I don't get it! I am relatively new at this and even though I've been there since Civ I, I've only played on easy mode. Since BTS and playing on Warlord, I send a stack of like 10 knights, 4 cats, 3 macemen and maybe an archer or 2 against a city that only has maybe 3 archers, 2 spearmen, a cat or 2 and I get clobbered everytime. I am well ahead in tech so I have time to rebuild and go in again with the same results. Then just like that they are up to me in tech and coming at me with the same. Only thing is I still have those big stacks and they hit me with 1/2 and destroy me. Next thing my nearest city goes down and before long I am overwhelmed. Then I find out they only have 4 cities. Where did all this come from?
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How Do You Guys Ever Win?
Are softening up the city defenses first with catapults?
Do the catapults have Bombard(? The one that give additional collateral damage) upgrades?
Do you have barracks and stables for experience upgrades?
Do you stack your civics to give them experience upgrades?
Re: How Do You Guys Ever Win?
Originally posted by logicman49
I don't get it! I am relatively new at this and even though I've been there since Civ I, I've only played on easy mode. Since BTS and playing on Warlord, I send a stack of like 10 knights, 4 cats, 3 macemen and maybe an archer or 2 against a city that only has maybe 3 archers, 2 spearmen, a cat or 2 and I get clobbered everytime. I am well ahead in tech so I have time to rebuild and go in again with the same results. Then just like that they are up to me in tech and coming at me with the same. Only thing is I still have those big stacks and they hit me with 1/2 and destroy me. Next thing my nearest city goes down and before long I am overwhelmed. Then I find out they only have 4 cities. Where did all this come from?
Otherwise you should win...
One thing could be to softened their defense with the catapult, and sacrifice them for making collateral damage.bleh
What Indalecio said, especially about the Bombard ability of catapults. Do that first. It will take a couple of turns and your other units will have to sit there doing nothing.
Another suggestion is to declare war, then let the AI attack you. Wipe out his "extra" units on your home turf first. Heal up, and THEN send your stack into his territory.
I guess I assumed some stuff.
Do the catapults have Bombard(? The one that give additional collateral damage) upgrades?Yes
Do you have barracks and stables for experience upgrades?Yes
Do you stack your civics to give them experience upgrades?>> I don't get this question! What do you mean by civics?
Generally speaking I follow all these rules and still get killed. Actually, I was able to play out the games before BTS. Unless the AI is just stronger. There is no way I have 3 knights meet a cat and 1 spearman in the open field (I rome a few units around to keep the enemy from moving in reinforcements) and lose all 3 in 2 turns!
What am I not getting???
Originally posted by logicman49
Originally posted by IndalecioDo you stack your civics to give them experience upgrades?
Generally speaking I follow all these rules and still get killed. Actually, I was able to play out the games before BTS. Unless the AI is just stronger. There is no way I have 3 knights meet a cat and 1 spearman in the open field (I rome a few units around to keep the enemy from moving in reinforcements) and lose all 3 in 2 turns!
Originally posted by logicman49
Generally speaking I follow all these rules and still get killed. Actually, I was able to play out the games before BTS. Unless the AI is just stronger. There is no way I have 3 knights meet a cat and 1 spearman in the open field (I rome a few units around to keep the enemy from moving in reinforcements) and lose all 3 in 2 turns!
What am I not getting???and +100% vs mounted units, which would give them a 12
, more then enough to defeat your knights. Even if they only have +50% vs mounted troops, it's still a tough fight if they have an upgrade or are fortified.
EViiiiiiL!!! - Mermaid Man
Logicman: one glaring omission in your statements... did you actually USE the bombard ability of your catapults? Not the collateral damage, the bombard.
Each city with culture or walls has a % defense which shows next to the city name. By using bombard before you attack, you can reduce this number down to 0%.
Unpromoted Knights vs Promoted & FortifiedSpearman (or Pikeman) is pretty bad odds for you.
The answer is that you should use your Maces. Your Maces (especially when promoted with City Raider) will do much better against that city than the knights will. In fact, you should have many more than 3 Maces.
Originally posted by logicman49
Do the catapults have Bombard(? The one that give additional collateral damage) upgrades?Yes
Originally posted by wodan11
The answer is that you should use your Maces. Your Maces (especially when promoted with City Raider) will do much better against that city than the knights will.