfonso ourselves..."
                          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                          One Love.


                          • #88
                            Toledo, Andorra Territory...

                            Jose reached for an arrow and quickly set his bow, he eyed the Aztec warriors and picked out the biggest one he could fine, the arrow flew at a deadly and accurate curve and struck the warrior in the temple. He looked again, there were no more arrows.

                            "Carlos, quickly, hand me your quiver!" he said to his comrade. Jose was a young soldier from Seville. He had grown up hearing legends about El Cid, and General Mendoza's trip to England and even foreign tales about the Sri Rama of Russia, and the ancient Hindu myths from India. He joined the army after El Cid took power because he felt now he wouldn't be stuck fighting other Spaniards.

                            "Are you insane?" Carlos replied. "I need these, these barbarian scum keep coming from the forests!"

                            "Which is why I need your arrows, would you have me fight them with these daggers. Where the hell are Mendoza's men?" Jose said as he snatched an arrow from Carlos.

                            "Hey, watch yourself! I don't have many arrows left myself!" he yelled, he then turned and shot an arrow right at the top of the barbarian's head.

                            The Aztecs began to make inroads towards the center of the town, without walls Toledo was doomed to failure, but time and resources were slim "Damn! Jose said, I guess I'm going to have to use the daggers, that bastard Mendoza. If this settlement falls it is his fault!"

                            "If this settlement falls nobody will even realize it, what the hell do they care in Madrid anyway about a bunch of Christian settlers anyway?" Carlos said as he shot another Aztec down with his arrow.

                            "There doesn't seem to be as many anymore" Jose said, he didn't want to say anything but he had to talk to somebody while he fought, he couldn't stand the killing and as a Buddhist found it hard to reconcile. Carlos on the other hand was a stanch Christian, and felt that he had to do what was necessary to protect the faith, and that meant to protect Toledo.

                            EDIT: MORE TO COME, SORRY.
                            Last edited by The Capo; March 26, 2006, 21:29.
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • #89
                              Re: El Union de Rodrigo y Elena...

                              Originally posted by The Capo

                              "It is the only thing that can be done, to protect our legacy." Isidor said, he was in bad spirits as he always was when he was drunk.
                              Capo wrote himself into the plot!

                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • #90
                                Let it be known that on this day, Ivan III, whose father put down the Zionist anarchists and constructed such marvels as Vishnu's Light and the Heavenly Gardens, comes of age and assumes his duties as Tsar of Mother Russia. The regency of Boris Godunov is over, and he is relegated to the position of Grand Minister, where he shall continue to dispense invaluable advice to the Tsar. As his first act in his capacity of Tsar, Ivan III hereby proclaims that St. Petersburg be renamed to Sri Nikolaevskii, in honor of Nicholas the Great, nee Sri Rama, slayer of demons, beloved of Sita and 7th Avater of Vishnu. His Excellency, Ivan III, master of all he surveys, is of the opinion that such an act will herald great things to come for the Russian Empire.

                                Marked with the Seal of the Tsar

                                Emelian Pugachev
                                Chief Advisor to the Tsar of Mother Russia, Ivan III
                                Last edited by KunojiLym; March 27, 2006, 01:24.

