Originally posted by snoopy369
Assuming it's the setup of "Sea special and Fishing", then workboat more often than worker. The problem is that the workboat takes a very long time to produce (30h at often 1h/turn), so a worker will produce a faster increase in production (you usually can have a worker out in 10-15 turns), or you have to choose a suboptimal tile to work (2/1 forest for a nearly 15 turn workboat and a whopping 1 pop growth over a worker start, or 1/2 forest for a 10 turn workboat and less than 1 growth over a worker start). The worker also ends up giving you much more in the long run than the workboat.
Assuming it's the setup of "Sea special and Fishing", then workboat more often than worker. The problem is that the workboat takes a very long time to produce (30h at often 1h/turn), so a worker will produce a faster increase in production (you usually can have a worker out in 10-15 turns), or you have to choose a suboptimal tile to work (2/1 forest for a nearly 15 turn workboat and a whopping 1 pop growth over a worker start, or 1/2 forest for a 10 turn workboat and less than 1 growth over a worker start). The worker also ends up giving you much more in the long run than the workboat.