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What is your greatest wish for Civ 4?

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  • #61
    How do you "hurry wonders"? The only way to do so that in any way mimicks life if double the workload. Otherwise, it takes what it takes to build it- the caravan notion was a nice little game trick, but it makes it too easy sometimes.

    NO, the civ 3 trade and resource system are much better concepts than caravans-thought the details can be imporved dramatically.

    Given that there is only one choice possible, obviously the AI being better is best.
    If you don't like reality, change it! me
    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


    • #62
      Don't really care whether it's realistic or not.

      For me the rich trade system (in gameplay terms) in Civ2 has no counterpart in Civ3, and could exist in conjunction with what I'll call the resource trade system in Civ3. The only downsides are the fact that trade was too powerful in Civ2, and the AI couldn't handle the intricacies. Don't want to micromanage? Play something else.

      A balance can be struck between the two approaches for Civ4, and I hope it is.

      On wonder rushing balance, yeah insta wonders are too much. However, the Civ3 approach (only those lucky enough to get leaders can rush wonders) isn't ideal either.


      • #63
        Originally posted by GePap
        How do you "hurry wonders"? The only way to do so that in any way mimicks life if double the workload. Otherwise, it takes what it takes to build it- the caravan notion was a nice little game trick, but it makes it too easy sometimes.
        The US-USSR race to the moon was a good example of two nations "rushing" to complete a wonder. Nations should be able to chanel resources to complete a great projects. The Manhattan Project is nice, but if WWII is over while you are waiting for it to be complete, it wasn't much fun in the game.

        It takes a certain number of "shields" to build a wonder, but the time to accumulate those shields should depend on the skill of the player in some way.

        One of my Civ pleasures is scraping that last temple, and finishing a road just in time to get that last caravan in in time to finish a wonder before a rival civ gets it.

        Of course, once you know the caravan trick, it is possible to build a wonder sometimes very easily. Arguably too easy, granted. Still, I very rarely complete all of the wonders in a game of civII at diety lvl. The woder-race game is challenging and fun, and caravans are key to it, without alternative so far.

        I still like the other functions of caravans too! Cities of 100 are not necessary, but they are cool! Also, protecting weak caravans with military escorts was interesting. Finally, using caravans when you're in a pinch for money, or science beakers, was always an option for the sophisticated player.
        Ants. An MGE scenario


        • #64


          • #65
            I loved aspects of all 3 Civs, but I also voted no for a Civ4. Some day, yes...but it just seems too soon. Civ2 was the best because of its originality, interface, and simplicity of use. Civ3 did well, but a Civ4 needs to do something new, radical...over the top. If not done right, Civ4 may become a 'Call to Power' look-a-like, which would be a disaster.


            • #66
              empire building atmosphere
              with movies
              with gameplay changes mid-game (make the agricultural / scientifical revolution mean something!)
              with fun lists and statistics
              with more stuff to do than just conquer...


              • #67
                Originally posted by Sirotnikov

                with movies
                Want to agree quickly before you get responses from some that are down on this idea. I don't know why people think that putting wonder movies in the game will detract from the programming of the game. The impact is miminal to none to the programmer's time/effort.
                Haven't been here for ages....


                • #68
                  1. A Social Engineering system, I want my Democratic Socialist paradise.

                  2. Better Diplomacy system with more options, such as multilateral agreements. Get rid of the UN wonder, instead, when the modern age is reached players can use a system similar to the Orion Senate in MoO3, which represents the UNSC.

                  3. a more realistic economic and trade model

                  4. Scrap the cartoony talking leader heads, no leaderheads period. The diplomacy screen background should be a age-accurate diplomatic "round-table" or conference room, with the diplomatic options boxes look like pages of papyrus (ancient), parchment (medevial), or ornate paper. (industrial & modern)

                  5. I want a game that has an epic feal to it. Make it more epic than LotR, I want to FEEL like a ruler of an empire! Bring back the wonder movies and the talking, arguing, bickering, advisors (ELVIS!!!)


                  • #69
                    The way and times I might wish to play an MP game will never suit my opponents- 1am, 2pm or 8pm. Online gaming is a way for companies to charge you for their own inadequacy- eg; They can't programme a decent AI after 20 years of trying, simply as they are too arrogant to ask the future customers what should happen. (If a sequel)

                    I used to buy at least 12 games a year, now I've brought 1 in half a year, lack of dosh dictates, but also corporate-produced games. Publishing houses have taken the human out of gaming, it's now a product only and ultimately in search of the dollar, the only market left will be 12-25 year olds. It shouldn't be so...does this make sense? (getting tired). (15 year olds all will eventually be 26, with kids, and want private time away from family once the nippers are fast asleep, but won't want "kick 'an' punch" type games aged 28+ etc)



                    • #70
                      Flexible city radii.

                      If I want to place a city by the coast to build ships, I shouldn't have to worry about losing squares. If I want to create a densely settled heartland, I shouldn't have to worry about overlap.


                      • #71
                        I'd wish for a better AI, but the trade/economy system could be improved, too.


                        • #72
                          I want more complexity. Provinces, rebelions, much more diplo options, and of course, an intelligent AI who will take advantage of those multiple options.
                          Owww, I'm so cute! ^_^


                          • #73

                            "Bring back the bickering advisors"

                            I loved that as well! It put a bit of humour into the game- occasionally I used to click on them to give me a laugh. Well done for mentioning that funny aspect of Civ 2!


                            Ps; Not being able to see all nations at once in the diplomacy screen when I first played Civ 3 made me uneasy regarding the quality of Civ 3.

                            This was confirmed once I understood the new trading system which demands the "around the table" you want as the trading screen is pretty useless to me at least.
                            Last edited by Toby Rowe; March 10, 2005, 23:35.


                            • #74
                              If there was such a thing as the "Miss Apolyton 2005" pageant, then the subject of this thread, "What is your greatest wish for Civ4?", would be one of the questions asked of the pageant contestants during the competition...


                              • #75
                                My greatest wish is that the game simply has a world map with historic start locations.
                                Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

