I’m in a bit of a hurry so I’ll be quick.
Banks and universities should have the same effect on gold or research production as the settler and worker have on food (they would be added to the shield production). The shield costs would need to be tweaked a bit… but that’s about it.
It would encourage city specialization.
Banks are really not buildings but financial institutions as are universities educational and research institutions. You must sacrifice some capital fo the bank, you must sacrifice some research work for the education of the next generation… to get a bigger return once the institution is up and runing (the building is built) it’s more or less common sense.
Banks and universities should have the same effect on gold or research production as the settler and worker have on food (they would be added to the shield production). The shield costs would need to be tweaked a bit… but that’s about it.
It would encourage city specialization.
Banks are really not buildings but financial institutions as are universities educational and research institutions. You must sacrifice some capital fo the bank, you must sacrifice some research work for the education of the next generation… to get a bigger return once the institution is up and runing (the building is built) it’s more or less common sense.