Just reloaded because my line failed to hold. I've got maybe 16 turns.
I've got a two jungle hex blockage to hold. I'm building forts in both, they will get built in time. In each I've got 2 crossbowmen, three axmen and two spearmen. I know he's got 5 cats, maybe 4 elephants, a horse archer or two and a few melee units.
I'm building spearsmen as fast as I can.
I've got a two jungle hex blockage to hold. I'm building forts in both, they will get built in time. In each I've got 2 crossbowmen, three axmen and two spearmen. I know he's got 5 cats, maybe 4 elephants, a horse archer or two and a few melee units.
I'm building spearsmen as fast as I can.