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AU 100-A DAR 5: The Renaissance Era

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  • #31
    The mad dash for the industrial age

    Noble difficulty

    Ancient I
    Ancient II

    The Renaissance period lasted from 1400 AD to 1595 AD in the empire of the illustrious leader kptb.

    Our wonderful nation was ranked first among the most advanced civilizations in the year 1410. Shortly thereafter, we discovered the secret of the compass and investigated the possible benefits of engineering (1430). The former Mongol capital of Karakorum finished our Heroic Epic in 1460 AD.
    Our long lost brothers in the English kingdom made contact again in 1470 and we agreed to a peaceful coexistence. Which is more than we can say about the Mongols. The second Mongol war began in the year 1470 and led to the cancellation of the open border treaty we had with the Germans. This time, we will not settle for peace but only the utter destruction of the Mongolian Empire will satisfy us.
    The great city of Boston finishes Notre Dame in 1480 and 1490 brings engineering to us, as well as Optics, which we trade for Paper and 70 gold from Elisabeth. Our wise men study the stars next.
    Saladin reacts to the ongoing war with the Mongols by canceling the open borders and crab/fur deal we had in 1515. In 1520 he demands the printing press but we just laugh at him. Hatshepsut, however, receives Music on demand.
    The fall of Beshbalik seals the fate of the Mongolian Empire.
    The celebrations of our victorious warriors, which are no longer warriors, but mace men and catapults, reverberate throughout the world. We rule supreme – stand in our way at your own peril.
    In 1550 we agree to provide the backward English with Philosophy. Meanwhile we discover Astronomy and expand our horizons toward the Scientific Method. We loose the race for the Hagia Sophia in 1565 (but I do not remember to whom, needless to say, they will pay for this)
    The Year of our Lord 1595, well, maybe somebody else’s Lord, since we did not found Christianity, marks the advent of a new age – Industrialism. The Scientific Method is discovered and Nationalism will be our first goal in this new age. The once great city of Karakorum will provide our emperor with a new home, the Forbidden palace.
    We are ranked number one in all F9 categories and in score.
    Last edited by kptb; December 7, 2005, 10:35.
    Persistance knows no defeat!
    Gott gibt uns die Nüsse, aber er beißt sie uns nicht auf.
    (J. W. von Goethe)


    • #32
      Warlord level

      DAR4: The Renaissance era of Caligula's Financial Havens

      1180 - 1480: Pressing Enter to end turn. (Not much happening)

      In 1270 I swiched to free religion and opened borders with Izzy. She is still at minus in relations, but she too can se
      the benefits of trade I guess. Opening borders with Elisabeth in 1420 was also a little boost in trade.

      Overall the trade stategy is paying off, New York alone has +21cpt. I guess the real effect of the
      Great Light will be revealed when I discover the tech canceling it...

      The biggest boost was when my Great Merchant reached Thebes in 1340, the same year I completed HG on Capitol Hill.
      I have no clue as to which city I should send GMs, Thebes was the biggest one, and on a good location. Netting 1500 coins.

      I founded two new cities, captured one barb city and flipped New Serai from Mongols, giving me a total of 11.

      The picture is a combo of the Great Merchant in Thebes (nice pic I think), the City Status ten turns later and finaly my central empire 1490, the year I lost Volvo Ocean Race to Hattie (Volvo Ocean is the largest RL sailing regatta, circumnavigating the globe)
      Attached Files
      "He [Caligula] has no more chance of becoming Emperor than of riding a horse across the Gulf of Baiae" - contemporary astrologer


      • #33
        DAR 5 - The Renaissance - Prince difficulty

        In 1470 we make contact with Queen Lizzie of the English, we seems fairly friendly. We haven't found out where she is though.

        A few years later we are the first to research economics, and as planned get a free great merchant, who is put to use researching printing press (lovely extra gold). The we aim for astronomy, having recently discovered uninhabited islands to the SE of America. We are building settlers and defenders ready to ship over en masse as soon as we have ocean going transport available.

        A few turns after that, we produce a great artist, and find England. In 1590 AD our first colonists arrive on the island we lovingly call 'Cuba', and found the city of Miami. Two more settlers are close behind, so we should be able to secure one island for ourselves without too much trouble - no-one else has astronomy yet, so we have a monopoly on moving settlers through the oceans. We can also put our artist to use to culture bomb one of the cities there to claim pretty much an entire island.

        Christianity is now the most widespread religion in the world, with 2 Mongol cities, three Spanish and 4 German cities as well as all American ones following the religion. There isn't a great deal of room to spread the religion much further though, as there are very few cities left with only one religion present. May have to have a go at England though, and see what opportunities they offer.

        By 1640 AD we have 4 cities on the islands, and our artist is getting close to them (having taken a detour to England due to me being confused and thinking he was a great merchant. Doh!) But that same year dear old Genghis gets another visit from the mango of negativity, and declares war. Checking around everyone's attitudes towards him, I notice that Hap is upset that he's declared war on one of her friends. Cripes! I have friends. Egypt and England are pleased with me. Egpyt is willing to join the war in return for a tech, which is onvenient since I have been lax about replacing my longbowmen with riflemen and grenadiers.

        The Mongols come pouring across the border with Keshiks, catapults and grenadiers. We lose a few of our border units (one knight, 2 elephants) to their surprise attack, but our counter destroys 6 keshiks, 4 catapults and 4 musketmen, for the loss of only one more catapult. We see some of their undamaged forces move back into Mongol territory, possibly in response to the Egyptian declaration of war.

        The only other bad news is that an English galleon with settler has been spotted of the coast of Cuba, and they are evidently going to be able to put down an extra city there before I can seal off the island. Oh well, it will be in the tundra area, so it's not going to do much aside from grab the iron resource I expect, and I may be able to culture bomb it, although Lizzie might not be too happy with me for that.

        After a few turns of border skirmishing, we manage to persuade Spain and Germany to join the war as well. England have recently made contact with the Mongols, and might soon be persuaded to join in the mass attack.

        In 1665 AD, the great American empire discovers the scientific method, and enters the industrial age. Our next goal is to research steel. We discover the presence of two oil sources within our territory, which is nice to know for the future. Our great artist (Matt Millen, sorry, I mean Du Fu) arrives in Detroit, and creates a great work of art (it's called 'The Eminem Show' apparently).

        In the war, we are doing fine, although suffering from low troop levels. We intend to build the heroic epic in Seattle (just NW of Washington), and use that to produce many of our troops. Cannons are going to feature heavily in our strategy once we finish researching Steel. Mostly we just want to build enough of a force to take Old Sarai (not that well defended now, only 5 units in it, and some of those are badly obsolete). At that point our war aims will be reassessed, depending on how our allies are doing and whether the Arabs are going to help Genghis or not.

        We are slowly establishing a tech lead, and our economy and manufacturing are a long way ahead of the competition. We plan to have a change of civics soon, just as soon as we research constitution. Since everyone aside from the Arabs and Mongols are pleased with us now, running the game to a fairly peaceful end should be easy. The Mongols hopefully will get eliminated soon, although that depends on how committed everyone is to the war.

        Basically, things are looking good. The renaissance has seen America expand to new territories, establish the beginnings of a tech lead, and improve relations with all our preferred neighbours.


        • #34
          Jon's Dar AU 101 : Noble. Version 1.09

          Dar V The Renance Era
          Part II Stalemate with the Mongols
          1530 AD to 1580 AD

          1530 AD The Arabs ask us to declare war on the Mongols. Accepted. Reopen the borders with Spain

          1535 AD Pillage a Mongolian cottage.

          IT: Kill two Mongolians while defending at the above site. Mongols invade and destroy a wheat farm with a War Elephant + Keshik. Several cities are now unhealthy.

          1540 AD My invading force kills 5 Keshiks and a Catapult in open terrign. For good measure, destroy that farm
          The computer tells me my odds of success attacking a War Elephant are poor due to the War Elphant's promotions + 50% bonus against mounted units.

          In several cities, turn on emphanize production and avoid growth.
          Use a confucist missonary to establish confucism in New York
          Caravel discovers the English island

          IT: Mongols move a seperate War Elephant into our lands

          1545 AD Discover Replacable Parts and start reseraching Gunpowder [2 turns] as a prereq to both Military Tradition & Rifling.
          Isabella makes peace with the Mongols
          Borders of Atlanta expand

          Use catapult to damage the War Elphant + Keshik stack
          Knight kills Keshik
          Mace kills the damaged War Elphant
          Use Pike to kill the just invaded War Elphant. Hum, that +100% against mounted units is great

          Plunder the town near the Mongolian city down to nothing.

          IT: Nothing

          1550 AD
          Plunder the hamlet near the Mongolian city down to nothing.
          That city is now disconnected from the Mongolian trade network.
          [Because the Egyptain and Spainish borders are closed to Mongol due to the prior wars]
          Destroy the pasture on the pig resource near that town. Let's see how you like having a health resource cut.

          IT: Mongols invade with 1 Keshik and destroy a winery.
          Well, I have several more.

          Egypt builds the Spiral Minat & switches to Merchantism.

          1555 AD Discover Gunpowder. Start researching Military Tradition for Calvary [5 turns]

          The computer says I have bad odds against the Keshik by all units within it's range.
          The problem is the nearby units haven't yet fully healed following their killing the previous units.

          Being at war seems to slow the human turn down in Civ IV just as much as it did in Civ III.
          Cities themselves do appear much tougher to take out, but this is ofset by the increased damage you can do to the srounding tiles. (More resources to knock out + cash for destroying improvements, particularly cottages and any promotions)
          Not to mention cutting off an irrigation chain dramactily decreases the food output of the now unirrigated farms.

          And back to the game:

          IT: Keshik destroys another winery.

          1560 AD

          Starvation halted at Atlanta by turning on emphanize food

          Kill the Keshik with a Knight. Having damaged the surrounding country side as much as possible, the forces return home for a regroup.

          IT: Nada

          1565 AD Borders of Los Angeles expands

          IT: Bismark converts to Islam.
          The Arabs are the first to circumnativigate the globe. This appers to have beaten me by two turns.

          1570 AD
          Farm complets reconnecting the irrigation chain for Philadelphia, halting the starvation.

          IT: Nada

          1575 AD
          Confirmed, my two caravels that traveled around the world the opposite directions now have the full circumferance of the world

          I'm one turn away from Military Tradition and want to upgrade two units now and so lower the science down to 20%.

          IT: Mongolian War Elephant spoted

          1580 AD Start researching Rifling.
          Used a Jewish and Taoist missonary to spread those religions to Atlanta
          Sold world map twince, yielding 50 gold.
          3 Knights upgraded to calvary [The most experenced ones]
          Science bumbed up to 50% [9 turns], allowing one knight to upgrade to calvary each turn
          Wheat reconnected to trade network
          go thru all cities, allowing more growth where approative; in a few cases a health improvement added to the queue. But many of my cities are still on a wartime footing.

          IT: 2 Longbowmen from that Mongol city flee north out of the city.
          Last edited by joncnunn; December 17, 2005, 10:31.
          1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
          Templar Science Minister
          AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


          • #35
            Jon's Dar AU 101 : Noble. Version 1.09

            Dar V The Renance Era
            Past III The Conquest of Mongolia
            1585 AD to 1660 AD

            1585 AD: The 3 Calvary kill the 2 Longbowmen and Catapult present with little damage.
            This takes the town, geting about 120 gold. It's too close to Atlanta on the one hand and Egyptain terriorty NW, and so it is BURNED TO THE GROUND
            Hum, no slaves for raizing towns
            2 Knights upgraded to Calvary
            2 Knights kill the 2 Lowbowmen.

            Check the map, hum, the now closest Mongolian town is well positioned and has Dye and Ivory. Looks like a good target.

            Call up the Mongols, that city isn't red, but they won't give it up for peace.

            So, I guess we'll have to take it the hard way.

            IT: War Elephant croses into our lands.

            1590 AD: Assign the promotions to two Calvaries.
            Update a Knight to Calvary.
            Worker starts road connecting a path to the Mongols.
            Kill the War Elephant with a Calvary

            Science bumped up to 60% since that will yield sufficent cash to upgrade the last Knight to Calvary

            IT: Arabs complete the Hagia Sofa

            1595 AD: Hermitage completes in New York
            Borders of Seatle expand
            Great Prophet born in Washington, builds the Temple of Solomon in New York
            Last Knight updated to Calvary
            Science bumped up to 80%
            Road leading to Mongols finished.

            1600 AD: Start construction of National Epic in Washington

            1605 AD:
            Attacking Turlan
            Calvary kills Crossbowmen
            Calvary withdraws from combat attacking Crossbowmen
            Calvary kills Crossbowmen
            Mace kills the Damage Crossbowmen.
            TURLAN captured. 7 turns resistance. There is an Academy here
            Settler added to the front of the queue in Atlanta to fill in the hole in my empire.
            Existing Calvary build to resume following completion of the settler.
            The plan for this settler is one tile NE of the city I raized, which will bring in the Cows immedately.

            1610 AD Complete circling the British island

            1615 AD Complete Rifling. Start researching Astronomy for a beeline to Physics and a Free Scientist.
            The Mongolian town of New Spihi discovered. Hum, bananas here; for the honor of apolyton, I must capture that town.

            Battle of New Spihi
            Calvary kills Crossbowmen
            Calvary kills Crossbowmen.
            NEW SPIHI captured; renamed New Banana. 5 turns resistance. No buildings
            Worker captured there; send him into Spainish territory onto rice and will road it to add a direction connection to the rest of my empire.

            1 extra unhappy citizen per city in my empire; Seatle now has one citizen refusing to work.

            IT: Crossbow sucides attacking my Calvary in New Banana

            1620 AD: Pike and Mace in Turlan updated to Rifles

            1625 AD: We get a second extra unhappy citizen per city in my empire; bringing two more cities into having angry citizens.
            10% cultural tax implemented, all citizens [except ex-Mongolian lands] return to work.

            1630 AD: Borders of New York expand

            IT: Spain closes the borders. Egypt builds the Versilles

            1635 AD: Settler completes in Atlanta, Calvary resumes construction there.
            A few units sent to Philadephia.

            Battle of Old Spihi
            Calvary kills Mace
            Catapult dies attacking Crowbowmen with Colaterial Damage
            Calvary kills Crossbowmen
            Calvary kills Crossbowmen.
            OLD SPIHI CAPTURED AND RAIZED TO THE GROUND. (Way too close to Berlin) 169 gold, + 3 workers were inside.

            IT: Spain adopts Merchantism
            England asks for Corn in exchange for Fish. Accepted

            1640 AD: Finish Astronmeny; start researching Scientific Method
            The two ex-Mongolian towns come out of resistance
            There's now a 3rd extra unhappy citizen in all cities
            Thurban gets its first expansion. [Due to the Academy]
            Go thru all cities and rebalance in light of increased resources; several avoid growth switches turned off.
            Theater cash ordered rushed in New Banana to provide culture.
            Houston founded
            Kill Longbow defending Cow Pasture with Calvary. Destroy the Pasture
            Add a direct road connection to New Banana that doesn't involve going thru Spanish nor Mongolian territory
            Mace upgraded to Rifle in Philadelphia

            IT: Mongols ask if if 250 gold will buy peace; no it won't.
            I counter with one of their towns plus the 250 gold and an updated WM.
            They decline, war continues

            1645 AD We now have 10 million souls
            National Epic completes in Washington
            Atlanta starts construction of the Heroic Epic
            Kill the unescorted Mongolain Catapult with a Calvary. For good measure, pillage the farm it was on.

            1650 AD Borders of New Banana expand
            All Wineries near Atlanta reconsturcted

            Battle of Beshbalik
            Calvary kills Longbowmen
            Calvary kills Longbowmen
            Calvary kills Spear. BESHBALIK CAPTURED. 159 gold plundered. Worker inside captured.
            8 turns resistance. Only building left inside is an aquaduct

            The Mongols are now down to one city!

            Use Jewish Missonry to spread Judism to Turlan

            1655 AD nada

            IT: Arabs majorly damage defenses of Karakolm during their turn [from 46% to 15%]

            1660 AD We have entered the Industrial era

            Start reseraching Physics for the free Great Scientist
            Oil discovered near New York and Atlanta

            Battle of Karakolm
            Calvary kills Longbowmen
            Calvary dies attacking Longbowmen
            Calvary kills Longbowmen
            Calvary kills Catapult
            Calvary kills Longbowmen. KARAKOLM captured. 186 gold plundered. 9 turns resistance.
            Most important structure here is the Budist religious wonder.
            Mongolian empire has been wiped out.

            Sign defensive pact with Arabs

            Cows near Houston connected to trade network.
            Gold near Turlan connected to the trade network.

            Rebalance cities and start redeploying units.

            That's strange, citizens are still complaining about the war.

            Even weirder, the citizens in New Banana have become Spanish while the rest become American.

            End of Dar V
            Last edited by joncnunn; December 18, 2005, 21:25.
            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
            Templar Science Minister
            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


            • #36
              State of the American Empire 1660 AD after the conquest of Mongolia
              Attached Files
              1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
              Templar Science Minister
              AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


              • #37
                Artuero DAR 5: Noble

                Artuero’s DAR 5: Renaissance (1160 - 1655) (Noble).

                Recap: The Americans entered the Renaissance in 1160 at peace with six cities. Five of them are well-developed and the sixth, Philadelphia, was just formed to extend the southern part of the Empire. Very early, the Americans eliminated Isabella; their current nemesis is Genghis Khan who attacked with some success in the medieval era but left all cities intact.

                The Americans are keeping their options open but are considering a cultural victory, primarily because their leader has not scored such a win before.

                1270 – Angle builds Notre Dame which is a big help as five of the American’s six cities continually bump against unhappiness. The Americans had previously learned military tradition and according to my plan would be building cavalry, but apparently there are other prerequisites (gunpowder, I think) so that is going to have to be on hold.

                1320 – Genghis Khan and his Mongols declare war on America. I am very concerned as I have little in the way of military (which is, of course, why he attacked) and some very attractive forward cities.

                Without getting into a blow by blow, Khan hurt the Americans pretty bad with marauding and killing units. However, in large part due to the heavy culture investing in American cities, his Keshiks kept throwing themselves on the spears of the American, well, spearmen. By 1530, Khan had more or less spent his invasion forces. It would have been a great time to counterattack but my forces were also extremely weak.

                1530 – Created the Masjid al-Haram in Angle.

                1540 – Khan offered peace and 260 gold and I took it. In this year we also meet Elizabeth for the first time. She and I trade techs and she is pleased with me.

                1570 – We discover economics and obtain a great merchant, who goes to work in the capital as a super-specialist.

                1575 – The Mongols become the first to circumnavigate the globe. The Americans haven’t even built a ship yet (excluding workboats).

                1595 – Mani born in Madrid where he founds the Temple of Solomon.

                1655 – Americans enter the industrial era by learning Steam Power.

                The techs are coming so fast it is hard to justify (to myself) building units as they will quickly be outmoded. Thus, I remain last in military power. I plan to continue to focus on research and to try to get some diplomatic pacts to try to avoid dismemberment. Most are friendly with me although Bismark and Saladin are starting to sour and Khan, of course, is my nemesis.
                I still have only six cities. This is suboptimal, but at least it is easier to manage them.


                • #38
                  1570 – We discover economics and obtain a great merchant, who goes to work in the capital as a super-specialist
                  Oh my gosh, what a waste; a trade mission to anyones capital would have neted somewhere between 1200 and 1800 gold instantly which would come in very handy on updates.
                  1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                  Templar Science Minister
                  AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                  • #39
                    You think? I didn't need the cash, and over time the super-specialist should pay off better especially with bonuses in the capitol. I had such a slim military that upgrades were not a very big issue, and I had enough of an income that I was running science at 90%-100% all game (except towards the end where I slowed tech to do rush building).

                    There is for this and really for all now-or-later decisions in the game (such as settler first) a net present value calculation that we do in our heads. If you could somehow figure out the right discount rate, you'd always make the right choice. I believe that is impossible however.


                    • #40
                      DAR 1
                      DAR 2
                      DAR 3
                      DAR 4
                      DAR 5
                      DAR 6
                      DAR 7

                      1135AD I have now finished my FP and am building universities, more courthouses, and the Taj Mahal in Rome. This will be my first world wonder actually completed after two earlier half hearted attempts. The cheap courthouses make Romans a great Civ for expansion, in addition to cheap granaries, lighthouses and harbors. Washington is a wonderful addition to make it 11 cities now. I lost Atlanta to Capac’s culture, but have ramped up culture by using a 20% culture rate and added theaters for happy faces and culture. Capac is not much higher in culture, but Asoka is quite a bit higher. I’m running hereditary rule, bureaucracy, caste system, decentralization, and organized religion.

                      My build list:

                      1350AD Washington and Beijing are closing in on Rome as science centers, even with bureaucracy. Oxford University is going up in Beijing, while the Hermitage is being built in Washington. Rome has Heroic Epic, National Epic, and the Taj Mahal.

                      My people in Rome celebrate. They don’t need much of a reason, they're just happy with life.

                      War has broken out with Spain. Madrid is now part of the Roman empire, as is Cordoba. I’m researching chemistry and then on to steel for cannons. I don’t like the trend developing amongst my peers Capac and Asoka. They are tech trading amongst themselves, and are headed down the replaceable parts path, while I’ve gone on by myself with MT and gunpowder. It looks like Asoka has another plan in mind.

                      1400AD My cavalry rest and heal as they prepare for a final push to complete the acquisition of the Spanish empire.

                      1435AD West Point is completed in Nanjing, my third highest production city, which will now focus on military production.

                      1475AD I enter the industrial era with the discovery of steel. Also, I switch civics to free speech and mercantilism, away from bureaucracy and decentralism. Washington and Bejing are now on par with Rome and can no longer be held back by bureaucracy. Also, I think my vast trade network is enriching other Civs more than me. I’ll try to keep more of it here.
                      Last edited by Shaka II; December 31, 2005, 01:16.


                      • #41
                        DAR5, The Renaissance Era – part 1 (1270-1505)

                        The plan at the end of the last DAR was simply to start building the military machine, whilst not hurting the economy too much and start thinking about attacking Genghis Khan. This will be easier said than done, as I don’t have a huge military at present – I was barely able to tread water in the first Mongol war back in the Medieval Era.

                        As planned, however, my military has been growing, and I find myself in a position where it would be no great hardship if we were to be attacked, certainly.

                        1280AD – Hatshepsut builds Notre Dame. Not only that, but I’ve just realized I’ve done something which makes me the world’s biggest idiot, *again*. I was supposed to have built the Heroic Epic in Washington – well instead, I built the National Epic, which doesn’t do the same thing. Oh well it’s still nice to have.

                        1310AD – Ah-ha, now things are moving. Military units being churned out by the dozen, including luvverly knights, expensive though they are.

                        THE SECOND MONGOL WARS (1310-1480)

                        However…Genghis demands Engineering this turn, and the result of my refusal is predictable enough – he declares war!
                        Thankfully, the other AIs love me, and Hatty in particular can’t wait to get involved for the meagre sum of two technologies. Three turns later I bribe Bismarck with the same two techs to attack him, and suddenly it’s a 3-front war for Genghis.

                        Here's what he had to contend with:

                        Research is moved to 10% to produce cash for upgrades.

                        1340AD – Fun and games all round. Firstly, our intrepid caravel and explorer find England to our west. Open Borders treaty signed, and her territory is scouted out very quickly. The poor English are an extremely primitive people; while she has several productive cities, she’s obviously not found anyone to trade with yet.
                        Meanwhile, a great big stack containing three catapults is heading at full boar for the city of Ning-hsia. The city is not wonderfully defended, and has some nice gems nearby, making it a prime target for our fearless warriors. The siege begins.

                        Elsewhere, we have a damn good laugh as Genghis throws fully 15 units at the formerly captured city of Turfan, and inflicts no losses whatsoever. A few promotions later another force sets out for the other eastern Mongol city.

                        1350AD – Ning-hsia is captured by our troops. Quite easily in the end. Old Sarai, the city to the east of our Empire, is also besieged, but by only a handful of units and a single catapult – this one may take rather longer.
                        Research is reset once more, with the worst of it over.

                        1360AD – Genghis really is quite thick. First of all he throws his stack of doom onto a heavily fortified Turfan, then he throws another, albeit smaller stack at Ning-hsia. Suffice it to say, he inflicts no damage, although he came rather closer this time. Meanwhile, a second stack of mine heads for the Mongol city of Beshbalik, and prepares to besiege it.

                        1380AD – The eastern city of Old Sarai is captured with the minimum of fuss:

                        1390AD - Beshbalik is nicely under siege:

                        1410AD – Beshbalik falls – the Mongols really are in a sorry state now. I had units to spare on this one, and as this is the easternmost point of his empire, I can afford to move the rest of the stack west to attack the capital post-haste.

                        1440AD – The outpost city of New Sarai is also captured, meaning Genghis has all of two cities left – one of which is under siege (Baghdad) and the other of which is going to be threatened fairly soon.

                        1450AD – Baghdad is captured, and because we’re a noble people we return it to its rightful owner – Saladin of the Arabs.

                        1470AD – Karakorum fully under siege. This war’s going to have to end soon though, weariness is becoming a major problem.

                        1480AD – Then comes the last, grand battle. Of which stories are told by firelight to awe-struck children of the Empire.

                        Karakorum was heavily fortified – indeed, the ranks of archers seemed to spread for miles. Although the battlements had been destroyed (the city was likely to offer little protection now) they looked a formidable target.

                        But there were equally large numbers of cavalry, of elephants; and of macemen, malice in their eyes to a man. And they charged. The massive, near-deformed longbowmen let off a volley, and it felled many of the attackers – yet still they came, in ever greater numbers. Where cavalry had charged, cavalry continued to charge in its place – leading the chase were the noble knights of Washington, while the elephants, vast and merciless, followed.

                        The longbowmen quickly realized the game was up and fled – they were rounded up and killed. The Pyramids could be seen in the distance, almost silhouetted against the evening sun; all was at peace. The battle of Karakorum was over, and the Mongols utterly annihilated.

                        Well – what actually happened was that it was a very close-run thing. After softening it up with catapults, I realized I hadn’t really brought enough troops, but it would have been a huge waste had I not finished off the attack. So recklessly I charged in, and quicker than the guy from the Grolsch adverts could say “Schtop!” I’d taken the city with my last unit.

                        In any case, that ends that particular chapter of the story. On the peacetime front during that period:

                        1380AD – Education discovered, and a Great Scientist is turned into a Washington super-specialist.
                        1390AD – A rather promising island is scouted out to the SE of the Empire, and will be colonized post-haste.
                        Hatty trades her Divine Right for my Printing Press.
                        1430AD – Liberalism discovered – we’re the first, so Astronomy is taken free, and Economics taken after that.
                        1480AD – Economics is discovered – again, we’re the first, so a Great Merchant becomes a money-gatherer in Washington once again. Nationalism taken next.

                        After the war, the peacetime cleanup was long and bloody, and still it continues. In 1490, the switch was made to Universal Suffrage (made possible by the newly captured Pyramids), Free Speech and Pacifism. The latter might hurt given the number of military units we have, but I want Great People right now, and Pacifism is the way to get them.

                        I’m going to end it there, in triumph for now at least. The economy is growing all the time, and is only going to be helped by a number of cities in prime locations.

                        No-one's wanting for much in Washington:

                        The state of play at 1505AD:

                        Population: 136 citizens, 10,114,000 population. The next biggest civ has 5,400,000.
                        Economy: 233 income, 210 expenses = +23/turn (40%)
                        Tech: 348pts/turn (60% - Nationalism in 4)

                        Running US/FS/Slavery/Decentralization/Pacifism (MUST switch to Free Market ASAP).

                        So, the plans for the future:
                        - I’m cheering for a Great Prophet at Washington for the Church of the Nativity.
                        - Build up the newly conquered cities – shouldn’t take much doing, I’ve got an army of workers with which to do it.
                        - Expand to other continents – esp. the south-eastern landmass with lots of goodies
                        - Spread Christianity to other civs, now that they all like me.
                        - Tech, tech, tech – we should be getting plenty of it now, and we already have a lead.

                        Here's the world as we know it:

                        Part 2 to come
                        Last edited by rrs_racer; December 31, 2005, 06:14.


                        • #42

                          I'm going to keep this part short, as the game is done now it's just a matter of getting through the tech tree. A couple of civic switches are worth mentioning.

                          My next tech was economics (1500 for the mission to Thebes and I switched to free market), then democracy. Printing press came too late as I didn't know about the village/town bonus. Oops.

                          After that I got astronomy (slightly delayed as I really wanted to trade for optics, which I did in the end) it was a game of don't obselete the wonders, as I avoided corporation and scientific method as long as possible. Of course, I would eventually need these to get to industrialism (aluminium) and rocketry (Apollo).

                          The mongols attacked as well. Of course, they couldn't hurt me, but they did annoy me on the sea and by screwing up my trade routes. I was glad to agree peace as soon as Genghis would talk.

                          I got steel in 1500AD.


                          • #43
                            DAR 5

                            DAR 5
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              You can see I was doing Statue of Liberty. Other wonders I built were Hanging Gardens in the capital, National Epic and Oxfords in the capital, Heroic Epic in Boston, and Taj Mahal at New York.


                              • #45
                                Part 6:

