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AU 100-A DAR 3: The Classical Era

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  • #61

    Ok this is going to be long sorry! Learned a lot so want to make sure it gets in.

    General Washington paced in his office though for several years thing had looked like they were going well recently they had taken a turn for the worse. Two graneries had been built in NY and Boston later than he would have liked but they were built. Atlanta to the south had fended off a barbarian attack so the horses were safe, though the fact that somehow the barbarians had learned to use arrows was disturbing. Reports came in about the discovery of Hinduism in 425 almost making him laugh how had these messangers missed the earlier ones? Hinduism had been founded hundreds of years ago! The germans had completed a building they called the Parthenon but thankfully the egyptions had found and destroyed the barbarian city. Amazingly though a few turns after they destroyed it and right after they left the area the mongels founded a city in the ruins before an American setteler had any chance of reaching the spot. In 150 B.C. Saldin canceled the OP agreement only to reopen it several years later, Boston built a Barraks and Atlanta built an Obleisk. Both the Mongels and the Eqyptians converted to Judaism and in delight over being show the way the Eqyptians even gave the secrets of Meditation as a Gift! No one else being interested in a fair tech trade the scientists went back to work. Then things began to fall apart, perperations for war with the spanish were going well, but then in 450 AD the Mongels who had been stedfast allies declared War. And immediatly destroyed the only copper mine and gem mine in the empiere. Thankfully some already built spearmen were able to quickly dispatch the strange mongel horse archers and another copper mine was restablished in the empire. Construction and Iornworking were quickly researched and War elephants, swordsmen and catapults quickly brought to bear against the Mongel hordes. Though at a great cost in life and loss of non millitary production. Then when the Mongels only had two cities left things suddenly became a salemate. Somehow the Mongels had developed a strange archer that had to rest his incredibly large bow on the ground but could eaisly kill a swordsmen through his iron armor or an elephant in one or two shots! Who had given this technology to the Mongels? They would soon feel the wrath of the Americans!!

    Whoo where to start? Before this I had only played duel size games on continental maps in an effort to ease my way into the game. As such the Barbarians had never founded cities. Does anyone know what determines wether they do or not? One thing I learned is if they do always destory them with overwhelming force ASAP or they will continuly bring out more and more advanced units to harrasses you. As well never move a setteler or settle a city without first scouting the area (right before the setteler moves in ) and with some protection! Loosing a city right after it is founded to barbarians is a BIG blow. Second it doesnt seem to get much to get leaders who haven't developed their own religon to convert to yours. The eqyptaions converted after Judaism naturally spread to their cities and the Mongels after I sent one missionary. The AI also seems to be much better this time around. I've never had as much problem before staying up in the tech race on such a low level. Though if I had built a worker in boston and developed the Gems to the West rather than building the obelisk right away this might not have been as much as a problem. Also since I had explored far with my scouts I had two sources of copper in my empire but I had only developed one of them, this proved to be a mistake because the AI (and even the barbarians) WILL pillage your improvments. They also seem to trade techs among themselves to a much greater extent then I am used to. Again on my duel maps with one AI I was always leap years ahead in tech, here though I got to alphabet first and didn't trade it away it wasn't long until the AI caught up to me and then began to pull ahead. I have yet to figure out how the Mongols got fudalism however especially when I had them down to only two cities... Also even in a conquest strategy using specialists and building a couple of wonders is CRITICAL simply because of Great People. As you may have noticed it is now 1180AD and I haven't had a single one!! This might have solved most of my problems right here. Also I may not sign open border treaties with every civ so redily in the future, not doing so would have prevented the mongels from taking the prime city site away from me..

    Other things that happened. After researching Iron working and construction I researched Drama to be able to change my culture rate since I thought happiness might become a problem due to war weariness. It has not and the way has been going on for over 400 years now. Does anyone know if this has anything to do with the fact that I didn't declare the war? Also after switiching to the pryamids I changed to US to speed up production wether this was the right choice or wether I should have used the money to go back to 100 percent research time will tell.
    A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem


    • #62
      Dacole, WW seems to be much more an issue in Civ IV than Civ III. I evenually hit 4 extra unhappy citizens throughout my empire the turn I ended the war by capturing the last Mongolian city.

      Athough in my game, I was the one who actually declared war, having been invited by the Arabs to do so.

      I implemented the cultural tax as soon as the 2nd extra unhappy citizen appeared. I actually left the tax on post-war to help the culture in the conquered lands.

      Drama is also a very good tech for a human to reserach, the AI cost for it is about 1.5X it's cost. And it does allow a national wonder of no unhappiness in the chosen city.
      1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
      Templar Science Minister
      AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


      • #63
        DAR 1
        DAR 2
        DAR 3
        DAR 4
        DAR 5
        DAR 6
        DAR 7

        100BC I have just captured Nanjing and my axemen are preparing for a trek to the North into unexplored jungle. I have just researched Monarchy and am in anarchy as I switch governments. I’m researching construction to allow catapults and war elephants. Since I have the ivory, I have decided to forgo animal husbandry and horseback riding for now.

        300AD I have now pushed North to capture Shanghai and the Chinese capital of Beijing. My research of monarchy has allowed me to trade for earlier techs, except for meditation, horseback riding, calendar, currency, iron working, and metal casting. In 3 turns, code of laws will be mine, at which point, I plan to trade for more techs. Gold from sacking the last few cities has allowed me to keep research at or close to 100%.

        330AD Code of Laws is mine along with Confucianism. I traded code of laws for iron working and calendar, while still maintaining my monopoly on alphabet.


        • #64
          Emperor Difficulty

          DAR Record, links work:

          900 B.C. New York is done with Barracks, starts on a Library, it will grow to size 4 and then rush the library.

          850 B.C. 4 Barbarian warriors sprout up, one dies to my uber barb fortified in a forest, I may lose an improvement or two

          750 B.C. Barbs plunder two mines, but then all die. Both of my warriors get combat I. Genghis said hi, yay another aggressive civ, let's kill! New York pop rushes a library. Treasury is empty, but we are running science at 90% with +1 gpt.

          675 B.C. Alphabet is completed. Ok, now we have to go take a look at the Diplo situation, what's up with Hatty, she only has open borders with me, everyone else has open borders with everyone else, hmms. Oh well we still do some trading with everyone:
          Writing to Hatty for Masonry
          Pottery to Izzy for Hunting
          Man, Saladin won't trade Sailing for Writing, what a dork.
          Researching Polytheism

          600 B.C. Oops, boston hits 3 pop and doesn't have any troops so it has one unhappy, it starts to make an axe man(5turns) Oh yeah, New York has two specialists at size 3 so it is starving, but I am watching it, it won't lose any pop, it should still beat out Washington and gives us a Great Scientist

          575 B.C. Polytheism done.
          Poly to Genghis for Meditation
          Poly to Bismarck for Archery
          Poly to Saladin for Priesthood
          Starting Monarchy(14 turns)

          550 B.C. Genghis wants me to cancel deals with Hatty, okie dokie, doesn't look so good for Hatty she's friends with Bismarck, but that's it.

          275 B.C. Monarchy done. Bismarck got the Pyramids in 475 B.C. (very slow) and is going Representation. Izzy demands Alphabet and I laugh at her. Genghis converts to buddy, me next please Izzy. I switch to Hereditary Rule.
          Meditation and Priesthood to Bismarck for Sailing
          Monarchy to Genghis for Mathematics
          Start on Code of Laws

          200 B.C. Great Scientist is done in New York, Washington at 96/200 for a Great Prophet and back to growing again. I'm at -1 gpt with 90% science, time to make a few more settlers. Barb city found, first barb axeman killed my uber warrior (he had Woodsman II and combat I, poor guy) Oh yeah, great scientist will make an academy in Washington next turn.

          75 B.C. Genghis makes a city close to my cap, but then barbs come out and kill it. Rofl, you suck Genghis.

          75 A.D. Settler #4 is off, he has to wait a bit for his axeman escort. Heís wants to go to the west to the land of many resources (iron, gold, and wine) Lots of hills over there but no way to get irrigation, so instead weëll move to where Genghis put up his failed city. Code of Laws is done.
          Monarchy and Code of Laws to Bismarck for Monotheism and Calendar. All trades are bad trades on Emperor+. Genghis has currency, but wonít trade it yet.
          Starting on Literature
          Unit Cost at 4 gpt, starting to slow down research, no more troops for awhile

          175 A.D. Buddy finally spreads to our lands, yay, switch to Buddy immediately.

          275 A.D. Literature done. Genghis wants corn for my dye, fine with me. Genghis attacked Saladin, I donít think Saladin has much of a chance. Starting Currency(13 turns) and the Great Library at Washington(30 turns) Time to pop and chop at Washington and see if we can get the Great Library in time.

          520 A.D. CoL to Saladin for Horseback Riding. New York has been making a worker and a settler while Boston has been pumping out Buddy missionaries and spreading them around. Hatty made peace with Saladin, never knew they were at war, cool. Taoism founded in like 475 B.C. who cares.

          600 A.D. Great Library is completed. Yay. I see Genghis has longbowmen, hmm this worries me. But oh well with the GL and my citizens back to working cottage tiles I'll catch up.

          640 A.D. Currency is done, starting on Civil Service, Genghis sends some troops at the barbarian city south of me, so I capture it right before he is, sigh bye bye exp farm. I get about 50 gold. I'm am 6 cities now, at 70% science with -2 gpt and 59 gold in the bank, once that new city ends its resistance it will be back to 60% science, gotta get another commerce city up.

          720 A.D. Bad trade to Hatty, I don't like doing this, but I really want feudalism. I always dislike trading to the #1 power, but here it is:
          Currency + Calendar + Code of Laws to Hatty for Feudalism + 100 gold
          Literature to Izzy for 220 gold, not bad
          And that brings me to the Medieval Era. No war yet, still room to expand peacefully and expenses are already pretty high.


          • #65

            The last one was short, this one is non-existent, as I entered the medieval era in 975BC, shortly after getting Code of Laws. I will thus use this DAR to post some thoughts on civic balance. Bureaucracy is silly right now - Medium upkeep and the way it stacks are just wrong. It should stack the same way as other bonuses stack and should clearly be high upkeep. This way when high upkeep (which gets very high late on) really kicks in there just might be an incentive to switch to free speech, depending on how your empire is set up.

            This is jumping ahead but Representation and Suffrage should also have their upkeeps swapped (or at least representation made medium) which impacts upon the debate as suffrage and free speech are complementary. This one is not so bad as I had to make a conscious decision to stay with representation later on, but it's too good for low upkeep.


            • #66
              Part 4:


              • #67
                Re: Monarch

                Well, Free Speach & Emmancipation were both increased from None to Low while Slavery was decrased from Low to None.

                Enviormentalism got the bigest change, it now only requires Medicine and was also reduced from High to Medium.

                Yes, on this map Bureauracity is pretty darn good and I can also see how a map where it isn't is probably calling for building the palace elsewhere.

                Originally posted by DrSpike

                The last one was short, this one is non-existent, as I entered the medieval era in 975BC, shortly after getting Code of Laws. I will thus use this DAR to post some thoughts on civic balance. Bureaucracy is silly right now - Medium upkeep and the way it stacks are just wrong. It should stack the same way as other bonuses stack and should clearly be high upkeep. This way when high upkeep (which gets very high late on) really kicks in there just might be an incentive to switch to free speech, depending on how your empire is set up.

                This is jumping ahead but Representation and Suffrage should also have their upkeeps swapped (or at least representation made medium) which impacts upon the debate as suffrage and free speech are complementary. This one is not so bad as I had to make a conscious decision to stay with representation later on, but it's too good for low upkeep.
                1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                Templar Science Minister
                AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                • #68
                  Free Speech is fine as low, as long as bureaucracy is high.

                  And I don't think it is just this map. For medium upkeep and available so early (even without Oracle shenanigans) the civic is just too good.


                  • #69
                    Prince level

                    I must say I’m already nervous entering into the Classical Era. Because of my failed gambit, two other civs are now over 100 score points ahead of me, and I have little to show for it. I have almost no military, with Genghis as both my nearest competitor and the points leader.

                    My plan? Get the wheel so my workers can get to work, then push for the alphabet to catch up on tech through trade. Then, we switch over to iron working, and hopefully find some iron to mine in a better position than that copper. After iron working, we’ll likely work back toward wonders and build infrastructure.

                    DAR 1
                    DAR 2
                    DAR 3
                    DAR 4

                    950: I forgot to mention in the last DAR, I went ahead and did open borders with Genghis, and sent the Confucian missionary his way.

                    925: Warrior done in New York, I send him up northwest to protect against Barbs. I begin work on a barracks, as this city has much more production than the other, and I need to start work on my much neglected military.

                    The second settler created last turn is teaming up with a warrior and heading north to claim the copper and finish blocking off unwanted people from expanding to my west.

                    875: The Wheel is done, switching to the Alphabet.

                    825: Someone built Stonehenge.

                    800: My first Great Scientist creates the academy. Mmmmmm. Unfortunately, barbarians are invading my land, and I have managed to create a warrior in Washington to appear exactly the same turn that the barbarian will take it over. Stupid, stupid, stupid mistake I haven’t really done before, but I guess now I will learn something… which comes first? The barbarian’s attack or my production of the warrior? Now we see…

                    775: My stupidity isn’t beaten down… the warrior appears and deflects the attack. I live to see another day. Genghis also converted to Confucianism, and so my borders are about to close down once again, at least until I can fill more of the empty spaces behind me. If he gets annoyed at that, I’ll convert to Confucianism as well.

                    750: Philadelphia and Boston have now both been founded. Neither is in a great spot, but the two combined completely block the enemy. Philly also gives me copper, which will certainly help. It’s time to turn my attention westward and fill in some of the empty land with cities. I have my eye on several spots, and tentative sites for a total of ten more cities in this area. Since I am more or less sealed off at this point, I can now start with the most profitable sites first, then fill in the various edges. I see at least two barbarian cities that have formed so far that will have to be dealt with.

                    575: Wow, I seem to be in serious trouble. I just finished Alphabet and am beginning the tech trade process, and it seems that I am far, far behind in tech already. The only one I have that seems to be consistently missing from others is Writing, and they aren’t trading much for it. Ahh well, I’ll have to make catching up a priority. I pick up Pottery, Animal Husbandry, Meditation, and Hunting and research on Iron Working. After Iron working, I will go for Music for the free artist. I can see already that Boston is going to have a cultural battle with Isabella.

                    Now that I finally have pottery, I can start up all the cottages I’ve been dying to do, as well. Gogo financial trait! What’s more, horses popped near New York. Now I just need to hope for some nearby iron…

                    550: Copper is mined! Time to start working on some axemen to beef up my defense and consider trying to take out Isabella. Isabella is in last place in points, and will soon be pushing hard on my Boston culture border.

                    475: Not much happened here—I’m still working on infrastructure while one city is building axemen. I did, however, come up with an idea… why not gift Boston to Isabella and earn her trust, then let her deal with Genghis? After I get rid of the barbarian city behind Boston, I shall try just that.

                    425: Iron Working is done. Switched to Archery, only because it was a single turn to research. Iron pops near Washington, making me quite happy. A nearby worker will be shipped out to grab it soon, thus reducing my dependence on my copper deposit located right next to Genghis.

                    Also, I’ve started Chichen Itza in New York. It already has a temple and is the founding city for Confucianism, and so I’m looking to give it some religious heft, and produce a great prophet to make the great temple. If I pull that off, open borders will become less of a forbidden object for me, as I will try to convert as many cities as possible with missionaries.

                    375: Archery done, I’m now working on Mathematics, with an eye toward music. I tend to really like great people, and first to music is a free artist! I have all the military tech I need to defend myself and take out the barbarian cities as I develop the land to the west.

                    300: ouch. Literally a turn before me, Genghis managed to kill the barbarian city and take it as his own. With ivory, a secondary iron source, stone, and wheat, this is a powerful city, and if I let it go, giving Boston to Isabella would be pointless.

                    I have decided to take a huge risk. I have one turn to try to take out Genghis’ new city. I will take it, and immediately gift Boston to Isabella. This means I will have only a single small front to fight Genghis on. I stop production on Chichen Itza and start pumping out axemen. My capital is put on creating settlers to continue building in the empty land to the west.

                    275: The Genghis city has been taken, and Boston is now a Spaniard city. Isabella is happy with me, after I gave her Code of Laws declared war on Genghis. Things are heating up in a hurry, and frankly, I don’t have the military to do it alone. Genghis does not seem to have access to copper or iron, however, and this in the end could be his undoing. I could certainly be wrong, however—I simply haven’t seen anything with my limited scouting.

                    Turfan is his closest city to me, and has access to a few resources I could actually use. With two archers, it will be my first target, once I have four axemen or so. I’m last in points, however, and he’s in second place behind Hatshepsut—I should not underestimate his ability to summon reinforcements in a hurry.

                    200: I’m gathering my existing axemen to head out toward Turfan. Once I have four, I am heading in. I’ve sent one and a spearman over toward it now, to do some pillaging and take out his archers (still so far his only military, plus the chariot I killed earlier) if they happen to expose themselves.

                    150: Took out an archer / settler combo he was trying to sneak by me, producing a worker for me that I could certainly use. I lost an axeman in the attack, but one of my cities is putting them out every four turns at this point, and so it feels like an acceptable loss.

                    100: Mathematics discovered. Literature began. I don’t see any need to push more military tech right now as he seems to be missing resources to mount a significant attack on me.

                    75: Settler trained in Washington with population rush. This one will go in the black area between New York and the new city I stole from Genghis. I will have two wine in it’s radius and a river, but no special food. This will help stop expansion from Isabella to the east while connecting my cities into a single unified empire.

                    150AD: oh snap. I make silly mistakes. I left my new city Atlanta with only a warrior to defend it, and Genghis snuck a chariot through and razed it. Because I don’t have chariots of my own, I couldn’t catch up to the chariot once he got through the front lines :/. Work will now have to begin on a replacement city, and quickly, as I’ve seen Isabella running around with settlers looking for a place to call home. In the meantime, my force gathering around Turfan is getting ready to strike. The roads around Turfur have been razed to prevent quick reinforcements. Three archers in defense, I’m waiting until I have six axemen. Four are there now, and one more on the way. Another has been sent to deal with the chariot. It’s almost time.

                    In other news, my second great scientist has arrived. Since Washington is my undisputed science king, I made him a super specialist. The science in my four cities right now is 33 in Washington, and 1 in each of the other three.

                    175: Literature gained. Last turn I also did some trading with Saladin for Monotheism and the Calendar. On the downside, my economy is starting to hurt from the military units. I’m at 50% tech with zero gold and breaking even atm, which certainly isn’t sustainable. On the good side, the assault on Turfan will happen in about 4 turns, and then perhaps I’ll call it quits and get around to building to the west.

                    250: Turfan is down! Genghis Khan falls below me in score. Only Isabella remains further down the list. Saladin and I are neck and neck, while Bismarck and Hatshepsut have pulled ahead.

                    I’m torn between finishing Genghis off and letting him be while I fill out to the west. However, since while he has a military tech advantage over me, he does not have the resources, and therefore won’t be a thread until he manages to find it through trade, conquest, or exploration overseas. Therefore, I’m going to make my peace with him for now and go expand westward (really, for real this time!).

                    350: Genghis briefly establishes a city in my old city’s spot, but is immediately thwarted in the same turn. Meanwhile, I am a turn away from a settler in Philly, to put my own city back there where it belongs.

                    375: Ghenghis wants peace, and offers all his gold to do it. He won’t give me any techs, but I take it anyway, so I could focus on taking out the barbarian cities in the west and finish up the development of my section of the continent. Currently, I’m not third place, behind Hatshepsut and Bismark, both of whom are about 100 points ahead.

                    450: Chicago founded in Atlanta’s old spot. Also, I forgot to mention it, but I started the Great Library in Washington. There isn’t a lot of hammers in Washington (10 if fully utilized), but hopefully it will finish. I will use slavery to finish it off as soon as I am able.

                    550: Someone builds the Great Lighthouse. My guess is that it’s Egypt, which has moved up to a 130 point lead from me. I haven’t been working on wonders for a while, and may turn myself in that direction. In the meantime, my workers are building up that original city that started the war with Genghis, and it will soon join the others as a production powerhouse.

                    560: I’m seeing some galleys running around my borders, so in an attempt to keep other civs from settling in my area, I will be sending my settlers to make the ocean cities first to establish borders. Then I will fill in the middle. My first settler is being sent to the north west to

                    570: Isabella urges me to turn Jewish. Almost the entire world has already done so, and since Isabella is the founder and my ally, I go ahead and do it so that I can make nice with some of the other folks. Also, I restart Chichen Itza in New York. While I’m now behind in the religion race, if I manage it I’ll grab the Taoist super temple and start trying to convert everyone over for the cash.

                    640: With the discovery of Music, I enter the Medieval Era and end this DAR report. The first to music, I get a great artist, which I decide to save for future culture bomb use. I check the techs, and manage to trade Code of Laws for Construction to Bismark.

                    Here's my map. A lot happened over this DAR, and I regret not taking more screenshots to show how various city's changed hands. It would make the description make more sense, I suppose. As my next general push will be toward the west, I have marked proposed spots for my new cities, in the order that I would settle them. After all or most of them are founded, I will go finish Genghis off, then see where we go from there. Because I'm keeping my borders closed, I have no real idea who the other powers are arrayed on my continent.


                    • #70
                      Re: Noble Difficulty -- Classical Era Report

                      Originally posted by Derelict

                      Forgive the idiotic question, but how did you get the comparison of the stats for Spain and US in the above graphic. Is this an edited/cropped screenie, or is there some particular function/screen in the Advisors (which I can't find)?
                      Have guns. Will travel. +27123150425


                      • #71
                        That's a pre-1.52 graph. It was needed because the default graph was impossible to use. The 1.52 graphs allow comparisons between all civs so the individual comparison isn't needed.


                        • #72
                          1360- Trade with Saladin masonry for archery.Judaism founded elsewhere.
                          1160- Researched mathematics,begin calendar.Washington build barracks,begin axeman.
                          1080- NY connected with Washington.
                          1040- Trade with Hats writing and sailing for meditation and polyteism.
                          950- Open boards with Germany.
                          925- Washinghton finishes axeman,begins settler.
                          875- Researched calendar,begin priesthood.
                          825- Priesthoodgin code of laws.
                          750- Washinghton builds settler,begin worker.NY builds granary,begin library.
                          725- Hants converts to judaism.
                          700- Isabella adopts organized religion.
                          675-Washington builds worker,begins axeman.
                          650- I cancel deals with mongols.Washington builds axeman,begin settler.(Two hard decisions:W is in bad shape;the worker is caring for hapiness,but right now only the city itself can do something about health.I decide to mantain expansive for a little more.I decide,too,found the third city in the bold place;Genghis will not be happy).Boston founded by river,cows,cooper,not gems.Begins granary.
                          625- Researched code of lawsgin literature.Founded confucionism in Boston,but not converted yet.Noticed barbarian state SW Washington.
                          550-Genghis converts to confucionism.
                          525-Researched literaturegins music.My confucian missionary spread to Washington.
                          475-Washinghton builds settler,begin worker.
                          450- Pyramids builded elsewhere.Hats converts hinduism.
                          425- Bysmark adopts representation.
                          400- Stonehenge builded elsewhere.
                          375-Washinghton builds worker,begin aquaduct.Huts adopts hereditary rule.Philadelphia founded N Washington,by wine,corn and horses,no river.
                          350-I´m 3rd largest,behind Genghis and Hats.NY pops library,begin barracks.Research down to 90%.
                          250- Phil connected,Washington´worker go help north.
                          225- Researched music,got artist,begin monarchy.


                          • #73
                            Noble Difficulty

                            DAR 3 : The Classical Era- 875BC-75AD

                            Technology Researched(order researched):
                            Iron Working, Alphabet, Monarchy, Feudalism

                            Religions Founded:

                            Cities Built:

                            Notable Events:
                            Confuscianism adopted by America
                            Oracle Built in London, England(775BC) a mere 4 turns before NY would have completed it(giving me CS for free)
                            Pyramids Built in London, England(75BC)
                            Mongols took a barbarian city South of me, gainign a foothold in my territory

                            F9 Rankings:
                            GNP: Rank 1
                            Production: Rank 4
                            Food: Rank 2
                            Soldiers: Rank 7
                            Population: Rank 3
                            Land Area: Rank 2
                            Points: 494(third place)

                            Things I did well:
                            I began expanding again without any strain on my economy, did some good, quick science upgrading, and added an Academy in Washington

                            Things I could improve:
                            I need to improve my production faster, I saw the Mongols bringing a chariot to the barbarian city...I should have let him kill the first warrior and taken out the second, not vice versa.

                            Things I did horribly:
                            I've fallen behind the Egyptians and Mongols again, I can expand to 4 or 5 more cities before things will start getting cramped...unfortunately, only Hatty has an open borders treaty with me, so spreading Confuscianism is gonna be hard, I turned everyone down to protect my backlands, but that has now backfired on me.
                            Get Easy Money for your Gaming Needs!

                            Get More Easy Money for your Gaming Needs


                            • #74
                              Noble Difficulty

                              DAR 1 4000 BC - 1520 BC
                              DAR 2 1520 BC - 250 BC
                              DAR 3 250 BC - 740 AD
                              DAR 4 740 - 1390

                              DAR 3 250 BC - 740 AD

                              175 BC - Philadelphia began building the American Navy, a galley. Primarily for exploration purposes.

                              125 BC - Hatshepshut joined the growing Jewish community.

                              50 BC - Washington was growing quickly, sort of inevitable given the floodplains. The high population was starting to hurt health - not a problem - but some citizens were unhappy due to overcrowding. can't wait for that Jewish Temple.

                              25 BC - Jewish Temple built in Washington! And Code of Laws discovered. Immediately started building the very useful courthouse.

                              50 AD - Saladin becomes another brother of the faith.

                              250 AD - Genghis Khan turns a bit dirty. After converting to the sect of Christianity, he cancels his open borders with me. I start building troops.

                              300 AD - We don't yet have a Great Wonder. I decided to fix this, by starting construction of the Great Library in New York.

                              375 AD - A Mongol city of Ning-Hsia on our northern border starts to revolt, its people obviously appreciating American culture more than Mongol culture. No surprise there.

                              500 AD - Ning-Hsia joined our glorious civilization. We gave it a proper name - Austin.

                              580 AD - A couple of horse archers destroyed a barbarian city of Tarsus down the southwest.

                              640 AD - Founded the promising city of Atlanta at the edge of the southern tundra. Close bby, we have the valuable resources of stone, iron, furs, and pigs.

                              740 AD - Philosophy is discovered, and with it we enter the Medieval Age.

                              At the end of the Classical Age, The Great Library is on the verge of completion, and we now have a horde of horse archers. America is first in GNP, Mfg Goods, Score, Food, Soldiers, Land Area, and Population. We are the technical superior to all other civilizations. The Mongols are our closest rival in this area, having construction, compass, and theology... and refusing to trade any of them. We need to teach them a lesson.

                              Isabella has seduced our Jewish brothers into embracing the Buddhist heresy. We should raise missionaries, and convert them back to Judaism. As for Isabella, she will have to wait. The Mongols are a bigger concern.

                              Our army consists of 7 archers, 8 horse archers, and 2 chariots.

                              We discovered technologies in this order: Code of Laws, Monarchy, Mathematics (from Genghis Khan), Literature, Currency (425 AD), Calendar, Drama, Philosophy (740 AD).

                              Northeastern America:

                              Southwestern America:


                              • #75
                                Edit : Decided to go back to 3280 BC and restart, want to try a different build approach.

