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The History of the World V . . . .

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  • The History of the World V . . . .

    Large Terra Map
    Normal Sea Level
    Marathon Speed

    OOC Set Up Thread:

    OOC Set Up Thread 2:


    India(Gandhi) - OzzyKP
    America(Washington) - CyberShy
    Germany(Bismark) - LzPrst
    France(Louis XIV) - NPDragon
    China{Qin Shi Huang) - condor223
    Russia(Catherine) - KunojiLym
    Spain(Isabella) - AI
    England(Elizabeth) - AI
    Mongolia(Genghis) - AI
    Inca(Huayna Capac) - AI

    And just for reference cause I like to keep track of this stuff, traits by civ:

    Organized - America
    Creative - Russia, France
    Spiritual - India, Spain
    Industrious - France, India, China, Germany
    Financial - America, China, Russia, England, Inca
    Expansive - Mongolia, Spain, Germany
    Aggressive - Mongolia, Inca
    Philosophical - England

    This is the story-line thread for the HOTWV Diplogame. Please only post if you are in the game.

    Last edited by OzzyKP; October 25, 2006, 17:05.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.

  • #2
    OCC - people not in the game can post if they are commenting on the stories and such. It is always nice to know if we've got an audience or not. Also, I'm gonna be lazy and repost my opening salvo from the failed Epic of Man game attempt:

    This tale begins on a day like any other, the sun shone on the plants and the rocks and the wind licked mountains and rivers. It begins in a place like any other, the valleys, rivers, mountains and forests not unlike those on any of the many continents were you to suddenly awake displaced far from home. Yet it begins among a special people, a noble people. A people with a long history, a rich history...

    "Rich history? I ain't seen a cent of those riches."
    "haha me either!"
    "All I've seen is an endless treasure of ****."

    "Silence! Do not interrupt Rishi Vyasa you worthless Shudra! Know your place! - Continue wise sage."

    This epic tale spans thousands of years and is the great story of India. Our lives are but a speck in this grand story of our people. Yet, this is not the first world, nor is it the first universe. There have been and will be many more worlds and universes than there are drops of water in the holy river Ganges. The universes are made by Lord Brahma the Creator, maintained by Lord Vishnu the Preserver and destroyed by Lord Shiva. Since the universes must be destroyed before they can be recreated, Lord Shiva is called the Destroyer and Re-creator. These three gods are all forms of Supreme One and part of the Supreme One. The Supreme One is behind and beyond all.

    After each old universe is destroyed nothing is left but a vast ocean. Floating on this ocean, resting on the great snake Ananta, is Lord Vishnu. Some say that a lotus flower springs from his navel and from this comes Lord Brahma. And it is from Lord Brahma that all creation comes.
    How dies Lord Brahma create? Some tell of how he grows lonely and splits himself in two to create male and female. Then he becomes one again and human beings are created. In the same way he creates all the other living things, from the great animals to the tiniest insects. Others say that everything comes from different parts of Lord Brahma's body. All the different animals and all the people come from his mouth, arms, thighs and feet. His mouth became the brahman; his two arms were made into the rajanya; his two thighs the vaishyas; from his two feet the shudra was born. Everything comes from one - Lord Brahma, who is part of the Supreme One - so everything is part of the Supreme One. For this universe, this world and this Lord Brahma, like all those before and all those to come, will be destroyed by Lord Shiva.

    How long is the life of a universe? Its length is beyond imagination. One day to Lord Brahma is longer than four thousand million of the years that we know. Every night when Lord Brahma sleeps the world is destroyed. Every morning when he awakes it is created again. When the Lord Brahma of this universe has lived a lifetime of such days the universe is completely destroyed by Lord Shiva.

    Everything disappears into the Supreme One. For an unimaginable period of time chaos and water alone exist. Then once again Lord Vishnu appears, floating on the vast ocean. From Lord Vishnu comes forth Lord Brahma of the new universe and the cycle continues for ever.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • #3

      In the beginning there was chaos and naught. But then out of the great woodland hills came the mighty leader Lamwald, meaning Ruler of Land, and brought order. He organized his tribe and led them from the dark empty forests and barren hills of the east and settled in a fertile river valley to the west. Here they soon abandoned their hunter gatherer ways and became a permament settlement which its people named Berlin, The Bright Home, Home of the Teutons.

      Despite their now agrarian lifestyle some of the Teuton people decided not to settle in the swiftly growing citytown and set forth to find new prey for their axes and new lands for their feet to tread. This small group of hunters styled themselves the Wanderers and left the safety of their new homeland for the dangerous unknown lands. They traveled for many years, one generation replacing the next, becoming hardier and more guileful for each refreshment of the bloodline. They discovered great places, the Thicktop Mountain, the twin peaks they named the Horns of Bismarck, the fertile river valley to their east and the great river Lebenselbe that ran through it.

      It was on the banks of this river they came across the warrior explorers of America. At the very first sight the Americans acted with hostility and savagery, demanding tribute and threatening the scouting hunters with destruction. Unabashed by the blatant savagery the Wanderers quickly avoided their aggressive foes by taking a northeastern route into the fierce jungles of Wildwaldt. Standing upon a great hill overlooking the great bay they saw the home of the americans. Robington. Built upon the very beaches of a peninsula the city glowed like a sun-bleached bone. Quickly the scouts disappeared further into the jungle avoiding the ravaging warriors of america.

      While the simpler folk of the tribe fought their way through the vast jungles a new threat emerged near Berlin. Another group of warriors approached the peaceful home of the Teutons. Despite their far superior strength these people, the French were a civilized and honorable race. They limited their aggression to stealing a few chickens and soon left the vicinity of Berlin.

      Realizing the dangers they were in the people of Berlin trained their young to wield the club and fight. Under the new great leader, direct descendent of Lamwald himself, Conrad the Bold organized the defenders of Berlin. Never more would the Teuton people fear their neighbours.

      After many years in the fiercest jungles of the northlands the wandering scouts of the Teutons found another race. The Indians. Not wishing to risk another conflict contact was sparse and the wanderers made their way to the edge of the jungle where they were attacked by a great Pride of Lions. Several hundred beasts charged upon them and many lost hope and fled to the jungle, never to be seen again. But there was one who would not fare silently into the night. Hardtman the Brave fought and killed no less than 7 lions with his own weapons and led the hunted to become victorious hunters. After the great battle he took the name Löwenmeister, meaning Lord of Lions and brought his people towards a safe haven. He settled upon the mouth of Lebenselbe and his people live there still, at the Camp of the Lion Lord.

      ----- Hear these tales as told by the ancestors of our people in the most ancient days.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by LzPrst; February 25, 2006, 08:40.
      Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


      • #4
        I Ming Ti, awoke to see the sunrise over the river. The gods were good on the day we found this campsite. Here the river winds like a great dragon, our clan protector. Indeed it is auspicious to remain om this the Middle Land. We have the red sun, the good earth for finding food, great forests and hills. We have scouted the area and have found no other settlements. Eldest son has reported good land in every direction.

        Barbarians or others shall not bother us. We will learn and grow in this magical place. We shall appease the evil spirits should they come.

        Honorable Second Son has taken the assignment to scout for me, but First Wife is not happy about this, as she had a terrible dream, with dangerous monsters devouring Second Son. She asked the shaman to review this bad dream.

        There came this year, several travelers, Spain, Germany, Mongolia and America. We shall see what these nations want from us. We have much land, but share it only with good neighbors!

        First son brought us sad news and the body of Second Son for burial in this new land. They were together when a barbarian warrior took him by surprise. First Wife has become a demon in the household with screaming and crying. May the spirits of the dead have mercy on me! It is time to find a second wife.

        For burial, First Wife has given her tiger amulet to guard him from the evil spirits. I, the leader, made provision for his travel with a dragon made from small shells. We also made offerings at the family altar.

        Third son has become the family shaman who will keep our practices correct; he shall also keep the family chronicles. He wishes us to find horses so we can sacrifice them to our beloved dead.
        Stepping out through the west-wall gate,
        I gaze afar at peaks west of the city wall —
        An unbroken barrier piling cliffs upon crags,
        where the deep blues darken, and sink away.

        Under morning frosts the maple leaves turn scarlet,
        in the evening dusk mists grow shadowy.
        As the season passes one's grief is not slight;
        Sorrows come and memories weigh down.

        The stray hen yearns for her former mate,
        a lost bird longs for its old forest:
        Choked by feeling, they still ache with love —
        Then what of myself, deprived of my closest friends?

        I rub the mirror where my black temples show flecks,
        and pull at my belt, where once snug folds are slack.
        "At peace with the order of things" — mere empty words.
        Obscure and alone, I turn to my singing lute.
        Last edited by condor223; February 25, 2006, 03:22.


        • #5
          Game Info

          Large Terra Map
          Normal Sea Level
          Marathon Speed

          OOC Set Up Thread:

          OOC Set Up Thread 2:

          FIRST SESSION 2965 BC

          India(Gandhi) - OzzyKP
          America(Washington) - CyberShy
          Germany(Bismark) - LzPrst
          France(Louis XIV) - NPDragon
          China{Qin Shi Huang) - condor223
          Russia(Catherine) - KunojiLym
          Spain(Isabella) - AI
          England(Elizabeth) - AI
          Mongolia(Genghis) - AI
          Inca(Huayna Capac) - AI

          And just for reference cause I like to keep track of this stuff, traits by civ:

          Organized - America
          Creative - Russia, France
          Spiritual - India, Spain
          Industrious - France, India, China, Germany
          Financial - America, China, Russia, England, Inca
          Expansive - Mongolia, Spain, Germany
          Aggressive - Mongolia, Inca
          Philosophical - England

          Attached Files
          Last edited by OzzyKP; May 23, 2006, 10:23.
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • #6
            My name is Robert LXVII
            I am the 67th ruler of the Americans. Like my fathers did before me, in the ages when my people were wandering nomads, and like my children will be in the long long future.
            We, the Roberts, are noble for our people. We believe that we can live in peace when they are in peace with us. That's what my father told me. That's what I'll tell my son after me.

            Our people came from the far northwest lands and traveled to the far south east. We kept wandering untill we found 'The Bay'. There we stayed and settled during the reign of my grantfather Robert LXV.
            Now we found peace and rest our people could multiply. The bay gives a natural defense against the barbarian and the rice fields in the west give us enough food to live in ease.

            It's not surprising that our village grew out into a city. The city got named after the famous and loved rulers of our nation. Robingthon.

            We know that there are other people in our neighbourhood. The french to the south. We do not fear them for they are civilized.
            The germans in the south-west. We do not fear their armies but we do fear their desire for expansion. We know that they want to settle between the slopes of Mount Martin and the Lengthy River.

            The Lengthy River has been a natural border between America and Germany. We fear that they will not respect this border which may end the age of peace we're living in.

            We are friends with the indians who live in the north east. They worship many gods who are not to be found in the trees and the bees. We do not understand them and their vague believe system. But we know that they are wise and noble and will respect our natural hunting territory in the north east between India and America.

            The French are close to us. The villages near Robingthon are getting more and more impressed by the French culture. Stories tell us that some of them do prefer the french tongue above the american one.
            We don't believe in such a nonsense.

            We have lead our people for millenia and we will continue to lead them for the millenia to come.
            We will protect them from enemies and we will lead them into a glorious future.
            Things are good the way they are. Things should stay this way forever. Death to those who'll change the way we live our life. The American Way.

            popular american song sung by the american childs

            From where the lengthy river sings
            and the Martin Mountains dance
            To where the wave of the Great Sea rings
            and the gold in our rice fields glance
            We will live in joy and freedom
            We will rejoy! Come what may!
            We will be friends with whomever may come!
            And live in peace our American Way!
            Last edited by Robert; January 31, 2008, 09:55.
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • #7
              We of Mother Russia are a generous people. We can afford to be thus, for the spirits have so blessed us.

              The Muscovite River is but one example. At its head is the wellspring from whence our culture springs forth, as vodka warms the blood. Moscow. A greater city than this, we have yet to hear.

              The Ural River, west of Moscow, serves as a second example. For at its head far to the south, in lush, wonderous vegetation, resides the Indians -- the strangest, and most intriguing people that we have thus far encountered. When first our emissaries sighted Dehli, they too believed in the spirits of the lands. But now they profess enlightnment, and talk of a whole pantheon of deities in the skies above. Our emmisaries express bafflement at this strange change of heart. But our wise and benelovant tsar has thusly decreed that, as the source of the river Ural, the Indians are a people that have the blessings of the spirits, whether or not they do indeed believe in this Vishnu and Shiva and these countless others. In his generosity, our tsar hath laid the groundwork for future peace and prosperity between our people.

              More worrisome are the people who hail from the east. The English, the Incans, the Mongols. Their motives are unclear, and their emissaries wary. The French, Americans and Germans seem more friendly, but as our scouts report, there seems to be much tension between.

              To the far west, our scouts have encountered the Chinese, and beheld a marvelous sight of vast riches in land. It seems certain that these far-off lands will prosper, and prosper well. Our tsar, while he has yet to send a formal delegation to China, is certain that there can only be peace and prosperity if our nations co-exist in a harmony beneficial to our people both. The zealous Spanish, on the other hand, are a distant but present worry. Like the Indians, they believe not in the spirits of the land; unlike the Indians, they instead proclaim that only through the attainment of inner calm can one achieve enlightnment. We are hopeful for a peaceful co-existance, but ever must we maintain our vigilance, least these distant people be tempted to force their beliefs upon through force of arms.

              Yes, we of Mother Russia are not a warlike nation. We desire only to chart the lands, and to co-exist in the natural order of things. As the spirits have been generous to us, so shall we be generous to those beyond our lands.

              Here it be said, so shall it be recorded.

              Joseph Putin
              Chief Advisor to the Tsar of Mother Russia, Alexander II


              • #8
                The Story of Spain...

                (I know, I have yet to play in the game, but this is the start story anyway, as you will see it will work fine...)

                "Abuelito, abuelito!" the children clamored as they ran towards their grandfather. He was a historian, and had lived a full life. He was aware his time left on the world was short, and wanted his children and their children to live on knowing where they had come from. Just like his father, and his father's father had told him he would tell them the story of a single man and how he brought the ancient peoples of Spain together in harmony.

                "Careful Giancarlos" the old man said as his grandson hopped upon his lap "I'm an old man, you must be careful."

                "Tell us a story" the child said smiling "Mama says we have to go to sleep for the night!"

                "Alright, sit with your sister." the old man said as he gently placed the boy on the floor next to his younger sister "I'm going to tell you a new story tonight, this one is better than the rest because it is true..."

                Many years ago, before Spain was called Spain there were four very different tribes who lived here. One was called Castille, and was named so for its grand citadel it had built in what is now Madrid. The Castillian King, Bainor, was a warlike king who claimed ancestry from a mysterious city known as Troy. One was called Andalusia, and was inhabited by people much darker than the current Spanish, these people claimed to be from far far away, near where India is. They said that thousands of years ago they were pushed away by people called the Aryans and were forced to Ebro, which is what they called Spain in those days...

                "Why did they call it that?" Giancarlos asked.

                I don't know, just listen my son. The other two are said to have come from the forests in Germany called the Wildwaldt. One was called Aragon, the other Celtiberia. These tribes were always considered outcasts from Ebro, and both the Andalusians and Castillians considered them foreigners who didn't deserve to come into their lands.

                "Where do these people live now abuelito?"

                They live in you my son, please listen, I know your mother would be angry with me if I kept you up all night... the Castillians and Andalusians were able to co-exist through their mutual mistrust of the Aragonese and the Celts. Over time the tribes grew in size, and food was sparse. Fighting among the tribes occured, until finally King Rahman of the Andalusians and King Bainor of Castille made an agreement to wipe the Aragonese and Celts from the face of the Earth! The two tribes, who were larger and in many ways much more powerful than the Aragonese and Celts, assembled their warriors and sent them to destroy their enemies. Aragon and Celtiberia were forced to combine their forces, despite their ancient rivalry.

                "Abuelito, aren't we from Castilla?" the boy asked, tugging on his grandfather's pantleg.

                Giancarlo, yes, this is ancient Spain, things are different now. The Andalusians and Castillians were winning battle after battle, as the Aragonese and Celts were pushed away from Ebro, they were forced to use children to fight against Bainor and Rahman.

                "Like me?" the boy asked.

                No no, not quite as young as you, but not much older either. These children were no match for the seasoned soldiers of Castille and Andalusia. But something happened one day, Rahman and Bainor were very greedy men, and were unable to decide what would happen when the war was over. There was an argument between the two and Bainor killed Rahman. Setting Andalusia and Castille against eachother. This didn't change the situation with Aragon and Celtiberia though, and a much larger war was waged, thousands upon thousands died. Then Castille won, and peace was brought to the region. This peace however was forced, the Castillians established a city, which in their ancient language was called "The Mother City," or Madrid. It was an attempt by King Bainor to unite the four peoples of Ebro into one nation. This however would prove to fail. Aragon and the Celts, who were nearly decimated, would never forget what the Andalusians and Castillians did to them. The Andalusians would always harbor hatred for the Castillians, and the Castillians would always consider the others inferior to them. This would continue for many years under the reign of Bainor, there were many uprisings but they were always crushed as Bainor was a very smart King and used the ancient grudges of his subjects against them. Finally the day came where a young boy named Rodrigo, or Roderick in his old Germanic language, would stand up to him and unite the people of Ebro.

                "Abuelito, when did they call it Spain?" Giancarlos asked, his little sister was already asleep.

                "I will tell you tomorrow my son, please, your mother wants you to go to sleep. I am an old man myself, and am very tired..."

                NEXT; El Cid, El Campeador, y El Rey...
                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • #9
                  typical that a man of german descent would unite his people and defeat his enemies
                  Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                  • #10
                    For a man in his mid thirties, he looked and felt surprisingly old. These were hard times, but they were changing. Far in the past were the days in which his people were no more than wondering nomads, enslaved by a lack of purpose and identity. His father had been a visionary, but the hardship and the heavy price to pay for his people’s prosperity had been his alone.

                    He looked at the horizon, and let the late evening sun warm his aching bones. This wonderful city, El Cuzco, as they now called it, had been founded many years ago on the shores of the tombolo of the Chanca peninsula, in the times before the last and greatest battle between the Chancas and the Kingdom of Cuzco, his people. This is where Manco Capac emerged from the caves and did as Inti, our sun god, had ordered him, he thought.

                    The walls and rooftops of the city lit up in fiery tones as Inti’s last rays of the day bathed the land. From the palace balcony he could see the ocean, both to the north and the south, and he wondered when his people would start to harvest the enormous riches that lay just beneath the waves. He could taste the salt in the air, but also the scent of the eastern forest impregnated the air. Far to the northeast, he could see the workers gathering their tools and preparing to go home for the night. Soon, we will be harvesting the wheat of those fertile lands, he pondered.

                    “Grandpa Pachacuti! Where are you? Come finish the stories, please!”

                    “I’m going, I’m going!” he yelled back as he snapped back to reality. I’m dreaming awake like an old man, he thought. “You’re going to be some tyrant one day, Huayna.”

                    As he entered his grandson’s bedroom, he wondered if the kid would ever be Sapa Inca. His father would someday be back from his expeditions to the west, and would probably settle down to the comfortable nobleman’s life. In these modern and peaceful days, the Sapa Incas could concentrate on building the empire more than defending it.

                    “Where was I, oh yes, the English, they live up north, not far from here, just up the coastal mountain range. Far away in the northern lands, there’s the Mongols.”

                    “Yes, yes. You told me about them. But, what about those people far away in the western lands, beyond the desert.”

                    “You mean the Chinese or the Russians? We don’t know much about them yet. That’s why our Quechua’s are exploring those lands.” He could see the question forming in his grandson’s eyes so he calmed his anxiety right away. “Your father is a skillful leader, and a good representative of our people. I’m sure he will be able to convey our good wishes to them, and tell them that all we wish is to live in peace.”

                    “Grandfather, will they join our people someday?” asked the boy, already dreaming of great times to come. Even Pachacuti, in all his wisdom, could not foresee what the future held for Huayana Capac, in spite of the boy’s evident precocious ambitions.

                    “That, my son, is a story yet to be written…”
                    "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                    Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                    Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                    Wanna play some PBEMs!?


                    • #11

                      Prisha gets up from mashing up some corn meal to investigate the loud noise just outside her hut. Pulling aside the leather flap she sees today's copy of the Delhi Daily News sitting on the muddy ground outside.

                      "Bout time" she thinks "Damn stoneboy is late again, as usual."

                      With some effort she drags the stone tablet into her hut.

                      "Whew" she says outloud, "these newstablets are damn heavy. Maybe someday someone will invent a lighter material to use for the daily news."

                      Prisha holds the tablet up to the light and looks it over. The pictographs crudely chiseled into the stone tell stories of India and their neighbors. She scans the headlines, again talking to herself, "Land treaties, borders, exploration, blah blah blah, where is it.... ah yes, Brahamt baby, there you are."

                      Brahamt the Animal Slayer's reputation has spread throughout India. He and his fellow warriors have defended India from fierce animals in the wilderness for years. His famous exploits of wrestling down a great grizzly bear with his bare hands and killing a pack of wolves are repeated and idolized by all Indians. Brahamt the Animal Slayer's name is as well known as Bhishma, their chief.

                      Prisha studies the crude pictograms for a moment, trying to imagine what Brahamt must look like..... she permits herself a moment to fantasize about the strong, bare chested warrior in a leather skirt.

                      "Whew, if only there were men like that around here.... Oh my, seems Brahamt is up north now, preparing a way for a new villiage! Perfect! He will probably stick around to defend the new city when it is built. First thing tomorrow morning I'm going to go volunteer to be a part of the new settlement. There probably won't be many single women going off to brave the wilderness, so I might actually have good chances.... Heck, even if Brahamt is snatched up, one of his sexy brothers will be around. I'm such a sucker for a man in a skirt."

                      She sits and day dreams for a moment before snapping out of it, "I better look at the rest of this tablet before I loose all track of time. Hmm, Chief Bhishma is in the midst of some intense negotiations with our neighbors. It seems we are close to a deal with the Americans. I always liked that Robert, he seems like an honorable man. Hopefully things will work out for the best."

                      Skimming the rest of the tablet she sees pictorials about various domestic news stories, building projects, scientific advancement, etc. She has a nice laugh at a political cartoon poking fun at the French Sun God.

                      "Silly French and their primative gods. I wonder if its true they are afraid of pictures and get mad when someone draws their gods? Who knows. Oh well, I guess I better get back to work."

                      She stands up again and drags the newstablet out back behind the hut. She lays it down near her father who is out working on building their new home.

                      He looks at her and smiles, "This subscription to the Delhi Daily News was the smartest move we've ever made. Not only is it great reading material while out squatting in the bushes, but it makes a handy wall. After another month we'll have the whole eastern wall finished."

                      Beaming, he picks up another newstablet, packs some mud on it, and lays it carefully on the wall.

                      "Too bad I won't get to see this home finished." Prisha thinks, "Maybe one day I'll come back. Heh, well I've just got to bring Brahamt to come meet my parents... heh"
                      Last edited by Robert; January 31, 2008, 09:55.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • #12
                        1,000,000 BE (Before Elizabeth)


                        Once again the deity swirled through the vortex of the time-space continuums, traversing the maze of universes.

                        Despite the transitory nature of all things one thing stood above all creations. This was intelligent self-aware spirit.

                        A new world in a new universe once again came in to view but all he could see was water and oceans. Skimming across the surface a rocky outcrop of land appeared. It was not his best beginning. In other worlds he was familiar with reaping huge rewards from the lands.

                        However, some interesting prospects presented themselves here and deity decided to annoint a new world builder - a new leader, a woman...

                        This excited deity even more than the role of Captain Deiticus; and more than the role of Lizard (HOTW4).

                        He planted her seed in a genetic line that would later become the House of Elizabeth of the English, around, what would become known as 4000BC.


                        Elizabeth I established one city based on the riches of the sea, for deity knew that this was where her destiny lay. The local land was barren with some icy forests and by 3000BC neibouring city states seemed to be clustered upon each other.

                        This required superior intelligence, to establish who was friend and if any foes presented themselves.

                        A fair approach to land settlement was critical and EI drafted "The Critical Land Program", but more work was needed before any announcements were to be made...
                        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                        icq: 8388924


                        • #13
                          SECOND SESSION 2170 BC

                          India(Gandhi) - OzzyKP
                          America(Washington) - CyberShy
                          Germany(Bismark) - LzPrst
                          France(Louis XIV) - NPDragon
                          China(Qin Shi Huang) - condor223
                          Russia(Catherine) - KunojiLym
                          Spain(Isabella) - AI/DeityDude
                          England(Elizabeth) - Deity
                          Mongolia(Genghis) - AI
                          Inca(Huayna Capac) - AI
                          Attached Files
                          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                          • #14
                            Delhi is the top city in the world!

                            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                            • #15
                              Delhi is the Envy of the World

                              Hans and his girlfriend, Greta, gather on the shore of Vishnu Bay, which has become a popular hang out spot among German teens. Many other couples sit along the beach and gaze north longingly to the shores of India.

                              "Fräulein, isn't it such a beautiful night? Its such a clear night I can make out some buildings and even the grand palace of Cheif Bhishma. Delhi must be such an amazing city."

                              Greta pulls Hans close, as the sea air from the bay sends a chill through the air. She leans in close and says, "My great uncle was on the exploring party that first traveled the lands north of the bay. He says Delhi wasn't much to look at at the time, but boy it sure has grown. I heard that they have been building a great highway that connects Delhi to Bombay, and even far north to Moscow. Once trade begins, think of the delights Delhi will have."

                              "Yea, this place is a dump," said Hans, "I wish one day we could move north."

                              "Well to be fair, Berlin is still one of the top cities in the world. I mean its not that bad."

                              "Pssh, Berlin? I can think of at least four cities I'd rather in than this place. I dunno, it just isn't as exciting as Delhi. There just seems to be so much more to Indian culture. Great festivals and celebrations, many powerful gods, and there is just a glow about it."

                              "A glow? You haven't even been there."

                              "Well look across the bay, doesn't it seem to glow a little? Back lit against the dark sky, its just so beautiful...."

                              "You're right, it really is beautiful...."

                              "Just like you."

                              "Oh Hans..."

                              The two lovers kiss and continue to dream about the possibilities for a better life in Delhi. It seems so close, yet so far away.

                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

